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Hello and thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

Quick background story: When i was a child, i was diagnosed as having an allergy. I kid you not, I was allergic to "Green Growing Things"...So needless to say, i rarely ate my veggies, as they would a) cause a reaction and B) i would throw up anything and everything. (Before I was diagnosed, my parents fed me over the toilet because they knew what was coming). Now, who knows if the Doc was a quack or what, but since that time, 20 some odd years later, I still don't eat veggies, but I (to my knowledge) do not have this allergy anymore.

The problem is I still tend to have a gag reflex to most vegetables, mostly due to the texture, and not the taste. I have even experienced this when eating an apple, though rarely.

I want to get into the Paleo Diet, but have no idea how, or where to begin with such a limited palette. My question to the Rebellion is what vegetables will be the easiest to disguise when cooked into other foods? Usually the crunch gives it away and sends a shock to my brain to close my throat and refuse to swallow any food coming its way.

Again, any help would be appreciated.


Edit: I guess it is too early for me, but I just noticed there is a forum for Paleo. If it's possible for a mod to move this, that would be great.

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You could always try with very small amounts of veggies and build up how much you can cope with. I've definitely found my pallette has changed over time, I used to despise brocolli but now I absolutely love it. If the crunch is putting you off try boiling your veggies a bit longer, the longer you boil them the softer they become. You lose some of the nutrition that way but anything is better than nothing. I'm not a huge fan of crunchy veg either can't stand raw/undercooked carrot but will happily eat it if it's nice and soft



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I'm in the completely other direction, can't eat veggies if they're not crunchy, but my family like them cooked. What they usually do is put them in the microwave for a few seconds (30-40). It keeps them tasting fresh, but removes all crunchiness. If you cut them up and add them into other food, I don't think they'll be noticeable.

Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.

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Spagetti sauce is good. Puree vegetales and place and tomato sauce and cook some more. Soup would be good. I would start by pureeing the veggies and adding them into the broth.Once you can eat that try adding a veggie and cook it in the soup until super soft. Also pureed carrots and parsnips from this recipe http://nomnompaleo.com/post/4105061950/carrot-parsnip-puree

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