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About starpuck

  • Birthday 11/29/1976


  • Commander Shepard (Correct Spelling)

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    Chicago 'burbs
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  1. Poking in here to say hey and follow along. Big challenges might be 'exciting' - but it's the weeks of holding the line that set habits into lifestyles, so mad props on doing that!
  2. That food looks so amazingly good, omg!! You mentioned beetroot, and now I really want some borscht, but I've never made it, and no one in my life would eat it with me, lol. Sounds like a nice week so far.
  3. Omg ... I watched the whole 1m40s of that... @DarK_RaideR - What did you dooooooo!? LOL. I want my money back. And yet, I keep repeating, "Shut up woman get on my horse." Damnit.
  4. Two days in a row! That's a good sign. And an actual, sort of update? Whoa! 😮 MOVED - Yup! Yesterday I got my flash card workout in and that was pretty fun actually. I didn't do a pre-built one as those looked pretty long and intense. I just grabbed 4 cards, and did each one for 3 sets, with reps between 10-12 and a lot of stretching. Monday had been a run, and today was a brisk walk up to Target and back for some essentials. DID IMPORTANT THINGS - Yup! Also got my bills paid and realized I have SUPER let loose the reins on spending. Re-acquainting myself with "goodbudget" app this week to get back into more mindful control,. *(Backstory alert - I have been lamenting over the difficulty of buying my own house, and still live with my older sis on very very discounted rent. I think I got to a 'this is hopeless stage' and just let all that extra unaccounted for income go to whatever I wanted on a whim. ) FOODED SMARTLY - Yup! Today is day 3 of being a good little eater bean. Even getting close to 100g of protein on these past few days. Need to find a way to thicken up my protein powder shakes at night, I LOVE a milkshake, but blending milk, powder and ice is not making it feel like a shake. It's a frothy milk with ice chunks. I have no TTRPG games this week, so the accidental snacking that occurs at them won't be an issue. A perfect opportunity to work at breaking the habit and getting a streak going. I've gotten no music in yet this week, but thanks to the music drop reminder, it will be guitar today! Art has been fine with Inktober still going, and I plan to get todays in while D&Ding is happening. So yeah. So far so food. And now I think I shall mosey over to this Marches thing and see what's amiss...
  5. Woo! Thanks! We got this! At least for the first week we got this! Hahaha, love me a good CR meme/gif! I ended up falling off Campaign3 like 60 episodes ago and now it's just too daunting. I'll get back on board with whatever comes next though! Thanks guys Hmmm that does have a nice ring to it, but ... my rangering has hit its limits. (Though I do freaking love the drums... so dangit!) Glad to have you here! This is partly your fault!! But, that's okay! I like you, and this feels good to be home. Yup that's the one! And now that you've linked it, I have absolutely decided that todays practice between dinner and D&D will be guitar work! Thanks!! Hi hi hi! Thanks for coming in! Yes, we can be exercisefoodfocus friends! What is this West March Campaign? It's intriguing... what do I have to do to be a part of it? Hello Sepherina! Thanks! Glad to have ya!
  6. "You gotta see a guy about a horse?" Hahaha, I've always wanted to use that in proper context! Fingers crossed.
  7. Hey, people... Hi and stuff! *Sheepish Wave* It's been an honest to goodness year, since I've roamed these halls... And the title both made sense, and is a bit serendipitous as it's a song I decided, just last week, to work on learning with the guitar. What have I been up to? Too much and nothing at all. I joined up with NF coaching for about 4 months between Feb and July, got back into a good streak, that lost me about 12 pounds (not as much as I had been hoping) but at least got me back into healthy habits. Which were paused, and never picked up again after making my 46th and 47th National Park trip and visiting Hawaii in mid September. (Btw, Absolutely trip of a lifetime, getting to take my nephew out on his first 'big trip'. My brother is still talking about it a month later. Here's me and my best nephew looking playfully unimpressed on top of a volcano.) So I guess it's a good time to find some accountability again and set some plans in motion. But ... I'm rusty as all get out, and already spread a bit thin with usual things, so I need to do this smartly. I'm still messing around with piano, bass, and guitar... I just dropped the requirements for how much I have to do them... I enjoy the act, so there's no rush to Git Gud fast. Though I'd welcome some massive music gainz if they landed on my doorstep. Food and exercise super needs to be a focus for me these days because I turn 48 this year. Not that this panics me, or makes me think I am old, or nothing - but "The Change" is probably already low key starting under the surface, and I am aware, I need to work smarter and harder to not let new enemies thwart my plans. Art stuff and TTRPG - still a hard core addict to the gaming scene. I am playing on Thursday nights, a Vampire the Masquerade game that is now 2 years in the running and plays weekly. I also, in January took up the ST position to run a table of 6 through VtM with our other group. Add in that Inktober always gets me back into jonesing for art, well... Long story short. Ranger be rangering still. So just some simple goals. 1) I get to indulge in my favorite foods Saturday between 11am-6pm only. The rest of the time is for mindful attention on what's going in. 2) I do some strength training 2-3x a week, fill in the other days with movement that helps my mood. 3) Continue to do my arts and hobbies in a pace and manner that bring joy, not anxiety - with the exception of making sure I am prepped to RUN my game on Sundays. That's it! Now, I am relying on you Discord nerds to remind me I do this thing over here again! Please halp!
  8. Your challenge format is nerdy, and I love it. I might be biased though. You're sort of all around amazing and so it comes with the territory. Speaking of territory... found myself back in this here territory. Just need to find a place to long rest....
  9. Don't mind me. Some forum's down refugees landed in Discord, and I found myself on one of their wagons back here. Been a while ( a year based off my old challenge time stamps ) and holy moly friend. Can I just say... I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY FOR YOU! I AM THRILLED! I AM GLEAMING WITH JOY ON YOUR BEHALF! And I am so here to follow along with continued updates!
  10. I was told there would be doughnuts? So I came to look for them.
  11. Another check in. Aight. Today's check in: Work was absolutely nuts. I had a big win in that I went and did my strength work out, even though I had to work 10 minutes into my lunch hour. Stayed on track with food, ate all the calories I should have today since past couple days were extra low. Got some guitar practice in. Bowed out of a game night I did not have the energy to do. Chilled, and planning on early bed. Miiight do some art. But BG3 has it's needles in me. Tomorrow's goal is less coffee. I fueled the chaos engine by lots of extra joe today. Tomorrow I wanna focus on cleaner fuel sources. Pineapple snack ftw.
  12. Ayyyye, I'm here-ish? I don't even know what the excuse is this time, so let's just drop this here and move forward. ? Aight. Today's check in: WFH (and really glad I did, because work lost internet, so we couldn't even do work at work) Rearranged room and feel really good about it. Also counted that as exercise, because Fitbit tracked 30 "Active Minutes" during the brunt of the furniture shifting. Guitar lesson, plus extra practice afterward. Video game night. Ate 1337 calories and under target, so good there. Going to bed early. Really trying to focus on "Not" planning things, and just doing good things each day and posting them here. I know what needs to be done. I know what's sensible eating and movement. So rather than plan and plot and have boxes looming, just gonna try and do each day well. Tomorrow should be a crazy day at work, thus the early bed business. Then I'd really like to do some piano and art. (At least right now that's what I feel like doing tomorrow.)
  13. Hey there and welcome! I love the peptalk too! It's Rocky-adjacent... what's that line 'Doesn't matter how many times you get win, its' how many times you get knocked down and get back up!' Something like that... Thank you thank you! I needed simple this go around. Hahaha yes~ That's awseome! I'm falling more and more behind, but I'll just keep grabbing prompts as I get time to draw. I LOVE THIS! I am too chicken to try it, but I am so drawn to these short /pixie / assymetrical styles. Maybe I just need to do it and live with it! What better season than winter. I can wear toques all day if I hate it! Hah. A few days behind on checking in but here now! Saturday I got a 4 mile hike in during the morning. It was beautiful weather and great fall colors, but once back - we hit up Ramen, and after that I was totally wiped. I was tired, didn't feel like doing much, and so sat around watching shows and moping about. I am not at all sure what was up with that - but that's the exact 'deflation' of moods I am tired of having. I have been somewhat frustrated on relationship things, so maybe the morning irritations really hung in there. Sunday was church, then chores and then made some shrimp ramen noodle thing and had in person gaming. I really love the in person gaming, but I was so angry at the one girl who sat there on her phone the whole time not paying attention at all. I wish people would be honest if they didn't feel like being an RPG group member anymore. I'll see if she's better next time - but ugh. Anyway. People brought LOTS of sweets and crackers and dips and I pigged out so bad, that I was legit sick on Monday! Which meant Monday food was bad, and no exercise. I even went home early to chill out. I feel MUCH better today thankfully, but that was 2 days of food that derailed an otherwise 6 day streak of doing really well. What I can take away from this past week? I did in fact get 5 purposeful exercise days in. Totaling 8 miles walked and 2 strength sessions. That's so much better than many of my past weeks so I am taking a win on this. Food was good, every day up until Sunday. Saturday was a high day with restaurant food, but I didn't over do things for the most part. Sunday was a catastrophe. Monday started fine (I was eating so light) but by dinner, they ordered in Chicken Sandwiches and fries, and it was hitting SO well, that I ate the whole thing. So probably over on calories. Today though, is Tuesday. I feel much better. I got a lovely 9 mile bike ride in today because it's Oct 24th and 80 degrees. (Forecast for Halloween is snow.) They claim it's peak fall colors this week, so I hit all 3 natural spots nearby work and snagged some pics. Tonight is guitar lesson, home for chicken and dumplings (healthy Weight Watchers low cal recipe) and then video game night with the boys. Work was super busy, so no side-gig things got done, but I might try to get an Inktober fussed with here now.
  14. I've been rocking some fun highlights on the under layer since last year. My latest was dark blue and purple and I really liked that combo. Might just refresh that, but kind of want a big bold new cut / style. Maybe. OMG DR! That is the sexiest Salubri I've ever seen. Thank you! THANK YOU TWICE OVER! ? I've managed 13 total Inktobers, but in random order. When I fall behind, I tend to just catch up and do whatever day is the easiest. Today is plump. But a friend from another server asked me to draw him a demon mask and demon was the 17th. So... today will be one of those too. I hadn't even thought about the adding up of 15m a day, and yeah, you're right! Wow. That's kind of motivating in and of itself. THURSDAY CATCH UP Let's see, I last updated Tuesday which only had Monday's shenanigans posted. I am proud to report the week has been going wonderfully! So, Monday's work out left me with such bad DOMS that I am still sore today and only today is it tolerable enough that I am not walking funny. ? The really impressive part about that statement, is that I still went out and did a 2 mile walk on Tuesday and Wednesday so I could get some movement in, despite being so damn sore. It helped infinitely that those days were sunny and 60-65 and so I wanted to milk the 'nice days' we have left. Food has been totally on point the whole week too. I've tracked the calories and been well under calorie limit. My first guitar lesson on Tuesday was so much better than the one I tried last year. I told the teacher that the single thing I could benefit most from lessons, was for someone to watch my technique and form, and he immediately found my strumming needed some fixing. (I was whole arm swinging from the elbow, and said that forearm/wrist is more efficient and lesson tiresome, as well as what will allow you to play faster in the later days) Very cool! I got a homework assignment to work on Bad Moon Rising - which, chord wise and rhythm wise, I am good - it's focusing on working the new strum form that is the tough part. I also did some Inktober prompts (but still have a lot more to catch up) - these are the the ones I did this week.
  15. Not gonna lie... at first I thought the pic was from like ... Red Dead Redemption or some other big AAA open world game. Then I read on and was like, oh man... is that Kalitraz??? How cool. First time scoping in around these parts, and your charts and graphs have won me over. Also really like the goals approach. Here to follow along!
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