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Average girl wants to be strong and amazing!

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Hi all!

I'm a 28 yr old, 5'5", 124 lb female and have always wanted but never had a strong body (I've been between 110-128 lbs since high school). I don't want to be 'skinny' or 'thin', I want my body to be immensely strong and healthy. Right now I'm pretty 'soft' and just itching to shape myself into a hard machine. I've been reading the NF website for the past week and am so happy and really excited about changing my life and getting stronger!

Thanks and good luck to everybody :)

Amazon Assassin-Warrior

age: 28 height: 5'5" weight: 124

| +1 STR | +2 DEX | +2 STA | +3 CON | +4 WIS | +3 CHA |

artist. gamer. cosplayer

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Hi Beck,

I can't say welcome, because I'm new here too. I like it that you are going to be doing some of the same things as I am, but you're coming at it from a totally different direction. Diversity is the spice of Josh.

"Get busy living or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." - Red"I'm not losing weight, I'm evicting fat." -me

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@bigm141414, yes I do have goals! Also, you can bet your bum that I will be asking for advice/help!!!

Short term- I have a few things coming up this year (summer/fall) that I'd like my body to be in better shape for. Since it's a shorter time period, just getting a little more toned will probably be all that I can accomplish. I'm going to Bali in September and I'm a cosplayer (with NYCC coming up in Oct.) so I'd LOVE to be in tip top shape for that.

Long term- I am looking to bring my body fat % down quite a bit and I'd like to run a marathon before I turn 30. I'm also curious about competing in a fitness competition.

Basically, last week I could barely do one pushup (I managed 4 haha) and I was unable to even do half a pull up. This was REALLY disappointing for me. I am a weakling and I don't like it which meant I needed to do something about it. Tomorrow I will start a progress thread. I have already started my mental change :)

Thanks everybody for the welcome and well wishes!

Amazon Assassin-Warrior

age: 28 height: 5'5" weight: 124

| +1 STR | +2 DEX | +2 STA | +3 CON | +4 WIS | +3 CHA |

artist. gamer. cosplayer

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Welcome to the Rebellion, Beck! Don't feel too bad about the push-ups, everyone starts at Level 1, but that's just nothing more than a sign for your potential to be reached! If you need anything just ask, we have everything from advice to motivation via a Zombie chasing you! If you don't mind my asking, what do you plan to go as?

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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Hi all!

I'm a 28 yr old, 5'5", 124 lb female and have always wanted but never had a strong body (I've been between 110-128 lbs since high school). I don't want to be 'skinny' or 'thin', I want my body to be immensely strong and healthy. Right now I'm pretty 'soft' and just itching to shape myself into a hard machine. I've been reading the NF website for the past week and am so happy and really excited about changing my life and getting stronger!


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Thank you @Red1263! It's great to be surrounded with like motivated people. I'm assuming you are asking about NYCC? I'm going as Harley Quinn (see avatar). Last year I made my costume out of duct tape, but it was just a prototype; not all of the pieces were perfect and I only dressed up for two days. I'm remaking the costume this year entirely and changing/adding a few things. I'm soooo excited!!

Amazon Assassin-Warrior

age: 28 height: 5'5" weight: 124

| +1 STR | +2 DEX | +2 STA | +3 CON | +4 WIS | +3 CHA |

artist. gamer. cosplayer

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Welcome! We are the same size, but I'm about 15 years older. I was always around 120lb all the way from high school through college and graduate school. Now I'm 10-12 lb heavier but my body fat is less. What program are you doing? If you haven't looked into it, the New Rules of Lifting for Women is a good one, and has an entire stage devoted to working on the pullup. Also a great article here: http://www.stumptuous.com/mistressing-the-pullup.

Pullups are ... darn hard for the average woman to do. Most untrained females who are older than 10 and heavier than 50 lbs can’t do them. The good news, though, is that most trained women CAN do them. It just takes practice, patience, and time.

One thing I'd mention, not to discourage anyone from wanting to run a marathon, but I don't think long distance running like that is very compatible with the goal of building muscle or gaining strength. In order to run that kind of distance, your body needs to become smaller and more efficient. But you want the opposite when you're strength training. Here's an article about long distance cardio training (in this case Ironman) vs strength training, by Rachel Cosgrove - well known author and wife of Alwyn Cosgrove (who wrote the New Rules of Lifting.)

It depends on what your goals are, of course. But I'll leave you with these two illustrations to consider.





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Check out my backyard bird feeders

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