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TL:DR version:




Long version:


"Pokemon Red’s map isn’t based on present-day Tokyo, it’s based on the pre-sprawl Tokyo of the 1960s. The towns that are connected by forests and rivers in the Pokemon world are connected by concrete and bullet trains in our world." (Brad O'Farrell, https://www.polygon.com/2015/4/10/8339935/pokemon-new-york-tokyo-paris")


I used to play the Pokemon games religiously as a child; but it wasn't until I was almost ready to graduate college for the first time that I realized every town in the Pokemon red, blue, and yellow series of games is based off of a real-world location in Japan. Take Pallet Town for example. Pallet Town is based off of Satoshi Taijri's hometown from the 1960's (see below).


I then thought to myself "If every town in the video game is based off of a real-world location, and it takes a little more than two hours to complete the game, how long would it actually take walking from one town to the next in the real world?"




I put a couple of weeks worth of effort into studying Google Maps and Bulbapedia and deduced that it would take a person an approximate distance of 907 km (563.5 mi) to cover Pallet Town (Shizuoka City) all the way to Fuchsia City (Tateyama City) covering the same storyline (minus side quests) covered in the video game. More to come on how I calculated all of this.


The official city wikipedia page states that Taijri based the fictional Pallet Town off of Machida City where he grew up as a child. On the same note, Bulbapedia.com states that Pallet Town corresponds to Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan in the real world. 


Shimoda City Pallet Town 0
Hakone Town Viridian City 90.1 km
Okuchichibu Mts. Viridian Forest 99.5 km
Maebashi City Pewter City 99.8 km
Mount Akagi Mt. Moon 19.6 km
Tsuchiura City Cerulean City 125.0 km
Yokohama City Vermilion City 96.3 km
Tsuchiura City Cerulean City 96.3 km
Mt. Fuji Rock Tunnel 38.2 km
Narita City Lavender Town 78.8 km
Shinjuku City Celadon City 62.9 km
Marunouchi Saffron City 7.0 km
Shinjuku City Celadon City 7.0 km
Tateyama City Fuchsia City 86.5 km
Oshima Island Cinnabar Island 0.0 
? Indigo Plateau





This journal is meant to keep me motivated to exercise. A blend of the old with the new. A new take on the video games I loved and left behind years ago. :lol:  

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Goals for the remainder of May 2018:


  • Run / Jog a minimum of 1 mile each 7-day week.
  • Absolutely no sweet tea may be consumed for the month.
  • Initiate a short conversation with 1 member or employee at the YMCA or customer at work each 7-day week.





  • The video game does not allow bike riding until reaching Vermillion City (Yokohama). Bike riding is allowed before then but it will not count towards my total progress. The same rule applies to swimming.
  • Bridges, man-made rivers, traffic conditions, buildings, etc. etc. are not accounted for on Google Maps. This challenge only takes into account the shortest possible routes.



Baseline statistics:


Best 5k 36 m 5 sec
Pre-workout HR 90 BPM
Longest jog @ 4.0 mph 12.341 km
Longest jog @ 5.5 mph 3.523 km

74.2 kg

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May 2nd, 2018

On the path from Pallet Town to Viridian City.


5.106 miles (8.217 km)

702 calories

Average pace: N/A


I registered 517 calories yesterday by the 3.99 mile mark at a constant speed of 2.6 for the most part. Today I hit 526 calories by the 3.90 mark at variable speeds. Interesting.



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May 4th, 2018


5.60 miles (9.012 km)

787 calories


Dear future self reading this,

Do better about your breakfasts. There was oatmeal in the cabinet and apples in the fridge but you chose Cap'n Crunch, trail mix, and a cherry danish. You can do better than that and you know it. 

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Mount Mihara, an active volcano on Izu Oshima Island (part of a cluster of islands near Japan) erupted in 1986.


Nintendo referenced this event after Pokemon generation 1 games red, blue, and yellow. Cinnabar Island is an accessible town in the first series of games but is referred to as "The ravaged town of the past" in later installments.


May 5th, 2018


4.22 miles (6.791 km)

592 calories

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Hey it's all good! I believe in YOU! And seriously you're still doing great!!!


The most important thing is, how do you feel?

“The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say 'no' — they may not be smart enough to say 'yes.” - Keith Olbermann

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On 5/13/2018 at 12:08 PM, Amazon Ninja said:

Hey it's all good! I believe in YOU! And seriously you're still doing great!!!


The most important thing is, how do you feel?


Well, since I got new running shoes my lower calf muscles were screaming in pain after my runs but my body has adapted and I feel no more pain after running :lol:

I like the Keith Olbermann quote on your signature. This forum is filled with so many great quotes.


May 14, 2018


5.56 miles (8.947 km)

535 calories






The good news: I have completed 44.78 km of the 90.1 km necessary to finish stage 1.


The bad news: I failed to notice that in the Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow games, it will not let the player progress with the story if they do not go back to Pallet Town to deliver Professor Oak's parcel. That is another 180.2 km possibly added on if I decide to strictly stick to the game's story line. 

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I'm glad you like my signature! I've always liked Mr. Olbermann but this quote has helped me a lot in college. 

That's great that you're not in any more pain cause of your shoes!!! 

Also, your Pokemon skills are still impressive to me. I've tried to play Pokemon but I could never get past particular levels...so I went straight to the pokemon mangas and tv shows ;) How do you compare the games to the show/manga?


So drink lots of water, train safe, and continue to do great cause you are GREAT!

Image result for pokemon gif Related image

“The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say 'no' — they may not be smart enough to say 'yes.” - Keith Olbermann

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4 hours ago, Amazon Ninja said:

I'm glad you like my signature! I've always liked Mr. Olbermann but this quote has helped me a lot in college. 

That's great that you're not in any more pain cause of your shoes!!! 

Also, your Pokemon skills are still impressive to me. I've tried to play Pokemon but I could never get past particular levels...so I went straight to the pokemon mangas and tv shows ;) How do you compare the games to the show/manga?


So drink lots of water, train safe, and continue to do great cause you are GREAT!


PIKACHU!! The Pokemon franchise has been going on for so long now; Pikachu should be able to lift Sandshrew with his pinky finger by now because he/she's been training for 20 years.


I was in the bathroom getting ready for a job interview I was going to (I didn't get the job) and then I saw the notification of your encouraging post on my phone....so oddly enough that's great timing there. Thanks, haha.


On a separate note there is an app I have been using called "Lose it!" What's different about it is that the app lets me scan the bar code on a box of food or look up specific items (e.g. apple) and it automatically registers the calories on my food log. It also divides a set number of calories for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks based on my age and weight.



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I'm glad my post was able to lend you inspiration. :) Also, thank you so much for the tip about "Lose It!" You're miles are very impressive! The 6.02 miles!!! Oh Wow!!! Talk about inspirational. :) 

Also, the cat on the treadmill is great!

As you continue to do great, Rise and Slay!


“The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say 'no' — they may not be smart enough to say 'yes.” - Keith Olbermann

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@Amazon Ninja

lol...I didn't run for all of the 6 miles (I'm not sure if that's what you meant) but thank you anyway. Those are some seriously sharp claws on that kitten! Really adorable.


May 21st, 2018


5.95 miles (9.575 km)

630 calories


All for nothing up to this point. A job application of mine was turned down recently so I decided to stuff my face with potato chips, sugar, and butter cookies to feel better. This stinks. I must do better. 

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May 23rd, 2018


7.15 miles (11.506 km)

Calories: N/A


I stepped on the scale at the YMCA today before I got on the treadmill. It said 163 lbs before I began this challenge but now it reads 159 lbs today. I think I did something wrong when I weighed myself the first time because I haven't lost any belly fat yet. It doesn't even look like it.

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May 29th, 2018


5.05 miles (8.127 km)

Calories: 565


Note to future self and passers by: "The total mileage per workout is NOT completely spent running. My time spent running versus speed-walking varies from workout to workout."

All in all a horrible day. My body did not feel like exercising.




I have officially made it to Viridian City!!!

A total of 55.979 miles (or 90.1 kilometers).


Start of journey:  May 1st, 2018


Average mileage: 1.930 miles / day


1 / 14 phases complete.







I currently stand at 58.677 miles on the challenge. Next up is Viridian Forest.


Picking up Professor Oak's parcel from the Mart and delivering it to him would add another 180.2 km to my challenge. I wrote in my very first post here that I would not be completing side quests. If Oak wants his secret package badly enough he can pick it up himself.




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Congrats on your mile accomplishment!!! I'm sooo happy for you! You're doing great and I can't wait to hear/read more of your success. 

  • Thanks 1

“The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say 'no' — they may not be smart enough to say 'yes.” - Keith Olbermann

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June 1st should have been another day of running but I had to stay late at work which, in turn, wrecked all of my plans. 


Bonus Fact 1: It takes 109 Japanese Yen to equal 1 American dollar (currently).


Bonus Fact 2: For the past 2 months I have been trying to learn more and more Japanese but am struggling to stay motivated. In my dream last night someone spoke a sentence to me in Japanese, which has never happened before. At least my subconscious mind is still retaining the knowledge, haha!


More logging to come... 

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2 weeks since I've last posted. I haven't ran on the treadmill....actually I haven't ran at all......maybe to the fridge, if that counts.


My last 2 brain cells after failing to motivate me to run these weeks:




But it hasn't all been doom and gloom! For the past 2 weeks I've been weight training on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday's and supplementing after every work out with whey protein powder, which surprisingly enough, does not taste as horrible as it did in the past when I first experimented with it.


This coming week I am going to get back on the horse and start running again. I want to keep weight training but still find time to incorporate running into my schedule.


Future reference:

How much I am currently able to lift at the time of writing:


Bench Press Max: 75 lbs. x 12-14 reps x 1 set

Bicep Curl Machine Max: 60 lbs. x 13-15 reps x 1 set

Lat Pull-down Machine Max: 90 lbs. x 10-12 reps x 1 set

Leg Press Machine Max: 110 lbs. x 10-12 reps x 1 set


I am going to come back to this reference in the future to see how I have improved.

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On 6/1/2018 at 9:20 PM, Rubik'sCat said:

June 1st should have been another day of running but I had to stay late at work which, in turn, wrecked all of my plans. 


Bonus Fact 1: It takes 109 Japanese Yen to equal 1 American dollar (currently).


Bonus Fact 2: For the past 2 months I have been trying to learn more and more Japanese but am struggling to stay motivated. In my dream last night someone spoke a sentence to me in Japanese, which has never happened before. At least my subconscious mind is still retaining the knowledge, haha!


More logging to come... 

I've also tried to learn Japanese! My Japanese friend just moved back to Japan (I seriously miss him :(). He said to watch Japanese shows with Japanese captions! That way you're watching and learning the language. From there find someone from Japan and speak with them. Best advice I've ever gotten (language wise).

“The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say 'no' — they may not be smart enough to say 'yes.” - Keith Olbermann

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31 minutes ago, Amazon Ninja said:

I've also tried to learn Japanese! My Japanese friend just moved back to Japan (I seriously miss him :(). He said to watch Japanese shows with Japanese captions! That way you're watching and learning the language. From there find someone from Japan and speak with them. Best advice I've ever gotten (language wise).

 Thanks for the advice! I really enjoy watching shows like One Punch Man. Unfortunately I have to learn all of the Japanese characters to read the captions because they don't use the English alphabet but I'm getting there. 

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Tajiri & Sugimori (the creators of the Pokemon franchise) needed an antagonist for their anime TV show and video games in the mid- to late 1990's. We all know what that antagonist is by now. It was Team Rocket. It has been theorized that the creators drew their inspiration for Team Rocket from the motorcycle gangs of Japan called "Bosozoku", which saw an enormous spike in popularity almost a decade after the second world war.

Japan's student culture is heavily influenced on school scores/grades. They influence who gets into college, and even effect ones career choices. Most high school graduates that barely scraped by or couldn't cut the college life and the few that dropped out of high school out were picked up by the Bosozoku.

In season 1, episode 9 (School of Hard Knocks) of the Pokemon Franchise the antagonists Jesse and James remarked that they had scored very low on the Pokemon Trainer school's exams and dropped out. It is revealed in episode 36 (Bridge Bike Gang) of the same season that Jesse and James had joined a bicycle gang. As for the Meowth in the TV show, he was initially homeless before joining the gang.

(Credit: Bulbapedia)


I have decided to take a page from @Amazon Ninja and many others' playbooks (so thank ya'll for that) and plan my meals for the week ahead of time to see if that makes a difference in my eating habits because my eating habits have been horrible lately. 



  • TBD



  • Salad with grilled chicken breast (tuna is optional), baby mushrooms, broccoli, chopped up cheese. 
  • Water or Powerade.



  • Nature Valley 2-piece Crunchy Granola Bar.



  • TBD
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I actually forgot all about posting my previous walk & run on June 2nd. It was 7.17 miles (11.539 km).


June 18th, 2018


4.70 miles (7.563 km)

Calories: N/A


Ran: 3.06 miles

Speed-walked / Walked: 1.64 miles


I've been stuck in Viridian City for all of June so far. 

40.108 miles (64.5 km) until I reach Viridian Forest. B)


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June 20th, 2018


4.56 miles (7.339 km)

I experimented with HIIT training today.


In my second post in this thread I noted my best 5k time was 36 minutes 5 seconds (see above).


This is where it is now:



My average heart was apparently zero, too. Am I able to outrun death now?


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