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Hi all,


I'm back ready to go again after about 5-6 months.


At the beginning of the year I'd set my mind on a marathon, figured out a training plan and started on it. Started getting calf pain, rested, eased back in. 


Got up to almost half marathon distance (12 mile long run), calf pain came back, forced to rest up. Between calf healing up and returning to running, I pulled some muscle in my back so a couple of days off work, no exercise, no running for a while. In the mean time last date for entries passed so I let the marathon go until next year. 


Once the back was better started another few rounds of run-random foot/leg pain-rest. Searched the internet for possible answers only to realise that my running shoes were over a year old and should have been replaced at least once (if not twice) in that time. 


Also its winter down here, and we've had some weird storm systems making it extra cold and wet. So even when I was able to I really haven't wanted to go outside.


On the plus side I've kept up with archery, and over the last 3 weeks I've been back to Parkrun (cycling down and back.) The new running shoes seem to be doing the trick.


Moving forward I'm aiming for the following:



work up to and maintain a long run distance of 12 miles.

Enter, train, and run in next year's Marathon.



Buy my own bow.

Try field archery.



Master free standing Handstand,

Finally perfect pistols.



I should have mentioned I'm a carpenter, so even when I "rest" I would still be working these silly little injuries tend to hang around. (Think about spending the day on a step ladder with a throbbing pain in your calf)

How you do anything, is how you do everything!

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I'm a little on the heavier side so I can relate to feeling leg pain from running. In my case I get shin splints a lot. I just rub some Icy Hot on or pop an Ibuprofen tablet and take a day off if it gets too bad. However, if this pain is persistent I'd have to give you the classic advice of seeing a physician or something of the sort and getting it checked out. I recognize that maybe that advise isn't that feasible but keep it in mind at least.


Outside of a potential health risk keep on trying! 12 miles is very impressive for running to me as I just recently worked my way into the 5k category. Know that you stand tall amongst others if you feel that you aren't keeping pace.


As for your other hobbies those are pretty awesome! Definitely keep at them. Don't worry too much about minor setbacks here and there all that matters is you make progress. Remember that perfection creates doubt but progress creates motivation!

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I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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Getting new shoes has fixed it, and working 9hrs/day would have aggravated any little injuries.


As well as being up and down ladders and scaffolds, my tool belt weighs 7+ Kgs. 


I started with the C25k and still think 5km is a good distance. Check out your local Parkrun, you meet other runners, get a time, its a good way to stay focused and on track.

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How you do anything, is how you do everything!

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