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New and comparing Strength and Fitness Guides

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Hello everyone!

I'm a 28yo female who is 5'2" and fluctuates between 130 and 140lbs (some of that is water - yay bloating! - some is eating crap). Currently I'm more fat and less muscle than I'd like. I'm trying to gain muscle, strength, and endurance. As that happens, I hope I'll lose body fat as a side effect of training and also eating more quality foods (right?). I don't have a number on a scale, I have push ups and chin ups and endurance (and looking better naked) to aim for.

I'm trying to decide between the Strength Guide and the Fitness Guide. I'm beginner (and weak) enough that the NF beginner bodyweight circuit is tough, so I know I can be more fit in general. I'm reading Starting Strength now, but even thinking about lifting the 45lb bar sounds out of my reach for awhile. Also while practicing with a broomstick I learned that I need far more shoulder flexibility to hold the bar correctly on my back for squats etc. Lots of other beginner strength guides I've found also assume a level of strength I'm far from. I long for the day when I scoff at being able to do "only one chinup" but that day isn't soon.

That was kind of long-winded so basically, for the goals I'm aiming for and where I'm at physically, which would be the better guide to start with? Should I start with the Fitness one and graduate to the strength? Or is the Strength one geared enough for beginners with my goals?

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i started with the fitness guide cuz it helps get me conditioned up to the point I can DO the strength guide. who know that pushups could be so hard :) in a week I already got more balance and flexibility it is helping :)

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First off, welcome!

As to which will be of more interest to you, I normally suggest the Strength Guide, but if you've already got Starting Strength, I'd go with the Fitness Guide. It'll be a good prep workout while you read SS and research more about resistance training.

Good luck, and hope we can be of any assistance!


"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." --GK Chesterton

Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea...


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I bought the Fitness guide this weekend and did my first workout! It is exactly the kind of plan I was looking for. Thanks so much for your help!

Itzpapalotl is my name on Fitocracy too so come check out my progress if you like. My first workout from the Fitness guide (Rookie workout A) was 286 points! I can't wait until I'm strong enough to make each one 300 points. :eagerness:

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