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Greetings and salutations, dragon fodder. I happened upon this site while searching for things about training and workouts for assassins. I've always had a fascination with assassins and the like, so I would love to possess those types of abilities. No, I'm not going on a killing spree. I have severe OCD. When I have a passion for something I go all-in. Don't even ask me how many different copies of Lord of the Rings I have. 


One of the things I love most about assassins is actually their stealth and quickness in a fight. I thought that taking one of the martial arts would be a good first step towards that goal, though I wouldn't even know which one would apply here. I also thought parkour would be a good ability to throw into the mix.


Nutrition is the other thing I need to work on. I have all of the knowledge in my head; it's just a matter of applying it.


Truthfully, I just want a damn dragon. I bought a bearded dragon, but trying to teach it to breathe fire didn't end so well for the little guy.


One hundred gold dragons to whoever helps me.

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Hello Aegon and welcome to NF! 


Sounds like you've got a decent idea of where you want to be long-term, but could still use a little help fleshing out the details. The type of martial art you pursue would probably change based on the kind of assassin you want to be, wouldn't it? If you're a sniper, hand-to-hand might not be so important until you've got to fight your way out of a surrounded building. For that, MMA, jiu jitsu, or capoeira could be your style. 


If you're more of a melee assassin who likes to be in the thick of things for some reason, you might want to focus on an art for the fleet-footed that focuses on staying in your opponent's blind spot, like ba gua. 


If your weapon of choice is a sword, you'd want kendo or fencing, I should think. For projectiles, you could try to find an archery range, but the only thing I can think of for throwing knives is circus skills gyms. They'd give you a hand with acrobatics and balancing as well, if you're interested in that. Unfortunately, I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing as a ninjutsu academy. 


Instead of wanting a dragon, why not try to be a dragon? Could be fun ;) 

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Learning to breathe fire could be interesting. We've all seen people breathe fire in circus acts and whatnot. We've also seen people use a martial art for self-defense or fighting. Has anyone ever incorporated the two in the thick of a fight? That would be quite a sight.


Jiu jitsu is something I've actually considered, so your recommendation pretty much solidifies that for me. I'll do some research and find a place near me. I live in New York City so it shouldn't be too difficult.


This weekend I'm starting with the bodyweight training. Just for shits and giggles I tried doing a pull-up the other day and could barely do one. I have my work cut out for me. I lack sufficient protein in my diet. I'm Italian so I eat a lot of pasta, which I severely need to stop. I can eat a pound of pasta in one sitting - and I barely gain weight from it. It makes it exceedingly difficult for me to be bulk up. I realized I don't need to do that though. Having a slimmer and muscular figure with more of a capacity for speed and stealth is more important to me.



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