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Uh, hi all!


Figured I'd draw upon Gauntlet : Dark Legacy for my introduction, especially since I plan to spec Warrior class all the way XD


My story is probably one you have heard before, but it goes like this:


I played basketball in high school and through college, and didn't really worry about what I ate. I was active enough that I was able to burn off any of the junk food I ate.


I graduated college in 2015, and accepted a job as a software engineer at an insurance company. So of course, I am sitting for 9-10 hours a day for work, and then a good portion of my night is sitting at home playing video games. I have been off and on with dieting and working out since then, usually with me going really intense through it for a couple months, and then slacking off for the next 4 months.


I am 6'5", and now weigh 285 lbs. Just came back from a vacation in the Bahamas, and realized I didn't like what I saw in the vacation pictures. Not only that, but I've been noticing that my stamina is not where it used to be, and even a light jog gets me breathing heavy. The final straw I think for me looking myself in the eye and saying "this has to change" is when I started getting a belly and having that little line of sweat underneath. Ooph, that hit home. Too much information? Probably. but it underlines the exclamation mark that at 26 years old, this is not the foundation I want to have for growing older, and starting a family, with a bunch of little warriors of my own.


I have never joined a forum or group like this before, because I am always afraid I will let the group down. It was easy to slack off on my routine when I was alone, and didn't have anyone checking in on me to see me eat that 2nd package of oreos when I should have been at the gym. But after coming across this community, it resonated with me, and I am ready to take the plunge into documenting my progress, and hopefully getting some feedback on what I can do to improve (and hopefully some encouragement too!)


For a plan, well...I have tried Paleo before, and really liked it. It was pretty straight-forward on what I could eat, and the food was easy(ish) to prepare. I will be getting back to the gym (first goal is 3 times a week) doing powerlifting, focusing on bench press, deadlift, squats, and overhead press. 


My overall goal is to  shrink this belly (and that underbelly sweat :D), drop some weight, and get back to being active. I now weigh 285 lbs, and would like to get down to 255 lbs. 


For first step, I will be joining the next Warrior challenge!!! Very excited to post progress on what I am doing, and help others do the same.


Hi everyone! :)

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We should never be afraid of doing something new because we're afraid of letting the group down. This is something I struggle with myself a lot of the time but am working to overcome. We are all fighting to improve against yesterday's self, not trying to live up to the world's preconceived notions of who we "should be" or what we "should look like". If you lose 30 lbs; be proud, if you lose only 1 lb. who can say you shouldn't be proud of that?


Hi and welcome. I enjoy meeting new people here. :fat:

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