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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 7/8 Gallon 

Weight: 241.4 lbs



9:00am - Coffee

12:00pm - pork sandwich, veggies, chips, fruit cake, coffee

3:00pm - 1/2 cinnamon roll and coffee

6:00pm - chicken, veggies


Fitness: Endurance Day

1 mile walk

4 miles endurance run 

1 mile walk



5 min



0 Min Spanish



0 min



Super ready to get on a new sleep medication. This one I’m on now is impossible to wake up less than 11 hours after taking it. Just really defeated about losing so much of my day to it. Have a doctors appointment tomorrow that I’ll bring it up at.


Went a little heavy on the salty foods yesterday. Figure that will even out in a couple of days on the scale, that seems to be the pattern.


Adding in no carbs after 5pm, something a previous coach had me do while I was weight cutting for a competition and it worked pretty well. We’ll see if I can stick with it.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon 

Weight: 238.6 lbs



8:30am - Coffee

11:30am - Tacos, soda, Coffee 

3:00pm - Coffee

5:30pm - Chicken lettuce wraps


Fitness: Speed/Conditioning Day

1 mile walk

2 mile speed run

1 mile walk



5 min



10 Min Spanish Online Lessons



0 min



As expected weight is coming back down. Will keep with the current schedule until I hit a plateau which I’m expecting consistent results for at least 3-4 weeks.


Relationship work continues. Trying to identify more times during the week to talk and connect especially with the late nights with new kid activities. Might just be later nights staying up to talk or hang out. Just have to get my sleep meds figured out so I can get away with 8 hours instead of 11. It’s feeling like a lot right now so just trying to stay positive and constructive.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon 

Weight: 238.4 lbs



8:00am - Coffee

11:00am - Sandwich, chips, 1/2 soda, coffee

3:00pm - Sandwich, chips, 1/2 soda, coffee

7:00pm - Deli meats, cheese, yogurt


Fitness: Rest Day




5 min



10 Min Spanish Online Lessons

30 Min Spanish Conversation



10 min



2 Games vs Bot: 1 Win/1 Loss

2 Puzzles



Hit a bit of a roadblock with a skin abrasion from running. Going to have to let that heal so have to take a couple of days off. Grumble grumble…


Started new sleep medication last night and it was a bit better. Coming off some other medication as well so going to take a little while to normalize, but I’m optimistic.


Started playing chess again. Played over the holiday break with family. Not sure it’s my favorite game (mainly because I lose a lot right now) but it’s growing on me. It’s a good logic game and something quiet to occupy me while the kids are at gymnastics.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Water: 7/8 Gallon 

Weight: 239.6 lbs



7:30am - Coffee

10:30am- Eggs, toast, orange slices, coffee

2:00pm - Pastry, cheese, deli meat, coffee

4:00pm - 1/2 sandwich

6:30pm - Chicken burrito and soda, ice cream


Fitness: Rest Day




5 min



10 Min Spanish Online Lessons



15 min



3 Puzzles

2 Lessons

4 Games - 2W/2L



Still recovering today, goal is to come back strong tomorrow with a distance run at moderate speed. Due to scheduling it’s going to have to be a morning run which is not my favorite but that’s what time is available.


Got up more on time today, still an hour late but I went to bed late so makes sense. To get my run in tomorrow I have to be up by 5:30am and out of bed by 6pm. Now just have to do it and get to bed, phone off at 9:30pm. Going to get there on my sleep cycle one of these days.


Chess is progressing, made a dumb mistake in my first loss, largely because I misunderstood a rule. Won 2 games, one intentionally and the other out of circumstance. Last game I wasn’t watching the board, lost a queen and bishop on a defense I hadn’t tried in a while and I kind of rage quit by a pretty excessive piece exchange. Think I was just tired by that point.

Had a pretty solid dinner in preparation for tomorrow mornings run. Burrito was okay, not a lot of authentic Mexican places around here, the search will continue.


On to tomorrow.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 9/8 Gallon ***1 Gallon Goal***

Weight: 239.2 lbs



10:30am - Coffee

11:30am - Coffee, pastry, cereal

5:30pm - Coffee, Pork tenderloin, pasta, salad.


Fitness: Distance Day - 9 miles total

1 mile walk

7 mile run - 2.5 hours, 3 mph pace

1 mile walk



5 min



10 Min Spanish Online Lessons



10 min - Boundaries

0 min - Consulting for Dummies



3 Puzzles

1 Game - 1W/0L



Slept for 12 hours last night, not sure if I’m having trouble with the new sleep meds again or was just that tired. It was a busy weekend. Traveled to see some family and played golf with my brother. So out of shape that I’m sore…from golf…*sigh*. Thinking of adding some range time during the week or a periodic 9 holes to the month to build up to a golf trip later in the year. Would be really nice to try out some of the better courses in the area when my brother comes up to visit but I have to be able to play and not hold up everyone else on the course.


Longer distance running happened and actually hit my goal though I was feeling pretty rough at the end, but that’s what these distance runs are about, pacing myself, conditioning and getting the mileage in. Starting off the week strong with a total of 9 miles today. Really looking forward to tomorrow as a rest day, my lower legs and core really need it. 


Goal is to start banking 25+ miles per week through the end of the month. Current running plan/goals for the year are:

  1. Get up to running a half marathon at my current snail pace of 3mph. 
  2. Hang out there for a while to improve to a 10 minute mile time (6 mph, so twice as fast, which should take a while).
  3. Work towards a full marathon distance at whatever pace needed.
  4. Dial into the ultimate goal of a 26 mile/10 minute mile time.

Achieving all that should get me in pretty good shape especially if I am supplementing with some total body conditioning workouts twice a week. As I’ve noted before this year, I’m more focused on performance than I am on weight loss for the time being. That being said I think at that final level of performance I should be at a pretty healthy weight. We’ll see.


Chess went okay today, keep missing basic moves, just have to have overall better board perception. Did beat the last beginner level on Chess.com (by a hair, came down to one king and one queen on each side). On to intermediate.


All in all a productive day.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon 

Weight: 237.8 lbs



8:00am - Coffee

11:30am - Breakfast burritos, toast, coffee

3:00pm - meat, cheese, and fruit snack, coffee

6:00pm - Chicken sandwich 


Fitness: Rest Day - 2 miles total

1 mile walk

1 mile walk



5 min



10 Min Spanish Online Lessons



10 min - Boundaries

10 min - Consulting for Dummies



3 Puzzles



Slept 10 hours tonight which was a bit of a problem since I was only shooting for 7.5 hours. Continuing to dial that in.


Weight came down which was good after a long weekend of eating bad. Just need to keep even on my rest days and I just might hit my goal of getting down close to 230 lbs by the end of the month.


Ate a bit too much for breakfast, eyes were bigger than my stomach. Goal is to go a little lighter on dinner.


This afternoon was ridiculous, tried to give Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad some time to herself and ended up working the last part of the day through meetings, watching the puppy, and my daughter. It was too much. By the time we got to the kids gymnastics I was burnt out and checked out.  I’m glad I was able to give her that time to recharge but I was spent by the end of the day and no good to anyone. Instead of catching up on my activities I stared into space for about 30 minutes, just completely done. I’ll chalk it up to a learning experience on testing my limits.


Was able to pull myself together for one last push of productivity. Got Spanish, reading, and some chess done. Also talked with some friends from recovery which helped.


Quite the day.

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4 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

This afternoon was ridiculous, tried to give Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad some time to herself and ended up working the last part of the day through meetings, watching the puppy, and my daughter. It was too much. By the time we got to the kids gymnastics I was burnt out and checked out.  I’m glad I was able to give her that time to recharge but I was spent by the end of the day and no good to anyone. Instead of catching up on my activities I stared into space for about 30 minutes, just completely done. I’ll chalk it up to a learning experience on testing my limits.

It seems like a rough day! It is just so hard to pack everything into a day, right?


I have a question, it seems you've been practising meditation for a long time. How does it feel, does it do much for you? I gave meditation few tries but I am still hesitating whether it is something I wanna do or not, it doesn't feel very good for me, but maybe I didn't stick to it for long enough. 

Veni, vidi, vici. 

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12 hours ago, XBlackWidowX said:



I have a question, it seems you've been practising meditation for a long time. How does it feel, does it do much for you? I gave meditation few tries but I am still hesitating whether it is something I wanna do or not, it doesn't feel very good for me, but maybe I didn't stick to it for long enough. 

Sure, I do a pretty light and, for me, maintainable meditation each day. I picked a daily meditation book and I read the daily entry and think about what I’ve read and how it applies to my life. 5 minutes or less. Some days I reflect a little more and some days a little less, but I find it has become a touch stone in my morning  and a place of contemplation I can come back to if my day starts getting crazy (which as of late has been A LOT).


I’ve tried all kinds of meditation from guided meditation to breathing exercises, spiritual and not, and through trial and error this is the only one I’ve been able to stick with and have been able to do it consistently for several years now, much to my surprise. I had a hard time too finding something that worked and it looks a little different for everyone. Someone pointed out to me that all meditation means is to direct your mind towards something. That could be a walk, sitting outside, or like my mentor, sitting in his garage with a cigarette and a cup of coffee spending time with his ‘Creator’ (could be universe, karma, being in the moment or whatever you prefer). For me it’s doing something consistently good for myself that seems to be the meditative practice. Pouring something good into my life and letting go of whatever else I might be worrying about, because I’ve found it’s hard to worry and do something productive for myself at the same time.


Hopefully that helps, I wish you luck on your meditative journey!

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5 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Sure, I do a pretty light and, for me, maintainable meditation each day. I picked a daily meditation book and I read the daily entry and think about what I’ve read and how it applies to my life. 5 minutes or less. Some days I reflect a little more and some days a little less, but I find it has become a touch stone in my morning  and a place of contemplation I can come back to if my day starts getting crazy (which as of late has been A LOT).


I’ve tried all kinds of meditation from guided meditation to breathing exercises, spiritual and not, and through trial and error this is the only one I’ve been able to stick with and have been able to do it consistently for several years now, much to my surprise. I had a hard time too finding something that worked and it looks a little different for everyone. Someone pointed out to me that all meditation means is to direct your mind towards something. That could be a walk, sitting outside, or like my mentor, sitting in his garage with a cigarette and a cup of coffee spending time with his ‘Creator’ (could be universe, karma, being in the moment or whatever you prefer). For me it’s doing something consistently good for myself that seems to be the meditative practice. Pouring something good into my life and letting go of whatever else I might be worrying about, because I’ve found it’s hard to worry and do something productive for myself at the same time.


Hopefully that helps, I wish you luck on your meditative journey!

Thank you, I'll try to explore more, maybe I'll find something for myself too! Wow, you have a mentor. That sounds pretty cool! *imagines a warrior training somewhere in mountains  sitting under a waterfall and meditating under the eye of some old monk* :D

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Veni, vidi, vici. 

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon 

Weight: 238.4 lbs



8:00am - Coffee

11:30am - Coffee, sandwich and fruit

3:00pm - Coffee

6:30pm - Chicken, pasta, veggies, cookies


Fitness: Endurance Day

2 mile run



This Week - 13 Miles



5 min



1 Spanish Online Lesson



3 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



4 Puzzles

4 Games - 1W/3L



Slept 9 hours and felt nauseous waking up, I think 10 hours might be where I need to be, just need to go to bed earlier.


Weight has kind of been yo-yo’ing by a pound or so each day. Not sure if that is just things rebounding after a rest day or what is going on. Could just still be water weight. Will continue to document and hopefully a pattern emerges.


Crazy busy day at work today, barely had time for lunch, didn’t even get a walk in. Super down about it, but this week was weird anyway in trying to get caught up from being out of town over the weekend, just going to try and watch what I eat and catch up tomorrow when I can. Did knock out 2 junk miles at the end of the day. Had not eaten anything since lunch so ran hungry which just killed my pace and morale, but it’s something.


Got my new professional mentor for the year (in additional to my ongoing personal mentor).  I get a new professional mentor each year recommended by my boss to help guide my development within the company. This one suggested I read a book called Consulting for Dummies. Only have a couple of weeks until my next meeting with him so going to work in reading 2-3 chapters a day to get that done and then will come back to my other book.


Tough day of chess, first day on intermediate level. Still need to work on my openings. Lost the first two games due to silly rushed moves to gain pieces and trading off for my queen in two separate games. Finally got a win on my 4th game, wasn’t going well at first but worked the problems as they came and was able to pull it together at the end. Really need to consider my environment in my moves and know my tactical tools better. Probably true of my life right now as well. Something to ponder.


Ready for this day to be over. On to another busy day tomorrow.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon 

Weight: 238.4 lbs



10:00am - Coffee

12:30am - Coffee, Eggs, toast, cereal

1:30pm - Sushi (yum)

3:00pm - Coffee, trail mix

6:30pm - Chicken tacos, sparkling cider


Fitness: Rest Day

1 mile walk



This Week - 14 Miles



5 min



1 Spanish Online Lesson



3 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



4 Puzzles

1 Game: Intermediate - 0W/0L/1D



Things are slowly coming back together, had a good session with my counselor this morning and am starting to understand that I may be putting unrealistic expectations on my self and the situation with the busier schedule. 


Going to try and move my longer runs to my lunch breaks during the week and really prioritize my time off after work in terms of keeping the kids on task and protecting the time I have each day with Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad. If I don’t make a run that day I’ll squeeze in some walks, or as one running site suggested, I can split a longer run into two shorter runs at different times in the day. Lots of ways to do this I know I just need to stick with it day by day and not get discouraged.


1 Draw at chess today which was a disappointment since I finished whittling my opponent down to just their king and still had my queen, rook, and a pawn. Just couldn’t mobilize fast enough. Need to work on more aggressive closes.


Did some pretty tasty chicken tacos tonight. Took some leftover grilled chicken heated in a pan with a little oil then mixed in some Creamy Baja sauce we had lying around, cooked that up with some fresh tortillas we picked up from the store and hit it with some Red Savina hot sauce (my new favorite), tomatoes, lettuce, Monterrey Jack and cheddar cheese. The results were exceptionally spicy and overall exceptional which I was happy about. It was a day of good of eating, and much needed. In case you are interested Melinda’s Hot Sauce is some good stuff.



On to tomorrow - Friday!!!

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 11.5 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon 

Weight: 237.4 lbs



8:30am - Coffee

11:00am - 1/2 Omelette, toast, coffee

4:30pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Thai curry, ice cream


Fitness: Conditioning Day

1 mile walk

1 mile run

1 Round Conditioning

1 mile walk



This Week - 17 Miles



5 min



60 min Spanish Conversation


Reading: Off Day

0 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies


Chess: Off Day

0 Puzzles

0 Games - 0W/0L/0D



The sleep saga continues. Tried for 10 hours last night and Ended up sleeping 11.5 but felt great getting up. Going to figure this out eventually. May just end up needing a lower dose of sleep medicine. Will give it another couple of weeks and talk to my doctor again.


Having some more relationship talks and balancing out goals. Unfortunately I just can’t afford the time to go for long distance runs during the week (3+ hours) regularly so instead going to shoot for increased pace in 2 hour blocks which I know I can get at least twice a week as well as sprint and conditioning work I can get another 2 times a week. Trying to stay patient as we navigate this period of trial and error. Going to see how this works over the rest of the month and if it holds will revisit goals for the year in February.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 3/8 Gallon 

Weight: 239.6 lbs



10:30am - Coffee

11:30am - 1/2 omelette, toast, coffee

12:30pm - Coffee

2:30pm - Chicken tacos

3:30pm - Coffee

4:00pm - Soda

6:30pm - hot dogs, zucchini, chips, soda



Kids - Bath/Bed Time

Dishes - Washed Dinner Dishes

Trash - Put trash out

Laundry - Prepped Laundry for tomorrow morning

Extra - Cooked Dinner for the week


Fitness: Rest Day



This Week - 17 Miles



5 min



1 Spanish Online Lesson



3 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



4 Puzzles

1 Game - 0W/1L/0D



Yesterday was a barely managed dumpster fire. Thought it would be a rest day but got pulled into spending the day with in-laws, and parents, and an impromptu shopping trip. Just wasn’t prepared and had a spat or two with the spouse. Just overall an uncomfortable day, not necessarily bad, but just a day where the stress of doing everything weighed heavy on the relationship. Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad was up last night with Little Miss ReturnOfTheDad who has been having trouble sleeping due to a cough, so she is doing outstanding in the Mom department, but try though we might, we keep letting each other slip away in the relationship department.


More on that below, not critical to DBL, but cathartic to get out.


A conversation needed to be had and more discussion on plans and relationship priorities. Conversation happened and topics of needs and actions came up. Effectively things have been stressful on both sides and neither of us have been really happy. For my part, it was communicated to me that more help around the house would be appreciated and I can do that. What was requested was a little steep in the form of an extra 1- 2 hours a day of house work per day, and more help with kids. All of this is just going to have to come out of sleep at this point. Adding that to my daily to do list to hold myself accountable. For her part Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad has committed to working on the relationship as well. It was left pretty ambiguous on what she would be doing but her actions are outside of my control, I just asked for our marriage to be more of a priority for her. Taking a big breath and trying to focus on what I can do which will be maintaining the daily household chores, deep cleaning each day, and taking care of the kids. 


This feels like a lot, because I’m already about tapped out with my currently workload at work, health, and wellness pursuits, and standard housekeeping and child rearing activities but I’m deeply unhappy with where things are and want to avoid further deterioration in the relationship, so I’m going to give all that I can while still maintaining my health and wellness. As my counselor pointed out, I’m no good to anyone drunk or dead.


Going to give this initiative 6 weeks, as I think it is going to take me a good 2 weeks to get used to the new workload and a month to hit my stride. If things haven’t improved it may be time to revisit or just extend things. I just know something has to change.


Got in a junk game in of chest, still lacking board presence and knowledge of opening move strategy. Might take a break from games for a bit to take some of the in game lessons, or do a couple of lessons and then a game. Feels like most aspects of my life need improvement right now. Just have to keep grinding and improving.


Came in short on my mileage goal for the week by 8 miles, which could have been addressed by a medium distance run and a couple of more rounds of walking. Goal for next week is 25 miles, but for all that went on this week, 17 wasn’t bad.


Grilling happened for the first time in many months. Did some chicken thighs, zucchini, and sausages. The thighs came out really nice, takes a little longer to cook bone in, but got a nice golden color on them without burning them which worked out well. More than enough to carry us through the week and save us some much needed prep time for dinners.



On to the next week.

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17 miles definitely isn't bad... even 1 mile isn't bad. The temptation of the couch (or the recliner in my case) is the real enemy of progress.

Nice to see you and Mrs. RoTD were able to come to terms over relationship issues and the children. Open dialogue is always important.

Better luck in chess games going forward. As far as my chess skills go I can still paint myself into a corner quicker than Bob Ross. I still have fun even when I lose.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon 

Weight: 238.0 lbs



8:00am - Coffee, pastry 

10:30am - Coffee

1:00pm - Coffee, chicken tacos

3:00pm - Coffee, chicken taco

6:30pm - Chicken, sausage, quinoa, spinach, fruit cup



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - Loaded dishwasher

Trash - N/A

Laundry - Folded 1 load

Extra - Made lunch, Helped babysitting neighbors kids


Fitness: Endurance Day

4 mile run

1 mile walk



5 min



0 Spanish Online Lesson



0 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



0 Puzzles

0 Lessons

0 Game - 0W/0L/0D



In a bit of an emotional hangover from yesterday. Time to get back on track and put the new plan into motion.


Day got a bit away from me due to a late start so didn’t get to reading, Spanish or chess, but was able to keep up with house chores and some exercise.

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1 hour ago, RubiksCat said:

17 miles definitely isn't bad... even 1 mile isn't bad. The temptation of the couch (or the recliner in my case) is the real enemy of progress.

Nice to see you and Mrs. RoTD were able to come to terms over relationship issues and the children. Open dialogue is always important.

Better luck in chess games going forward. As far as my chess skills go I can still paint myself into a corner quicker than Bob Ross. I still have fun even when I lose.

Thanks, the mileage is getting there one day at a time. 

Appreciate the encouragement on the relationship side too. I always heard good relationships take work and the more that life happens the more I’ve found that to be true.


Great that you are having fun playing chess! Do you play people, online, computer opponents? I’m currently just playing the computer until I feel a little more comfortable, but look forward to maybe getting involved in a chess club or something later in the year.

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Mainly against the computer on my phone in the past.


I'm always happy passing on encouragement to another Texan. Other than you, I think Tanktimus the Encourager is the only other one from Texas. I'm probably wrong but you two are the only ones I've met.


Are you mainly running outdoors or on a treadmill? If you ever visit San Antonio there are some scenic running spots you might enjoy. 

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3 hours ago, RubiksCat said:

Are you mainly running outdoors or on a treadmill? If you ever visit San Antonio there are some scenic running spots you might enjoy. 

Mainly on the treadmill due to convenience and consistency, but I also do outdoor walks with the dog and family each day (weather permitting), so I like to mix it up a bit.


Thats good to know about San Antonio! Will let you know when I’m headed that way next to get some tips on what areas to check out.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 3/4

Weight: 238.0 lbs



9:30am - Coffee

11:30am - Coffee, eggs, toast, cheese

2:30am - Coffee, cookies

6:30pm - Sandwich, pudding cup

8:30pm - Hot dog, chips



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - 1 Load

Trash - N/A

Laundry - N/A

Extra - Cleaned out refrigerator


Fitness: Rest Day



5 min



1 Spanish Online Lesson



3 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



4 Puzzles

9 Lessons

2 Game - 0W/2L/0D



Weight has still plateaued at 238.0, might have been the extra meal early in the morning from yesterday, broke my fast early (also a snickers at bedtime, which probably didn’t help). Could have been the 2 miles I went short on yesterday as well.


Work took over my workout time, will try to catch up tomorrow.


Taking some more chess lessons which I think will help. Stuck on the intermediate level, which is not a bad place to be. Keep making silly mistakes. Will keep at it. Figure I’m going to be at this level for a while, trying to embrace the grind.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 1/2 Gallon

Weight: 238.8 lbs



9:30am - Coffee

10:30am - Coffee, 

11:30am - Chicken sandwich, fries, soda

3:00pm - Coffee

7:00pm - Pizza and soda



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - 1 Load

Trash - Emptied trash

Laundry - 2 Load

Extra - Went to get pizza for dinner


Fitness: Rest Day


Weekly Mileage: 5



5 min



1/2 Spanish Online Lesson



3 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



0 Puzzles

0 Lessons

0 Game - 0W/0L/0D



Weight is coming back up to 238.8, Need to start watching the diet a little closer.


Housework overtook exercise time again. Tomorrow looks better though for a long run and to get back on track, but Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad seems happier so gaining ground in other areas.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon

Weight: 238.8 lbs



9:30am - Coffee

11:00am - Coffee, hotdogs, spinach, chips

2:00pm - Coffee, almonds, cereal

4:30pm - Granola bar

6:30pm - Chopped Chicken sandwich, chips, soda, pie, ice cream 



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - 1 Load

Trash - N/A

Laundry - 1 Load

Extra -


Fitness: Endurance Day

1 mile walk

2 mile run

1/2 mile walk


Weekly Mileage: 8.5



5 min



0 Spanish Online Lesson



0 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies



0 Puzzles

0 Lessons

0 Game - 0W/0L/0D



Ugh, went to bed to late last night and got a late start to the day. Came out of exercise time but was still able to log a few miles on the treadmill and a couple of walks. 


Really struggling at the moment with ReturnOfTheDad Jr. All this schedule change hasn’t been great for him. He has good days and more disruptive days with his ADD, but we are seeing certain behaviors that might put him on the neuro-divergent spectrum. His doctor brought this up at his last appointment as well. The next step is testing and we’ll go from there. It breaks my heart that he is struggling with things that come so easy to other kids, but it’s all he knows so he doesn’t really notice. Hopefully we will find out more from some tests we are scheduling and are able to enable him with different tools to help him navigate life.


Was so burned out by the end of the day that Spanish, reading, and chess didn’t get done. I know I got a lot done with housework, and some exercise but it’s coming at the expense of what little time and emotional energy I have for other things. Aside from reading though, these are self set goals that I may need to revisit at a later time.


Realize I haven’t been eating great lately and not sure what to do about it. I’m definitely stress eating. Not able to exercise enough of the stress away, might just be doing too much. Need to revisit my schedule and try for more time in between activities, because the stress of trying to get everything done is driving me to some unhealthy places.

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2023 - The Long Game

Word of the Year: Balance

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Weight: 239.2 lbs



9:30am - Coffee

10:30am - Coffee, toast with jam

1:00pm - Banana, peanuts

3:30pm - Coffee, Cheese stick, popcorn, cookie

6:00pm - Pho soup, ice cream, cookies



Kids - Bed Time

Dishes - 1 Unload

Trash - N/A

Laundry - 1 Load

Extra - Date night


Fitness: Conditioning Day

1 mile walk

2 mile run

1 Conditioning Set

1 mile walk


Weekly Mileage: 12.5



5 min



30 min Spanish Conversation 


Reading: Off Day

0 Chapters - Consulting for Dummies


Chess: Off Day

0 Puzzles

0 Lessons

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Still with the sleep problems, talking to the doctor on Monday as I can’t seem to get out of bed less than 11 and 10 hours after going to sleep. It’s killing my day. May try some other over the counter meds for the time being.


Weight is edging back up to the 240’s, understandably since I’ve been having more sodas and sweets. Going to try and take more breaks so I’m less stressed today and maybe the sugar cravings will calm down.


Also taking a moment to log that I may be in a depressive episode. I haven’t had one in a while but that was because I was on a very strong mood stabilizing medication. Now I’m on a lighter version and it’s hard to tell but I’ve definitely been feeling down and it’s been hard to shake.

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