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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I love this idea, may have to steal it for a future challenge. How's the dance going?
  2. Today you got the shoulder checked out man, and that's it's nothing too serious.
  3. Wow, it's been a while since I updated, huh? Last week was mental, I was working all of the hours to try and clear my desk and was pretty exhausted by the end. This week I'm away on holiday, so goals have been off and relaxing had been on! I'll be back to more regularly scheduled updates next week.
  4. It's a unit towards a professional qualification. Not an area I work in, but you have to complete a certain number of units to get the letters after your name and this is one of those. No, not planning on it. Our gym don't really do it, though I'm sure they'd carter to me if I wanted to, but for some reason the idea doesn't really excite me.
  5. Hope you get too the bottom of what's going on with the shoulder mate - at this stage a doctor definitely send like a good call; you've given it long enough to heal on its own.
  6. Tuesday - week 1 day 2 Yesterday was a good day. I was knackered and feeling a bit nauseous for some reason when I got home from my exam. I chilled for a bit, and then logged on to do a little work at the end of the day. That took longer than expected, so we ended up having to rush out for Pathfinder and having a pre-packaged sandwich in the car for dinner. Pathfinder was fun - our GM had never run a game for us before, and he did a great job. He assaulted us with ankhegs and introduced us to a creepy beetle thing that wanted to trade his goods for our shoes, and nearly killed my character with falling damage - it was great fun! Got home and stayed up for a little bit on my phone, foolishly! Went to bed about half 11 in the end. Teeth not done, no creativity today, and calories were over (and untracked) with me eating on the road. Obviously no run for the week. Study is done for the week at least. Wednesday Crossfit this morning was chinups and dips, and then a workout of pushups, elevated ring row, and knees to elbow. My shoulder is not happy about this, and my grip was shot by the end, so it must have been a good workout. I did some weighted chinups at 8kg (~18#) and then some chinups hanging from nunchucks, and dips were weighted up to 3.75kg (~8.25#). Work has been full of meetings so far, so I'm hoping that after lunch I can catch up with stuff! Thinking this evening will involve beers and Questing Time.
  7. Heya! Thank you! I'm not sure I'm totally slaying Crossfit, but I'm enjoying it . I'm jealous you don't have to study any more - I think I've got a lifetime of it!
  8. This might be the most metal reason for an airport search I've ever heard!
  9. Monday - week 2 day 1 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was squats, followed by handstand holds and pistol squats. Squats I worked up to 105kg (~231#) x 3, 95kg x 5, and 85kg x 7. Not quite a max - I'm a bit scared of 110kg right now, and what I did felt heavy enough for the day. Handstand holds are coming on well, I should give them a go without a wall next time. I did a load of weighted pistol squats (which unintuitively are easier, because the weight acts as a counter-balance), and even managed a single, honest-to-god pistol squat on my right leg. Very pleased with that. I worked in the morning, and spent that time pushing to get one job done that had to be finished. Left at 1pm and went home to study for today's exam. This week I wanted to get in 4 hours of study in, and I managed 3.5 yesterday. After that WW made fish chowder and we vegged in front of EXU before getting an early night. I didn't do my teeth in the evening, again. No creativity work either, and I continued to be ravenous and went over on calories. Tuesday This morning I had to get up at 5.30am to leave for my exam. I kept waking up from about 4.45 onwards - I think I was less worried about the exam itself and more concerned that I would sleep through my alarm and not get there in time. I did a quick 10-minute yoga video first thing, made some tea, and walked up yo the train station. 2.5 hours, 1 rail replacement bus, 1 train, 1 tube, and a short walk later, I arrived at the hotel where the exam was being held. The exam itself was ok, I think? I failed this one in June last year, and at that time I thought I'd done a great job, so it's really hard to know. Last time I had plenty of time to review my answers and tweak stuff, whereas this time I was flat out for the full 3 hour exam with not a second to spare. I'm hoping that's a good thing, and means I had more to say this time round? I just hope they can read the final few paragraphs - I really was rushing! On my way home now - a reverse of the journey there. This evening I've got Pathfinder, and Tadgh will get his first outing
  10. Week 1 wrap-up Run: 1/4 - missed my Thursday run because I had to cut my lunch break short. At the weekend I definitely could have run, but I prioritised other stuff instead - studying, D&D prep, watching TV... Also, the weather was fucking dreadful - like 'the storms have names' dreadful. Ah well, it's not like I've got a 20 mile obstacle course to run in 3 months, right? Right?? Calories: 2/7 - I've been bloody starving this week, not sure why. Or maybe I've just been stressed. Must do better. Create: 3/7 - not ideal, but not too bad either. Drawing my halfling has been fun, hopefully I'll finish him this week. Revise: 5/4 - the impending exam really focused my mind on this. No bonus points for the extra work, but it's all useful. Teeth: 2/7 - must try harder. Again. It's been a good week, but my goals definitely need more focus. I spent a lot of time studying at the weekend. I also ran our Ranger D&D game for the first time in ages, and some plot actually happened! Really hope we can play a bit more regularly, because it's nice to see it going somewhere. Average goal completion was 45% this week, which means I get to keep £18 and the remaining £22 goes to my mortgage. I'll pay that when I get paid on Friday, coz I'm skint this late in the month.
  11. It was weirdly ok. I didn't go totally hell for leather, because 20 minutes is a long time, and it was a good opportunity to practice some movements I want to get better at.
  12. With your IRL support systems, don't be afraid to ask your friends for help. They may have stuff going on with their own families, but it's not for you to decide if they're too busy to help you; that's up to them too. You've got a lot on your plate right now, but you don't have to face it alone.
  13. Having not used this app, I'd question whether the baseline number matters? Presumably as long as the number changes what you're doing is having an effect, regardless of what the original number is? Which has just made me think - I wonder if it's possible to get scales which track weight in some obscure, antiquated metric rather than lbs or kilos? I don't know if that would help, but it would give you a number that you can only compare with yourself and not with other people. I really like this idea - it's a good way to switch off when you're home working. I don't know if this helps, but my standard breakfast is 3 boiled eggs, a banana, and a protein shake. It's not the most exciting, but it's a really lazy way to get some morning protein for me - I boil 15 eggs on a Sunday and then just eat them throughout the working week.
  14. Congrats on the job offer, that's great news!
  15. Pears too - they're ripe for 10 minutes and you're never there when it happens. Keep telling yourself that until you stop feeling guilty - rest days are definitely good.
  16. If anyone knows how to play this game on expert mode, it's you Terra. Hope week 1 went well
  17. Piano practice and sorting out Ghostlet's haircut sounds productive to me - take the win.
  18. It's those kind of things that I never get round to and end up becoming a problem weeks or months after I could have easily resolved them. Listing them now whilst they're still trivial is a smart move.
  19. Oo, this sounds good - I'm gonna have to try that. Nice one! Enjoy it!
  20. Week 1 update Well, I've been bad at updating this week, I know that much. It's been a good week, but I've been busy at lunchtimes which is when I normally get on here. I got out for a run on Tuesday lunchtime, but that's the only run I've done so far this week. Thursday should have been the other one, but a busy day of work meant I only had about 30 minutes to grab a bite to eat and get back to my computer. I've not done great of the calorie front; I'm keeping it in mind, but I've just been so hungry recently for some reason. I'm on track to hit beer day, so that's good at least. I wonder if maybe it's the 5 mornings per week of Crossfit that's making me want to eat more; I'm certainly feeling it at the moment. Hopefully I'll acclimate to the increased workout volume soon. Crossfit has been fun though - had a nice day of pullups and dips on Thursday followed by a 20 minute AMRAP of Russian dips, handstand pressups, and kettlebell swings. Friday's workout was much tougher - 5 rounds of 15 double unders and 10 dumbbell lunges. I really can't do double unders, so a workout that took some people less that 3 minutes saw me hitting the 12 minute time cap a round short of the finish. It's good practice though - one day I'll be good at skipping I've managed to get a couple of sessions of drawing in towards the creativity goal. I'm working on a picture of Tadgh, the halfling swashbucker that I'll be playing in our Pathfinder game on Tuesday. This is my progress so far: I did a bit of revision on Tuesday, and I got in an hour this afternoon, so I'm nearly there for the goal. The be fair, having an exam on Tuesday is a really good way to focus me on this! Teeth brushing hasn't been good. Other than that, it's been a fairly quiet week. Work's been busy, and that's taken up a fair bit of my time. I'm also conscious that I have a half day off work for study leave on Monday, the exam on Tuesday will keep me out of the office for most of the day, and then I've only got 3 days before I go on holiday. Why is it that holidays are always preceded by so much stress of getting things in order first?
  21. You've got a lot on Puck; be kind to yourself. Try to do the things, because they're good for you and they're all great things to keep you in a good headspace, but also be prepared to forgive yourself for what you don't manage. Hugs friend.
  22. I love how you're 'simple tracker' is 1,000,000% nicer looking than mine . I also love the idea of sending letters to old friends, even ones you never intend to send. I really find writing helps me to get thoughts out of my head, and explore a situation in a new way.
  23. Monday - week 1 day 1 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit first thing, and pleasantly I wasn't too achy after Wild Forest on Sunday. We had bench press, and I managed a respectable 67.5kg (~149#) for 3 sets of 5. That was followed by an 8-minute AMRAP of 8 pullups, 8 pushups, and 8 dumbbell snatch. I managed 5 rounds with a 17.5kg dumbbell. It was quite a nice little workout, though my hands were screaming at me after that following the obstacles the day before. Work was ok - a day full of meetings which is simultaneously nice in that I get to see people, and a pain because my e-mails don't stop coming in when I'm in a meeting! In the evening I cooked a sausage casserole with mash and crispy kale, and curled up on the sofa with WW and the cat watching re-runs of Taskmaster. No creativity done, as I really wasn't feeling it, and teeth weren't done. I managed to adjust things to hit my calorie goal at least. Not sure how (and I'm not 100% sure I hit it at all) given that I had pizza for lunch, but that's what I've written down now so we're going with it!
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