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Morning everyone!


My name is Kristie.  I'm 39 (god, how did that happen?), Canadian, and I work as the resident office administrator for an oilfield company.


I'm a generalist, nerd-wise.  I can't say I'm super interested in most of the nerdy Gold Standards like Star Wars or Star Trek or Doctor Who or any of the rest of it.  That isn't to say I actively dislike them either, I'll watch them if they're on at the same time as the tv (which isn't often!), but television shows and movies aren't my jam.  I like video games, but only ones that have single player campaigns so I don't have to play online and have an easy button because while I enjoy video games, I am not very good at them and have little time or patience for developing that skill! :lol:  I like comic books and was really into Marvel around the time of the Skrull invasion, new X-Force, Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men, that rough time period, but sort of slipped away after that because the marketing got so aggressive I was starting to have stress over missing issues (I buy trade paperbacks only) and that isn't good.  I also used to do written online role play but haven't even done that for a while.


I guess I'm an old nerd, now.


Where my nerdery really kicks in is with dogs.  I love dogs.  I am a Dog Nerd.  I have two dogs currently, one male and one female vizsla.  My male, Rigel (rhymes with Nigel), is four years old and is a retired performance dog who decided the performance life just wasn't for him.  He did not enjoy it at all.  Before he retired we got his conformation (show) championship, his Canine Good Neighbour certificate, his rally obedience novice title, and his novice trick dog title.  My female, Blink, is almost two years old and she's shaping up to be the performance dog her brother has no interest in being.  She's gorgeous, she's an absolute demon in the field looking for birds, and she enjoys every minute of training and working in public.  She is a riot and I can't wait for next month when she debuts in the field and then for December when she returns to the show ring.  I'm a science-based, positive trainer and I train ALL the time.  Good thing my dogs love it!


I could talk about dogs All.  Day.  But I won't!  Because that isn't why we're here.  


I guess I need to talk about me now.  I don't like talking about me all that much.  Can't I talk more about dogs?


No?  ... fine.


I'm overweight.  Quite overweight.  I've been varying degrees of pudgy for most of my adult life but right now I'm the fattest I've ever been, and by a long shot.  It sort of snuck up on me and I'm a little annoyed about it.  As far as self worth and my day to day life it doesn't affect much at this point, but I know if I stay this way inevitably it's going to.


See, on top of being overweight I'm also anxious, depressed, and have a thing called Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder that causes me a lot of grief.  So my extra chub is putting extra pressure on my extra jello-ish joints and is going to be a real issue if I don't get out in front of it.


So, here I am.  Working on the goals part of things, but figured I should say 'hi' before I forget to do it!

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Hey Kristie, welcome to the boards! :) Would love to chat dog stuff with you sometime, have been thinking of trying agility with my little rescue chihuahua for structured play - maybe you could give me some recs for resources in yyc.


HSD sucks, but on the plus side, losing a bit of fat and incorporating strength training can only help! There are loads of different strategies/meal plans/workout programmes online, so poke about a bit and find something that interests you. The only extra piece of advice I can give is: do something today. Even if that's just 20 bodyweight squats before every meal and snack. Or aiming for at least 4-5 veg servings a day. The longer you put off action the harder it will be to start! (speaking from experience on that one ;)). 


See you 'round the forum.

...but I'm adorable! Ask anyone who doesn't know me...

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Hey!  Thanks for the welcome!  Totally open to talking dogs at any time - there are tons of great facilities in Calgary.  I wish I was closer (I'm in Red Deer), we'd be at classes all the time.   We trial and show there at least once a month through the summer but it's a lot of driving after work for classes.


Good tip!  I'm goal planning today while I meal plan.

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