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Artemis Prime

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About Artemis Prime

  • Birthday 04/21/1990

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  1. Me too!!!! If I'm doing it correctly (caveat that I may not be!) there's much less elbow flexion involved than with a pulldown or a row, and I think you want to keep the body English to a minimum, but some is needed to avoid hitting yourself in the face with the cable. I haven't watched this full video, but he talks about lat prayers starting at about 13:00 (warning for Mike Israetel's often inappropriate jokes.) Exercise Scientist's Top 5 Back Exercises Hahahaha! I actually used that line on Sunday, when I left church kind of in a hurry and someone asked me where I was going and I said, "I have to see a man about a horse!" I'm on the fence about whether I want the horse or not, but a lower price is a big selling point. I suspect he is a good horse, since he did pretty decent for me despite not being prepared properly or knowing me at all. His conformation was decent, though not great, and even though he's pushy he doesn't seem bad-minded, so I think all he needs is someone to push him back and he'd be happy to not be in charge. Attitude and innate talent are really the only things that can't be fixed at all, but some things are easier to fix than others, and for all I want to do with him, he doesn't need that much talent. I'm more concerned about finding something with a good attitude than a fancy mover. He checks a lot of boxes, the only thing that somewhat concerns me is when I first got there he seemed like he was looking for something to spook at, which is one of those things that can be fixed, but I really don't want to. On the other hand, he never did actually spook, and he settled down as I worked him, so I suspect if I brought him home and let him settle in and develop some trust in me, he'd be a pretty solid horse. But with all that said, I don't think I'm going to put an offer on him even if the mare doesn't work out. I think he'd be a very good horse for me at a different time, but right now I really need something solid that isn't going to take much work from me to keep them that way. Keep forgetting to post my Winter is Coming Sidequest! <insert obligatory GoT gif here> Winter is coming, and before it gets here I need to shore up my chicken coop. Sanctuary points for each item on the list done: Remove old siding Replace front siding Replace back siding Install new door Install new windows
  2. I love it when I'm right. It is a nasty beastie, but I have full confidence in your ability to best it, and shall be right here cheering you on the whole time! Let's go Level 14!
  3. I like that you can see what threads other people are on and if anyone is typing in the thread you're currently reading, but it makes me worry that I've just been a closet stalker this whole time.
  4. No excuse is ever needed, you can use it just 'cause you wanted to. Winging it with alliteration - I think you mean winning it! (It's late, I'm tired, I apologize.) I'll see myself out now, but before I saunter upstairs and stretch out in bed, I am supporting your challenge!
  5. It sounds like you did an excellent job of holding to your goals in the midst of not great circumstances. Well done.
  6. Sometimes I really enjoy a workout and then when I'm logging it later I have to stop and ask myself, what the heck did I like about this?
  7. Wait...fun things are supposed to be fun? Glad to have a Starpuck Challenge to follow again!
  8. Glad to hear your meetings went well today. Poor Bronze, hope she bounces back tomorrow!
  9. Holding the Line is an extremely important, deceivingly difficult, and not at all boring thing to do. Here to provide support and help you hold that line. I do love Ms Sassy Pants. I also love that blue and white plaid blanket she's tangled up with.
  10. Thanks, Sal. I like to think my animals have it pretty good. May not be getting that one anymore, but first, some updates while we let the suspense build! PUCK!!! The forums are always open to the weary traveler in need of rest. Except for, y'know, when they're down for maintenance, but we won't talk about that. Always pleased to have another online space to hang out with one of my favorite people. Welcome back, Friends! I know it was less than two days, but I missed y'all. Here's what's been happening: Monday Report! First day at the new job. Farmland Preservation Coordinator may be back next week, but until then I'm a bit at loose ends. They currently have me cleaning up old files, and apologizing for the busy work, but I actually enjoy organizing, and I'd much rather be busy. It was 4:00 before I knew it. So far everyone's been friendly. Don't have quite the same camaraderie as upstairs, but that's because people have a lot more work to do down here, so less goofing off time, and excessive downtime was one of the reasons I made the move. Also my new boss has told me three times already how happy he is that I'm in his department now and plenty of other people are excited about the backlog I am currently clearing, and in general it just feels good to be busy and productive. Also, as predicted, my worktime snacking has dropped to almost zero. I know it won't always be like this and any job has its lulls, but day after day of watching the tock click starts to wear on you. Did feel a bit of a twinge when they confiscated my Human Services badge, though. Got a workout in, did OHP seated and that felt better. Switched pull downs out for lat prayers. It's a new movement, so need to futz with it some to figure it all out, but I like the change. Landed a solid hit on the Zombie, with extra radiant damage because I got my Light point. Also did full Morning Prayer for Word of Radiance damage and got my Shape Water point, as well as an Animal Handling point for spending time with my horse and dog in the evening, and got my truck oiled. A full day, but I think I'm really going to notice a difference at home from not battling inertia at work all day. Tuesday Report! Light point, Word of Radiance, had a bit of an epiphany during morning chores which led to some journalling and Zone of Truth points, which reinforces @Heidi's wise point that chores are useful for more than just feeding animals. Work went smoothly for day two, there was a bit of a snafu upstairs which I helped out with a little bit (just shared a document I had because their copy got corrupted) and it stills feels a bit odd to not be all in on fixing stuff for them. Another good workout, another solid Zombie hit, so it is currently sitting at 2hp and hopefully Morning Prayer tomorrow will finish it off. And finally for my last bit of exciting news...on Saturday I am going to test ride this beautiful girl: Gotta go in cautiously, 'cause horse traders be the originally sketchy car dealers, but man oh man, I want her! Might test ride a gelding while I'm there for a friend of mine, which would be super if it worked out for both of us, because then she could haul mine at the same time she picks up hers. But we shall see.
  11. Saturday Report Deadlifts went well. My rubber flooring which was a reward from a previous challenge was finally delivered. It's a big step up from what I was using, and additional blocks will definitely be going on the reward list for future challenges. Class was fine. My professor tends to just ramble on, but there's lots of good stuff in there if you can follow the thread. Got lots of fence work done, interior line cleared and up. Also worked my horse, read a chapter of The Hobbit, and went pumpkin shopping. Sunday Report Was chalice bearer today and then we had our annual meeting. I nipped out pretty quick after it wrapped up to go look at a horse. He was...fine. They haven't been doing much with him, I wasn't super impressed until they told me he hadn't been ridden in 5 weeks, and then I thought he really didn't do bad for sitting that long. His feet need a trim, but they weren't terribly long yet. His ground manners are terrible. but I can fix that, and he settled in pretty quick once I was in the saddle. So I remained very noncommittal, but I am thinking about making an offer on him. I don't usually do a lot of bartering for things, but they couldn't even be bothered to knock the mud off him before saddling him for me, so I don't mind lowballing them. Trying to make arrangements to go see a few more next weekend, if none of them are the one, I'll probably call this guy back up and make an offer. Zero Week went pretty well, didn't do any barndominium work but got lots of fencing done, think I might make it a regular practice to take a break from the apartment for Zero Week and catch up on other farm chores that are suffering from my attention being on construction. I got Shape Water every day, only did the full Morning Prayer liturgy once, Light was hit or miss. Had plans to cook dinner tonight, but horse shopping meant I got home too late. I did not get my alarm clock moved, but I suspect I'll be up and at them early this week with the new job to get to, even without changing the set up. Since the site might be down for maintenance tomorrow, going to go ahead and post the outline for Week One, although tomorrow is my first day in the new job, so I'm leaving myself the option of noping out of anything if I'm too fried by the end of the day. Ordination - Just class work here for this week Strength - gym workout on Mon/Tues and home workouts on Thurs/Sat Barndominium - electric company is supposed to come stake the line this week, need to follow up with them tomorrow, if weather is nice I'll put the bottom rail for the deck up, otherwise I'll start clearing stuff inside to make room for interior walls. Monday - workout at lunch, oiling my truck after work Tuesday - workout at lunch, dinner with my sister Wednesday - noon Eucharist, probably helping my neighbor, otherwise class reading and apartment work Thursday - class reading at lunch, workout in the evening, have the house to myself so just enjoying the quiet Friday - class reading at lunch, maybe Forbidden Lands in the evening Saturday - workout in the morning, then class, then hopefully horse shopping Sunday - church, then a free afternoon. Barn work, horse work, chill
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