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9 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:


Biopsy results came back positive, tumor is malignant and spread to one lymph node already. Next steps are to get Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad in for her first Oncology appointment and then staging to find out what stage the cancer is in. Hopeful that we can get both of those taken care of next week.


Feeling drained and don’t have the energy to exercise today. Going to try and pick it up again tomorrow and get back onto keeping track of my weight a little better.

Damn, I hate this diagnosis for Mrs. You both have a hard road ahead of you, but they’ve gotten really good at treating breast cancer. My cousins wife had stage 4 and she’s doing really well and cancer free now if that is any comfort.   Take care of yourself and rest ???

  • Thanks 1



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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 2/4

Weight: 242.2 lbs



10:30am - Coffee, Tortilla, bacon

12:30pm - Coffee, fig bar, cheese

2:30pm - Sandwich wrap, blueberries

3:30pm - Chips

6:00pm - Hotdogs, veggies, mac&cheese.



Rest Day



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Another day of waiting. Exercise didn’t happen. Will try and do a short run tomorrow.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 2/4

Weight: 242.0 lbs



10:30am - Coffee

12:00pm - Diet Soda, chicken, pasta, pizza

1:30pm - Coffee

3:30pm - Coffee, cheese stick, chips

6:00pm - Soda, Ramen Tonkatsu



Rest Day



1 Portuguese Lesson

1 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Another day, will work on getting second and third opinions tomorrow.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4

Weight: 241.8 lbs



9:00am - Coffee

10:30am - PBJ

1:30pm - Diet Soda, burritos, chips 

3:30pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Chicken, quinoa, asparagus 

9:00pm - Milk, Protein cookie, turkey, cheese



Lift Day



1 Portuguese Lesson

1 Spanish Lesson

1 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Lifting done. A pleasant surprise, taking a week off of lifting helped me really increase my lifts. Now ready to move from the 150lb sandbag to adding another filler sack and moving up to 200lbs.


Battle continues to get an oncologist appointment for MrsReturnOfTheDad. It’s gotten so bad with our first choice that we a started moving forward with another treatment center across town as well. It’s good because we wanted to get a second opinion on treatment, but it’s ridiculous how long we have had to wait to get seen by the first one. Time will tell which one we go with but I’m leaning towards the one across town. 


A last ditch resort if we can’t get things moving quickly enough here is to go to one of the premier centers in Houston. That would be a long commute, but worth it if it means getting prompt care.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Hit needed lifts to move up in weight

 - Endurance for first part of workout was better

1 Negative -

 - Endurance on last part of workout was not good, barely made it through. Need to work on that

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 3/4

Weight: 241.8 lbs



8:00am - Coffee

10:30am - Coffee, PBJ

1:30pm - Iced Tea, Turkey sandwich, watermelon 

3:30pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Pork cutlet, mac&cheese, broccoli

8:00pm - Ice cream






1 Portuguese Lesson

1 Spanish Lesson

1 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Grappling happened but after lifting heavy yesterday it was brutal. Especially because today was endurance training.  10 x 5min rounds and burpees/sprawls in between…


Had a nice lunch with a sandwich on Sourdough bread made by Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad and some watermelon that is just coming into season:


Trying to take these little moments together to enjoy things before all the medical treatments start.


Heard back from the slower Oncology Office, we did some advocating about how long it is taking and they are trying to see us this week. I hate to be that guy, but this is serious and they are misplacing files, not communicating internally, and generally silent on any progress - though we did finally get a new patient appointment t for this Thursday. Sad that you have to really push a medical office this large and prominent to get organized and do their job. The other faster Oncology Office is moving along smoothly and already have us scheduled for next week.


Finished off the day with a some much needed cookies and gelato and finally starting the second season of Loki. 


Good way to end the day.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Had some submissions

 - Held some dominant positions

1 Negative -

 - Endurance was shot by half way through.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 3/4

Weight: 243.5 lbs



7:30am - Coffee

10:30am - Coffee, Egg white tacos, greens drink

1:30pm - Tuna sandwich, chips

3:00pm - Coffee

6:00pm - hot dogs, chips, watermelon



Rest Day



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Another day down.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4

Weight: 243.8 lbs



8:30am - Coffee

10:30am - Coffee, mini donuts, greens drink

1:30pm - Diet Soda, Tuna sandwich, pineapple

3:00pm - Coffee, mini donuts 

6:00pm - Diet Soda, pizza

9:00pm - Juice, crackers



Lift Day



1 Portuguese Lesson

1 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Didn’t log yesterday. It was Mrs.ReturnOfTheDads first Oncology appointment. The doctor let us know the cancer is stage 2 and very aggressive. Their opinion is to start with Chemo, Immunotherapy, then surgery and radiation. Pretty dire but they say it’s proven successful. Second opinion is next Thursday, then either way going to start the chemo port next week and start chemo treatments the following week.


Was wiped out yesterday from the doctors visit. It is all getting very real and knowing that the next year to 18 months is going to be geared toward cancer treatment it’s a bit hard to take.


Had some drama at work so wasn’t able to make a meeting today. Next week is going to be packed so need to make some online meetings or something.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Increased Sandbag to 200lbs

 - Able to do some modified squats and deadlifts

1 Negative -

 - Can’t do full zurcher squats yet

  • Like 3
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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Water: 2/4

Weight: 241.6 lbs



10:30am - Coffee, mini donuts, greens drink

2:30pm - iced Tea, Nachos

7:00pm - Boba tea, cookie






0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Another day down. Exhausted.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Combos are coming along

 - Good pressure on kicks

1 Negative -

 - Endurance needs lots of work

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4

Weight: 243.8 lbs



8:30am - Coffee

11:00am - Coffee, Breakfast Taquitos

3:30pm - Coffee, 1/2 PBJ

5:30pm - soda, burger, fries



Lift Day



0 Portuguese Lesson

1 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Was my birthday today, was very nice, got some nice presents as well, mainly a set of outdoorsy kitchen knives:



Was nice to spend a little time with the family. Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad has some appointments coming up so just trying to stay in the moment and enjoy things before treatment starts.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Completed sets

 - No injuries

1 Negative -

 - long way to go on reps

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 3/4

Weight: 244.2 lbs



8:30am - Coffee

10:30pm - Coffee, cereal

1:30pm - Yogurt

3:00pm - Coffee, sandwich, fruit

6:00pm - pasta, meat sauce, veggies, cookie

8:30pm - Grilled cheese, apple juice







1 Portuguese Lesson

1 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Made it through all the cancer testing and chemo prep last week. Start chemo on Thursday, just counting down until then.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Made it the whole class

 - movement was good

1 Negative -

 - long way to go on endurance

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 13 Hrs

Water: 3/4

Weight: 245.0 lbs



11:30am - Yogurt, tortilla, coffee

1:30pm - Coffee

2:30pm - Sandwich, diet soda

3:30pm - Coffee

6:30pm - pork bun, wontons


Fitness: Conditioning Day

.5 Mile Treadmill

500 Jump Rope

700 Double End Bag

Conditioning Circuit 1

2.5 Miles Treadmill



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Second round of chemo down for Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad. Hopefully the recovery from this dose won’t be as grueling as the last one.


I have renewed focus on health to stay in the best place holistically to support Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad in her cancer battle.


Increasing my training to two hours per day, 6 days a week. Will walk if I have to but I have to commit to more activity. My health has been declining too much and I have to have the energy to balance her care, the family, and work. Simply put, my previous methods of junk food and self pity weren’t cutting it.


Have a newfound focus and will work forward maintaining it.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Lasted the full 2 hour workout

 - Kept good energy on first half

1 Negative -

 - Need to work on my endurance for the second half

  • Like 2
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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4

Weight: 244.2 lbs



9:00am - Coffee

11:00am - Coffee, Small slice of pizza

2:00pm - Diet Soda, 1/2 sandwich, chips

3:00pm - Coffee, 1/2 PB Sandwich

6:30pm - BBQ Nachos


Fitness: Lifting Day

.5 Mile Treadmill

Lifting Circuit 1

1 Mile Treadmill



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Unexpectedly was wiped from lifting and could only walk for my cardio. I suppose something is better than nothing.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Went up on all lifts

 - Getting close to next phase of squats and deadlift

1 Negative -

 - Legs were shot after main workout so just had to walk for cardio.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4

Weight: 244.2 lbs



9:30am - Coffee

11:30am - Coffee, small cheese nachos

1:30pm - Diet soda, sandwich

5:30pm - Diet Soda, Turkey and pasta, asparagus 

8:30pm - PBJ Sandwich


Fitness: Swimming

2.5 Hours Swimming with Kids



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min

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On 6/30/2024 at 9:19 PM, ReturnOfTheDad said:

I have renewed focus on health to stay in the best place holistically to support Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad in her cancer battle.

Regrettably I haven't been following your thread lately like i used to, i must've missed that part. Very sorry to hear about your family's cancer battle. It's always important to support a fellow Texan in their battles and you'll come through this stronger on the other side!

  • Thanks 1
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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 2/4



9:30am - Coffee, tortilla, Greek yogurt, fruit

1:00pm - Coffee, Chicken, broccoli, pasta

3:00pm - Coffee, apple, PB, cookie

6:00pm - Diet Soda, red beans & rice, sausage

9:00pm - Milk, PBJ, cookie


Fitness: Rest Day



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 247.6 lbs

Water: 1/4



10:30am - Coffee, Veggie omelette, biscuits and gravy

2:30pm - Coffee, donuts

6:30pm - Salmon, wedge salad, bread

9:00pm - S’mores, milk


Fitness: Conditioning Day

Treadmill - 3 Miles



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Coming back into the exercise groove, one day at a time.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Got 3 miles done

 - Pace is getting better

1 Negative -

 - Did not maintain 3 mph pace

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 247.6 lbs

Water: 1/4



10:30am - Coffee, Veggie omelette, biscuits and gravy

2:30pm - Coffee, donuts

6:30pm - Salmon, wedge salad, bread

9:00pm - S’mores, milk


Fitness: Conditioning Day

Treadmill - 3 Miles



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Coming back into the exercise groove, one day at a time.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Got 3 miles done

 - Pace is getting better

1 Negative -

 - Did not maintain 3 mph pace

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 249.0 lbs

Water: 2/4



9:30am - Coffee

11:30am - Coffee, 1/2 croissant

12:30pm - Protein Shake

3:00pm - Coffee, 1/2 PB Sandwich

6:00pm - Pork Fried Rice

6:30pm - Milk, Cake



Cardio: Treadmill - 2.5 Miles



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Wasn’t feeling it today but got on the treadmill anyway. Small improvements every day.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Got 2.5 miles done

 - Did better than I thought I would.

1 Negative -

 - Did not maintain 3 mph pace

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 248.0 lbs

Water: 2/4



2:30am - Protein Cookie

6:30am - Energy Drink

11:00am - Coffee, Banana

12:00pm - 1/2 PBJ

3:00pm - Coffee, 1/2 Sandwich, fruit

6:00pm - 6 Tacos



Rest Day



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Needed a rest day after yesterday.

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2024 - Year of Progression

Word of the Year: Consistency 

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 247.0 lbs

Water: 3/4



10:00am - Coffee, Oatmeal, egg white omelette 

1:30pm - Protein Shake

3:00pm - Coffee, banana, Low Fat PB

6:00pm - Popcorn

8:00pm - Diet Soda, Soup, Chicken Cesar



1 Hour- No Gi Jujitsu

3 Miles - Treadmill



0 Portuguese Lesson

0 Spanish Lesson

0 Japanese Lesson



0 min



5 Min



Another day down.


Training Notes:

2 Positives -

 - Pulled some nice reversals against some upper belts.

 - Landed a few submissions I have been working on.

1 Negative -

 - Was absolutely gassed after 4 x 4 minute rounds. Need to attend more classes and do more conditioning.

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