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GreekFootJeff's log - Joy, Suffering, and Bacon

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First post! I'll be tracking food consumed and workout activity.

11 October 2010


-3 strips bacon

-3 eggs

-half an onion + mushrooms cooked in the bacon fat

-smoothie: frozen mixed berries (blueberries, marionettes, raspberries, blackberries), frozen strawberry, half an avocado, spoonful of full fat greek yogurt, almond milk

-snacked on pecans and almonds mid-morning


Beef and barley soup (from the Rotunda Cafe)

-snacked on some pecans


-Beef chunks cooked in chicken broth and sesame oil, with onions and broccoli

-protein shake - almond milk, 27g vanilla whey protein

-smoothie: (see above)


CrossFit - as many rounds in 15 mins:

4 pushups (Rx: strict pushups, no mods)

8 burpees (Rx: strict pushups, no mods)

12 squats

Results - 10 complete rounds + 4 pushups (strict pushups, no mods), Rx

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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12 October 2010


-2 strips bacon

-4 eggs

-half an onion + mushrooms cooked in the bacon fat

-smoothie: frozen mixed berries (blueberries, marionettes, raspberries, blackberries), frozen strawberry, half an avocado, spoonful of full fat greek yogurt, almond milk

-snacked on pecans and almonds mid-morning


(Leftover from last night's dinner)

Beef chunks cooked in chicken broth and sesame oil, with onions and broccoli

-snacked on some pecans


-Ground pork w/ onions and scrambled eggs

-Baked yams

-Protein shake - almond milk + ~27g whey protein


*4x hill repeats-

0.8km Hill run, slow pace at first, then sprint last 50 meters

jog/walk down the hill after each run

*One-man dance party in front of my mirror (updated iPod music/playlist)

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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13 October 2010


-3 strips bacon

-3 eggs

-half an onion + mushrooms cooked in the bacon fat

-smoothie: frozen mixed berries (blueberries, marionettes, raspberries, blackberries), frozen strawberry, half an avocado, spoonful of full fat greek yogurt, almond milk


-Leftovers from last night: ground pork w/ onions and scrambled eggs; baked yam wedges


-protein shake - almond milk + 27g whey protein

- ground beef w/ onions and scrambled eggs; baked yam wedges


*Interval runs - 800m intervals @ 6:15 pace, 1minute jog between intervals, repeat 5X

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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Coincidentally, the other day I had chocolate covered bacon, maple bacon ice cream, and yellow cake w/ chocolate icing and a ring of bacon around the bottom.

That sounds like sex in my mouth. om nom nomz!

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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14 October 2010


-3 strips bacon

-3 eggs

-1 pork breakfast sausage

-half an onion + mushrooms cooked in the bacon fat

-smoothie: frozen mixed berries (blueberries, marionettes, raspberries, blackberries), frozen strawberry, half an avocado, spoonful of full fat greek yogurt, almond milk


-Leftovers from last night: ground beef w/ onions and scrambled eggs; baked yam wedges

-1 medium slice combo pizza (didn't eat crust)

-5-10ish red grapes

-snacked on cashews


-baked chicken w/ baby spinach


Rest day!

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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15 October 2010


-3 strips bacon

-1 pork breakfast sausage

-3 eggs

-half an onion + mushrooms cooked in the bacon fat

-smoothie: frozen mixed berries (blueberries, marionettes, raspberries, blackberries), frozen strawberry, half an avocado, almond milk


small beef chili (from Rotunda Cafe)


-protein shake - almond milk + 27g whey protein

-3 baked chicken drumsticks (leftovers from yesterday's dinner) w/ baby spinach

-smoothie - 3 frozen strawberries, spoonful greek yogurt, half an avocado, almond milk




21-15-9 for time:

Power cleans --> Did 45kg (Rx: 60kg/44kg)

Ring dips --> Did elastic band assisted dips for "21" set, then negatives for "15" and "9" sets

Time --> 15:10

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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16 October 2010


-2 strips bacon

-2 pork breakfast sausage

-3 eggs

-mushrooms cooked in the bacon fat

-smoothie: 4 frozen strawberries, half an avocado, almond milk

-snacked on cashews

-post-run smoothie - frozen strawberries, 27g whey protein, almond milk


-3 baked chicken drumsticks




*Interval runs, 1000m intervals, 6:20 pace, repeat 4x

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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17 October 2010


-bacon + eggs + sausage

-half an onion + mushrooms cooked in bacon fat

-smoothie: frozen strawberry, half an avocado, almond milk

-snacked on a banana


Ground pork+beef w/ chopped carrots, onions, green onions

-snacked on almonds+walnuts


-see lunch

-smoothie: mixed berries (blue/black/raspberries, marionettes), strawberries, spoonful greek yogurt, almond milk



(Though I did carry that heavy box of Costco stuff and groceries from my car to my apartment)

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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18 October 2010


-bacon + eggs+ sausage

-half an onion + mushrooms cooked in the bacon fat

-smoothie: frozen mixed berries (blueberries, marionettes, raspberries, blackberries), half an avocado, spoonful of full fat greek yogurt, almond milk


-ground beef + pork w/ onions, carrots, and green onions

-snacked on almonds and walnuts


-bacon + eggs w/ onions and mushrooms

-post-workout banana


CrossFit - "Isabel

30 snatches for time (Rx: 60/44kg)

time - 6:11

weight - 35kg

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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19 October 2010


-bacon + eggs + mushrooms

-smoothie: frozen mixed berries (blueberries, marionettes, raspberries, blackberries), half an avocado, spoonful of full fat greek yogurt, almond milk



-snacked on almonds and walnuts




Long run - 45 minutes

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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Gah, don't you hate it when life happens and you can't update your logs? Not gonna continue with the food logs...too tedious. But rest assured, the consumption of bacon prevails!

22 October 2010

CrossFit "3 for 1"

Darcia: AMRAP 8 mins (did 1 round + 13 TGU + 27 squats)

13 turkish get ups (used 25lb dumbell)

31 body squats

Rest 2 mins

Kathryn: AMRAP 8 min (did 2 rounds + 1 hill)

1 hill run (100m)

33 pushups

Rest 1 min

Tony: AMRAP 10min (did 5 rounds + 1 deadlift)

3 deadlifts

6 burpees

9 knees to elbows

26 October 2010

10 rounds for time:

4 pushups

8 burpees

12 squats

time: ~13min

jumprope for 15 mins

practiced double-unders and criss-cross technique

27 October 2010

CrossFit "The 40/40"

For time:

40 handstand pushups (modification: mountain-butt pushups)

40 front squats (40kg, only did 26 reps - collar bone pain)

time: 12:20

29 October 2010

CrossFit "Little Annie Brewster"

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:

Double unders


Burpees (modification: 25-20-15-10-10 reps - wrist pain)

time: 20:xx (can't remember seconds...will update later)

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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1 November 2010

CrossFit "Ced is Dead"

For time:

1 mile run

then 3 rounds of:

27 double unders

27 knees to elbows

27 wall balls (used 14lbs)

27 burpees

27 kettlebell swings (used 35lbs)

time: 42:58

My ass got kicked...hard...

...and I LOVED it! :twisted:

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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5 Nov 2010


Jumprope for 10 minutes

10 dislocates

10 overhead squats with stick

10 situps

10 dips (did negatives on gymnastic rings)

10 ring rows

10 Supermans

10 Box jumps (used 24 box)

CrossFit - "Penalty Box"

For time:

100 Overhead Squats (Rx: 35/25kg) (used 30kg)

Every minute, on the minute, do 10 box jumps (Rx: 24/12) (started using 24 box, but switched to 12 about halfway through)

Time: 22:57

This WOD SUCKED...and not in the good way. My hands, some of my forearms, and some of my upper right arm/shoulder started going numb. As I type this, I can't feel my thumbs hitting the keyboard, and it's hard to control my wrists and forearm muscles. I hope this doesn't last long! My right quad is also sore as a Mother Hubbard! I usually don't get sore until at LEAST 24 hours later. I'm hoping I didn't injure something!

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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Guest Carjack

I see you've discovered overhead squats.

Discovering overhead squats by doing 100 means using (and abusing) a range of motion you're not used to.

You'll be sore for longer than usual doing things you're not yet used to.

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8 November 2010

CrossFit - "Karen"

For time:

150 Wall Balls (Rx: 20/14lb medicine ball)

-used 14lb medicine ball

-time: 14:11

Note: Having trouble thrusting ball up without resorting to a movement like shooting a basketball. The back-roll of the medicine ball was killing my rep standards. Fingers/palms were sore immediately afterward and continued for a day or two.

Dear Wall Balls and Burpees,

You suck. Hard.



"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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11 November 2010

15 minutes of jump rope practice - varying tempo, practiced double-unders, criss-crosses, boxer shuffle, running-man, etc.

Five rounds of

50-40-30-20-10 reps of:


"hollow body" (static hold where arms and legs make a "V" shape) for (rep number) seconds


(for example, first round was: 50 double-unders, 50 seconds holding a hollow body, 50 burpees, etc.)

Wasn't shooting for time, but took note anyway - 28:08. Also, during the first round, I set a personal best for consecutive double-unders: 26! w00t!

To all the servicemen and servicewomen past and present: Thank You! Happy Veterans day! :D

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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22 November 2010

I'm beginning Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength program today! The program: three workouts per week, on non-consecutive days. I'll be doing the generic Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Alternate between workout A and workout B every time you hit the weight room.

Workout A

3x5 Squat

3x5 Bench Press

1x5 Deadlift

Workout B

3x5 Squat

3x5 Press

5x3 Power cleans


to gain 5-10lbs of lean muscle mass

deadlift 1.5x my own bodyweight. As of right now, I'm ~140lb/~64kg x1.5 = ~211/~96kg

overhead press 40kg

squat 70kg

snatch 40kg

bench 60kg

Lifting Log Format

Exercise Name

warmup #sets x #rep - weight


working #sets x #rep - weight


(optional)backoff #sets x #rep - weight

For today, I did Workout A plus a few of the other lifts (nothing more than the bar) to practice form and determine starting weights for each lift and some sprinting/stretching


Sprinted around a 1/9 track

Laps 1-4: sprint first half of lap, jog second half of track

Laps 5-10: sprint/jog, alternating every other lap


1x5 - 45lb (bar only)

2x5 - 50lb

2x5 - 55lb


3x5 - 55lb


1x5 - 45lb (bar only)


1x5 - 45lb (bar only)


3x5 - 65lb


1x5 - 45lb (bar only)

3x5 - 95lb


1x5 - 95lb

Practiced form (bar only) for overhead press, overhead squats, power cleans, and snatches

Overhead Squats

4x5 - 45lb (okay, okay, I know Mark says I'm not supposed to do anything but the listed exercises, but I love squatting! and I was practicing my form for snatches at the beginning of each set!)


I gotta work on my power cleans. I'm 80% sure I'm doing the entire movement correctly, it's just landing the bar on my collar bone that's a bitch! The innermost tip of my right collar bone (the "bump" it forms near my throat) protrudes more than that of my left collar bone. So whenever the bar lands there, I feel like the bar is going to crack my collar bone. Hmmm, I'll practice more at home with a broomstick or something. :?:

"Someone once told me the definition of Hell: Your last day on Earth, the person you become will meet the person you COULD HAVE become"

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