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Let's get this lockdown party started...

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Hi everyone,


Hope you are all well!


So a bit about me, I used to be fairly fit a couple of years ago. I would do martial arts for 3 - 5 hours a week go for a short run (15-30 mins a day) sometimes longer, do a variety of different workouts to mix it up such as weights, circuit training, military fitness circuits (push ups,sit ups etc in a muddy field in the middle of December at 7am) - you know just for fun ?. I was at a fitness level where when a friend asked me to step in for someone to do a 10k obstacle course for charity when someone dropped out at the last minute I had no problem doing so as I was fit enough to do this easily. I also experimented with Intermittent Fasting as well as diet. This the fitness level I would like to get back up to in the next 12 months.


With the lockdown we are currently going through I see this as the perfect opportunity to kick start this and I started 2 weeks ago. And I am looking to gradually add to my workout plan over the next few weeks. 


My plan is to do the 60 days insanity workout (I am currently about 2 weeks into this tomorrow).


This Thursday I will be adding a daily morning run into this (due to social distancing I will be getting up early around 5am to do this) using something like couch to 5k to gradually build up my running ability over the next few weeks.


As I am finding I am fully recovering from the insanity workouts by the next morning I feel I am now able to add this however if this gets to much I will take an extra day to recover to ensure I don't get any injuries.


The plan is to then add a 4 weeks weight training program which progressively builds up reps (dumbbells only as this is what I have) 2 weeks after I have started running to allow time for my body to adjust then after the first 4 weeks I will repeat this 4 weeks weights program with a higher weight for another 4 weeks.


Diet-wise I have also been using intermittent fasting as I know from past experience this works well for me as well as trying to eat healthy meals when I am eating.


So this is my 12 week plan (2 weeks in so 10 weeks left) however when we are back to work after the lockdown I work an office job 9-5 so I need to find something to replace insanity with. As I live in a flat working out during the day is fine but jumping up and down on my neighbors ceiling at 6pm every night when they have young kids is probably not going to make me neighbor of the year ?


Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks,


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read a little bit on the insanity workout "https://www.verywellfit.com/insanity-60-day-total-body-workout-program-review-1231040"


"If you don't like high impact exercise or gasping for air, you won't be a fan of these workouts. The exercises are straightforward and athletic, requiring no equipment and you'll recognize many of them, such as jumping jacks, burpees, and suicides"


wow. I guess high intensity isn't my thing; though I like to think that for a race or an event I WO pretty intensely.


but to do this All the time! like that.


wow. respect. 


oh and welcome to the forum!

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the "NEW" normal is good with me! as Life was Never really Normal anyways....


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