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OK I did sample one of every item in the fridge(4 different types of sausage, saukeraut, bit of pork knuckle and a pork rib) . The pork ribs were not bad, as was the cheese sausage. The fried pork knuckle was too oily for my taste (wow geez) and I didn't get any oh my god I need to have more urges throughout the entire process, so that's a plus. Anyway I'm going to join a local running group later and start running it off lol. 


I do make it a point to try outside food now and then, whether it's healthy or not, just to get more inspiration for cooking(for science!) . After I taste something I like, I try to think how to create a healthy version of it, then add it on the menu. That's how I roll. 


Like the baked tofu with Thai chilli sauce idea was adapted from the deep fried version with Thai chilli sauce outside. I figured that there wouldn't be too much compromise in taste even if the tofu was baked instead of deep fried as long as it was baked until it had a crispy crust, and I turned out to be right. 

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Today's workout - 1h zumba, around 30 min les Mills body combat. Will go for hiit(high intensity interval training) later. 



One tuna zucchini boat

1 glass of milk with a teaspoon of cocoa powder added

4 apricots. Then I broke open the seeds and ate the kennels inside(They're like almonds) 


Morning snack:

1 dragon fruit 


Lunch was whatever that was leftover after my colleagues went through it. Only some sausages. Not really a lot. 


Dinner will be is:

200g tau kwa with a tablespoon of Thai sweet chilli sauce (my pesto sauce ran out yesterday) 

178g cauliflower

108g brocoli 


And I'm living life caffeinated. 6th Cup of tea today >< Just because I like tea? 


Also passed another bit of my vegetable tub to another of my colleagues. Basically anyone who smells my microwaved vegs and is curious to pop by to see what's in the microwave, I'll offer them a small sample of vegetables. Trying to spread the message that healthy eating doesn't mean bland, tasteless, super expensive stuff, it can be cheap and fun too! 


I've already had 6 of my colleagues try out my vegetables and they all agreed they are nice =) 


Also put out a platter of baked tau kwa with Thai chilli sauce provided before. 


Also tried the mc Donald's sweet potato ice cream waffle cone. It was nice but too sweet for my taste. Maybe I should try eating a sweet potato sometime soon... But again I might run into a cannot stop problem= P

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One tuna zucchini boat

1 glass of milk with a teaspoon of cocoa powder added


Morning snack will be:

One banana(colleague gave that to me) 

1 apple

Half a kiwi 


Lunch will be:


200g tau kwa with a tablespoon of Thai sweet chilli sauce (my pesto sauce ran out yesterday) 

178g cauliflower

108g brocoli 

A kiwi Half a kiwi, shared the other half with my colleague  


Dinner Lunch is will be: 

178g cauliflower

108g brocoli 

160g of chickpeas 

90g of chicken breast with soya sauce and black pepper 


I felt rather hungry for lunch(weights seem to do that to me) so I decided to swop lunch and dinner. 


Dinner will be:


200g tau kwa with a tablespoon of Thai sweet chilli sauce (my pesto sauce ran out yesterday) 

178g cauliflower

108g brocoli 

half a kiwi - shared the other half with my colleague  


Evening snack will be:

155g of jackfruit (I noticed I didn't quite hit my calcium and vitamin A macronutrient tab), besides today is an active day so I'll have room in my calorie budget. 

The blackbeans were not that well received by my family. The beans were too hard - I want to try using a slow cooker for a longer time next time, and I will experiment with various coloured peppers, chayote and rosemary. 


Chayote: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chayote

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1h les Mills body combat, then went to weights. 




50 lb shoulder press x5 


Goblet squat with bar + 5 kg of weights (x5 for 3 sets), Smith machine for 50 kg, (x5 for 2 sets) 


100 lb deadlift (3x) - tried one underhand one overhand grip. Feels more stable. I think I'm getting used to the new grip and look forward to trying 110 lbs next week. 


Jumping up then catching bar and holding for 12 secs before resting for another 10 secs and repeat, 3 sets, 2 sets of 10x bodyweight rows


10 push ups


50 lb chest press with barbell (x5) 3 sets.


Clean and press with 50 lb barbell(x4) 


10 single arm dumbell rows at 12 kg (x10) . 


1 min plank


5 sets were done total today, since I'm running late for work. 

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Also side note my percentage body fat is down from 21% to 18.6%. Not sure if it was getting less stressed at work and more sleep, or not having to deal with snack monster urges this week (it's fairly in control), or was it that I switched out part of my milk on some days for plant milks(for science! Because I roll that way), or that I've been trying to load up heavier weights/increase reps, ever since I popped on here. 

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Running late for Park run, again, since I had a conversation with my aunt and prepared a more elaborate breakfast before leaving the house. Then took the train to the wrong direction. I guess I get to run more.... 


Park run timing is 29:21 this week. 


I made a fried tomato egg for breakfast. First I sliced the two tomatoes into 8 wedges each, then I scrambled the egg(4 of them), with added light soya sauce and black pepper and 26g of spinach, cooked until it was slightly runny, took the runny scramble out of the pan into a separate plate, added oil and fried the tomatoes with salt and black pepper, and once the tomatoes were cooked, added in the runny scramble and fried until it was completely cooked. I think I'll put this experiment as a form of hiding your vegetables since I didn't really taste much tomato. Next time it's less egg(I'll use 3).


Breakfast was super huge since I was trying to stuff as much fibre as possible into a single meal. 


The tomato egg dish. 

A kiwi

Half an apple

An Asian pear

165g jackfruit 

150g jackfruit seeds

250ml of quinoa milk. 


No lunch. 


Dinner(ate out) :

Beef noodles(with soup) - eh I know about the noodles bit and the carb police but not having lunch after running like 5+km made me very hungry. Else I'd need to order another fried pork chop. 

Half a plate of stir fried pea shoots

5 xiao long bao


Stir fried pea shoots: https://noobcook.com/stir-fry-pea-shoots/2/


Xiao long bao:



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Today's work out: was split into 2 due to rock climbing class. 


3 sets:

25 kg shoulder press (x5) 

100 lbs squat(x5) 

50kg deadlift

10 push ups

Jumping up then catching bar and holding for 12 secs before resting for another 10 secs and repeat

Chest press with just the bar 

20 kg clean and press(x5) 

1 min plank 


Rock climbing report - no new walls conquered today, tried to do yellow route on previously conquered wall but failed. Was probably too tired by then. 


Then went back to the gym to continue weights.


3 sets:


25 kg 20 kg shoulder press (x5) 

100 lbs squat(x5) 

50kg 45 kg deadlift(x3) - could not manage 50 kg after rock climbing. 

10 push ups

10 bodyweight rows

Chest press with just the bar 

20 kg clean and press(x5) 

1 min plank 


After rock climbing I got the 25 kg barbell off the rack, tried to get it to shoulder press position, realized I couldn't, then had to ask some muscular guy to help me put it back on the rack. Eeeek how embarrassing ><


Today wasn't really a very good day, exercise wise since I tried to load 5 kg on the chest press bar, got stuck and someone had to bail me out. ><


Then there was this finger grip slip off the rock climbing wall and me cursing as I just got the auto belay down. 


No harm done though. 

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It was Father's Day yesterday, so we had a jolly good dinner. Burp. Hungry, hungry monster is satiated!


Also made zucchini boats, black pepper pork version. 




400g minced pork (belly!) -bit too much, had excess, need to reduce to 350g.

1.5 tablespoons oyster sauce

1 teaspoon salt

Loads of black pepper

180g yellow pepper cubed(you can use red or orange peppers as well) 

One onion, chopped 

 4 zucchinis

75g mozarella cheese

200g King oyster mushrooms(yeah those button mushrooms were not on offer) - cut into small strips


1. Preseason a day before the 400g of minced pork belly with 1.5 tablespoons of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of salt and loads of black pepper. 


2. Slice the zucchinis into 2 and scrape out the centre with a teaspoon to form a boat. 


3. Toast the zucchinis at 170 degrees Celsius, 30 min on skin side, 10 min on flesh side and remove from oven.


5. While the zucchinis are toasting, fry the yellow pepper with garlic and salt. Then take it out. 


6. In the same pot, fry the onion until it starts to turn brown, then add the oyster mushrooms, fry for a while and add a pinch of salt, then add the pork and shake 5 shakes of black pepper sauce over it. 


7. Add the pork and mushroom mix on zucchini boats, top up with the yellow peppers, add on the cheese then toast in the oven at 170 degrees for another 3 min. They're done! 



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I also did the black bean experiments(will have some for lunch) with the slow cooker, but we'll wait to see if it's edible before we start posting the recipe. One mistake was I added too much water since the slow cooker doesn't seem to evaporate as much water as a pot. Preliminary samplings indicate that the beans have now gotten softer(one compliant was that the beans were too hard) and rather strong on rosemary. 


Just did an hour of hot yoga this morning.


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I went for 1h piloxing, then half an hour body combat in the gym. 


Lunch was:

150g cauliflower

100g brocoli 

200g tau kwa

1 tablespoon of singlong chili sauce 

Black bean stew


The blackbean stew wasn't bad, but I think it could use more onions and garlic and less water. Will post the recipe once I've finished tweaking it for more yumminess. 


Had 2 squares of hazelnut chocolate during tea and had some lychee cake after the run(it was our instructors birthday). 


Bean soup, with pork ribs and vegetables, steamed fish and a bit of rice for dinner. 


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Black pepper pork zucchini boat

Milk with one teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa in it. 


Morning snack:

One fragrant pear

18 longans


I decided to get a bit of my little green friend (green tea) right before weights(6 sets) :




50 lb shoulder press(x5) 


First set 30 kg squat with bar, (x5) then squat rack was used and I was forced to do goblet squat with 2.5 kg on each side +bar


110 lbs deadlift (x5) 


10 push ups


Jumping up then catching bar and holding for 15 secs before resting for another 10 secs and repeat for 12 secs(4 sets). Other two were jumping up then catching bar and holding for 12 secs before resting for another 10 secs and repeat for 12 secs


Chest press with bar +2.5 kg on each side 


50 lbs clean and press (x4), last set I did 40 lbs (x5) as someone was using the 50 lb barbell. 


1 min plank 


I think I like the effects of my little green friend =) 



150g cauliflower

100g brocoli

250g tau kwa 

1 tablespoon singlong chilli sauce



150g cauliflower

100g brocoli

4 shrimp wonton in wonton soup

Half a plate of blanched lettuce with soya sauce 


There was some assorted snacks of a bit of pear and apple. 

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I think I didn't eat enough yesterday. Later part of the night I was feeling vaguely hungry as I slept. 



4 eggs

26g spinach 

375 ml of quinoa milk 

30 grapes

A persimmon 

A peach


Then went for 1h les Mills body combat. Will go and donate blood later - so I'll skip my evening run with local running group - intend to do boot camp instead, it's less tiring then running. 



Chicken mayo sandwich 

A sweet chocolate drink 



300g cauliflower

200 g brocoli 

60g of black bean stew with 60g chayote, 20g red pepper and 0.6 of a tomato added

160g of chickpeas. 


Yes, I ate my lunch vegetables for dinner, and my dinner veggies as well. That's how much I can freaking put away if I have a mind to ><


Also ate love letters spread with peanut butter and chocolate and a piece of cake that was lying around the office..


Boot Camp was OK, burpees a bit harder then usual but still doable. 


I expect tomorrow's weights to be harder due to blood donation. We'll see. 


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50 lb shoulder press(x5),  first set done with 40 lb (x8), someone took the 50 lb barbell. 


Goblet squat with just the bar


110 lbs 100 lbs deadlift (x5) 


10 push ups


Jumping up then catching bar and holding for 12 secs before resting for another 10 secs and repeat for 12 secs(4 sets). 


Chest press with bar


50 lbs clean and press (x4)


1 min plank 


4 sets total. Rather dismal, but didn't want to overtax myself. 




Black pepper pork zucchini boat

Milk with a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa powder added

6 apricots, kernels were eaten as well



150g cauliflower

100g brocoli 

250g tau kwa

1 tablespoon singlong Thai chilli sauce 

6 stuffed tofu puffs


Afternoon snack:

1 orange

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Thanks Elastigal! 


I did HIIT workout later (that's why I was working on principal of energy conservation). I read also about the effects of blood donation. Apparently trained people feel it more then the layman, so I decided to play it safe. I was rolling the 110 lb barbell on the rack then didn't feel quite up to it, so switched to 100 lb barbell. 



120g of bok choi (should've fried the entire 250g packet) 

70g White fish

90g of pork in Chinese yam soup 


Asking me to eat vegetables(at least the cooked ones) is like getting water to run downhill. The more important question is: Do you have enough vegetables in the fridge to keep me happy? =P


I could eat 300g of cauliflower, 200g of brocoli at one meal but gosh, the number of tubs I'd have to haul to the office freezer! (It's not the weight, it's the bulk) Not to mention the extra chopping I'd have to do. 


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I'll be out in the afternoon so it's time for me to clear the office fridge(end of week) of my food. 



Black pepper zucchini boat

Milk with a teaspoon of cocoa added


I've heard good things about cinnamon milk(taste wise) and even better things about cocoa milk with cinnamon. I feel like buying a bottle of cinnamon powder and doing some shaking. 


Did 1h body combat. And of course, became a hungrier monster. 


Morning snack:

250g tau kwa

1 tablespoon sing long chilli sauce

60g of black bean stew with 60g chayote, 20g red pepper and 0.6 of a tomato added

2 small Asian pears

12 longans

Couple of crushed cashews, an almond and a love letter spread with peanut butter. 


One mistake I made was having my morning pick me up (green tea) within an hour of all those beans. There goes iron absorption down the drain... 


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Did the starwars nerd fitness workout. 


Skywalker handstands: Padawan level planks it is. 3 breaks taken total. 


Then took 3 breaks while doing the rest of the 4 min on normal plank. 


Jedi high jumps:


Did 2 sets of 10x jump squats, rested 5 secs then completed the rest. 


Jabba the hutt chokes:


Did 2 sets of 10x bodyweight rows, rested 5 secs, completed the rest. 


Chewbacca carries:


No sand bag or dumbells, used my 1 kg gym bag? =(


Han Solo shuttle runs:


Fitness station had a nice area marked shuttle run, so I used it. Fitbit provided the 20sec count and 10 secs intervals.


Force push ups:


4 sets of 8 Knee Plyometric Push-ups



Jedi force choke holds:


Managed to hang from pull up bar for 55 secs =(


Breakfast : 3 eggs, 2 tomatoes, 26g of spinach and 200 ml soya milk, 2 oranges. 


Park run timing:30 min 9 secs. 


Definitely not a good fitness week. 

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I am a walking food disaster. We just came out from a sushi joint and I polished off like 20 plates of thingies. Mostly seafood items/ seaweeds and vegetables and maybe 3 plates of actual sushi and 3 takoyaki balls. Body weight training + 5 km run =hungry hungry monster =(


At least I think the damage is fairly minimal since its mostly proteins. 

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Dinner - 100g rib eye steak and some fries. Eating out so not too much choice. Went back home and started eating up 3 sapotes, 155g  of jackfruit, 100g of jackfruit seeds. 


Breakfast today 

200g jackfruit seeds

3 eggs

26g spinach

200 ml soya milk

155g jackfruit

19 longans 


Morning snack after rock climbing: 200ml soya milk. 


Climbed the wall on the left using yellow abs blue boulders/triangle, but did not get to take pictures of me at the top since I wasn't expecting to manage to get up and didn't pass anyone my phone. It was pretty rough. 


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