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A thought on why people wear exercise clothes to walk and jog.


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I'm with the "different mood" crowd. I work from home and so getting out of the my jeans and tank top to put on exercise type clothing is not only more comfy, but really helps with the headspace. Now, if I am just taking the dog out for a walk or something like that I leave on the jeans, but usually ditch the shoes.

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why on earth would anybody deliberately sweat into the crotch of the jeans they wear all day? maybe you don't sweat that much when you work out, but when I'm done exercising I tend to look like I just climbed out of a swimming pool, and depending on the level of fitness a person is at, even walking might be enough to cause them to sweat uncomfortably. remember, even a teeny, tiny, small amount of crotch-sweat will fester throughout the day causing a person to smell like the boys locker room in a middle school (the age where they hit puberty but before they discover deodorant). It doesn't make a person mundane if they don't want to smell like a pile of dirty laundry, it makes them practical. I promise, if the doctor shows up I'll run straight into his tardis no matter what I'm wearing, and I'll run from zombies barefoot if that's the situation I'm in when the apocalypse happens, but until that day I will continue to wear workout clothes to workout in.

besides, in the event that there is a zombie apocalypse, part of my contingency plan is to take the first opportunity to change into track pants and running shoes. gotta give yourself every advantage possible.

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I wear whatever I plan on wearing for the rest of the day to walk, usually a sundress or a tank top and shorts so I can double-up on my exercise and tanning. I also wear flipflops - everywhere. I'm one of those people who would never wear shoes if it were socially acceptable not to, and flipflops are the closest thing I can get to being shoeless.

When I run (and by run, I mean jog) however, I have to wear workout gear. I'm built top-heavy with an ass deficit, so I need a sports bra and running tights, since I have no booty to hold my pants up and they fall down the second I start to run. I also wear running shoes, but that's because I'm trying to make running more comfortable, and I know that's supposed to help.

As far as a zombie apocalypse - I already know I'd die right away, so I'd wear whatever would help me hide. I doubt I could outrun a zombie, even if they only stagger.


Gnome Adventurer

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I don't like clothes to begin with, so the idea of doing anything in jeans is just... no. Sorry for the TMI. As for the zombie apocalypse, if it happens any time soon I hope I'm with people I really like because I am going to be taking one for the team. Go on without me!

"Get busy living or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." - Red"I'm not losing weight, I'm evicting fat." -me

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I wish I could wear my sports bra all the time though. sooo comfy!

I ended up finding a sports type bra that I could wear all the time and now I only use them. But I am also potentially active all day.

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

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I never understand why so many people wear jeans all the time and at they same time say that jeans are uncomfortable. In the winter I sleep in my jeans. If a pair of pants aren't comfortable enough to lounge around in or sleep in, then perhaps you should never wear them. I have no problem running in jeans but since most of my runs are pre-planned I usually wear my workout clothes.

Level 26, Primal Ultra Trail Scout, Non-Binary Robot


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For rowing, spandex is an absolute necessity to avoid getting caught in the track. I used to resent wearing it (when I was a bit larger) but now I find it almost impossible to workout in anything else. I have full range of motion and I can move without anything bouncing around (guys, you know what I'm talking about). If I had Chuck Norris Action Jeans, however, it'd be a whole different story.



Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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I never understand why so many people wear jeans all the time and at they same time say that jeans are uncomfortable. In the winter I sleep in my jeans. If a pair of pants aren't comfortable enough to lounge around in or sleep in, then perhaps you should never wear them. I have no problem running in jeans but since most of my runs are pre-planned I usually wear my workout clothes.

If I only wore clothes that were comfortable to sleep in, I'd only ever wear underwear... :P

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Um... I wear exercise clothes for three main reasons:

A) My regular daily wear bras are not supportive enough to run in. Zombies appear in my real life, yes, I will run in my normal bra. But believe me, I'm MUCH happier wearing a supportive exercise bra.

B) I don't like getting my normal clothes so sweaty all the time.

C) My jeans & chinos don't stretch enough to accomidate my flexibility. Not even CLOSE. I have a full split on both sides now and I can put my foot behind my head. I need spandex. Jeans don't even stretch enough for me to warm up my flexibility.

NF: Treedwelling assasin. Druidish leanings. Gnome.  

IRL: Amateur circus geek.  Mad cook. Mom. Mad Max junkie. 

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It's like a tradition nowdays: you exercise, you HAVE to wear exercise clothes.

wich is actually ok because, unless you are Chuck Norris (or at least have his indistructibles jeans), they will restrain the range of motion of your legs when you run, squat, etc. And they will (yes, eventually they all will) break into a window to the not so clean underwear that you're wearing when you work out.

PD: alltought using yoga pants or shorts only to walk it's a waist of time and money. (unless you really like them).

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No, yoga pants are never a wast of money. Oh no, they are not.:emmersed:

Clothing all about costuming. How doesn't dig dress up. Hell, when I was kid I was always dressing up in costumes. My mother used to have to call me by a string of names depending who I was that day or wouldn't come to dinner, "Batman, Superman, Captain Kirk, Dartanian, etc."

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My exercise clothing evolution:

First, I changed because of the sweat.

Then I switched to shorts to avoid heat sickness.

Then to spandex with a 10-12 inch inseam because my inner thighs were BLOODY after they chafed.

Then to tech-shirts to avoid heat sickness.

So, yeah, I'm a fashion fail. But if anyone calls me on it (I've been barked at, while running), I just think to myself "At the end of the workout, I'll be fitter. At the end of the insult, they'll just be a mean person. I win."

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
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Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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For me, my exercise clothes are pretty much the most comfortable clothes I own, particularly in the warmer months. If I had more sets, I'd probably wear them around the house regularly.

My exercise clothing evolution:

First, I changed because of the sweat.

Then I switched to shorts to avoid heat sickness.

Then to spandex with a 10-12 inch inseam because my inner thighs were BLOODY after they chafed.

Then to tech-shirts to avoid heat sickness.

So, yeah, I'm a fashion fail. But if anyone calls me on it (I've been barked at, while running), I just think to myself "At the end of the workout, I'll be fitter. At the end of the insult, they'll just be a mean person. I win."

Also, see the above regarding the practical side, everyone's a little different. In my case:

1. I tend to wear moisture-wicking/tech shirts because they're comfortable and feel better than being soaked with sweat in a regular T-shirt(this applies to every form of exercise)

2. I wear windpants/warmups when lifting. Generally this is mostly for deadlifts, so I don't have to deal with the bar dragging against my shorts(or skin) at the top of a rep.

3. I wear shorts for running, and bike shorts for extended biking. Light and cool - and practical.

Basically it's all about staying cool and moving freely.

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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Mundanes wear special clothes to exercise because they can't forsee the day when they might NOT be able to change before they have to run.

If you're not a "mundane", why the heck are you wearing jeans and fur-lined boots? Shouldn't you be wearing ninja clothes, a wearable computer rig, or ultimate survival gear with a backpack full of food, tools, and weapons? Everyone knows that jeans are useless because once they are wet they both chafe the hell out of you and offer no protection from the cold.

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If you're not a "mundane", why the heck are you wearing jeans and fur-lined boots? Shouldn't you be wearing ninja clothes, a wearable computer rig, or ultimate survival gear with a backpack full of food, tools, and weapons? Everyone knows that jeans are useless because once they are wet they both chafe the hell out of you and offer no protection from the cold.

Now there's a response if you ever needed one..Thanks for waking me up this morning!

Dark Panther - Adventurer

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I understand the need to be able to run in whatever provide there is an emergency or the zombie attacks begin however I personally find jeans to be uncomfortable period.

You're wearing them in your pic?

If I was going to go running (unlikely), I'd probably go for shorts unless I wanted to be hotter* (which has its uses), but then I'd probably go for something designed for exercising in. More comfortable, less restrictive. As it is, exercising at home, I still change. Not really a mood thing - have music and NF for that!

*By which I mean temperature, :tongue:


Jack Blog | The Blog of Jack

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Or maybe the weather is just awesome where the OP is. I know here in Dallas, jeans are almost unbearable in the summer, period. Let alone running, lol. :D
Louisiana too! I can just barely run in a sports bra and shorts in august here...jeans? No way!!

Ain't no picnic in VA in the summer, either... especially when the sun rises at 5AM. I try to get out as early as possible to run when it might not be so hot. Humidity sucks, too.

Honestly, if I see someone running in jeans, I'm going to assume they just committed a crime.


Honestly - I wear exercise clothing when I run because I get sweaty when I run, and I don't want to mess up my better clothes. I also want the comfort and flexibility of running shorts/tights and the wicking feature of a tech shirt. And the sports bra is a MUST for comfort. Obviously if the Doctor were to materialize and grab my hand and say "Run!" I wouldn't worry about what I'm wearing. But while I'm training for that day, or for the ZA, or <insert fantastical reason here>, I'll wear comfortable clothing.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

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Ain't no picnic in VA in the summer, either... especially when the sun rises at 5AM. I try to get out as early as possible to run when it might not be so hot. Humidity sucks, too.

I lived in Virginia for two years, and I can testify that anyone who runs in jeans down there in the summer is courting heat stroke. That strikes me as an awfully high price to pay for not looking like a doofus in spandex.

Anyway, what happens if the zombie apocalypse occurs and you're not wearing jeans at the time? With my luck, it will happen when I'm in six-inch spike heels and crammed into a teal lamé bridesmaid's dress. All that heat stroke would have been for naught.

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"There is never an absolute answer to everything, except of course that you have to do your squats." - Mark Rippetoe


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