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So sick of saying, "I mean it this time!"

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Hiiiiii :)

I'm Starfish, and in the past week I have quit smoking, set up an appointment with a shrink, cut sugar out of my diet for 30 days (save for nicotine gum), am beginning a strict paleo diet, and have started a serious strength training routine. It seems like a bunch to take on at once, but I figure why not just do it? There's nothing stopping me except my own scumbag brain (which I can beat if I just set my body to a routine), so why not take on a multi faceted challenge? If I, nay, when I succeed with my goals, I will have that much more to boast about to the naysayers in my life.

Did I mention there are naysayers? This isn't the first time I've had the "ZOMG I'M GOING TO CHANGE MY LIFE!!1!" moment and broadcast it to everyone I know, only for them to see me fall on my face a few weeks later and turn back into a slug. This time is different, I can feel it! I am so sick of saying I mean it this time; In a few months time I will be saying I told you so :devilish:!

As for my current fitness level, I'm starting out with a wee bit of ability...I've been strength training here and there for a few months so I know I am a little bit stronger, but I still have a long ways to go in my journey. My life and fitness goals are as follows:

  1. Be able to do at least 1 pull up in 30 days
  2. Continue on the path of a non-smoker (that's right, I refuse to even acknowledge smoking as something I once did. I am a NON-smoker, not an ex-smoker...I'm convinced this mindset has helped me have fewer cravings than I ever have while quitting, and power through the few that I do)
  3. Stick with strict paleo (no sugar/grains/alcohol) for at least 30 days; after 30 days I will reintroduce some alcohol, but will continue with basic paleo
  4. Work out 4x per week, every week for at least 2 months. NO EXCUSES. Just do it, stupid!
  5. Attend a Crossfit beginner class
  6. Begin planning and writing a science fiction novel with my roommate...coming soon to a Kindle near you!

Welly, that's about it! I am facing a few challenges: roommate smokes and drinks to excess often and I used to join him frequently, left knee is prone to soreness/injury and feels like it's starting to act up, I have little access to gym equipment. I now realize though, that I make my own decisions and set my own course in life. I cannot allow the influence of others to affect me, because I am my own person. This mantra has gotten me through a very painless first week of non-smoking, and will help keep me on track with my nutrition and fitness goals.

I should probably set up a doc appointment about the knee though...heh, I said "should"...time for 10 pushups!

Peace, and LET'S GO CAPS!


I'm the one in the picture without the giant orange beard, thankyouverymuch

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Tu, was du willst (Do What You Wish)
The Neverending Story, Michael Ende

My 2013 Challenge #1 is dedicated to Melissa Montag, 1975-2012. I Love you AnissaSis! :-)

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Thanks!! Oh, and I forgot to add - I am female, 25 years old, 5'3" and about 130 lbs. I am by no means overweight, just lacking in muscle and a little on the dough-y side. That must change. I want to be strong! Another goal of mine: I want to stop being insecure about my body. The past few months especially I have just felt really horribly about myself (hence the shrink appointment...), and it's starting to affect my overall mood and relationships. I'm betting (hoping) eating better and exercising will help loads with that...just so tired of feeling sub-par :/


I'm the one in the picture without the giant orange beard, thankyouverymuch

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Hey, Gonestarfishing, nice to meet you! I also just quit smoking not long ago and it was one of the best decisions i have made in my life so far. That is great that you are being so ambitious with Paleo, I think it is one of the main reasons I've been so successful so far so hopefully it will work for you too. If you ever have any questions or just need a kick in the butt don't be afraid to ask!

Well I guess it's only life, it's only natural We all spend a little while going down the rabbit hole

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Hey, Gonestarfishing, nice to meet you! I also just quit smoking not long ago and it was one of the best decisions i have made in my life so far...

Nice to meet you too! In my transformation I'm probably the most excited about being forever done with smoking. I've tried to stop more than a few times before but was never 100% committed. I would always envision myself in the future as still being a smoker! I have to say that it feels different this time. I'm positive that I'm in it 110% and it just feels right. I've barely had any cravings so far (I know that may change and get harder but I'm armed with nicotine gum!), and last weekend when someone offered me a lit cigarette I literally recoiled in horror at the idea that I would put something like that in my mouth (that's what she said). I'm also excited for the lack of cancer...fewer wrinkles...less waking up in the middle of the night coughing up a lung...

So I want to post weekly update pictures/weight log/measurements to help me stay motivated, would the appropriate place be in this thread or somewhere else?


I'm the one in the picture without the giant orange beard, thankyouverymuch

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So I want to post weekly update pictures/weight log/measurements to help me stay motivated, would the appropriate place be in this thread or somewhere else?

you can make a a workout battle log and upload all that stuff there as much as you want. Your recoiling from a lit cig happened to me also when i decided to quit, it felt pretty awesome once i realized i turned it down.

Well I guess it's only life, it's only natural We all spend a little while going down the rabbit hole

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