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Birbot's quest to avoid the terrifying ordeal of shopping for new pants

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Hello y'all,


I told a friend that I am struggling with my weight gain and need to eat less and exercise more in a way that is manageable with my work-centered life. She suggested I try out NF, so here I am.  It is getting to the point where I will need to buy new pants if I don't start losing some weight, and I truly hate shopping.  The combination of dealing with the terrible design of most women's pants (why such tiny pockets?!) and confronting my own insecurities is never fun.


About me: 33 y.o., used to be athletic, but now my life centers around work as a teacher in a struggling school, and I am not so good at taking care of myself. I used to struggle with depression and found that dedicating my life to serving others gives me a handy sense of purpose, but I may have taken that too far...I sometimes neglect basic self care.  I love to travel, be outdoors, ask questions and listen to answers, read, garden, hike, bike,  and make food to feed people.  


I am excited about the 4 week challenges as a way to keep focused on the small (but tough to hold to) changes to diet and exercise that I need to maintain to be on a better trajectory.  Also looking forward to stealing, ahem, learning from, other people's good ideas.  It really helps me keep on track if I have some accountability to others, so I hope I find that here. My big struggle is that I generally eat pretty healthy food, but just eat too much of it, and occasionally go crazy on chocolate or baked goods. However, since my Dad got diabetes I now only eat dessert socially, which helps with that.


Thanks for creating such a cool online space, and I look forward to following your quests!

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Welcome to the forums @Birbot! Sounds like you have many things in common with a of folks here. I would recommend figure out some nice small first steps to take now that you've recognized you want to change and throw them into a challenge thread! Good luck and make sure to ask questions. Loads of good people around here to give great answers. 

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