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Stonie Stays Focussed.

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Right, since I’ve done a respawn post and an intro post I figured I better start a daily log to track the things I plan on achieving. Cos there’s gonna be lots. *cracks knuckles* let’s get this done.


I need to start from the very beginning, which means body weight workouts at home, doing something with my diet, and have a solid routine that I can fall back on even though I’m a shift worker. Im going to try keeping my focus on the things I do good for myself, because I care about myself and I am worth taking care of; as opposed to I need to change all these things about myself because I’m a shitty human being. Because that’s unhealthy. 


i need to keep this simple so that I don’t get lost in the perfect diet and get stressed over perfecting macros and calories in vs out. I just want to eat in a way that fuels me enough and makes me feel good. Hopefully by doing this and increasing my movement slowly I will shed some of the extra kilos I have gained. I’m going to try and stay away from counting calories as it tends to stress me out too much and I never stick with it anyway. Ive been feeling pretty good physically while adhering to a mostly vegetable-based diet. I just need to work on getting enough protein but I’ll work on that later. 

Intermittent fasting every day. 12pm - 8pm eating time. 
Cook only vegetarian meals for yourself.

Spend one day a week meal prepping something for the week’s meals.


I need to start real simple here. I haven’t worked out properly for a few months and I was barely keeping up with my fitness before then. I’ve joined a push-up challenge with my Roller Derby teammates for the month of May so I’ll focus my efforts on my upper body strength for the month, My upper body has always been notoriously weaker than my lower body since I play/ed a very leg dominant sport. 


Pushup-focussed workout at least 3x a week. more workouts if you think you can hack it.



this is often where everything falls down for my but also the basis of my entire life. Since I’m a shift worker I don’t have set work hours which always throws me for a loop but since my sleep is getting better now I’m going to try and get a routine together that works no matter my sleep and wake up times. I’ve written this into my diary so that hopefully I can stick to it, and I’ve also pre-planned my bed and get up times so that I’ve hopefully I’ll stick to them? And not just rely on my body telling me when to get up and stuff. Cos that always works.

I’m not a morning person and i need time to get going so I’m scheduling time in to do just that. And if i don’t plan my workout for the morning I have a tendency to just put it off all day until i just... don’t do it. I’m also trying an exercise in discipline by throwing a cold shower into my morning routine after my workout. If coffee doesn’t wake me up that sure fucking will. 

Stick to my morning and evening routines at least 5/7 days a week. 


Coffee and calm time. 30mins
Workout. 30mins

Cold shower. 2 minutes.

get dressed for the day inc, skincare and teeth. 10minutes

coffee (as a bribe for having the cold shower!) 30mins

Go to work if that’s what you have to do, or do something productive around the house



do the dishes (that’s wash, dry, AND put away.) 10mins

journal for the day 30mins

self care routine (skin, meds, teeth) 10minutes

bedtime @ 9hours before you have to get up. 


Edit 5/05/2020


schedule one thing a day JUST FOR ME.

And actually do it. Prescribed by my psych to address my current low moods. The dr said so! This is going to be small things like actually play that game I’ve downloaded. Read a book by the fireplace. Brainstorm wild costume ideas for Supanova in August. Something that if an give myself permission to just, fucking, sit down and enjoy mindfully. 



Pushups 3x weekly. Extra workouts if you feel extra.

Intermittent fasting daily; eating between 12pm-8pm.

meal prep vegetarian meals 1x weekly

stick to your routine 5+ days weekly.

Schedule one thing per day just for you.


I am worthy of self-care.

My Best is good enough.

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May (the) 4(th be with you) 2020.


Workout: Pushups done

1 minute of dynamic stretching

1 minute of burpees

3x10 incline pushups

2x1 minutes of ankle alphabets

1x20 bodyweight squats


y’all, I was puffing at the end of this. 


Intermittent fasting:  done. 

Felt good today! But I was eating late last night so thats probably why i didnt feel hungry till lunch time. Tomorrow will be interesting to see how i feel when i wake up.


Meal Prep (Vego): TBD Wed 6th of May



Morning: done

Felt good today as i didn’t have a set wake up time so i was totally alert by the Time i thought i had better get up. I was 50% curious about the cold shower and 50% dread. The upside to living alone is that i can sing in the shower badly at the top of my lungs to distract myself from the cold and not be judged harshly. I also had coffee brewing for post shower too so that mitigated some of the suffering. I felt good by the time I went to work.


Evening: TBD. 

I mean, i cant write about my evening routine while asleep. So ill just have to check in tomorrow about this one. 


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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 4 2020
Evening routine: done.

it was nice waking up to a clean kitchen and i was in bed by a reasonable time!


May 5th 2020

Hit my sleep target of 8.5 hours sleep! Excellent. That should set me up for a good day, we’ll see.


Workout: done

dynamic stretching

1 minute of jumping jacks

3x10 band rows

3x10 Bulgarian split squats each leg


dang y’all. My thighs hurt. Haven’t felt that in a while. 


Intermittent fasting: done. 

Nearly forgot to make my lunch smoothie.


Meal prep: tomorrow wed 6/04

gonna make vege mac and cheese using the last of my roasted vegetables in the fridge. What? It’s cold here. 



morning: done. 

Coffee: done. 

Workout: done

cold shower: today’s Solo Vocal Shower Special was I Don’t Care by Fallout Boy. It felt colder today. Probably because it was colder outside. 

Dressed for work: done. 


evening: done. 

Dishes: done

skin, teeth, meds: done

journalling: right now.

bed at the right time: done. I am in it. Right now. 


I’m trying a thing where ive pre-planned my bedtimes so that i know I’m getting enough sleep before i have to work. And since i don’t start work until 2:30pm and finish at 10:30pm I’m going to keep myself awake until my “knock off time” and hopefully I’m pre-prepared for tomorrow. I won’t have to get up too early since, well, late start, so i have set a later alarm. But still an alarm to get up with. 


Also in conversation with my ClinPsych today she told me i have to schedule one self-care thing every day until my low mood gets better. Bless her. Obviously we are working on other stuff too but since this is a small and easily trackable thing, I’m going to add that to my goals. 


Self-Care: done. 

Finally just SAT DOWN and played a game. I downloaded Crypt of The Necrodancer on my Switch and oh shit. It’s hard. But so addictive. I’m listening to the soundtrack as we speak on Spotify so i can familiarise myself with the music so hopefully i suck less eventually. 


Tomorrow’s plan: 

routine as usual. Maybe take it a little easier on my legs tomorrow cos they hurty,

fast till 1pm this time since i dont think ill get my dinner break till 8pm and that doesn’t quite work out.

work from 2:30pm onwards.

evening routine. 

Crash and burn and do it all again. 

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 6 2020


Y'all, it was cold today. Not a fan. 


Workout: Rest Day.

My thighs are pure pain. walking around work tonight could be the death of me. 


Intermittent fasting: Done. 

managed to survive putting it off an hour even while cooking mac and cheese for the week. And I've just finished my last meal so I should be good for tomorrow. This biting cold wind we are having is making me just want to consume incessantly. 


Meal prep: Done.

One big tray of homemade vegetable mac and cheese done and in the fridge. Managed to not snack on it while making it when I was out of my eating window so that's a huge win.




Cold Shower Vocal Spectacular: I Love It by Icona Pop

I surprised myself with this. Managed to get into the shower with the cold water even though today's maximum temperature was 11 degrees Celsius.


I even threw some housework in there for good measure since i didn't start work until 2:30pm and had some spare hours to burn.


Evening: TBD

Dishes: tbd

Planning: yes.  doing that right now.


Journalling: doing it now

Bed Time: 11:30pm


Self Care: Done

Actually use the reverse cycle heater instead of suffering in the cold just to save money.


Tomorrow's Plan: 

Wake up @ 8:30am


make the bed

do some washing

Fast till 1:00pm again

work @ 2:30pm

Self-care: brainstorm cool cosplay costume ideas

Bedtime @ 11:30pm





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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 6, 2020

Evening routine:

dishes: done

planning: done

journalling: done

Bed time @ 11:30: done


May 7, 2020

Morning Routine: done

but maaan, was it slow. I was real tired when i woke up this morning and even after multiple coffees, a workout and the coldest shower yet i was still lethargic. 


Workout: done

1 minute jumping jacks

dynamic stretching

3x10 incline pushups

3x20 banded bicep curls

my thighs and butt still hurt from Monday Tuesday so i made today upper body stuff. Tomorrow I probably wont be as lucky. If i wake up functional enough to want to work out.


Intermittent fasting:  done.

barely. I was hungry at around... 12pm? But managed to hold off. 

Self-care: done.

played journey to the Savage Planet. (Not “strange planet” not sure where I got that from”)


Evening routine: nope.

so I had great plans to get home from work, do my thang and then fall into bed. buuuuut my cat. Escaped the backyard. Went under the house. Where she could easily get out into the street. Can’t have that. I haven’t updated her name tag since I only moved here a month ago.

Spend a hour alternating between crawling around under my house and lying in the wet grass trying to coax her out. Oh, and it’s 11:30 at night and raining and windy. Of course. Finally won her over with her bowl of kibbles. And she was purring and playing the whole time. So now I’ve had a bourbon. And I’m writing this and then I’m going to sleep.


At least I get the day off tomorrow.

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 8, 2020.

A bad evening last night made for a slow start this morning. 


Morning Routine: ehh... 50%

Took a rest day

had a hot shower instead of a cold one

but still followed the same basic pattern.


Intermittent Fasting: done! Even after a few drinks I managed to notice that I was getting close to my stop-eating time and held onto it.


Workout: Rest Day


Meal Prep: actually ended up doing some more since i was having my parents around for dinner so i made a HYUGE batch of steamed buns and crispy chicken and salad. I’ll be eating that for the next week probably. I’m not mad about that. 


Evening Routine:  not done.

Just go to bed, they thought.

You’ll fall straight asleep they thought.

Get a good nights sleep.



Self-Care: done.

have a hot shower instead of a cold one.

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 9, 2020. 

So I’ve woken up at 2:30am today day and could NOT for the life of me get back to sleep. Tsk. That’s what I get for not following my Evening routine. Good news is, I’m up and ready for my day to start at well... 4:30am like i wanted it to, since it takes me two hours to work through my morning routine (not a morning person) and I start work at 6:30am (again, NOT a morning person) So I’ll see how much work i get through today before i crash in a heap of exhaustion.


Morning Routine: done!



cold shower motivational backing track: Black Book Messiah by Diablo Swing Orchestra



lunch packed and off to work.


Okay, so I have a confession to make... I haven’t yet entirely immersed myself under the cold water yet when I have my showers. I’ve been dancing around inside out of the water like a drongo. but I got closer today! I had half of my body under the shower at a time. Turns out the key might be to sit the fuck still and be calm instead of dipping in and out of The water XD I nearly bowed out this morning but I figured I’d be more awake after and hot dang I sure was!


i actually maintained some semblance of coherence and functionality while at work today so maybe this morning routine shite is actually good for me? Pfffft.


Workout: done!

1x minute jumping jacks

dynamic stretching 

1x minute of burpees

supersets of:

3x20 incline pushups (kitchen bench)

3x20 body weight squats


Intermittent Fasting: made it 10am-6pm today since thats when i get hungry when I work early shifts and I’ll most definitely be in bed by 8pm today if not earlier. 


Self-Care: tbd but it will probably be GO TO BED EARLY



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 9, 2020


1. Take ur meds. 7pm. Done

2. Wash ur dishes. Nope.

3. Teeth. Skin. Nope

4. Journal (optional for today actually) yep

5. Go to damn bed!! 8pm. Yepp


so like, a 50% hit rate for my routine last night? Ehh that’s something. I was legit falling asleep by the fire by 7:40 so getting to bed at 8pm was totally doable. I actually feel more tired today than I did yesterday when I woke up at 2:30am. I might have to start playing with the sleep cycle alarm again to wake up when my body wants to close to the time I need to be up. 

May 10, 2020.

Morning Routine: 50% done.

workout: nope

cold shower: nope

coffee: yes


Its super fucking cold again today you guys. I did two loads of washing yesterday and they were all half dry and cold and damp when I woke up. I’m contemplating buying a dryer just so I can finish them off so I don’t have to wear damp clothes when it’s 0 degrees C outside at 4:30am.

i coffees and got ready but honestly I had no sports bras or workout clothes that weren’t damp and I wasn’t gonna be jumping around without support. Fuck that. I think I am wearing my final clean outfit in my wardrobe that I won’t freeze to death in at work.


Workout: 10km outdoor skate

Was going to have a rest day and then a friend said "lets go for a skate!" so we did. 


intermittent Fasting: done

10am - 6pm


Evening Routine: nope

This shouldn't be so hard? I'm not sure what it is I'm getting stuck on that is stopping me from doing this. Anyway, I need to modify my bedtime for the next few days to be 7pm instead of 8pm otherwise i don't get enough sleep to be able to even think about getting up at 4:30am!


Self-care: done

started crocheting a pair of mittens, since my hands nearly fell off on my way to work today cos it was SO COLD.



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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Morning routine: 5/7

yewww. That’s what I was aiming for


Evening Routine: 2/7

Big Oof. This needs to be a focus this week. How was I worse at this than having a cold shower?!


Intermittent fasting: 7/7

Nice. Can't tell yet if it's going to make a difference since it's been only 1 week but i'll have to stick to it for the month to see if it actually changes anything.


Workouts: 5/3 days this week.

M, T, Th, S, Sun


Self Care: 6/6 days this week. 

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 11, 2020


Morning Routine: not done.

didnt go to bed early enough so there was no way I was going to get myself out of bed at 4:30am. But I’ll do better tonight. I’m in bed now and it’s 6:40pm.


Intermittent Fasting done

but i definitely need to start eating better. Had a chocolate bar and a cookie and some ice cream throughout the day.


Workout: pushups done

21 incline push-ups. 

Evening routine: done!

i have tried to make it a bit more alluring by getting some pyjamas that actually fit and are hella comfortable. and also was thinking about my “evening” routine - I don’t have to necessarily do it just before I go to bed? I can do my skin care and take my meds and get into my pyjamas as soon as I get home from work and have nowhere else to be. So that’s what I did today and it worked. At least it’s easy to be in bed by 7pm when it’s well and truly sundown by now. 

Self-Care: done

bought some new pyjamas and bras that actually fit. I have been putting this off since I gained weight and I keep hoarding my old clothes thinking I’m going to fit back into them soon but that’s not going to happen in a hurry (not if I do it right anyway) so hopefully that will help with my self esteem a little bit too.

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 12, 2020

Aha! I knew it! getting my evening routine right did in fact, help me sleep and get up at 4:30am with less resistance! and I was even asleep by 7:30pm. Oh shit. Again, it being dark by 6pm probably makes a difference but it's also still dark at 6:14 when I walk to work so... yeah. 


Being in bed by 7pm does pretty much take away my evening plans for the weekend though, since i start work at 6:30am both days; so our DnD session is going to have to wait one more weekend.


Morning Routine: done! 
Cold shower: Dig Down (Gospel Version) by Muse


So I discovered yesterday while doing some googling that the cold shower idea works well when the water is 20 degrees C or under, Not just “turn your cold tap on as cold as fucking possible” Like I’d been doing ? so I tried that today and it was still cold but actually much more manageable, especially for winter!



1min jumping jacks

dynamic stretching

then Super Sets of:

3x20 pushups 

2x20 bodyweight squats + 1 minute of banded monster walks (just because I wanted something different)


Evening Routine: 70% done

i didn’t do the dishes and I didn’t come back to this and journal. Honestly I planned on staying up a lot longer last night but crashed around 8pm and had to go to bed. 


Intermittent fasting: done

ate pretty well. I tried to start planning set meals I can eat that I know are good for me so I don’t have to think about calories or anything but didn’t get very far. Tomorrow I’ll do some food prep so that I have stuff to eat for the rest of the week.


self care: not done

i was pretty much in survival mode yesterday just getting throigh. Y last day of getting up at 4:30am (for a few days at least) so I  didn’t really put any thought into anything. Self care is hard yo.



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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 13, 2020


Morning Routine: done

this is a lot easier when you don’t have to be up before the sun.

Cold Shower: Wonderland: Round Three by Griffin McElroy


Workout: done

1min jumping jacks

dynamic stretching

supersets of:

3x10 incline pushups

3x12 Bulgarian split squats 


when the sun is up and it’s not freezing I can use my back stairs to help me workout which is nice. I’m not going out there at 5am over winter though. Fuck that.


Intermittent fasting: done
still ate a bit crap, as a coping mechanism to Being on my last day of working 9 of the last 10 days. That’s next challenges problem


Self Care: done

there’s a lovely warm spot in my front sunroom that is perfect for meditating in so I did just that. 

evening Routine: done

mostly done before I went to work if I’m being totally honest. All I had to do as fall into bed at 10:30 since that’s when I got home. Now I’m. Back on early shifts for the next month or so? Just to properly throw me out of whack. At least I might even *gasp* get a routine going? The horror. Not looking forward to all those 4:30 wake up times though... oh well! Good thing my social life won’t suffer! Hahaha. 






Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 14, 2020


Morning Routine: done

again, easy to do when you don’t have an alarm set. 
Cold shower: The Purple Worm by Griffin McElroy


Workout: done

was going to take a rest day, except for pushups, and then a teammate needed a skate tool, so I took it out to her and had a skate with her while I was there! Since the sun was actually out and everything. 
also 3x10 push-ups done.

Meal Prep: done

spent some time cooking a vegetable curry, with rice and naan bread. Turned out pretty good for a first crack at this recipe. ill be eating it for the week so I’m glad it doesn’t suck xD


Intermittent Fasting: done

Didn’t  eat as badly today since i was actually quite busy today, going to plant shops and hardware shops and cooking curry etc. I did have a few drinks but all within the eating window and I didn’t go back to the bottleo for more.


Self-care: done

did some gardening. It was lovely. Got a free orange daylily plant off my neighbour and bought two succulents from the fancy plant shop in town and potted those. Also remembered to water my transplanted dahlias. Also built a sweet pot stand out of a pot plant holder and a cheese platter for a grand total of $14 to free up room for more plants in the sun room.


Evening routine: done

i was in bed by 9pm (which I planned) but did have to pull out Ye olde meditation app to help me get to sleep. 




Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 15, 2020


Morning Routine: done

not quite as early as I had planned but I did it nonetheless. It’s very hard to convince myself to get up before 7am if I have no plans to be anywhere at a set time. Next challenges problem.


Workout: Took that rest day except for my pushups. 1x30 pushups done


Intermittent Fasting: done

broke my fast a bit early but also have to hit the sack early so it actually works out quite well.


Self-Care: done

Did alll the DIY things today. Stuck some fancy numbers to the front of the house. Cut and sanded a beautiful piece of jarrah to turn into a shelf. Finished sanding and painted the mailbox I’m refurbishing. Replaced the broken handles of my bargain corner tv unit with sweet new ones. Hung fairy lights across the roof of my loungeroom. Screwed my Kmart-hacked little side tables together so they were one piece instead of a cheese board just sitting on a pot holder.


Evening Routine: done / doing

so I’m a bit late to bed writing this out but only because I had to run a quick errand for a friend who needed food and couldn’t afford delivery. So I did that. 


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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 16, 2020


Morning Routine:  done

Cold Shower: Never Satisfied by Kick the Habit.


Workout:  done

1 min burpees

dynamic stretching

3x20 (kitchen bench) incline pushups

3x10 side lunges


My 4:30am Mornings: a story in pictures

5:30am, post workout and cold shower


By 9:00am



I hope this gets better. it would be great if my nighttime loving ass could adjust. That would be super. 

Intermittent Fasting: done

 broke my fast at 9.30 coz i was hongry. Also stopped eating at 5:30 so all is well. 

Self-care: done

 finished my Mailbox refurbishment and lit the fire and finished crocheting one of a pair of mittens

Evening Routine: done. I’m typing this at 6:52pm. Hopefully tomorrow i am more awake.




Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 17, 2020

Happy International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia!


Morning routine: like, 20% done.

I washed my face and packed lunch and made coffee. that's about it. 

I did not wake up more awake this morning. I slept terribly. I think it took me ages to wind down and get to sleep at such an early time. I should adjust, since i have the same roster all week (thus far)

no Cold Shower because it was like 3 degrees when I got up this morning. 

Workout: rest day

But I did do 10 push-ups in a test run of setting up my dining chairs to do push-ups off. 

Intermittent fasting: done

Good news: I am a great cook.
Bad news: I can modify my mum’s microwave self saucing pudding recipe into a single serve so I can make a single serve chocolate self saucing pudding whenever I want. Which is probably not ideal for my waist. Maybe one day I’ll learn some self control...


Self-care: done

i started a new painting I’d been meaning to do for a while. I got a bit of the way through it but I have to wait for it to dry now before I do any detailed work on it. 

Evening Routine: done

I’m sitting in bed Now at 6:08pm. I turned down dinner at mums tonight since I was knackered when I got home from work and wanted to try getting to bed at the right time again. 

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 18, 2020


Morning Routine: not done. 
so my cat decided to climb under my house at around oh... 10:30 last night? Woke me up by yowling at a random neighbourhood cat from under the house. Cat yowling is my #1 Least Favourite Sound. So then I locked her in the house so she didn’t go back outside for her to walk up and down the hallway for the next two hours yelling at me (my cat is a noisy one) to let her out, which I did after finally relenting.. only for her to be under the house again when I got up this morning. So I was in no state to get up at 4:30am to do anything other than snooze my alarm. I think I’ve re-blocked the hole she got through but we’ll see tonight. 

workout: rest day. 
im not doing good at these early mornings. I am however doing my best.


Intermittent Fasting: done.

I took Mac and cheese out of the freezer but I think it can be my lunch for work tomorrow instead. 

Self-care: done

i wrote a few sentences of a story I have been wanting to write for ages. 

evening routine: ??

i can't remember if i did this or not since it was a whole 4 days ago.



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 19, 2020


Morning Routine: not done

again, just wasn’t awake enough at 4:30am this morning to want to get up. I think maybe I’m going to bed too early? Like I’m not resting very well I’m just lying in bed. I’m going to try switching back to a 8pm sleepy time and see if that helps since last week this routine was working just fine. 

workout: done

just 20 push-ups done in the stairwell at work. 

Intermittent Fasting: not done

boss brought cake into work and that’s my absolute weak point. I’m thinking some kind of halt on the amount of sugar I consume could be in the books for next challenge because I have zero self control. 

evening routine: done

I really didn’t want to do this for some reason?i just wanted to go to bed to try again tomorrow. Tomorrow is day 5 of 6 work days in a row and I think instead of adjusting to the samey same roster I just get more tired as the week goes on having to get up early. Boo. I’ll keep trying until I get this right anyway. 


self-care: done

played some Saints Row IV on the Xbox 



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 20, 2020


Morning Routine: done

Somehow sleeping a little bit less helped me get up a bit better (or sleeping better? my cat didn't escape last night soo...) that probably has something to do with what point in my sleep cycle i am waking up in so i'll take it. 

I even used my morning half hour to write some words down in my wannabe sci fi novel draft #zero. I also had tea instead of coffee this the morning in an attempt to mitigate Any energy crash later in the day... which didn’t work but that’s possibly because I’m on day 5 of 6 of days working in a row. 

Cold Shower: The Way You Are Aftermath by Put a Donk on it


Workout: done

1 minute jumping jacks

dynamic stretching

4x5 Incline Pushups (dining room chairs)

3x10 (each leg) Single Leg Deadlifts

3x12 doorway rows


Intermittent Fasting: done


Self-care: gonna get done. i have a clinPsych appt today

i also watched a few episodes of rick and morty.


Evening Routine: done

so my ClinPsych made a suggestion that tracks with my current idea of doing my evening routine when I am ready for relaxing and then going to bed later, with the thought that the moment I feel tired - and my sleep cycle is dipping into sleepy times - I can straight up hit the sack instead of getting tired, diddling around, then going to bed feeling awake because I’ve just been doing stuff, so that’s good. 



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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 21, 2020


Morning Routine: done

everything except my workout; i got distracted writing notes for my story that i blew off exercising except for pushups. I had tea again in the wee morning hours but im still crashed and burned by 10am.


Today feels like the longest day of my gd life


Workout: rest day

1x30 (kitchen bench) incline push ups


Meal Prep: done

i made a heap of taco filling last night and had taco salad for dinner, And am going to make some tortillas tonight (I would have done this yesterday but I had no flour or yeast) and prep some burritos to go in the freezer. 

update: done.


intermittent fasting: not done. I was cooking and drinking. 


Self-Care: done

the boss tried to beg me into working tomorrow (making that 7 days in a row) and i said no. I'm too tired to feel bad for their lack of emergency preparedness.


Evening Routine: not done.

once i buy something to drink when i knock off work im getting into my pjs, watching a movie and falling asleep to sleep in tomorrow. finally. 
this didn’t happen... I went to bed drunk. 



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 22, 2020


morning routine: done

Cold shower: think about things, by Dadi Freyr 
I did do some more writing during my first morning coffee. I think that’s a good use of my time that is otherwise spent scrolling mindlessly through Pinterest or something.

workout: done

1 minute of jumping jacks

dynamic stretching

supersets of:

3x10 incline push-ups (stairs)

3x10 body weight rows (stair rail)


im Aaaalmost starting to enjoy working out at home. I’m pleased with Ive been able to create workouts with things I have around the house. I do have a few stairs which is a new thing Ive never had before which are great for using during workouts.


intermittent fasting: not done

i went into town to help a friend out and they bought me brunch as a thanks.


evening routine: done

i had to shower to get itchy plant bits off me after mowing the lawn so did my self are type stuff then.


self-care: done

Didn’t set an alarm today. Also bought a new plant.


i also mowed my own lawn (for the first time ever) and repotted some of my indoor plants, and planted some bushy plants in the outside garden. 



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 23, 2020


Morning routine: 50% done

i had too much housework to do and couldn’t focus on a workout. I planned to have a cold shower when I was done but... yeah. That never happened. I did do a bit of work on my writing at some point during the day though so that’s good. 


Workout: another rest day, I think the housework I did kinda almost made up for that though. I vacuumed and dusted and swept and scrubbed and emptied and washed all the things. I was expecting my parents around to help me move Some furniture but they got busy. 


Intermittent fasting: not done

im probably going to scrap this for the next two weeks and focus on something else since it seems to be doing nothing for me apart from making me dozy until I eat.. I’ll think about that tomorrow. 

self-care: done

I spent a decent chunk of time just sitting in the sun room reading Good Omens. That was good. 

evening routine: not done. I forgot to take my meds for the last two days? Probably my why sleep has been all over the joint. 



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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May 24, 2020


Morning routine: done

the cat and the dog have grown accustomed to my early starts so they were harassing me at 5:30am to get up and feed them (on my day off!!)

so I did that. Then worked on my writing for a few hours.

Cold Shower Song: ...damn. I can’t remember. It was a banger too. 

workout: done.

Sunday is a blissful day of rest from push-ups which is good because my arms were going to fall off if I tried them today.

1minute of jumping jacks

dynamic stretching

supersets of:

3x12 (each side) single leg squats (onto a dining chair)

40s plank
35s plank

30s plank. 

dang it those planks we hard. It’s been a while since I planked. 

I also did more house stuff since it’s my last day off until Thursday. And we are supposed to get a wicked weather front come through with rain and “damaging winds” and all that. So I had to clean up my backyard and stuff things in the storage hole under my house so nothing blows away. Dragging paint cans around while on your ha do and knees under a house had me sweating let me tell you. 

i also gave my bedroom a makeover! I put up some shelves and a hanging rack for my clothes. my parents offloaded a free standing wardrobe to me when I moved in but it’s not big enough for all my clothes ( I have a wide range of styles don’t judge me) and since my house was built 50 years ago with jarrah I worked up a sweat just drilling holes into the stud work to get the shelf brackets up. But it looks so much better then the wardrobe that was there and my small bedroom looks much bigger now

intermittent fasting: nah. I’m going to revisit my food intake problem tomorrow when I’m bored at work. 

Self care: done

see above - bedroom makeover. 


Evening routine: done. Just barely. There was a small hiccup with my shelving adventure when I didn’t have the right screws and had to wait for my sister to bring me screws since I didn’t want to go to Bunnings for the third time in one day. That put me back a few hours but I got there.


ill do my weekly wrap up and then I’m off to sleepy times. 




Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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I wanted to be a bit reflective last night but I had to get some sleep to be up at 4:30am without hating everything. now I’ve had some time so I’ve done that over in my challenge post.


the TL;DR is that intermittent fasting wasn’t doing anything for me so I’m dropping that goal for eating mindfully instead. Shoutout to Tanktimus for pointing me in the direction of intuitive eating which I think fits what I’m trying to achieve in a way I can actually quantify and track instead of a “oh, you know, just eat without tracking things but still eat healthy but be able to eat all the tasty things...”

cross-posted from my challenge log:



Intermittent fasting: scrapped

This hasn't been feeling great or useful to me. I've definitely not lost any weight (not that I was really trying to but it would have been nice for it to be that easy for once)

I think i have a few reasons why.


1. My Main Weakness is sweet foods. Any kind. Lollies. Biscuits. Chocolate. Cake. Especially chocolate cake. 

2. I am constantly surrounded by sweet snack foods at work. Apparently every department at work runs entirely off caffeine and sugar. 

3. I am an opportunist when it comes to food and love freebies. "Well I might as well have a bit since it's free and not going to be here later"

4. If I'm hungry I find it harder to knock back opportunities to eat the foods.

5. I have 0 "stop eating" cues to rely on. But at least I can sleep!


And I think most of these are being exacerbated by not eating until lunch time. I have an 8 hour window to eat so I take the chance to eat whatever I can while I can. especially if that 8 hour window is when I'm at work. and especially if someone brings something in that looks tasty. 

I'm thinking (and more so now I've had a quick glance at that and flicked through some of the articles) that for now I might replace my goal of Intermittent fasting with Eating Mindfully. if I'm going to eat a thing then I have to only eat it. do nothing else. just eat it. stare at it. pay attention as i eat it. chew my goddamn food. Don't pick up my phone. just eat. if i don't have time to eat it mindfully... Don't eat it. Enjoy it. and if I don't... then probably stop eating it?


This is something I was toying with for next challenge but hadn’t quite fleshed out yet. So I might just implement it now  aaand see how that goes? 





Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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Alright and with that, Week 3 is upon us. 

May 25, 2020


Morning Routine: done, easy. 

Cold Shower: The Adventure Zone: Amnesty, Episode 27 (or rather, 3 minutes of it)


Workout: done

30x kitchen bench incline pushups done. I did just foam roll all my other bits Instead of doing anything fitness but it helped immensely because I was sore.


intermittent fasting Eating Mindfully: done

from the time I decided to do it from anyway.

so my plan for scoring this is the same. 5 of 7 days is a success. If I’m going to eat something I need to drop everything and just do that. No shovelling lollies into my face while doing mindless data entry at work. No mindless phone scrolling while eating. Having conversations with other people is okay. Listening to the radio / a podcast: acceptable for now. But I want to be fully aware of how I feel about the food I’m eating and what I actually think of what I’m putting in my body. 


Not gonna lie, I tried my best to immediately forget that this was a thing I wanted to work on! Since I posted that update then immediately grabbed a biscuit out of my back for a snack and then probably not even 30 seconds later went “ oh, I should write this thing down in my phone!” And was this [] close to scrolling through my phone mindlessly while eating a biscuit. Mere seconds after deciding I Was gonna stop that shit ? HOWEVER. From then on I was okay with it. I feel hopeful about this as an idea. 

also also, since I was actually paying attention to the biscuit I was eating, I realised it was half stale and lost interest in them after eating the two I had, instead of just eating them because SUGAR.


Meal prep: done

I didn’t actually have to do this today but I had a craving for roasted vegetables (so I did that) and then baked some apples too so I have them as a topping for porridge... or ice cream. I also forgot to score this for last week but I made tacos so it definitely happened. 

self-care: done

fun fact, if you microwave a marshmallow that’s been strategically placed onto a chocolate covered digestive biscuit for like, 8 seconds, and theN Stack another digestive biscuit Immediately on top of that you get a lazy person s’more! Making two those was self care today. 

evening routine: done

it was almost disrupted by a friend needing to stop by to vent about her housemate, but i was conveniently distracted by my hatred of doing the sides to notice I’d tidied my entire kitchen after doing all my meal prep. Which was nice. I still made it to bed by 8pm which is good because I have hit. That. Wall. Hard.


i also slept awfully last night since I forgot to take my meds and then we had the wildest weather in a decade (apparently) swing through and try and blow my hometown away so I kept waking up to sounds I thought were my house blowing down. It didn’t. Everything is still where I left it. It’s also fucking freezing. Boo. 





Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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