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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Friday and Saturday - W1D5&6 More good days to end the holiday. Friday we went to a little museum and art gallery in the local town, which was quite nice. For lunch we drove off into the forest until we found a café. I ordered a sausage, onion and cheese baguette, which turned out to be bloody massive! It was really nice, but a bit of a calorie bomb. We had some time to kill, so we went for a bit more of a drive, stopped for a wander along the beach and the docks, and then headed back to the cottage. In the evening we went to another pub for dinner, and I had herby lemon chicken with chips. I was actually doing alright for calories, but I was having a nice night and opted for a 3rd beer which pushed me over. ===== Saturday morning we went out for breakfast - I had poached eggs on an English muffin with smoked salmon, which felt very decadent. We pottered around the local market, and I bought a big bag for all my race gear, and then drove home which took a little less than 3 hours. After we'd unpacked and got ourselves sorted I didn't want to do much else, so I bought a load of beers and sat down to watch Questing Time. Calories will be over for the week now, there's no saving that, but they should be in the higher bracket so Guglug doesn't take damage. Everything else apart for hangboarding is fully on track.
  2. Thanks! It was a really fun week. Thank you! Probably not quite as adventurous as your trips round national parks, but I feel like it's the sort of holiday you'd enjoy.
  3. Looking good man, glad you got back home safe and avoided the storm.
  4. Well done on getting through the week. Hope you get to relax and recharge this weekend.
  5. She got better I hope you feel better after the gym and a day off
  6. Thursday - W1D4 Yesterday was a good day. WW made bacon sandwiches in the morning, and then we walked into the local village. It was about 3 miles across the salt marshes to get there, which was a very lovely journey in beautiful sunshine. We pottered around town for a bit, had pasties for lunch (I had a lamb and mint pasty, and the last bit if WW's traditional Cornish pasty), and then wandered back to the cottage we're staying at. I did some foam rolling and some drawing in the afternoon - working on colouring Aila now. In the evening we went out for dinner at a slightly posher pub/restaurant. I had mushrooms stuffed with cheese over a balsamic dressed salad, followed by a chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce and clotted cream ice cream. And a couple of beers of course. It was absolutely delicious. Calories were slightly high at 2,777. Teeth were done. Drawing and foam rolling are now both 2/3.
  7. That's a pretty good claim to nerddom! well that's a good way to give a character a noble ending.
  8. Wednesday - W1D3 Yesterday was a good day. Went out for a run first thing - there's a section of the sea wall here that's marked out as 1km for pacing, so I thought I'd have a go at a fast 1km. I had 3 attempts, and set a new PR of 4:35 for 1km (that's 7'20"/mile pace) Then we went to Hurst Castle. That was quite nice - a long walk up a narrow spit of land to the castle in the middle of the sea. Most of the castle isn't very old, and the old bits are hidden by newer development (it was in use in WWI and WWII). So it was nice, but not the best as castle tours go. Grabbed a sandwich and a chocolate brownie at the castle for lunch. After that we went down to the beach and I did some more swimming in the sea, until the water started to get a bit rougher and I started to get cold. At that point I came out pretty quickly, I'm always a bit cautious in the sea as I know things case change fast. Case in point, whilst I was away WW had to run over some rocks to try and help a little girl who'd got caught in the tide and couldn't get back to shore. The girl got dragged back in by her mum, and both were fine, but it does make you think. In the evening we went to the pub for dinner. I had a chicken tikka masala with rice and some onion bhajis, and a couple of beers, twas very nice. When we got back I stayed up and watched Kingsmen - excellent film, for a very silly action movie, I like the line it walked in being comedy action without being a full parody. Feel like I ought to watch the sequel now. Ended up being quite a late night, but then I am on holiday. Calories were a bit high at 2,590ish. Teeth were done, but no other goals points for today.
  9. well that would help! You've been playing with a character without a name in one campaign? How do you manage that? That's odd, I find very little difference in terms of attention between playing online and playing live. Roleplay is harder online for me, just because conversation is harder, but otherwise I feel pretty focused online.
  10. Oh wow, I can see why you're so excited. I'm in a small town now, but it's a 10 minute walk and I'm out in fields and forests, and I really value that.
  11. Wow, this sounds familiar! Hope that it gets easier for you, and if you find a solution (other than just getting the work done) let me know! That sounds glorious. Good plan, just keep on moving!
  12. Ah, that's tough. Maybe if you felt more attached to your characters you'd find it easier to concentrate in game? If so, it might be worth talking to your DM about retiring a character and creating a new one? Oo good, I'm describing them well then . Not quite a Tank thread, but I try my best.
  13. Tuesday - Week 1 Day 2 Yesterday I did a little yoga/stretching in the morning, cooked scrambled eggs, and then we headed out to a little village in the forest. We went for a walk from there through lawns, woodland, and meadows, for probably a 6 mile loop in total. It was a warm day, and the whole thing was just really lovely. It was well past lunchtime when we got back, so we went for clotted cream teas at a tearoom (clotted cream and strawberry jam on fruit scones, accompanied by a pot of tea). Was lovely, and because it wasn't a full lunch it left a decent amount of calories over for the evening. I did some drawing back at the cottage, then we went to a pub where I had hunters' chicken (chicken wrapped in bacon with barbeque sauce and cheese) with chips, and a couple of beers. Calories finished at 2,411, so that helps to bring the average down towards my target. Teeth were done, as was drawing. No foam rolling. Hangboarding off until at least the weekend, split stretches already done for the week (though I may do more if I feel like it).
  14. It would be worth the consequences, trust me! Nice dude Thanks! What happened with your DnD games?
  15. Good luck with the house clearing, that's a goal I really need to start one day.
  16. That 75 hard plan looks great, if tough to stick to! Hope you can get out on the boat soon.
  17. It was a good day Yeah, that was really lovely. The sea where I live isn't clear enough to see anything, so it was a real surprise too (I'm only a 2 hour drive from home). Not just me then Thanks! I hope to keep him alive for a while. Yeah, very rarely get a chance to have venison, it was great. It was lovely, thanks! I don't think we get canned cranberries over here. I've never seen them anyway. They also don't grow in this country, so I would guess the pub didn't make the sauce themselves. That is a pretty cool workout shirt.
  18. Monday - W1D1 Yesterday was a good day, and the first day of the challenge proper. I went out for a run first thing to explore the area, and ended up running along the sea wall in the sun which was really nice. Ended up going about 5.5 miles, which was a bit more than intended, but I feel good for it. We grabbed some shopping for the holiday cottage, then headed to the beach. Had a good picnic of a ham and cheese sandwich and a salad with egg, ham hock, spinach, potato, cucumber, fine beans and peas, with a honey mustard dressing. Then I went out to swim in the sea for about half an hour. The water's so clear here I got to see lots of schools of fish while I breast stroked my way along the shoreline. After that we came back to the cottage, and I got some foam rolling and my hip stretches in to kick the challenge off right. Then went out for a decent pub lunch - I had a venison burger with brie and cranberry sauce, it was lush. Also had a couple of beers with dinner. In the evening I stayed up a bit late and watched Miss Peregrine's Home of Peculiar Children. Good film, though I think they tried to pack a bit much in to it - they probably could have made 2 or 3 films out of that much content. Calories came in at 2,902, this is going to be tough this week, but I'll see how it goes. Teeth were done. Completed my hip stretch goal for the week, and I'm 1/3 for foam rolling so far. No drawing. Hangboarding likely won't happen this week as I haven't brought my hangboard on holiday!
  19. Thanks man! Yeah, I can imagine that I'm sure you can get a "Muscle Wizard Casts Fist" t-shirt somewhere. If I needed gym shirts, that would be up on the list. Whatever this is it isn't showing for me for some reason. Then again the internet where I am is shocking, so it might be me.
  20. Thanks! He's based on a free adventure I ran a while ago, but he has so much potential I wanted to flesh him out into a full character. No worries! It wasn't too much work, because it's almost all stolen from adventures I've read .
  21. Oh man this is so cool, I want to be in a party with Teq'neek, that's a great concept! The bardic inspiration is a really clever idea as well, to make this more interactive between us. I really like that.
  22. I think it's generally easiest to think of Wales as a country. Other places in the world, like Monaco or San Marino, are principalities, I think the difference is just that the reigning monarch is a prince/princess rather than a king/queen. I typed a thing while I was reading through this thread, but Deffy explained this fair better than I could. I feel like both are fairly accurate descriptions. I've definitely called him much worse.
  23. Just to add a bit to what everyone else has said, things are slightly different from an Irish perspective. The Republic of Ireland, or Eire, do not recognise the sovereignty of Northern Ireland, and as such anyone born on the island of Ireland (i.e. Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) can be considered as Irish under Irish law. Ireland was a British territory until the Irish War of Independence in 1922. At that point Ireland became it's own country again (albeit remaining a dominion of the commonwealth for a few more decades), but the British kept Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland generally had a more strongly British feeling, which dates back to the 'plantation of the Protestants' in something like the 1600's, where a large number of English and Scottish Protestant lords were given titles and homes in the north of Ireland to try and assimilate the unruly, Catholic population. The UK has one main parliament in Westminster, with members from all parts of the UK. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland also each have their own parliaments, where their members of parliament make laws specific to their country. England doesn't have its own parliament, because the English parliament is essentially the British parliament. England and Wales share a legal system, so you might see a contract being subject to "the laws of England and Wales". Scotland and Northern Ireland have separate legal systems. I believe that is because Wales is a principality (its head of state is the Prince of Wales, who is the heir apparent (first heir) to the English throne), whereas the other parts of the UK are countries. If it helps with the "if they all have the same queen, they must be the same country" argument, it might be worth pointing out that our queen is the leader of the commonwealth, meaning that she is also queen of Australia, Canada, and many other countries. ETA: the problem with Brexit and Ireland is that the border between Northern Ireland and Eire is the UK's only land border with Europe. Currently there's no border control, because EU citizens have free movement to the UK. When we fully leave there should presumably be some border control, but no-one seems to have the faintest idea how that will work. Also ETA: we all hate the clown in charge of the UK government, just to make that clear. I won't go in to the upsetting nature of how he was able to get into power, lest this turn into a very long rant.
  24. I love how well your goals fit the theme! Following (obviously!)
  25. Hope you're having a good weekend Sky, and that you enjoy the wedding. Hearing you talk about your struggles and accepting your feelings is helpful, so thank you for sharing with us.
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