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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Hope the bicep/shoulder issue isn't too serious mate, and heals up quickly.
  2. Monday - week 4 day 1 Barbarian: ? - - - - - - Druid: ? - - - - - Bard: ☠️ - - - - - - Sorcerer: - - - - Paladin: ⚔️ - - - - - - I'm on week 4 of this challenge and I still haven't figured out what I want the tracker to look like. Maybe a cumulative one for the week is better than daily? Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was a touch little workout - 7 rounds for time of 100m run, 5 double kettlebell clean and jerk, 5 pullups. I finished in 10'56" (feel like I could have been faster if I had remembered to do clean and jerk rather than doing a bunch of cleans and having to correct myself. Or, in fact, if I could reliably count to 5 during a workout). That was followed by a nice bit of dumbbell bench press and single arm rows. Work was ok - had an important prospect meeting, spent 2.5 hours writing one e-mail, but generally stuff got done. In the evening WW cooked a beetroot salad with feta, bell pepper, carrot, and candied pecans - it was lovely. We ate it in front of Black Widow, and having seen that movie I now understand what's going on at the point I am in Hawkeye. So much Marvel to catch up on, so little time! No drawing/creativity was done yesterday. I'm lacking in motivation for this a bit, I think I need a project to get me doing it more regularly. I might make a proper challenge of this next time when I have the energy for it, but in the meantime feel free to suggest what I should be drawing. I was tired when I went to bed, and very nearly didn't brush my teeth again. I just about persuaded myself though, so that's a good start to the week on that front. SHOW ME THE MONEY On another note, I get paid on Thursday, so I need to calculate how much of my money I get to keep based on my goal completion since last payday. Average goal completion for the period was: Week 0: 85.71% Week 1: 69.64% Week 2: 58.57% Week 3: 59.52% That's an average goal completion of 68.36% (week zero doing a lot of heavy lifting here), so I get to keep £170.91 to spend on myself/put in my savings, and have to pay £79.09 off of my mortgage.
  3. I'm sorry for your loss man. If you want to talk, you know where I am.
  4. Simple and consistent is never a bad plan. Following along.
  5. Hope Phoebe gets better soon. I have also just realised that your cat has the same name as WW's sphinx character in our current Pathfinder game.
  6. I've been doing a very quick bit of googling, and mostly getting estimates of 500-700 miles of wear on average for lightweight hiking boots, maybe longer for more heavy duty ones. So I suppose it comes down to what you're more comfortable in, and whether it's more cost effective to buy more regularly or buy more robust.
  7. Sunday - week 3 day 7 Barbarian: ☠️ Druid: ? Bard: ☠️ Sorcerer: ?? Paladin: ☠️ Yesterday was a good day. I got up about 9ish and went to do some studying, and in 2 hours I finished off my current essay. It still probably needs another hour of proof-reading before I submit it for marking, but I'll get that done today or tomorrow. We went out for lunch for my Grandma's birthday, and had a massive roast dinner in a pub near her house. It was nice to see some of the family I haven't seen in a while. In the afternoon I mostly chilled out. For dinner I cooked Moroccan chicken with sweet potato and chickpeas, served with date and cous cous salad with a pomegranate molasses dressing (from a recipe box). I loved it, but it was too spicy for WW so I've got her portion for lunch today I spent the rest of the day watching Hawkeye with out temporary Disney+ subscription. I'm about 4 episodes in, and I think I might need to watch the Black Widow movie before I go any further. Week 3 stats Barbarian: ☠️ ? ? ? ☠️ ? ☠️ Druid: ? ? ? ☠️ ? ? Bard: ☠️ ? ? ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ Sorcerer: ? ? ? ? Paladin: ⚔️ ☠️ ⚔️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ Not my strongest week it has to be said, other than saving the study on Sunday. Need to spend more time working on creative stuff, which might be better when I have a more imminent D&D game, and I need to get the teeth brushing dialled back in.
  8. Seconding this; I think it's a great idea. At my work we time record, and that includes recording time on internal work as well as client work, so if training up a staff member or working on an internal project takes a lot of time I can evidence that. It's a bit more tricky if you don't have a time recording system, but if you are only tracking training this one employee it should be pretty doable.
  9. This sounds wonderful; do you happen to have a recipe you could share?
  10. I have this to an extent on my phone, but it stresses me out if I get above about 20. I never leave tabs open on the computer; if I don't remember to go back and read it it wasn't important. You, sir, are a monster. I like the new challenge title! Very symbolic. I hope you recover from trip tiredness soon and enjoy making headway with it.
  11. Saturday - week 3 day 6 Barbarian: ? Druid: ? Bard: ? Sorcerer: - Paladin: ☠️ Yesterday was a good day. I had a bit of a lie-in first thing before bouldering. Bouldering itself was good - I got a font 6B, and there's a 6B+ that I think I can get when I next go back next time. In the afternoon we went for a bimble around the shops, and I picked up a new little sketch book. When we got back I went for a short run, just 3 miles to keep moving a bit. The rest of the day was pretty much spent chilling out. I've got a month free subscription to Disney+, so we watched the first episode of She Hulk and that looks like a lot of fun. After that WW went to bed, and I stayed up late watching Deadpool 2 on TV. In hindsight I should have used that time to do some sketching for my bard goal, but I really wasn't feeling it at the time.
  12. Friday - week 3 day 5 Barbarian: ? Druid: ☠️ Bard: ☠️ Sorcerer: - Paladin: ☠️ Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit first thing was handwalking, strict pullups, and deadball floor press. I feel like I'm having a bit of a breakthrough with my handwalking, and I'm finally out walking in the middle of the gym (albeit quite badly) rather than against a wall. Work was again a bit tough. We clocked off at 3pm for pizza and beer, but having known that we were going to do that all day I was mostly counting down the minutes to my early finish. After work I went for a couple more beers with a guy from work, which was nice. All that is fine for my no drinking at home goal, but I then went home and polished off the beer in the house and had a couple of whiskeys, which is where I failed for the day. It was a nice evening though; we sat and re-watched the bits of Questing Time I slept through on Thursday night, and generally chilled out.
  13. Thursday - week 3 day 4 Barbarian: ☠️ Druid: - Bard: ☠️ Sorcerer: ? Paladin: ☠️ Thursday was a good day. The morning was crossfit - worked a complex of power cleans, hand power cleans, and push jerks up to 65kg, and then followed up with some Romanian deadlifts, glute bridges, and Nordic curls. I really struggled with motivation all day on Thursday. I don't know why, but getting going was really tough all day. In the evening we had a few beers and watched the finale of Questing Time. I say watched, actually it went on so late that I didn't make it to the end. I fell asleep somewhere between half 11 and midnight, woke up at 1am when they were wrapping up the stream, and took myself to bed. Goals were pretty poor for the day. The only thing I did do was some essay writing, and that was during work hours.
  14. Oh I love steak tartare! I've only had it as beef though, not horse.
  15. I'm struggling to get my head round this - push press is an explosive movement, so which bits do you do tempo? Makes sense to me. I very rarely eat before Crossfit, because Crossfit is at 6.30am for me and that's too early to keep my breakfast down, but when I do work out after food it goes better.
  16. Hey @Maigs, how have you been? How's the renovation project going?
  17. Hey @Kestrel Grey, how's it going? Is the asthma decision tree working?
  18. Wednesday - week 3 day 3 Barbarian: ? Druid: ? Bard: ? Sorcerer: - Paladin: ⚔️ Yesterday was a good day. Yesterday was leg day at Crossfit, which is a bit of a challenge with the knee but I made it work. We had intervals of 10 wall balls, 1 peg board climb, 10 calorie air bike. I subbed wall balls for power balls (basically the same thing but as a push press rather than a full squat), and did ring taps instead of peg board climbs (I had a play with the peg board, but no-one actually did it for the workout, those things are tough). Times for each interval were 1'20", 1'24", and 1'28", and I was absolutely fucked after that 4 minutes of work. We followed that with squats - I built to 90kg (198#) x 3 which is the heaviest I've gone since I hurt my knee. Followed that with 80kg x 5 and 70kg x 7. Work was actually less busy than I expected, which was nice. I would have liked to get more done, but being with people in the office is distracting. Still, the urgent stuff got sorted. It was hard not to have a beer in the evening like I normally do on a Wednesday. The final episode of Questing Time has been moved from Wednesday to Thursday this week so I wanted to wait for that, but the habit is hard to break. Still, before I knew it it was late and I was less bothered. WW went to bed early, so I decided to do a figure drawing video on YouTube. For each pose I had 12 minutes to draw a quick sketch, a sketch using only straight lines, and a sketch using no more than 20 lines: It was an interesting exercise, and whilst nothing turned out great they were done in a very short amount of time. I skipped the last pose because I was tired, did my teeth (yay!), and went to bed.
  19. You cleared 50-60 tabs? Did you have more than that? *eye twitch*
  20. If different countries could even agree on which metric system to use that would be a start. To be fair, when I had horse I did eat it by accident. It was in a burger in Holland though, not in a Tesco lasagne
  21. I'm going to start using Tory Fanta from now on. And thank you
  22. It's a difficult thing, because if you can exercise consistently say 3 times per week for a few weeks, you'll get less sore. But in order to exercise 3 times per week, you need to be less sore. I think your idea of choosing Crossfit workouts and doing them on your own is the best thing, that way you can set your own intensity appropriately. (In absence of finding a Crossfit box with a less judgemental coach that is)
  23. It's interesting where we draw the line on what is considered food and what is considered a pet. I think I'm right in saying that rabbit is the most farmed meat in Europe, yet in the UK it's hard to find rabbit meat and most people would refuse to eat it. Personally I've eaten horse and I would eat donkey, but I suspect I am in the minority in both respects.
  24. Tuesday - week 3 day 2 Barbarian: ? Druid: ? Bard: ? Sorcerer: ? Paladin: ☠️ Yesterday was a good day. I went out for a run first thing, and it felt absolutely fine. It was a fairly slow 3 miles, but my knee didn't give me any issues throughout and that's huge. When I got back I did my physio exercises before work. Had a counselling call at lunch time. It was good to chat through a load of stuff that's been on my mind over the last 2 weeks. I haven't been particularly consistent with journalling, but what I have done gave me plenty to talk about which is a marked improvement over last session where I couldn't think of much to say. In the evening I cooked middle class jacket potatoes (we had them with mixed baked beans and manchego). Then Pathfinder where Psyche, my elf cleric, got the killing blow on a cart-horse-sized scorpion straight up the cloaca. Afterwards we met a very lonely lampad (underworld nymph) in a sort of subterranean fungus jungle and promised to bring him some friends. I have just now decided that Subterranean Fungus Jungle is the name of my next band. Physio done first thing, no beer at home, plenty of drawing done at Pathfinder, an hour of essay writing at work. I could have got a perfect score, if I hadn't decided that I was too tired to brush my teeth before bed
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