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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. It's cheaper because that much more of it isn't chicken; it's salt, brine, preservatives... Well, assuming you're talking about frozen tv dinner type chicken. You can buy your chicken when it's cheapest and then freeze it no problem.
  2. I've officially been lost. Either I missed out on the meme or I simply do not understand what german pop stars have to do with bulking up.
  3. This PDP seems suspiciously familiar to Epic Meal Time.
  4. Some of the links are brokeded. Even so, only a few points are really addressed in the ones that do come up. Monsanto comes under fire because their group is known for poor practices in the first place. Linking GMO being bad with one company behaving in a morally bankrupt way is like hating all police because you had a bad experience with one. A lot of these reports also focus solely on herbicide resistant crops, which is just one option out of many that GMO can offer. Obviously there will always be growing pains when introducing new techniques to the industry, but even if that one doesn't pan out, there are other options to consider, such as increased fertility, harsh condition resistant, nutrient profile improvement, etc. The Rodale institute fails to explain precisely what it means to produce organic crops. Like I've said, they use it as a poorly explained hype word in order to push their techniques. Yes some techniques appear to improve yield, but they are techniques that could be applied to non-organic farming as well. So increased crop rotation appears to reduce weeds and pests? Cool, everyone will start doing that if the evidence continues to apply. Doesn't seem that anyone has tried to combine the two yet, so I'm interested in those results. The last key thing is to create reproduceable studies. Rodale = 1. You need independant verification from multiple studies before you can conclude things for sure. Long story short, it appears that initial data shows some organic techniques to be efficient and GMO to not improve in some areas. Much further study needs to be done before any concrete conclusions can be made.
  5. Butter does not affect leptin resistance moreso than any other food you consume. Resistance is a chronic response to obesity, inadequate sleep, and stress. You can't really get acute leptin resistance. If you're Lactose intolerant though, then small amounts of butter can in fact cause the food you eat to go whooshing through your system without being fully digested. Track how your stomach feels for a few hours after consuming butter. If you're feeling rather uhhhh uncomfortable, shall we say, then you might just be lactose intolerant.
  6. Come one now you can do better than olive oil. Bacon Grease FTW.
  7. Well I know it probably doesn't apply very well to a group of people reaching towards a goal, but theoretically, you will one day get to a point where all your fitness goals have been reached! You can't realistically improve forever
  8. Bahahaha aww Bruce! I don't think aiming for max hypertrophy is what you want though. As a sport with weight divisions, you always wanna get the most bang for your buck. That means strengthening your CNS-muscle links as much as you can. I mean, I know a guy who weighs 150 sopping wet and he benched 225 for like 20 reps! Absolutely no need for hypertrophy really except for the weight and the look. That being said, to max out your strength to size ratio, you need to go lower than 5 reps. Like, really 2-3 reps per set. Which isn't very feasible for an untrained guy. Hmm looks like I still didn't answer your question. Pure RSG vs 5X5, I'd take 5X5.
  9. 360 motion? You mean playing video games on the kinect by jumping around like a damn fool in front of your tv? ... yeah I've done that...... my only excuse being that some of them are pretty fun!
  10. Don't get me wrong, if you do it right MOST of it will be muscle, and if even 5 pounds of that original 15 were fat, you wouldn't see it over the ten pounds of muscle. That being said, it gets harder and harder the more advanced you are in your training. And FWIW, Hulk had a six pack that could crush your puny human skull. Not an ounce of fat anywhere
  11. When you get tired, form gets sloppy, people get hurt. On these form lifts, if you start feeling close to failure or your form starts to go, you're better off finding your princess in another castle mario. Unless Luigi's with you (a spotter).
  12. Pretty sure over 1000# on any normal person would literally crush them, let alone feel like it. A lot of fitness is non-fuctional though. I don't mean the basic compound movement/cardiovascular health stuff, but easily a large amount of the exercise being done around the gym are non-fuctional. A mutual yet not all inclusive set of exercises are downright useless. Thigh blaster anyone?
  13. Mmm I would approach that from a different angle. Either stick with non-strict or go strict, I wouldn't want to waffle between the two. With a push press, you don't really know how much help your shoulders are getting, and you can plateau very easily.
  14. http://www.amazon.com/Starting-Strength-2nd-Mark-Rippetoe/dp/0976805421 30 bucks no problem If you're feeling a little cash strapped though, you *can* download it from some torrent site or another. Rippetoe's info is far more valuable than $30 though.
  15. Adding 20 pounds of muscle without adding any fat is actually probably a fair bit more difficult than everyone is making it sound. Either program works, as long as you eat lots of protein and carbs, and eat more than you expend in general. I'm thinking that you'll need to split this into a 6-7 month bulk followed by a cut going into training. You just can't gain 20 lbs of muscle in ten months without eating enough to get at least a lil chub.
  16. +over 9000 for +over 9000. Ironically enough, every time wildross looks likes he's doing something wrong, I go look at the coaching sections to find out what to say.
  17. Hey wild, since you're so interested in proper form for these compound lists, I'd suggest picking up a copy of Starting Strength, which goes through all these exercises and more. Definitely helped me get my form in line.
  18. ebm: actually, I remember watching a BBC doc on calorie consumption. There was an obese woman who swore up and down she ate only 'healthy', she enjoyed fruit salad, whole grains, lean meats... Can't remember all the details, but essentially, to her a serving of fruit salad consisted of an entire bowl! She was definitely consuming far more than 1/200 calories from fruit. You're right in that I highly doubt that eating lots of carrots is how you got there in the first place. My only caution is to not mistake healthier foods for less calorie dense foods.
  19. Most restaurants DO have approximate values for their foods now; just ask. At the same time, I wouldn't think being off by a small margin is going to waylay your progress. As long as you can average things out to where you want over time, missing your goals by a bit individual days doesn't really matter.
  20. Unfortunately I will never work for Darpa, as I am not american I'm sure we have many just-as-awesome opportunities here in Canada... ... who the *** am I kidding :'( wah! you guys reminded me of a couple though! I've watched every episode of BBT. And the only reason I don't have SC2 is because a) my laptop sucks and it came out during exams and no way in hell was I going to sabotage myself that much.
  21. Hey, I'm on co-op for mech eng right now actually! As such, I'm more of a closet nerd. Most of my friends don't know of my obsession with diet n fitness. I also lurve talking about nerdy subjects like science and engineering and what not. I also make full use of my entire vocabulary at ever chance. Only with people I think will understand what I'm saying though.
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