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My Military Fitness Updates and a question

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So, a while back I joined up, bought some guides, started writing stuff down and completely changed my diet and workout regimen.

I am now at my 20 lbs lost mark, which is great. However, I am struggling with maintaining paleo, so I finally decided that better choices should win out. I don't really fret about the diet too much but I keep a general tab on calorie intake per day and per meal. I drink alot more water and I am starting to get a little definition. I still have a ways to go, but 20 is 20. (this all since Jan 15th)

The gains are slow to come, but as I get them they stay with me longer and I feel stronger. I can do 1 solid legit pull-up and chin-up. I can do lunges, squats, and pushups much better than ever before and can do 1 minute planks (both side and front) consistently!

So far I am on rank 2 of Steve's body weight brigade with the exception of a few exercises which I scaled back to a lesser progression with the help of Convict Conditioning's Workout, which I will soon integrate into my existing workouts. I try my best to run 2-3 times per week and I can now consistently hit my distance marks I have set for myself when doing both 30/60 and 60/120 sprints. I also can almost do a legit core level 3 workout following my run. my only hangup is "side plank with leg extensions".

I preach the word of steve, this website, and bodyweight fitness to all that will listen. I even may a few CD's of some of the information I use and handed them out to people who look lost like I used to.

So, if your in the Army or any of the armed forces and are not as squared away as you need to be, I would be more than happy to share tips and advice or post a sample workout idea. However, if your that 300 PT stud and your super awesome, I would LOVE to hear from you. I am almost to the 250 average for now, but my run is still slow as Christmas comes. I am trying to break that magical 15 minute barrier on the 2 mile. I think my pushup and situps are fine though. Also, tried integrating "the rower" and man, that exercise sucks. I sure hope they set a new PT test in stone soon. Not knowing what will be the new standard sucks. However, I am going to stay in good shape and do right anyway.

I may ever get a cross-fit membership in the Colorado Springs and see what that does for me.

Lastly, maybe the powers that be could think about a military section in one of these forums. Having to focus on both running and strength training while mixing in crossfit and all this other PRT stuff we do puts us in a unique situation.

As I break new groud, I'll make sure and let yall know. Peace out from the middle east! see you all in the states in a week or so!

man, I miss my kids, the wife, and a normal life.

"Before you listen to what is said, you must first consider the source." - ME

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