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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I'd eat the steak cold man, steak probably shouldn't be microwaved. If you really want something warm you could make a warm sauce and put it on top, but honestly cold steak is good.
  2. In that case I assume this has something to do with the Boston Tea Party? I know the name, but nothing about the event itself. Also, I've discovered today that a leaf infusion that does not contain tea leaves is a tisane (because I've just had one). themoreyouknow.gif
  3. As busy days go, busy with video games and movies sounds pretty good!
  4. If it's boiled tea leaves it's tea. If it's boiled mint leaves it's a mint infusion. If it's boiled nettle leaves it's nettle soup. If it's boiled book leaves you're a monster I have no idea what that is.
  5. Oh we can definitely fit 1 or 2 more if @Wild Wolf and/or @Rurik HarrgathHarrgathHarrgathHarHarrgHarrgathHarrgathHarrgathHa* want to join. In true D&D style, I have contingencies if it turns out too easy... *I don't know why Rurik's username is breaking my phone, but I can't delete that!
  6. Sounds like a good day, is the new room arrangement working better for you? But is there actual tea in it?
  7. Apparently! To be fair, they can't go anywhere with the bonnet down anyway, and I don't tend to drive around with the bonnet open
  8. Monday - W3D1 Yesterday was a good day. I was feeling a bit weak and creeky in the morning, so I kept things light at Crossfit. Worked up to 120kg (~264#) on deadlifts for 5 reps. The workout was 5 rounds for time of 3 clean and jerks, 100m run. Again I kept it light at 50kg (~110#), and was one of the first to finish as a result. When I got home I glued my car headlights into place (weirdest bit of car maintenance I've done in a while). At lunchtime I took my car to get new front tyres, and then to a garage to sign off the MOT. So now she's good to go for another year I should probably think about some more maintenance on her. In the afternoon our letting agent came over to inspect the property, which was all fine. In the evening WW made us a Bolognese, we watched TV, I caught up on here, and I got in a bit of foam rolling before bed. Teeth were done. ===== Looking forward to the week (thanks @spezzy for encouraging me to plan this): • Hangboarding after work today, and drawing after dinner • Going to the supermarket Wednesday evening, split stretches and foam rolling when I get home • Thursday I have D&D, so no goal time • Friday run to the gym in the morning as working from home. Hangboarding at lunchtime, drawing after dinner. That will leave me 1 drawing session and 1 foam rolling session to do over the weekend. I'm marshalling an obstacle course race (Nuclear Rush) on Saturday and running it Sunday, so I'll have to play it by ear around that. I think Sunday will be my last race of the year, as Spartan have cancelled everything over here. Slightly sad about that, but it's to be expected really.
  9. That's a good idea actually. I'll write out some stuff now and see if I can make the week fit together!
  10. Week 2 round-up Catapult/Dodge: Average calories 2,597. So a fail for catapult, but a pass for dodge. I've lost 2lbs in 2 weeks, which is slower than I want to be going. This week was all really blown on one very heavy night though, so hopefully I should be on target for week 3. Green flame blade: 7/7 for teeth brushing - 2 damage! This is feeling, dare I say it, fairly easy right now? Greataxe: 1/2 hangboarding sessions last week. I'm wondering if there's a better time to do this rather than when I've just got back from the gym, when I don't necessarily want to rush through a session before getting ready to work. True Strike: Split stretches were done! +1 damage to the green flame blade attack. This happened one lunchtime, again leading me to the idea that between Crossfit and work might not be the best time for things. Thunderwave: 2/3 drawing sessions, so no damage dealt. I wasn't really feeling it this week, but I managed to get 2 sessions of rough concepty stuff. I need more project prompts I think. I also need to get back on to drawabox. Absorb elements: 2/3 foam rolling sessions complete, so I take 1 damage. I left this too late in the week, and then ran out of days. Damage done to Mindwitness: 3 Guglug current hp: 8/9 ===== By my count that puts the mindwitness on 49/75 hp, but our party are starting to look a little the worse for wear
  11. Week 2 round-up Catapult/Dodge: Average calories 2,597. So a fail for catapult, but a pass for dodge. I've lost 2lbs in 2 weeks, which is slower than I want to be going. This week was all really blown on one very heavy night though, so hopefully I should be on target for week 3. Green flame blade: 7/7 for teeth brushing - 2 damage! This is feeling, dare I say it, fairly easy right now? Greataxe: 1/2 hangboarding sessions last week. I'm wondering if there's a better time to do this rather than when I've just got back from the gym, when I don't necessarily want to rush through a session before getting ready to work. True Strike: Split stretches were done! +1 damage to the green flame blade attack. This happened one lunchtime, again leading me to the idea that between Crossfit and work might not be the best time for things. Thunderwave: 2/3 drawing sessions, so no damage dealt. I wasn't really feeling it this week, but I managed to get 2 sessions of rough concepty stuff. I need more project prompts I think. I also need to get back on to drawabox. Absorb elements: 2/3 foam rolling sessions complete, so I take 1 damage. I left this too late in the week, and then ran out of days. Damage done to Mindwitness: 3 Guglug current hp: 8/9 ===== Looking forward to week 3, I'm back in the office for 3 days (first time since March), so I'll lose a bit of time to do stuff in the mornings, and lose lunchtimes at home. On the flip side I've made sure to have a couple of evenings off this week, so I'll just need to make the most of those.
  12. it's well worth pursuing Yeah, you're right, especially with all that's going on right now it's really important.
  13. Not yet. I really like Lottie though. And Rowan's fun too. Thanks! I think we've saved him for now, but he always needs a lot of saving! And thank you, I'm working on it.
  14. Ok, first things first, I am not going to hit a lot of goals this week. There's no excuse for that, I could have made time for stuff and I didn't, but lets talk about the reasons things haven't happened. Work has been pretty insanely busy, and I've been feeling stressed and had a lot on my mind. It's meant I haven't had time to catch up here, and I've not had as much mental space. I've also had a lot on. D&D Wednesday night, D&D Thursday night, poker Friday night. Had to sort my car out for its MOT, and losing lunchtime drawing time was another difficult thing. Poker Friday night was amazing, it was so good to see The Captain and Hamster again after many, many months, and it's always good to see Hopalong. It was so good, in fact, that I drank a somewhat excessive amount of beer and a little scotch which the Captain has been holding on to since my birthday in March. That had consequences. The first one was that 4,000 calories of beer and pizza on Friday made it functionally impossible to hit my calorie goal for the week. Thesecond was that Saturday was a complete write-off. I tried to go climbing with Hopalong, and we very quickly realised we were both incapable of doing anything of merit without our heads exploding. So I went home, slept from midday until 3, and then pottered around the house for the rest of the day. Spent most of the evening planning for my Sunday Ranger D&D game, and it didn't even occur to me to foam roll or do any drawing. To be clear, Friday was amazing and I don't regret it, but it has rather put a spanner in the works for the week.
  15. Thank you! And I'm glad it makes you smile, things have gone about as well as they can I think. Sounds like it's a close thing? Yeah, it's really good. It has its serious moments, but I like my games a bit silly.
  16. Great stuff on week 2 - well done!
  17. I really like this setup, and I love the pistols being death and taxes
  18. Solid first half of the week man, seeing lots of ticks there.
  19. Hope you slept well, and you do get a calmer day. Nearly the weekend!
  20. Thank you dude! at least she didn't tell you to film it! It's such a fun game. We've never been that serious, but as soon as planar travel got possible things got really fun. The GM is great at coming up with crazy stuff too, and he loves the First World as a setting.
  21. Personally I'm a big fan of this - make the process the challenge goal, and trust that the outcome will happen. You can still even aim to lose weight, but you measure your success on how well you adhere to the process and trust the numbers to take care of themselves. And if you stick to the plan perfectly for 5 weeks and don't lose weight, you've learned that that process definitely doesn't work as it is, and you change the process a little bit. So, a challenge should be a little bit of work - change always is - but it shouldn't make you feel stressed to the point of ruining your life. Personally I would say that if the challenge is honestly causing you major problems, drop or change a couple of goals and run a more stripped back challenge. I think it's better to do things with intent, but that doesn't mean you have to do all the things all the time.
  22. Nothing specific I'm afraid, I tend to just browse through the rules and things on reddit and work with whatever looks interesting.
  23. Wednesday - W2D3 Yesterday was a good day. Not least because it started with the bench PR that I mentioned yesterday. After bench we had 3 attempts at a very short workout; 10 wall balls, 200m row. I went with a 9kg wall ball because I suck at them, and all three attempts were around the 1:10 mark. When I got home I did my split stretches, so that's one goal done for the week. Lunch was a ham sandwich on ciabatta with my home grown, home made, moonblush tomatoes - turns out they're really bloody tasty. Also a mince pie, because they're now in the shops and they might be my favourite thing. Work was busy, just trying to get to month end right now. In the evening I cooked a chickpea and spinach korma, served in a baked sweet potato. It was really lush, though I may have overcooked the potato (it was in the oven for over 2 hours). * * * Then we had D&D (Pathfinder) - the Rise of the Runelords game. Last session our kineticist had had his wisdom drained to 1, meaning he was functionally insane, and we'd spent a long time playing 'it' running around a dungeon trying to catch him before teleporting him to the first world (feywild/wildwood). This session we went on a quest for a magic mushroom grown by a long dead elven woman, which might have the power to cure him. We got to the ruined abbey, and had to kill some undead fey and some planar wasps before we could get in to the surviving underground complex. When we got in we found the body of the elven saint who had owned the place, and the mushrooms we were looking for. Meanwhile my character felt an invisible form running it's finger through his hair... Things started to look bad when our witch took a locket off of the body, and the invisible creature said to me (and only me) how dare I bring thieves into her lair. I managed to usher everyone outside to explain what was happening, and a short time later we agreed that I would go in and talk to the voice alone and try and negotiate for a mushroom. Fairly certain that I was going to my death I walked in, and after some back and forth managed to agree that if I gave her some company for a time, she might help us. It was a really lovely, really weird roleplaying experience. The GM was texting me the ghost's side of the conversation, as only I could hear her, but I was responding out loud so everyone else was only getting half the conversation. It actually worked really well, and I came away feeling quite sorry for the poor, lonely ghost (possibly bean sildhe) trapped in this abbey. I also came away with the mushroom we were looking for, and a rod of wonder. The rod of wonder is an absolutely insane item, which can be used unlimited times per day, and when you use it something happens. That something might be a lightning bolt, or a steam of butterflies, or a rhinoceros, of your skin turning blue, or something else entirely, and you don't know what will happen until you use it. I sense I may use it a lot . * * * Calories were good at 2,262. Teeth and hip stretches both done. Oh, and I did a little bit of concept drawing at lunch time for a new thing - only about 15 minutes but I'll count it. Nothing on foam rolling or hangboarding.
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