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Can I be a Werebear?

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Not really an RPG person, except for some long-neglected LARPing in the SCA. (Does three acronyms in the first sentence properly qualify me as a nerd? :friendly_wink: ) So, I went & checked out the Wikipedia article on D&D character classes...

I could maybe pass for a Dark-Haired Overtall/Tallfellow Halfling Hobbit. But really I'm a Werebear:

Large frame, 5'9", currently 290 lb. (! :( ), lots of dark hair. Fierce (& can be dangerous) when riled; otherwise warm, playful, & very fond of salmon.

Currently, I most resemble a werebear in late autumn, heavily fattened from the fall salmon run and ready to waddle off for a long winter's nap. My fitness goal is to transform myself into an early-summer werebear - sleek and muscular from the spring salmon run, and ready for a sunny season's adventures.

Profession-wise, I'm going to go non-comformist again and call myself a wizard. I'm an engineering nerd (Metallurgical/Materials) IRL, and also firmly believe that She Who Dies With The Most Knowledge Wins. :smug: But I'm not working now because I'm disabled due to severe Fibromyalgia. So I seem to fit the description of a pallid archivist-magician, seldom leaving my workroom full of dusty tomes and half-finished alchemy experiments.

My greater quest is to become a Druid/Hero Mage a la Gandalf or Obi Wan Kenobi, striding over the land to the places where things need doing and there doing the things that need to be done. In RL terms, I want to make myself fit and healthy enough to become a writer, with the energy and stamina to work for long hours and to travel for research and (eventually, hopefully) for publication meetings and promotional business.

My game plan is already in motion: I've been eating 1700 - 2000 cal per day of (mostly) unprocessed food, trying for 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein with aa many veggies as I can get in. My current exercise regime (bear in mind here that I'm an beginning adventurer/morbidly obese physically disabled person) is walking and yoga-type stretching. Since mid-February, I've lost 19 lbs, and 2" off of my waist. A pair of pants I couldn't quite fit into in February I can now remove without unfastening.

My ultimate fitness goals include weighing less than my 175-lb BF, comfortably wearing clothes in sizes written without an "X," and hiking the 10.1 miles around Crater Lake in Crater Lake National Park without it killing me. Shorter-term, by my 50th(!) birthday in September, I want to:

- have a BMI below the "morbidly" obese range (yeah, I know BMI is flawed six ways from Tuesday, but show me a dense-boned 5'9" female bodybuilder who weighs 270 lb...).

- be able to walk the 2.25 mile roundtrip to, around, and home from the wooded park nearest my house *without* overexerting myself and exceeding my body's very-limited-due-to-Fibromyalgia ability to restore and strengthen muscle tissue after excercise.

- to be incapable of wearing the jeans that I couldn't fit into in February because they fall off into a semi-scrunched-up heap of denim around my ankles.

So, an autumn-heavy Werebear Adventurer questing to become a Druidic Hero Mage - maybe not too bad for my first RPG? :smilet-digitalpoint

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You can be whatever you want to be as far as we're concerned, as long as its chosen in an effort to level up.

Welcome, search our libraries for ancient and modern tomes on how to achieve your goals, speak to other local wizards.

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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