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    • 11 mile walk today in Cyprus. Very rugged terrain so not many photos.
    • Ahh! A fellow emoji enthusiast! I also love how clear your challenge is! 
    • Same. I like that she looks engaged but also very not-from-around-here. And, you know, fierce.   Woohoo, thank you and welcome! I don't feel very persistent right now, so thank you for that.   I slept well, and woke up at 6:30, and then just . . laid there.  Friends, I have zero energy and zero fux. If I had a smidge of either, I would be concerned, but nope.   Okay, Universe, I hear you.  Yes, this past week has been a lot. Yes, there is a literal fiend on my back, raking its way through finances and peace of mind. No, there is nothing more to do other than slog through it.   I've received rejection emails from most of the applications I sent out over the past couple weeks, and this is expected. It's also a little demoralizing, of course.  There are still other irons in the fire, and one seems to have actual potential; everything else always just feels ike a shot in the dark, because that's what it is, and I keep sending out more, and honestly it is wearing me out.   Today's after-work task is picking up the Farm Share.  I am so glad that I purchased this, because I truly don't have the badwidth to manage this well right now (or maybe not even at all). Yesterday evening I was knitting and watching a murder mystery and realized I hadn't eaten dinner, so I fetched some cheese and crackers and a glass of milk. It's not the worst as snack food goes, but it hardly counts as proper nutrition. It was just all I could manage, and even eating seemed to be a bit of a big ask. I have a history of CFS, and this morning's inability to do anything seems like a warning sign, one that I ignore at my own peril. Okay, Universe. Help me help you help me. Today is clearly a wash, and one day of that is fine. Rememebring that one day of that is fine is part of the recovery process.    I'll be keeping an eye on my overall energy stores -- I'm pretty certain that this fiend is sapping my stamina and my constitution while also slashing through strength. I've recovered most of my Intelligence and Wisdom, thankfully, and that might be what sees me through. Right now I'm trying to get a handle on managing. Just getting here took a lot of Discernment - Scrying, and that required DeepFocus. No wonder I'm feeling depleted to the core. While I'm sitting back and looking at the edges of this, I am also able to see that I was able to respond to the situation and not lose my footing or my mind, and that's not a small thing. Pray for me that the current contract runs its full duration (through Dec 2025) and that it doesn't fall prey to the AxeOfPrecarity that is making its way through the organization right now. If it seems like there are wolves and Beasts at every door, it's only because there is. I swear I'm going to need @Artemis Prime to find the corresponding D&D demon that is "Corporate Chaos" that runs amok cutting jobs, switching expectations, and all those generically unsettling things that it does. Whichever one it turns out to be, it needs to have a heavy demoralization aura.   Today was demo day at work, where I demo the software that we developed over the previous fortnight that will be released the ocming Monday. It went well, and I'm glad. My core team are actually great, and they restore me more than they probably realize.  I'm missing Georgia today, not for ay particular reason. I feel it more keenly in autumn, for myself and for her having to miss out on Marching Band this year.    Speaking of Marching Band, there's a home game tomorrow night and then the Festival of Bands that we are hosting all day Saturday.  My remaining goals for this week are to restore a bit of stamina. It's a thing that Monks can spend ki points, but I don't know that anyone ever bothered to write the cost that this takes or what the recovery looks like. In true Librarian fashion, I'll be studying up on that.    
    • Love how you formulated this challenge! And rather enjoying the Dutch idioms. 
    • I'm so happy for your glimmers and, one depressive to another, I'm happy you're having a kinder darker time atm. I threw in some art below that helps me reframe my darker/heavier emotion phases as productive resting / winter cycles for the soul. Zero obligation to adopt that reframe but it helps me.   Art depicting earth fathers as guardians during the winters of the soul   Music about life continuing even inside winters of the soul  
    • Geotextile bags, commonly known as geo bags, have become an essential solution in riverbank protection, especially in regions prone to erosion and flooding. These durable, permeable containers filled with sand or soil are designed to reinforce riverbanks and prevent erosion by absorbing the impact of water flow. The effectiveness of geo bags has made them a preferred choice among environmental engineers.   Geo bag exporters in India have seen a surge in demand due to the growing awareness of sustainable riverbank protection methods. Their products are widely used not only within the country but also in international markets where water-related erosion is a concern.   Geo bag manufacturers in India ensure high-quality products that meet global standards. As the demand rises, so does the competitive geo bag price, making them an affordable and practical solution for riverbank stabilization projects, particularly in erosion-prone areas across the world.
    • Interesting... may have to play with this.    May you show up tonight!  
    • More CritRole chat     You're almost caught up with me, time for me to get a move on!
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