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Finished a 30d paleo challenge! I did it, and I'm down 13lb!


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This is in the Hunter's Paleo Forum, where it has daily nutritional stats and workouts and what I ate.

I included all I've learned and have started pondering, and it ended up being a ginormous post, so all the numbers and before and after pictures are at the start.


30 days of paleo. No dairy, pasta, bread, coffee, sugar, added salt, alcohol.


-----February 2012 - May 1, 2012

area - starting - end

weight - 195 - 182....13lb! This sounds weird, but I was getting to the point where I thought I couldn't lose weight, or the scale was broken. Nope, just me.

neck - 14 - 13.25 I can lose weight in my neck?

shoulders - 42 - 41.25

chest - 37.5 - 33 WOAH!

bicep - 14 - 13.25

waist - 34 - 30.5

hips - 45 - 43.25

thighs - 48 - 45.5

waist/hip ratio: .71

BMI: 27.67

I am at/just under measurements from Peace Corps, kinda my benchmark. I lost weight when I first got in-country, and immediately gained back about 25lb when I returned, two years ago. But I'm 7lb more than when I returned from PC. So I gained me some muscle since then!

I'm surprised I lost more inches in my legs and hips than arms. I thought they'd be the first and that the lower half would be stubborn. I'm stoked either way.

Before..........After. Ya'll, I can not say enough about taking before and after photos. I wouldn't believe it if I couldn't see it.




What I learned: Ya'll, I learned a lot. Because I'm a nerd, I classified them.

First thoughts:

Paleo is not for everyone. It agrees with me. The number one important thing is to find what works for you, and that can take a long time.

It's really not any more expensive than a normal grocery bill.

This takes a lot of planning. I had to think ahead so I'd have something quick for when I wouldn't want to cook. So I'd have to plan a grocery trip or defrosting. I'm visiting my cousin tomorrow for two nights, and I'm planning what foods I'll bring. For nutrition and avoid a massive stomach ache.

I'm obsessed with the olive oil and balsamic vinegar combo, cauliflower as oatmeal, and almond butter!

I'm practically made of olive oil and almonds now.

I've never eaten a whole head of lettuce in a day before. I actually got angry that a grocery store didn't sell cauliflower! I judge a grocery store based on its produce section.

I feel like I'm on an even keep all day - no tired at 2:30pm, sleep deeper, and I can feel myself waking up. I was a solid 9.5hr sleeper before, and now it's like 8-9, and if I let myself, I might even be able to wake up before 8:30am on my own. Haven't changed the bed time yet :)

Morning workouts, before breakfast. Never thought I could do that. But I think that's my prime weight loss time to work out. I can actually do it, and I build up a good appetite for breakfast, and I like getting the chi moving in the morning.


Wanted sweet things and soda when I was bored or under-hydrated.

It is possible to go to the movies and not get pop corn. It's hard, but possible.

The cravings where there, the temptation was there - donuts in the kitchen, cake in the break room, fast food places everywhere. But in about 2 weeks, I didn't notice the cravings anymore. I replaced pasta stuff with squashes and sweet potatoes.

Going out to eat is very hard, not just to find something within the plan, but finding something satisfying as well. I had a salad at a diner that had less nutrition than a box of Kleenex while everyone else tucked in to amazing but fatty and salty meals that would make anyone tired after. But Moe's southwest restaurant did well - just don't get cheese and sour cream or eat the tortillas, and get lots of veggie sides and avocado, and it has a lot of flavor.

Figuring it all out Took me almost the whole month!

Though I ate better, I still had bad habits, like waiting too long to eat.

Even when eating a nonprocessed, no-sugar, no-salt diet, one must watch carbs and sugar. I could lots of carbs in if I ate just paleo pancakes and squash all day.

Undereating is a thing, too. There was a week where I was full and satisfied all day, but the calories came to less than 1000! And I was still working out!

Once the nutrient numbers come together, it's a beautiful synthesis. Nutrients and exercises creates amazing changes in the body - slimming and getting beefy at the same time.

Trying to fit it into my schedule was hard, and that's one reason why my cals would be low. I only get 15 min to eat, and veg take a long time! It took the month to figure it out.

I got a little better at cooking, too. I can now look at leftovers or what's left in the fridge and make a pretty satisfying meal.

I've eaten different kinds of meat and cooked in different ways, and none of it was hard or took too long.

Nutrition in America For some reason I started thinking about this.

I don't think anyone who is overweight can blame themselves completely. Getting fit and eating healthy is terribly confusing in our soceity with so many quick-fixes and commercials. And the food available has been tested for hyper-palatability for a mass audience and we have over 100 food-seeking genes. What I do question is how the American diet changed in such a way and how it happened so quickly.

On the flip side, people can't look at the food industry to make better food. I don't understand why people get up in arms about hidden sugars and calories and GMOs. The industry is looking for their bottom line. I'm looking at my health. It's two different views.

5hr energy commercials piss me off. "use it everyday." No! Rethink your priorities!

Low-fat and no-fat is RIDICULOUS! Eat the yolk, eat the cream, eat the drippings. You'll be satisfied quicker and for longer!

Woops But it's OK

The only thing I missed was coffee. Those were the only few times I broke.

Only went off 3x - 2x at Cold Stone Creamery, where I've never been and these were special times, and once had coffee to go from one job to another on 3 hours sleep. After the ice cream, after 45 min, was hungry, tired, thirsty, ready to go home. My stomach also felt big, like expanded and inflated and uncomfortable, not full. After the coffee, it wasn't such a happy reunion as I thought. I enjoyed drinking it enough, but I wasn't over the moon, so I don't think I'll have it every morning like before.

I did have to use canned tomatoes and once Ragu, so there was salt in the cans and sugar and soy and whatever else is in Ragu.


I pee and fart less, LOL. And no more hard poopies. After a big-belly meal, there it goes.

Had my period, and just felt a little off and unmotivated, but better once I warmed up for exercising. But no cravings, zits, bloating, aches. Just time to take care of myself. Eating wholesome food felt like healing on the inside, better than just taking a tylenol to relieve the pain.

I thought I was pretty before, and had a good body image. I liked my curvy body. But with losing weight and getting muscle, I'm like...getting a shape....looking more like a person? I don't know how to get this thought out yet. I'm just looking different. I knew that, but I didn't know how I'd look different. It's interesting.

I had a mean little voice: "why cut out so much? Everyone else is eating this way. Why limit yourself? What's the difference?" Where'd I get that little voice?

Epic life-altering changes!!!!

I can't believe I had this will power. I feel so strong and capable. This I did not have before.

I rewarded myself with food and love eating out. Had a hard day, get a snack out. Finished a massage, I get to have pizza and soda at my favorite place. I've had to find different ways of treating myself.

My goals are switching from short to long. Instead of the lustful want of eating that now, I can see my longer weight loss and strength goals.

I feel I'm now prepping my body and mind for when my fortunes turn around. This is the "meanwhile" and "three years later" transitions in comic books and movies.

Got unmotivated at times, but still kept going!

Been thinking about fitness and religion, after hearing a once-wanna-be Catholic body builder on the radio. Temperence, gluttony, discipline, being physical, taking care of ourselves so we can take care of others. Still musing.

I'm nervous to transition. I desperately want to continue my good weight loss and not put the pounds back on. My strength and endurance are better and I just want to keep getting better and reach my goals. I went for "just a walk" the other day, and it was 3mi with a hill I used to use as my entire workout.

I'm using words I never have before, or only half-heartedly: "signing up," "training," "looking forward to" a physical event. During this time, I signed up and started training for an obstacle course and two 5ks.

When you first lose weight, you just fit back into your clothes, and they're all kinda stretched out. Not enough to buy new ones. Bummer.

It's hard to talk to others about nutrition. Not just because I'm a little iffy on the science of it, or that food and emotions are so connection to each other, but that my fitness life is now a journey and I see it touching other areas of my life - confidence, work search, image of myself, getting my to-do list done. But when I talk to others, they just want weight loss. Lose weight and life will be better. But it's the weight loss/getting fit journey that brings lessons. It's a self-taught life class, with guidance. Thanks NerdFitness community! :cool-new:







<--<< Daughter of Artemis >>-->


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love the thoughtful post... hope you realize that it was you and not some diet that effected this change to a healthier you... use paleo as a guideline, but carve your own path to the best you that you can be...

in life you face a progression of choices... it matters that you make better, and better informed choices that pass the use test...

awesome results... you look beautiful... but you did before this process anyway... :)

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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lol, thanks. My mother said recently, "Your smile looks nicer after you've lost weight in your face." I said, "my smile has always been nice."

Yup, I made the changes and choices. But I'm really surprised at where it's taking me.

<--<< Daughter of Artemis >>-->


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An awesome story! My husband went paleo about six months ago and I've been going along (somewhat reluctantly at times) with him. Everything you've written about here is true for me too- a few days ago I cheated and ate like crap (whoops, my husband is around on this forums and is probably going to read this- sorry dear) and afterwards I felt really blergh. I had a stomach ache and was suddenly exhausted and had a nap for the first time in ages. I don't want to eat like that anymore! I never thought I'd say something like that.

Thanks for sharing on here, I love hearing that it's worked for other people too, and to have inspiration to keep going.

{Insert motivational script here}
STR - 4|DEX - 2|STA - 6|CON - 4 |WIS - 6|CHA- 5

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I loved you post. As others have said, the thoughtfulness and self-reflection of your 30day change are really inspiring!

I know exactly what you mean about finding it difficult to talk to others, too. It's like it goes so deep, and has so many more ramifications than simple 'weight loss', but I always feel like I sound like a bit of a zealot and/or conspiracy theorist when I try to explain :)

Good luck for the next 30!!

Warrior Princess
Eating Psychology Coach

Adventure's Guild Challenge winner: Challenge #24

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"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion."

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LEVEL: 2 | STR 2 | DEX 2 | STA 2 | CON 4 | WIS 9 (+5 from Year of Our WTF) | CHA 5 (+3 from Year of Our WTF)
Tu, was du willst (Do What You Wish)
The Neverending Story, Michael Ende

My 2013 Challenge #1 is dedicated to Melissa Montag, 1975-2012. I Love you AnissaSis! :-)

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