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Artemis Prime Becomes the Lord of the Rings

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Hey, quick housekeeping note, I'm making some (probably temporary) changes to my format. I'm really pushing hard on the barn building at the moment, and just not getting to the Battle Log. So for now I'm going to stop trying to hit all 10 cards in one week and instead just keep 5 resource cards and 5 hazard cards in my hand. I can discard as many cards as I want and draw new ones, but I take damage for each one I discard. If I don't fulfill any cards for a week, I'll roll 1D6 and I have to discard that many cards, with accompanying damage.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Hello...hello...is this thing on?


Never meant to abandon this Battle Log, but I haven't found the balance yet of 5 week challenges and battle log stuff.  My new plan for 2023 is to draw 5 resources and 5 hazards at the beginning of the challenge and satisfy them by the end of the challenge. That's only 1 of each per week, and if that's too easy I'll revert back to my last idea of keeping 10 cards in my hand but not trying to satisfy all of them every week. We'll see, it's a work in progress.


Resources won't change, but I'm not going to do workouts with creatures because I have a workout plan and don't want to throw it off with random stuff. So I'll be interpreting the hazard cards however I want, with the idea of using them to address goals that aren't part of my current challenge. So to start:


Hydration: did very well with this last challenge. Dropping it from a challenge goal, but want to keep it up.

Phone: Again, did an excellent job of not playing on my phone in the evenings and this is another thing I need to make sure I don't backslide on now that it's not a challenge focus.

Writing: I plan to do writing challenge later in the year, but for now I might try to squeeze some writing time in through the battle log.

Cleaning: One of my goals for 2023 is to go through all my stuff and get rid of things I've been hanging onto but don't have a use for anymore. 


Probably other stuff to, but that's what's currently on my mind.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Okay, new challenge is up and cards have been pulled!



Bard Bowman Warrior/Scout Man: Do a workout with someone, reach out to someone new/learn something new about someone, do something with coworkers or church members

Anduin River Short Event: Visit Slippery Rock Creek

Here, There, or Yonder Short Event: Take a random drive

Elf-path Short Event: Take trail to Stewart farm

Brand Warrior/Diplomat Man: Do a workout with someone, play a game with someone, do something with coworkers or church members



Giant Creature: Eat breakfast every day for a week.

Twilight Environment: Property clean up

Lure of Creation Corruption: Get rid of 2 items

Crebain Creature: Clean chicken coop

Awaken Denizens Long-Event: Get up without hitting the snooze button for one week.


Site Path:

Rivendell - Dale - Lake-town

3 wilderness, 2 border-land, 1 dark domain

7 miles



Artemis Prime doesn't have very clear memories of the end of her last journey, just knows that once again woke up in Rivendell. Her convalescence was shorter this time, though, and she is once again eager to head out on the trail. Lord Elrond does not say anything as he watches her fill her pack, but she can feel his warnings pressing in. "It's just a visit to Dale to convey your greetings to King Brand, with a personal greeting to his grandfather. I'm going to take it slower this time. I promise, any hint of trouble, I'll find help instead of trying to face it myself." Elrond's gaze grows sterner, and she knows that it will take more than words to convince him. To be honest, she has not yet convinced herself. But she does feel that she is stronger than she has been in a long time, in spirit if not in body, as she shoulders her pack and once again takes to the trail.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Week One is done over in the challenges, so here's an update on the cards:


On 1/1/2023 at 7:48 PM, Artemis Prime said:


Bard Bowman Warrior/Scout Man: Do a workout with someone, reach out to someone new/learn something new about someone, do something with coworkers or church members Chatted with a new friend at church which checks two things off here, but no social workout done.

Anduin River Short Event: Visit Slippery Rock Creek 

Here, There, or Yonder Short Event: Take a random drive

Elf-path Short Event: Take trail to Stewart farm

Brand Warrior/Diplomat Man: Do a workout with someone, play a game with someone, do something with coworkers or church members Got Railroad Ink for Christmas and played it with my mom, so 1 out of 3 here.

The workouts might be tricky, not sure what I'm going to do. Usually I work out alone or with my sister, but she's still recovering from plantar fasciitis, so she has to take things easy.


On 1/1/2023 at 7:48 PM, Artemis Prime said:


Giant Creature: Eat breakfast every day for a week. Didn't make it the full week last week, but I had breakfast this morning so we're on track for this week!

Twilight Environment: Property clean up

Lure of Creation Corruption: Get rid of 2 items Cleaned out under my bed and got rid of a bunch of stuff, mostly old notebooks that I don't really know why I was hanging onto.

Crebain Creature: Clean chicken coop

Awaken Denizens Long-Event: Get up without hitting the snooze button for one week. Again, didn't make it the full week, but got up this morning without the snooze, so this week is still a possibility.

It's noticeably lighter when I get home from work now than it was a couple weeks ago, so I should be able to do some outside stuff soon. Also I have a 3 day weekend coming up with not much planned, so hoping to knock some stuff out then.


On 1/1/2023 at 7:48 PM, Artemis Prime said:

Site Path:

Rivendell - Dale - Lake-town

3 wilderness, 2 border-land, 1 dark domain

7 miles

Just one mile last week, but I've got time to catch up before the end of the challenge.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Ok, thought I'd post here more regularly than I did, but you'll get that sometimes. Let's see how I did:


On 1/1/2023 at 7:48 PM, Artemis Prime said:


Bard Bowman Warrior/Scout Man: Do a workout with someone, reach out to someone new/learn something new about someone, do something with coworkers or church members Did not get a workout with someone in, but did have dinner with several church people and got to know them better, which covered two of the above. So if we say that I get to roll 1d6 for every goal I reached, and have to beat Bard's mind of 2 to influence him - I got a 5 and a 6, so yeah, Bard is done!

Anduin River Short Event: Visit Slippery Rock Creek Did not do this. Minus 1d6 health (rolled a 2) for a total of 38.

Here, There, or Yonder Short Event: Take a random drive I did this! Took some nice scenic roads I haven't traveled in a while.

Elf-path Short Event: Take trail to Stewart farm Nope. Minus 4 health for a total of 34.

Brand Warrior/Diplomat Man: Do a workout with someone, play a game with someone, do something with coworkers or church members Went for a walk and had lunch with a work friend for 2/3 and then played Railroad Ink with my mom, so Brand is also done!


That's +2 points for a total of 27.


On 1/1/2023 at 7:48 PM, Artemis Prime said:


Giant Creature: Eat breakfast every day for a week. Done - instant oatmeal to the rescue!

Twilight Environment: Property clean up Did some fence work, which was not my original plan for this card, but the snow was hard on my fence. Either way, done!

Lure of Creation Corruption: Get rid of 2 items Got way more than 2 things pitched.

Crebain Creature: Clean chicken coop Also done!

Awaken Denizens Long-Event: Get up without hitting the snooze button for one week. No. Hoping this will get easier as the mornings continue to get lighter, but lately I have been struggling with this. Minus 4 for a total of 30 health.


Also +2 hazard points, which brings me to 20.


Not going to draw any cards for zero week, and once again tweaking things, though this is really more going back to a previous idea. Mostly I like rolling dice and want to do it more often, so for the next 5 weeks I will draw 5 of each type of card on Sunday and then roll 2d4 (one for each type) to see how many of them I need to satisfy. Also, I recently bought a bike trainer but don't yet have a way to measure distance on it, so for site path purposes, 15 minutes on the bike will equal 1 mile.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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