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Lady of the Bog: Sweats Like an Orc, Lives like a Hobbit, and (hopes to) Look like an Elf

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Losing weight on a lift isn't necessarily a bad thing if your form won't let you go heavier. It means that you've been compensating with extra muscles. And sometimes you have to do that. Matter of fact, if you're doing the thing your training is for, then the body is prone to making all kinds of compensations and using extra muscles. But that needs to be saved for when it's necessary and used as sparingly as possible, or else you risk getting injured. A slow build with emphasis on form is way better than quick gainz and PRs any day of the week.


Anyway, I stopped by because I noticed you and remembered that you were the impetus behind the Group Healer thread, and you quote The Wheel of Time in your sig. Thus, I deduce that you are probably a pretty cool person. So I am going to follow you and root you on, from time to time. I hope that is all right. :)

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On 5/4/2018 at 2:18 PM, Kishi said:

Losing weight on a lift isn't necessarily a bad thing if your form won't let you go heavier. It means that you've been compensating with extra muscles. And sometimes you have to do that. Matter of fact, if you're doing the thing your training is for, then the body is prone to making all kinds of compensations and using extra muscles. But that needs to be saved for when it's necessary and used as sparingly as possible, or else you risk getting injured. A slow build with emphasis on form is way better than quick gainz and PRs any day of the week.


Anyway, I stopped by because I noticed you and remembered that you were the impetus behind the Group Healer thread, and you quote The Wheel of Time in your sig. Thus, I deduce that you are probably a pretty cool person. So I am going to follow you and root you on, from time to time. I hope that is all right. :)

hello! glad to have you following along :). keep me accountable! yes, love the wheel of time series! just finished the first book of the mistborn series last night and i am obsessed. have you read it? similar epic fantasy and clearly the brandon sanderson connection.


yes, hear you about the increasing weight and the slow build. i'm doing a four week series that increases intensity week by week and relies upon progressive overload. before pregnancy, baby, breastfeeding yadda yadda i did higher reps and to failure more often because my focus was a bit more on bodybuilding rather than strength. the program i'm doing right now has a nice mix, i think. i think i keep on "pr"ing because i've been pretty ginger (hehe, in more ways than one!) about my weights and i've never figured out my maxes (i'm thinking i may do this soon!). i need to break out my old prs before pregnancy because now, a year postpartum i feel like my body is no longer in a vulnerable state. well, except for the sleep deprivation!

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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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20 hours ago, ladyofthebog said:

hello! glad to have you following along :). keep me accountable! yes, love the wheel of time series! just finished the first book of the mistborn series last night and i am obsessed. have you read it? similar epic fantasy and clearly the brandon sanderson connection.


Yup! Started it because I needed a long read for a train ride. I'm still reading it and so far I think it's great! Love the idea of rebellion as a heist. :D


20 hours ago, ladyofthebog said:

yes, hear you about the increasing weight and the slow build. i'm doing a four week series that increases intensity week by week and relies upon progressive overload. before pregnancy, baby, breastfeeding yadda yadda i did higher reps and to failure more often because my focus was a bit more on bodybuilding rather than strength. the program i'm doing right now has a nice mix, i think. i think i keep on "pr"ing because i've been pretty ginger (hehe, in more ways than one!) about my weights and i've never figured out my maxes (i'm thinking i may do this soon!). i need to break out my old prs before pregnancy because now, a year postpartum i feel like my body is no longer in a vulnerable state. well, except for the sleep deprivation!


Ah, yeah. Could be newb gains. They are a thing. And if you don't know what your maxes are, then, yeah, you're gonna have an easy time getting better lifts. I'm actually a fan of that approach myself - back when I was lifting weights, I kept a set of microplates with me so that I would advance by a pound or so each session. Maddeningly slow, but great for getting PRs every time. :D


That being said, you are a new mom, you're going without sleep, and you're working part time at a job that sometimes requires some physical exertion. You bring all of that with you to the iron. The iron will help you as far as making you strong and resilient, but it's medicine against weakness, and if you dose yourself wrong at the wrong time... well. It is not ideal.


You know all that already, though, I'm sure. So please take this as friendly accountability. :)

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Day 17 and 18


Worked this weekend visiting patients. The sun was out and I drove about an hour out of town half way to the coast amid gorgeous countryside very  Hobbiton! Always take the back roads... philosophy of life. 


Yesterday, I ran a short bit w/ the baby. Today, I did a "cardio flow" from 80-day Obsession. It was a fun progression actually and I worked up a good sweat. I feel like I'm getting back in that groove where your body craves excercise every day.

I think my butt is getting bigger?  My forever quest... 


Tonight my husband and I are having a planning summit where we talk about the plan for the next two weeks. We have a whiteboard calendar that keeps things sane. We did this weekly for awhile and it was very helpful in keeping everything in order. Highly recommend for busy people with busy lives. We're going to watch Westworld or the Expanse tonight, too. Plz 



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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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6 hours ago, Kishi said:


Yup! Started it because I needed a long read for a train ride. I'm still reading it and so far I think it's great! Love the idea of rebellion as a heist. :D

! I thought mistborn started out slow but got significantly better second half. I think it would make great inspiration for a ranger quest! Burning metals and all that

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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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Day 19 and 20


Lifted yesterday PM. I find I have much less juice when I workout at night but it's the best for my schedule on Mondays so be it!

  • Conventional Deadlift 5 x 3 (155 lbs)
  • Bench Press 3 x 5 (75 lbs)
  • Goblet Reverse Lunge 2 x 8 (50 lbs)
  • Chest-Supported T-bar Row 3 x 8 (60 lbs)
  • Db 45-Degree Hyper 3 x 12 (w/ 10 lbs)
  • Knee-Banded Db Glute Bridge 3 x 20 (47.5 lbs)
  • Lateral Band Walk 3 x 20

Started breakfast and then when my husband woke up, went for a run this morning. It was fantastic to get out in the earlier morning hours. 


GEEZ ALSO: the child has slept through the night for two nights*! Who knew doing something would help! Below actual image of my husband and me.


* okay she woke up once at 4 am one night but then slept til 7 am and 530 am the other but I'll take it!

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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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Day 21

Babe continues to sleep. I've been feeding her around 500 am and she's been sleeping until 630-700 am. I really don't think I realized how much waking every 2-3 hours for the past year had effected me. I suddenly have energy! I even did yoga before the babe woke up yesterday.


Lifts from yesterday afternoon. I went to different gym than my usual and I felt so discombobulated.


Back Squat (3x5) @ 135 lbs (felt very strong w/ these but didn't add any weight, not sure if I am going to get to my goal by the end of the challenge of 155 lbs)

Hip Thrust w/ pause (3x10) @ 175 lbs (such a sweet burn in the glutes w/ this)

Military press (3x8-6) 50 lbs

Lying Leg curl (3x10) 50 lbs

Hip abductor (3x12) 160 lbs (more burn!!)


We're having dinner over at my in-laws tonight. I love that we are living close to both my parents and my husbands parents but wish they'd get along. I guess there was even tension in Hobbiton but wouldn't it be great if we could all get along? At least bbq together...


I'm going to see if following the end of this quest if my husband can go to the beach house w/ me and the babe. It's so glorious and beautiful there and we never get the gumption to get out there (well, because I work most weekends and my husband works much of the week... so there's a good reason). Soon the town will be full of tourists. I want to get out there while it's still quiet. The Oregon coast is majestic, wild, rocky, and so very very relaxing. There's even a shitty gym close to the house!



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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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I posted this pic in my challenge but I also want to keep track of the ole' meat suit:


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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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20 minutes ago, ladyofthebog said:

I'm going to see if following the end of this quest if my husband can go to the beach house w/ me and the babe. It's so glorious and beautiful there and we never get the gumption to get out there (well, because I work most weekends and my husband works much of the week... so there's a good reason). Soon the town will be full of tourists. I want to get out there while it's still quiet. The Oregon coast is majestic, wild, rocky, and so very very relaxing. There's even a shitty gym close to the house!


Go for it! My folks used to keep a camper out in the mountains on Lake James. Best times to go were when the place was just opening up and there weren't any bloody tourists. I hope y'all get out there while the gettin's good!

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On 5/10/2018 at 11:25 AM, Kishi said:


Go for it! My folks used to keep a camper out in the mountains on Lake James. Best times to go were when the place was just opening up and there weren't any bloody tourists. I hope y'all get out there while the gettin's good!

that sounds lovely! ooh, and i like the idea of a camper. i used to fantasize about living in an RV. are you a outdoors person? i grew up in a beach town so i very much know the scourge of tourist season. ugh, so we apparently have plans for the next two weeks but tentative plans for the following week.

Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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Day 22

Lifted today. I've been feeling good in my skin- strong and flexible. It was a beautiful day with my husband. My friend, Michelle, came over for dinner. We've been watching this show, 72 Cutest Animals, which there is much disagreement over. I'm convinced inconsistencies in ranking can be explained by cultural differences. The shows appears to be Australian and Australians have a particular taste. Probably from so much exposure to damn cute animals like wallabies and koalas. It does something to your cute meter, for sure.


I made lotion bars w/ shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax lavender, and frankincense for my sister's preggo belly. Such a simple recipe and it comes out so nice. Let me know if you'd like a recipe.

  • Sumo Deadlift 5 x 3 (155 lbs- increase from last week)
  • Bench Press 3 x 5 (75 lbs)
  • Db Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 6 (60 lbs- increase)
  • Elbows Out DB Row 3 x 10 (50 lbs-increase )
    • superset w/ regular DB Row (50 lbs)
  • Seated Hip Abduction 3 x 20 (increase- did the whole stack, felt a good burn)
  • Side Plank 2 x 40 seconds

I wanted a serious glute burn following the workout so i did a finisher of:

  • 1 minute: alternating deficit reverse lunges w/ 25 pounds
  • 1 minute: kettlebell swing w/ 30 pounds
  • 1 minute: goblet squat w/ 25 pounds
  • 1 minute: sumo deadlift iso hold w/ 25 pounds
  • 1 minute: glute bridge w/ 25 pounds
  • 1 minute: alternating plies w/ 10 pounds on leg

This was a killer, killer finisher. I rested 15 seconds between each move. I love getting that pump and burn!





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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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12 hours ago, ladyofthebog said:

that sounds lovely! ooh, and i like the idea of a camper. i used to fantasize about living in an RV. are you a outdoors person?


Not as much as I might sound. :D Used to go camp a lot, and I do think the outdoors are pretty great, but with the job and the martial arts and such being things I have to consider all the time, it's really hard to get out and make that happen.

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Day 23, 24, and 25

Mother's day this weekend! I ate a bit of cake on Sunday but otherwise ate pretty well. Still not tracking and still on the fence about it. I'd like to have some way of measuring my progress. I mean, obviously I track my lifts but I do a cyclic program so they aren't the best indication. Plus, my plan is to return to a bodybuilding schedule after a few more cycles of my current lifts. I'm thinking I may start tracking my measurements as an indication. Weight isn't a good metric for me as my goal is to put on muscle rather than lose fat at this point. 


I went on walks this weekend but didn't workout at all. I'm thinking I may add in another lift day into my schedule particularly because I think I am *finally* ready to bring my daughter to the gym daycare. I think we are squarely out of germ season now and, hey, it's inevitable. The child isn't a bubble girl! OH GOSH AND SHE CONTINUES TO SLEEP! It's wonderful! She is an absolute joy these days. A happy, healthy babe is the greatest blessing.


I did a cardio beach body workout (21 day fix) this afternoon. I have a subscription to their streaming service and i do find their workouts effective for getting sweaty. I do think the pyramid scheme of coaches is pretty creepy but I also am sympathetic to people who do it. I understand a lot of people who are coaches are in the unfortunate position of having a life where they can't work out of the home (ie often moms) and are trying to find income streams that they can do from home. In this country right now it's hard to be a one parent income household and people are trying to hustle however they can. That said, I'm pretty fed up with having friends constantly try to sell me beach body drinks, leggings, essential oils, yadda yadda. I digress.


This week may be a bit crazy because my husband has a presentation at work. Going to try to get in my gym time despite the hectic!




Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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On 5/12/2018 at 9:16 AM, Kishi said:


Not as much as I might sound. :D Used to go camp a lot, and I do think the outdoors are pretty great, but with the job and the martial arts and such being things I have to consider all the time, it's really hard to get out and make that happen.

yes, feel you. one of my challenge goals was to go on a weekly hike and i'm finding it the hardest to hit.

Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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I just checked the new months Strong by Bret program and it's a hip thrust specialization program. STOKED!!!! This is going to be killer!

Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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Day 25 Addendum

 So, I just can't quit you gym. Though I did a HIIT video this morning anticipating that I wouldn't be able to make it to the gym tonight, I ended up being able to go. Sleeping feels so darn amazing after a year and change of nighttime parties with the wee one. Soon I'll stop yammering on about sleep but that day is not today.

 Didn't really feel like going to the gym tonight but I got the gumption and I'm glad I did.


So excited for this new workout program. For the next 4-6 weeks I'll be running an undulated peroidization program w/ a focus on glute hypertrophy. I added in a few extra deltoid lifts from the program today because I want to pump out my shoulder caps.


(technically deload week)

Barbell Hip Thrust 3 x 10 @ 135 lbs

Push Press 5 x 5 @ 45 lbs

Heels Elevated Goblet Squat 3 x 10 @ 30 lbs

  • superseted w/ 5 pound bent lateral raises 3x15

Lat pull down 3x 10 60 lbs

Incline overhead press 3 x 10 @ 45 lbs

Bodyweight 45-degree Hyperextension 3 x 30

Knee-Banded Fire Hydrant 3 x 15


GLUTE BURN OUT (FIREEEEEE)-- each exercise done with 15 second rest between

1 min: alternating reverse lunge (20 lbs)

1 min: goblet squat (20 lbs)

1 min: dumbbell deadlift (20lbs each hand)

1 min: glute bridge (25 lbs)

1 min: glute bridge single leg

1 min: clams


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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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4 hours ago, fitnessgurl said:

Keep going! :)

thank you! i'm feeling motivated and i must fight that urge of, "it's all working. better stop doing what's working because it's working" (thank you, brain!).

Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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Day 26

 Not much to mention today only that I had a relatively shitty day and was able to recover from it to make it a just pretty okay day. I did twenty minutes of yoga until the Rowboat (ie my daughter) decided that yoga time is better yet crawl all over mama time. I went on a few walks today and made DANK chicken in the instant pot. How I love this device- it makes cooking to easy and quick! I made honey garlic chicken, lemon quinoa w/ peas and a salad in the space of... thirty minutes? AMAZING.


Tomorrow is a new workout B. I also picked up a shift at work because another nurse is out on vacation and I work for a TINY company. I don't ever work during the week (I'm on call weekend staff) so it'll be a trip having a full office at my disposal!  Anyways, it's good to be service and, of course, to be paid. Packed my gym bag tonight so that I can rush off to the gym as soon as I am done with patient visits. I am determined to get into the gym.


Thank you for everybody who takes to read these missives to the ether. Keeps me accountable.


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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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12 hours ago, ladyofthebog said:

How I love this device- it makes cooking to easy and quick! I made honey garlic chicken, lemon quinoa w/ peas and a salad in the space of... thirty minutes? AMAZING.


I love it for the quick clean up myself. I don't have a dishwasher where I stay, so the less dishes I have to do, the better. IP definitely helps with that!


12 hours ago, ladyofthebog said:

I don't ever work during the week (I'm on call weekend staff) so it'll be a trip having a full office at my disposal!


Sounds like back when I used to work in the restaurant biz on night shift coming in to work a morning shift. So weird!


Anyway. Get thee to the gym!

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16 hours ago, ladyofthebog said:

Thank you for everybody who takes to read these missives to the ether. Keeps me accountable.


If there's one thing Nerd Fitness has taught me, it's that 50% of the accountability battle can be heralded by our friends and community.

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[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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16 hours ago, ladyofthebog said:

DANK chicken

Dank chicken? What is this. And recipe please. I need more instant pot goodness.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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7 hours ago, Azukmul gro-Dragnar said:

I used to let the dog roam my gym before he had epilepsy, and he always made training more interesting.  I'd imagine mommy/daughter yoga would be along the same vein.  

Also, really curious how she got the designation "Rowboat".

gosh, aren't dogs the best? sometimes i like to think about all the dogs on the planet right now just soaking up life, stoked. it's a nice thought. Rowboat isn't all that interesting of a story- her name is Rowan- so every iteration of Ro makes sense- Rowboat, Robot, and so on.

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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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5 hours ago, Elastigirl said:

Dank chicken? What is this. And recipe please. I need more instant pot goodness.

ooh, yes! i will share when i have more of a free moment. in fact, i want to start a recipe thread as i'm always cooking and cook relatively healthy meals. maybe we should start a thread for instant pot recipes? just thinking about that darling device makes me grin.

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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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