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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 240.2 lbs



10:00am - Cereal

1:30pm - Burger, burrito

4:00pm - Donuts

6:00pm - Chicken, veggies

9:00pm - Pastry



Rest Day - Foot healing



5 Min



Weight is fluctuating with salt and some unhealthy eating habits. Need to do better on healthier eating choices.


Work is going rough, putting me in a not so good place mentally. Trying to remember that it’s a new company and I am in a new industry so these are growing pains. Just trying to put forward my best effort a day at a time.


5 Days to go on foot rehab.

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5 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 240.2 lbs



10:00am - Cereal

1:30pm - Burger, burrito

4:00pm - Donuts

6:00pm - Chicken, veggies

9:00pm - Pastry



Rest Day - Foot healing



5 Min



Weight is fluctuating with salt and some unhealthy eating habits. Need to do better on healthier eating choices.


Work is going rough, putting me in a not so good place mentally. Trying to remember that it’s a new company and I am in a new industry so these are growing pains. Just trying to put forward my best effort a day at a time.


5 Days to go on foot rehab.

Sorry to hear that. Don't lose heart.

L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 240.1 lbs



10:00am - Egg, toast, yogurt, raspberries 

2:30pm - Steak-finger basket, soda

6:00pm - Chicken Nuggets, broccoli

9:00pm - Cookies



Rest Day - Foot healing



5 Min



Got a big project done and got some kudos from the boss. Long day but a good day overall.


4 Days to go on foot rehab.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 240.1 lbs



12:00pm - Enchilada plate

6:00pm - Hot dogs and smores

9:00pm - PB&J 



Rest Day - Foot healing



5 Min



Day went okay until the end. I thought I had a quick car project but it turns out it’s going to take four hours, which throws a big wrench into an otherwise restful weekend.


Definitely a learning experience.


Foot is doing better and better. Hopefully will be healed up and ready for some light exercise starting next week.


3 Days to go on foot rehab.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 240.0 lbs



12:00pm - Chicken curry, rice

4:00pm - Caramel Popcorn

6:30pm - Pizza

9:00pm - Hotdog



Rest Day - Foot healing



5 Min



Last day on foot rehab! Back to some light walking tomorrow and moderate lifting

  • That's Metal 1
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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 240.0 lbs



10:00am - Yogurt

1:30pm - Curry chicken, rice & beans 

4:00pm - PBJ

6:00pm - Chicken, Pasta, veggies

9:00pm - Egg sandwich



1/4 Mile Walk

1/4 Mile Walk

Lifting - A Day/150lb Sandbag



5 Min



Foot is doing much better, tried doing some short walks and so far so good. A little sore from the walks but don’t think it’s anything damaging. May take a break from walks tomorrow to recuperate.


Lifting went well, didn’t have to go back to the 100lb bag. Working my way on the 150lbs with the goal of getting up to 200lbs lifts by the summer.



Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Completed all sets

 - Able to keep up reps from before foot injury

1 Negative -

 - May have hurt my shoulder setting up the sandbag, need to pay better attention to my form for non-lift weight movements.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 3/4 Liters

Weight: 239.0 lbs



11:00am - PBJ

1:30pm - Curry chicken, quinoa

4:00pm - Yogurt

6:00pm - Turkey tostadas

9:00pm - PB




1/4 Mile Walk



5 Min



Foot continues to heal. Was able to go to Jujitsu today for the first time in a couple of weeks. Definitely had me gassed. Really nice this week getting back into the normal routine. Unfortunately it looks like that is only going to last this week and after that it’s going to be a couple of weeks of off and on travel. Just going to try and stay as consistent as possible.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Movement was good.

 - Did some stand up wrestling rounds.

1 Negative -

 - No submissions today. :(

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 244.4 lbs



10:00am - Yogurt

11:30am - Bagel

3:00pm - Sandwich Wrap

4:30pm - Frozen Yogurt

6:30pm - Pizza



Treadmill - 30 min



5 Min



Just getting back from a week long business trip. Crazy busy so very little exercise happened. Picking back up today and tomorrow.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 14 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 240.6 lbs



12:00pm - Cheeseburger, chips

2:00pm - Granola bar

4:00pm - Nuts, chips, cheese

6:30pm - Pizza, chicken bites

9:30pm - Peanut Butter



1/2 Mile Walk

30 min light MMA training



5 Min



Got a chance to catch up on sleep and get some workouts in. Slowly getting back to the routine.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 241.6 lbs



11:00pm - Eggs, Toast, beans

1:30pm - Yogurt

4:00pm - Bean dip and chips

6:30pm - Chicken Alfredo, salad, ice cream




1/4 mile walk



5 Min



Bouncing back after having a chest cold last week. Grappling happened and even got a few submissions.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Got some submissions

 - Got some reversals

1 Negative -

 - Got taken down a lot

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 4/4 Liters

Weight: 245.8 lbs



10:00am - Yogurt

1:30pm - Spam and noodle stir fry, hummus and peppers

3:30pm - Rice Cake, cheese, grapes, seeds

6:00pm - Sautéed veggies w/ Chicken, pepperoni, sausage

8:30pm - Peanut butter




-1 Mile Jog

-100 Rope Jumps

-300 punches double end ball

-20 Sprawls 



5 Min



Weight is getting out of control again. Last night after a big lunch and dinner was weighing in close to 250lbs. Considering I lost 20 lbs last year and have returned to that weight, I’m not thrilled.


Going back to a modified eating program I did when I was competing in Jujitsu:

1. Make sure half of my portions for lunch and breakfast are fruits/veggies.

2. Avoid processed sugars and fried foods.

3. No carbs after 5pm (Except for some peanut butter before bed to not stay up due to being hungry. May revise the Peanut butter before bed at a later time).


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Did something today (goal is to exercise 6 days a week no matter what, rest and reflect on Sundays).

 - Jump rope is getting easier

1 Negative -

 - Sprawls were rough, almost didn’t finish them was so out of breath and dizzy.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 3/4 Liters

Weight: 242.8 lbs



10:00am - biscuit and bacon, oj

1:30pm - 1/2 Pizza roll, superfood packet, 1/2 avocado, apple sauce

3:30pm - Yogurt

5:30pm - berries and whipped cream 

6:00pm - no bun chili dogs, elote 

8:30pm - Peanut butter






1 Portuguese Lesson

1 Spanish Lesson



10 min



5 Min



Today was a productive day. Hit or got started in most of the goals I was trying for. On to tomorrow.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Made it through a full KB workout with minimal breaks

 - Flexibility on kicks is still good

1 Negative -

 - Cardio needs a lot of work

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 241.4 lbs



10:00am - Cereal, 1/2 an orange

12:30pm - 1/2 plate of Chicken Nachos, 1/2 an orange

2:30pm - Yogurt

6:00pm - Chicken and veggies 

8:30pm - Berries and whipped cream

9:30pm - Peanut butter



1 Mile Walk



0 Portuguese Lessons 

0 Spanish Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Weight keeps dropping, just have to stick with it. 

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 1/4 Liters

Weight: 241.6 lbs



10:00am - 1/2 Bowl Overnight Oats

2:30pm - 1/2 plate of Chicken Nachos, Grapes

3:30pm - Slice of blueberry pie

6:30pm - 1/2 Steak salad

8:30pm - Peanut butter



1 Mile Walk

1 Mile Walk



1 Portuguese Lessons 

2 Spanish Lesson



10 min



5 Min



Weight stayed the same over the rest day, which is understandable. Missed in a couple areas today: didn’t drink enough water, had a little too much sugar in the afternoon (had some blueberry pie - worth it), and been having too much coffee which I think is making me irritable. All things which I can work on tomorrow.


Lifting did not happen but got two walks in. Going to aim for 2 walks a day - 7 Days a week for the foreseeable future, good for me and the dog.


Tonight for dinner had a steak salad, expertly cooked by Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad. Nice healthy way to wrap up the day:



Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Got two walks in.

 - Kept decent pace.

1 Negative -

 - Was a little tired after the second walk.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 3/4 Liters

Weight: 240.4 lbs



10:00am - 1/2 Bowl Overnight Oats

12:30pm - 1/2 Tuna salad sandwich, Bell peppers w/ hummus

3:30pm - Yogurt, oatmeal cookie

4:30pm - 1/2 banana

6:00pm - 1/2 Steak salad, 1/4 cup lentils 

9:30pm - Peanut butter




1 Mile Walk


1 Mile Walk



0 Portuguese Lessons 

0 Spanish Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Zonked out during my workout, didn’t eat enough before so I had half a banana during my workout and that seemed to help.


Did better on water today, still could have done more. Will work on that tomorrow.


Lots of work and service work today. Didn’t get to reading or language work. Goal is to do better tomorrow.


Did manage to make a nice of tuna salad with some fresh baked bread courtesy of Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad and some veggies:



Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Maintained most lifts

 - Left arm is feeling better

1 Negative -

 - went down on squat reps

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4 Liters

Weight: 241.2 lbs



10:00am - yogurt, granola

12:30pm - 1/4 Stromboli, 1/2 cupLentils

3:00pm - 1/2 banana, rice cake w/ peanut butter

6:00pm - Fish, vegetable, cheese, grapes

8:30pm - Peanut butter




 - 500 Rope jumps

 - 500 Speed bag reps

1 Mile Walk



1 Portuguese Lessons 

1 Spanish Lesson

1 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Picked up another pound up yesterday, probably from over-snacking and too much salt. Forgot to take my vitamins yesterday so not feeling my best. A lot to recover from today.


Ate a little more before the conditioning workout today adding a rice cake with some peanut butter to the mix. Came in clutch as I hit the midpoint of the workout. It was a challenge but I increased significantly on my rope jump reps. Goal is to work up to 1000 jumps and 1000 punches on a regular basis.


Finding that two walks a day might be a bit ambitious as my mornings are pretty busy with work, but at least shooting for 1 walk in the afternoon. Which should be pretty doable.


Added Japanese lessons to the docket since Little Miss ReturnOfTheDad wants to learn it to talk with one of her classmates. Added that so didn’t get reading done today.


No cool pictures today, maybe tomorrow.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Increased from 200 to 500 jumps

 - Made better time on punches

1 Negative -

 - Had to take lots of breaks between sets of 100 jumps. More work on cardio needed.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 4/4 Liters

Weight: 241.2 lbs



11:00am - Cereal w/ blueberries

1:15pm - 2 Oatmeal cookies

3:00pm - 2 fish tacos, grapes, chips

6:00pm - bunless chili dog, sautéed veggies 

8:30pm - Peanut butter



Rest Day



1 Portuguese Lessons 

1 Spanish Lesson

1 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



I appear to have stalled out on my weight loss. I did eat a lot of salty protein for dinner. I have to really watch that and maybe limit my total calories for dinner.


Had to take a break from lifting today, was just worn out. Goal is to pick workouts back up tomorrow and Saturday. “Progress not perfection” as some of my friends like to say.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 4/4 Liters

Weight: 240.8 lbs



10:30am - 1/2 Egg white omelette, 1/2 bowl of oatmeal, blue berries

1:30pm - Protein shake, PB&J

6:30pm - Tuna salad, Greek salad, crustless pizza roll up

8:30pm - Peanut butter






0 Portuguese Lessons 

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Inadvertently joined a competition class for Jujitsu and it was something. Felt like throwing up halfway through, but held on and finished the workout. Lost 2lbs in water weight and that’s while drinking a 1/4 liter of water. 


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Lasted the whole class

 - Got 2 submissions

1 Negative -

 - Cardio was shot just during warm up.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 4/4 Liters

Weight: 239.8 lbs



10:00am - 1/2 Egg white omelette, 1/2 bowl of oatmeal, blue berries

1:30pm - Double quarter pounder

5:00pm - Snap peas, hummus, almonds, pepitas

6:30pm - Fish/veggie lettuce wraps, tomato mozzarella salad

8:30pm - Peanut butter, almonds, blueberries







1 Portuguese Lesson

1 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Finally broke the 240 mark! Down to 239.8 lbs. All the work, especially drinking water, is paying off.


Had kickboxing today, made it through the class and some of the amateur competitors did some sparring which I took part in. I was able to make it 3 rounds but gassed on the last round. It’s a starting point, especially since it’s been months since I last sparred.

Did some nice tilapia and sautéed veggies with feta lettuce wraps for dinner. Came out pretty good:



Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Lasted the whole class

 - Getting lighter on my feet

1 Negative -

 - Cardio just barely took me through the class and sparring.

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