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Artemis Prime Becomes the Lord of the Rings

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I scrapped my experience point grading system halfway through this challenge, because I wasn't doing well at tracking but knew that I was off the mark and was finding it more discouraging than anything else. Also, I repeated a lot of quests from the previous challenge, and my Ranger Brain couldn't take so much routine. So I'll be mixing things up a bit for the next challenge.

"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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I was tempted to scrap this Battle Log and start with a new one, but I've decided to keep going here.  Just started playing Dragon Age: Origins again (playing as a noble Human Ranger this time) and it's made me want to do a little more gamification with my life. Have some ideas on using my Middle Earth: The Wizards cards to do some things, but I'll have to wait until I have some time to pull them out and look over things to solidify the plan. In the meantime, here's 2022's first challenge:



"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Ok, I have the basic premise for my new Epic Quest down. The idea is, making small sustainable changes in my challenges often makes my Ranger-brain check out, but jumping around from thing to thing and trying to do it all at once means little progress and burn out. So I'm experimenting with using my Middle Earth: the Wizards cards to inject some randomness and fun into things over here while maintaining slow and steady progress in my challenges. I'm still in the process of identifying what it takes to "satisfy" each resource card and "defeat" each hazard card, but here are the basic rules if anyone is interested:




I'm experimenting here, so anything and everything is subject to change, but the highlighted bits are what I'm most unsure about and most likely to change if things are too easy/too hard, taking too long/going too fast.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Very close to done setting up my new Battle Log. I'm planning to launch it at the beginning of next challenge (probably Week 1, not zero week, but we'll see). I shuffled up all my resource cards on Saturday. I've always kept them neatly sorted by type, which is helpful when you might want to look for a certain thing, but not good for randomly drawing cards. I was surprisingly reluctant to mix them all up, but managed to do it. Figured the best way to get started on mixing them was to put them all in a massive pile on the floor and swoop them around.




Picking them all up again was rather tedious, and then I did some more random shuffling and whatnot just to try and make sure everything was mixed up. I might have to fudge a few things if I draw a handful of characters in one week, but I'm hoping that's not too big of an issue. By the time I was all done, I didn't have the patience to do my hazard cards too, but I'll get to them soon. It will help that I don't have as many of those. Didn't actually count my resource cards, but did some rough estimating while I went and I think I'm at about 1,000 cards.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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The Battle Log is ready to launch! So tomorrow I will be drawing 5 Resource cards and picking my site path for the week. As with the normal rules of the game, I'll be starting from Rivendell. Then I'll have to log miles and do whatever task is necessary to satisfy those resources before drawing 5 Hazard cards (or more, depending on how the resources go) the following Saturday.


I've also decided to try my hand at a little bit of narrative to go along with the quest. For those of you paying attention, you'll notice that the timeline will be a little fuzzy, as sometimes I'll appear to be recovering historic relics of the Third Age in a distant future and other times I'll be in the beginning of the Fourth Age interacting with characters from the books. Since I'm not trying to come up with a coherent story here, I'm just running with it. So stay tuned for the adventures of a time-travelling Middle Earth-roaming half-elven Ranger!

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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The challenges don't really tie into the Battle Log, but I still want to log them here to make it easier to find them again if I want to, so the second challenge of 2022:



"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Artemis Prime taps gently on the doorframe. "You summoned me, Lord Elrond?"


Elrond Half-Elven turns from the fire. "I hear that you wish to leave my hall."


Artemis ventures further into the room. "I am very grateful for all that you have done for me, my Lord. When I needed a place for healing, you opened your hall to me and showed me a hospitality that I will not ever be able to repay. But..." she stumbles to a halt, unsure how to express her feelings without insulting her host.


"But you feel pulled into the Wilds, to explore every trail you cross and chase every rumor you hear. Elbereth save me from rangers." But a slight smile betrays him as he says this, and Artemis knows that he does not really mind. "Where will you go first?"


"Ost-in-Edhil. There are rumors of a Dwarven ring lost there."


"Rumors," he repeats with a wry twist on his lips. "There are also rumors of wolves there. Be on your guard. And here," he hands her a flask, which at first appears to be plain water. "Miruvor," he explains. "You will need your strength for your travels."


"Thank you, sire." As she starts to take her leave, he stops her at the door.


"The doors of my hall are open to you, Artemis Prime, when your trails and rumors lead you back here."


Overcome by both gratitude for his generosity and excitement for the adventures ahead, Artemis bows deeply and goes to prepare for her journey.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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I could not have arranged a better mix of cards for my first week if I had planned it out. It's not too challenging, which is nice for easing into it, although the weather may make it a little trickier. I drew a special item, a minor item, and three short events, so I only have to worry about making it to one site to satisfy all the cards. Since that made for a rather short site path, I opted for the dice-roll option to add some miles in. But first, the cards:


Dwarven Ring of Thelor's Tribe: Special item; playable with a gold ring; task is to organize my bookshelves, which badly needs done.

Miruvor: Minor item; playable at any site; task is to drink a protein shake. I'm doing that right now and then in 30 minutes or so I'll get a workout in.

Dragon-Feuds: Short event; task is to cancel 1 subscription

Forod: Short event; task is to take the trail from the loop to Harbor Acres (probably a bit messy this time of year, but not as overgrown as it will be in the middle of summer.)

Master of Wood, Water, or Hill: Short event; task is to go trail running (between my conditioning [or lack thereof] and the trail conditions, this will probably be more like trail shambling, but I'll do my best. [Most likely will combine this with Forod and jog the trail to Habor Acres]) 


Site Path: Rivendell to Ost-in-Edhil Two wilderness, rolled 2D6 for a total of 8 miles. Ost-in-Edhil has an automatic attack of Wolves: 3 strikes with 5 prowess.


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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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I got my 8 miles in this week. Had to do it all on my elliptical, which is a bit disappointing, but the weather was uncooperative.

Dwarven Ring of Thelor's Tribe: Bookshelves are organized! They look much nicer, although I now have a pile of stuff under my desk that didn't belong on the shelf but hasn't found a home yet.

Miruvor: Drank a protein shake before last Saturday's workout, also had one after my Monday workout.

Dragon-Feuds: Cancelled my NF Prime subscription. The app has always lagged for me, which is very frustrating and leads me to not complete the quests I'm working on, so I just nixed it.

Forod: Did not get the trail hiked; the weather just wasn't worth going out in.

Master of Wood, Water, or Hill: No trail running, same reason as Forod above.


Since I left 2 resources unsatisfied, I had to draw 7 hazard cards. 

Agburanar Ahunt: Long event, unplayable, so it's now on guard for next time I wander into one of the regions where it plays.

Stormcrow: Add 2 reps to next attack (Orc Raiders)

Arouse Denizens: Add 3 reps to Ruins & Lairs attack (Ost-in-Edhil's automatic attack)

Awaken Denizens: Double the sets of Ruins & Lairs attack (Ost-in-Edhil's automatic attack)

Orc Raiders: Orc workout, 4 sets, 8 reps (6 plus 2 from Stormcrow)

Foolish Words: Add 4 reps to next attack (O-i-E automatic attack)

Wound of Long Burden: Add 1D12 reps to next attack (rolled 7) (O-i-E automatic attack)


So I had to do the Orc Workout, 4 sets, 8 reps, which wasn't too bad, although I subbed OHP for pike pushups and skipped the wide and narrow pushups, since 8 regular push ups are about my limit right now.

For the automatic attack, I had to do Wolf Girl, 6 sets of 19 reps. That actually wasn't too terrible with what the workout it, but I did peter out on the burpees and ended up cutting the jump.


For this coming week I drew:

Beretar: Warrior/Ranger Dunadan Home site: Bree So I have to do a workout with someone, do an outdoor activity with someone, and do a good deed

Enruned Shield: Greater Item: practice calligraphy. Already ordered myself a basic fountain pen starter kit.

Rhun: Short event: do some trail clearing

Test of Lore: Read a story in Spanish or German - going to have to be a pretty basic kid's story right now.

Master of Wood, Water, or Hill: I can't believe I drew this twice in a row! (Different card, I have a lot of copies of it.) Weather is predicted to be nicer this week, so hopefully I actually get it done this time.


Site Path: Ost-in-Edhil to Bree to Carn Dum. Four wilderness; rolled 4D6 and got 12 miles. Carn Dum has an automatic attack of Orcs, 4 strikes with 7 prowess.


Narrative Time:


Artemis Prime held the dwarven ring up to the light, relieved that she hadn't come all this way for nothing. The wolves had turned and ran in search of an easier meal once she had made it clear she wouldn't go down without a fight. The orcs, on the other hand, had been a very different and unwelcome type of fight. "Rumors of wolves," she muttered to herself, "of course there are wolves out here, everyone knows that. It would have been nice if someone had mentioned the ORCS!" It had just been a small band of raiders, and she had made sure they wouldn't trouble any other travelers, but it was not a good sign. Still, as she pocketed the ring, she had to admit that she felt alive in a way she hadn't while dozing in front of Lord Elrond's fire. It would be worth a trip to Carn Dum to see what the orcs were doing up there. She'd also heard of an enruned shield in those parts. If she was going to be fighting wolves and orcs, along with who knew what else, she could do with some better equipment. She could stop by Bree on her way north. It would be good to have a safe night at The Prancing Pony, and if she were lucky one of the northern Dunedain would be there. They should be made aware of any orc activity in the region as well. Hefting her pack, she started back up the old road. Wolf country was no place to camp for the night.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Your battle log is truly awe inspiring. I'm so impressed! I honestly didn't think exercise could be fun until I saw this. So. Cool. Thank you for sharing! I'm now trying to work out how to do over of my own. I also have plans to walk to Mordor! 


On 1/2/2022 at 5:38 AM, Artemis Prime said:


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2 hours ago, Killashandra said:

Your battle log is truly awe inspiring. I'm so impressed! I honestly didn't think exercise could be fun until I saw this. So. Cool. Thank you for sharing! I'm now trying to work out how to do over of my own. I also have plans to walk to Mordor! 



Thanks! It's had a lot of stops and starts, but I'm feeling pretty good about the current format. Everything is better with a little Middle Earth nerdery thrown in. I was going to direct you over to the Walk to Mordor thread, but I see you already found it. I'm taking a more random route through Middle Earth right now, but happy travels on your way to Mount Doom!


P.S. I love how random Tolkein is. Like, here is this really rich worldbuilding with its own fully fleshed out history and mythology with fully developed languages. And here is the bad guy's volcano. It's called Mount Doom.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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On 2/19/2022 at 3:29 PM, Artemis Prime said:

For this coming week I drew:

Beretar: Warrior/Ranger Dunadan Home site: Bree So I have to do a workout with someone, do an outdoor activity with someone, and do a good deed

Enruned Shield: Greater Item: practice calligraphy. Already ordered myself a basic fountain pen starter kit.

Rhun: Short event: do some trail clearing

Test of Lore: Read a story in Spanish or German - going to have to be a pretty basic kid's story right now.

Master of Wood, Water, or Hill: I can't believe I drew this twice in a row! (Different card, I have a lot of copies of it.) Weather is predicted to be nicer this week, so hopefully I actually get it done this time.


Site Path: Ost-in-Edhil to Bree to Carn Dum. Four wilderness; rolled 4D6 and got 12 miles. Carn Dum has an automatic attack of Orcs, 4 strikes with 7 prowess.

Beretar: I did not get a workout with someone else done, but I did an outdoor activity (snow painting with my niece and nephew) and a good deed (took dinner to a family friend whose father passed) I did a slight rule change here and decided that instead of being all or nothing, for each activity I satisfy I get one roll to influence the character. So for Beretar I got two changes to roll greater than 5. Rolled 3 at first, but got 11 for my second roll, so Beretar is done!

Enruned Shield: Bought my first fountain pen, and I was not prepared for how amazing this pen would be. It glides across the page smoother than an Olympic skater. Well worth fighting a dragon for.

Rhun: I did not get this done so one extra hazard card drawn.

Test of Lore: Found some basic practice Spanish stories online. I've been working more on German lately, so pleasantly surprised by how easily I got this gist of the story, even if I couldn't always do a word-for-word translation.

Master of Wood, Water, or Hill: Another no, so that's one more hazard card.


Site Path: I changed my mind about dice rolling and decided to go with regional movement, so that would have been 4 miles. (I messed up the site path last week, Carn Dum is actually in a Shadowland, so it should have been 4.5 miles, but even with that I was only .4 miles off, so I decided to go with it, especially because I realized my watch doesn't pick up my glider steps very well, so I've been getting shortchanged on distance. Found a different pedometer to move going forward that seems to be working better.)


Seven hazard cards again this week:


Marsh-Drake: Dragonborn 2x11 (+3 reps from Times are Evil, so a total of 2x14)

Despair of the Heart: Get rid of one item (Tossing a pair of boots that I like, but they rub my heel. They're a little scuffed, I'm not sure if I should junk them or donate them.)

Dragon-Sickness: Make a donation of 1D6x10. Rolled a 4 and decided to give my $40 to Darebee since I'm using them a lot for this Battle Log.

Times Are Evil: +3 reps to next attack (applied to Marsh Drake)

Bairanax at Home: Technically not playable, but I need to face down a dragon since the Enruned Shield is a hoard item, so that's Dragon Slayer, 2x15.

Icy Touch: +1 rep to next Undead attack, none drawn so it goes On Guard

Witch-King of Angmar: Unplayable, On Guard


Agburanar Ahunt: Still not playable, remains On Guard


Plus Carn Dum's automatic attack of Orc 4x7.

I've been modifying my Saturday workouts pretty heavily, since you're not really supposed to do three of them in a row. Still feeling it, though.


Current totals:

Resource Points: 9

Miles: 12.1

Hazard Points: 5

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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New Cards:

Many Turns and Doublings: short event; Walk 1 mile without leaving property

Thorough Search: short event; Deep clean something

Test of Lore: short event; Read a story in German or Spanish

Tales of the Hunt: permanent event; Take a picture of wildlife

Warm Now Be Heart and Limb: short event; Dance


Since these are all events, it's a good chance to visit one of the sites where items aren't playable; I'll be headed to The White Towers in Arthedain. Site path is one Wilderness and one Shadowland. So that's a roll of 1D6+1D12=2+4=6 miles




In hindsight, Artemis Prime should have suspected that news of a hoard item like an enruned shield probably meant dragons in the area as well. But there had been no word of dragons in the area she had not been prepared to face down Bairanax. Driving him back long enough to seize the shield and escape with her life was victory enough. And the enruned shield had made fighting the orcs at Carn Dum significantly easier. She had sorely regretted not taking Beretar up on his offer of accompanying her from Bree to Carn Dum, but he had been eager to consult with his fellow Dunedain Rangers and she had not been willing to delay. Now more than ever, she felt that she had made the right decision. Orcs in Hollin and a dragon in Angmar; something strange was going on. She decided to make for the White Towers in Arthedain. They would give a good vantage point of the surrounding country, and a safe camp while she tried to discover what had all these creatures on the move.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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For the first time, I satisfied all 5 resource cards I drew last week!


Many Turns and Doublings: By the time I circled the whole property, I was at a mile, so actually not much turning and doubling, but card satisfied!

Thorough Search: Wiped down light switches and also washed some linens.

Test of Lore: Did a set of German stories on Duolingo

Tales of the Hunt: So I actually didn't get a picture of wildlife, but I'm counting it anyways. Saw a group of ducks on my pond but forgot I was supposed to be taking a photo until they started taking off. Also noticed a blue jay, but it was too high in the tree to really show up in a picture, and came upon some deer in the woods, but they took off as soon as they saw me. But I'm actually kind of proud of myself that I stood and watched the ducks and blue jay for a while and that my first instinct wasn't to grab my phone, so the spirit of the card is satisfied, even if I don't have a picture to show for it.

Warm Now Be Heart and Limb: Played "Hush-a-bye Mountain" on my phone and promptly discovered that I don't really remember how to waltz that well. Well enough to dance by myself in my living room, however, and I still think that if I had a partner who knew what he was doing, I'd be able to follow easily enough.


Came up a little short on my site path, but since I didn't have any characters or items that needed satisfied, that didn't affect my resources and I decided to just roll the miles into next week. And I went ahead and faced the White Towers' automatic attack, even though I'm technically not there yet.


Just 5 hazards this week, and my on guard cards remain unplayable and on guard.

Rumor of Wealth: Pull cards until you face a dragon or drake. (Marsh Drake)

Leucaruth at Home: Unplayable, On Guard either until I get to their site or need to face a dragon for a hoard item.

Storm Crow: +2 reps to next attack (Marsh Drake)

Cruel Caradhras: Unplayable, On Guard

Marsh Drake: Technically unplayable, but I faced it to satisfy Rumor of Wealth. Dragonborn, 2x13

Plus the automatic attack: Wolf Girl 2x6


Just two attacks, so I didn't have to do a lot of modifying and got a good workout in.


Current Totals:

Resource Points: 9

Miles: 15.39

Hazard Points: 6

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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New cards and narrative!


Voteli: Ranger/Sage Man. Outdoor activity, collarborative storytelling, something with co-workers or church members

Dagger of Westernesse: Minor item. Knife/axe throwing (subbing in darts for this)

When I Know Anything: Permanent Event. Play a trivia game.

To The Uttermost Foundations: Permanent Event. Clean basement.

Sword of Gondolin: Major Item. Beat Saber (subbing in fencing drills for this)


When I planned this log out, I figured I'd buy a nice beginner set of throwing knives the first time I drew Dagger of Westernesse, but I'm hopefully buying a truck this week, so all other unnecessary purchases are on hold. Since I have darts and not knives, that means knives are out and darts are in. Same idea with the Sword of Gondolin. I don't own Beat Saber (supposed to buy it when I draw Narsil) but I do have an epee, so fencing drills it is.


Site Path: I have 2.71 miles before I get to The White Towers from last week. Then it's immediately on to Lossadan Camp to meet with Voteli before heading on to Lossadan Cairn where I can get the Sword of Gondlin. Three Wilderness = 3D6 = 6+4+3=13, plus 2.71 for a total of 15.71 miles. Considering my track record in recent weeks, that's a lot, but I'm not working this week, so that should make it easier to get everything done.




Artemis Prime hadn't accounted for how rusty her trail skills had gotten during her long convalescence at Rivendell. She was making steady progress to the White Towers, but reading the signs as she went was slowing her down more than anticipated. At least her slow progress let her prepare for the Marsh Drake before stumbling upon it. But finding the creature so far out of its usual habitat only heightened her forebodings. She would push on to the White Towers, but she wouldn't be camping there now. She would have to keep moving to continue her investigation into these strange happenings. Fighting the wolves had almost been a relief, they had been so normal. She would pay a visit to the Lossoth at their camp, and hopefully gain their blessing to visit the Lossadan Cairn, where she believed she could arm herself better for the battle ahead. She still did not know what she would be facing at the end of all this, but she was certain that trouble was coming.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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On 3/7/2022 at 4:08 PM, Elastigirl said:

I hadn't noticed your battle log before. What a cool idea!

Thanks! It's always a good day when EG shows up on my thread! (Even if it takes me almost a month to reply. Oops.) 


Dropped a couple weeks there in the midst of my job transition. I'm going to pick it back up with the last resource cards I drew. And since I'm doing such a short week, I'm going to go straight site path, which puts me at 3 miles. 


One more tweak: trying to fit all my hazard cards into one day isn't working great. So on Sundays, I'm going to draw 5 new resource cards and also 5 hazard cards (plus any extras I incur from unfulfilled resource cards) to be faced throughout the week. For the purpose of hazard facing, I'll be applying the new site path, since it makes more sense to me narratively to face creatures on the path I'm currently on, versus the one I was on the previous week.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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On 1/1/2022 at 10:38 AM, Artemis Prime said:

Ok, I have the basic premise for my new Epic Quest down.


Wow - missed this in all of the other great ideas around here.  Reading now for inspiration!!

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Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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For some odd reason, I started reading this thinking it was a challenge thread, so I started rolling through your posts from 2020. I got confused when you started talking about making it to Rivendell by the years end! :lol:

Any who, I'm following along cause LotR is cool. I actually just finished my first full read through with my daughter 2 nights ago. Think we are going to start the Hobbit next. 

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On 4/1/2022 at 9:44 AM, Chris-Tien Jinn said:

Wow - missed this in all of the other great ideas around here.  Reading now for inspiration!!

Hey, good to see you! Your challenge thread actually helped inspire me to not give up on this one, so yay for mutual inspiration!


On 4/4/2022 at 4:31 PM, Rooks said:

Any who, I'm following along cause LotR is cool. I actually just finished my first full read through with my daughter 2 nights ago. Think we are going to start the Hobbit next. 

LotR fans are always welcome here!

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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I sort of did a weird hodge-podge of finishing last week's cards but also wiping the slate clean; either way, here we are with a new set of cards:


Waybread: Special item; only playable at Lorien. Try a new recipe

Voteli: Character; home site Lossadan Camp. Outdoor activity, collaborative storytelling, church/co-workers (odd that I drew her again so quickly, but it works for the narrative)

Tales of the Hunt: Short event. Take a picture of wildlife

Test of Form: Short event. Yoga

Concealment: Short event. Scent exercise with Jade.


Site Path: Lossadan Cairn to Lorien by way of Lossadan Camp. 6 wilderness = 6 miles.


Light Drake: Darebee Dragon Lord workout

Dragon's Blood: Supposed to be wearing ankle/wrist weights during next dragon attack. I don't actually own those yet, so we'll see what I come up with instead.

Agburanar Ahunt: Unplayable, On Guard

River: Darebee Rangers of Ithilien workout, 6 sets

True Cold Drake: Darebee Steel Dragon workout



I found myself strangely reluctant to leave Lossadan Cairn. For all of its cold desolation, it was a quiet, peaceful land. But I recognized that this empty place was not a suitable home for me, and that what my soul was searching for here could me more easily found in the grand trees of Lorien. The Sword of Gondolin  I had managed to recover from the cairn would almost certainly see some hard use during the long trek through the wilderness to Lady Galadriel's realm. Before leaving this region, however, I would return to Lossadan Camp and thank Voteli for her hospitality. As I prepared to break camp, I felt the pull of lethargy, encouraging me to stay one more night, that tomorrow morning would be a more suitable time to set out. Refusing to give in to that call and lose any more time, I shouldered my pack and started south.


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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Doing pretty well with my current cards. I didn't draw them until Tuesday last week, so I'm giving myself today to finish things up, although there are still going to be a few things I won't be able to get to. The consequences of which are??? 


I'm doing a little revamping here. For every resource card I don't fulfill, I'll draw an extra hazard card, which was the original plan. But what to do with hazard cards that I don't fulfill?


My current thought is that I'm giving myself 100 hit points. (Starting with that because it's a nice even number, but can be tweaked if needed.) For every hazard card I don't fulfill, I take 1D20 worth of damage. 

Healing option: Possibly 1D6 worth of healing for every resource card I fulfill. Maybe 1D4 if dying proves too impossible, maybe I only get the health dice if I satisfy all the resource cards for the week.

Alternative option: I only heal when I get to havens or have cards (like healing herbs) with healing properties.

Option the third: I take less damage (maybe 1D10 or D8) and the hit points refresh at the start of each 5 week challenge.


All viable options, I'll just have to play around with it to see what gives me the best balance of death feeling like a real possibility when I'm slacking without keeling over every time I have an off week. Feeling pretty good about all of the above.

Where I'm stuck is when death strikes. I'll just respawn the following week with new cards and full hit points, but what is the consequence of dying? I like the idea of losing a piece of equipment, but I'm drawing a blank on how that plays out IRL. Going to sit and let that percolate for a while and something might bubble to the surface, but if anybody has any suggestions, I would be more than happy to hear them.


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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Fun! Maybe when you die you have to visit a healer, because if you're missing all those hazards you're probably in need of some self care? 


Death = Reassessment of what you're doing that caused you to die, a nice long bubble bath or massage, a mental hug and a plan to reduce the external stress? The penalty could be having to take that time to work out what's gone wrong.

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6 hours ago, Artemis Prime said:

losing a piece of equipment, but I'm drawing a blank on how that plays out IRL.


You could pay a forfeit to a charity or to a family member.  Give something up (that you like) for a week, such as foods that are treats for you.  Or having to carry extra weight when you do exercise??


I'm loving the continuing development.  

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Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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