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Building My Bandwagon - Wheels


Current Quests


Water Wheel p3


Drink  4 cups (1L) of water everyday for 7 Days beginning on the 4th January 2021. 














Ravenclaw drinking tumbler with straw. 





At the start of this week, I asked my daughter to bring me a cup of water. She comes to me with a cup of water, with a straw in it. It was highly amusing but I drank it with a straw, refilling it throughout the day and I'm not sure if it was because I was amused but I finished drinking my water well before bed time! So all week I drank water through a straw. Don't worry! They are reusable straws so I am not killing the plant! I decided that a tumbler with a straw would make a good reward for winning this quest. 


 Magic Movement p2


Dance to three dance videos every day for 7 days beginning on the 4th of January 2021. 















Non slip socks!





This week I tried to dance 2 dances first thing in the morning and then set an alarm for an hour to dance the third. Problem is, when the alarm would go off I would often be busy so I would cancel it and then forget to do the dance when I was free. I was getting to the end of the day and having to do it before bed. So, I decided that instead of canceling it, I would just put it on repeat. So... full days of alarms... I need a better plan for this. 


Classy Cleaning


Make my bed and clean my room for 5 minutes everyday for 7 days  beginning on the 4th of January 2021. 















$10 that will go towards either bedding or items that will help with organization/cleanliness/tidiness. 





I decided to turn the cleaning into a forum challenge for cleaning my bedroom and maintaining it's cleanliness for 30 days. I will link it below. I have to say this week there have been a few times when my family have gone into my room and made me quite mad. My husband and kids jumping on my bed. No. Then my husband telling my kids they could sleep in my room and them dragging their millions of toys/pillows in there. No. 


Acquiring Accountability


Make one general update post on the last day of the week Sunday 10th January 2021. 













Not sure about this one. I mean, I did the post, but is that all there is? I think I'm going to have to work on this one. 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Building My Bandwagon


Often we talk about being on the bandwagon or falling off the bandwagon which leaves me wondering, where does this bandwagon even come from? I'ma build my own. 

First I shall start with the wheels and I have identified four things I think should be the basic building blocks to my future awesomeness. 


1) Water - (nutrition)

2) Movements - (exercise)

3) Cleanliness - (it's next to Godliness)

4) Accountability


These will be the 'wheels' of my wagon. 


I have to admit straight off the bat that I usually try to either do all the things (perfectly) or do too little things (and easily slip back into bad habits) and end up failing.  I know that trying to do all the things is too much and I will fail miserably. So the plan is to start small but with an actual plan and goals in place (which I usually don't have cos it is 'such a small thing'). 


So wheels are not all one piece (generally) but many pieces that come together to make a solid wheel. As such, I am starting small and building them strong. Therefore my initial quests (goals) for each area will be:


1) Drink 1 cup of water everyday

2) Complete one dance video everyday

3) Tidy for 15 mins everyday

4) Post 1 update everyday. 


I am starting off with 1 quest in the first week. The next week I will have the next quest in that series plus one quest for the next quest until I am working on all four. 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Water Quest 1 - COMPLETED!


1) Drink  1 cup (250ml) of water everyday for 7 Days beginning on the 14th of December 2020. 















Unicorn Mug! (See Here)





I chose my favourite cup to use for this quest, something about actually like to hold the cup makes this easier to do. I pour out my cup of water in the morning and usually drink it pretty quickly. Because it's only water, I will drink whatever else I am drinking for the day in the same cup which means that I have to drink my cup of water before I can drink anything else (kind of...). 

I am looking forward to getting a new mug. I think half the enjoyment of drinking anything is in the cup you are holding. Is that weird? I have looked on amazon to see if I could find any good Harry Potter or Xena: Warrior Princess mugs but so far no luck. Must continue the search. 

This is my favourite post so far because it has colour. I think I'm going to have to work on trying to make my log more artsy or something. 



Tomorrow my first quest is complete! I know I used a ! which may imply that I am excited about this but I'm actually not sure how I feel. It was easy. I mean, it is more than I have been doing. But it is almost impossible to manage to not drink a cup of water (if it is there in front of you). I am also feeling rather nervous because this means that after tomorrow, quest two takes effect and we bump it up to 2 cups of water a day. I just got some rather bad news yesterday and life is hard. 



I won the game! I also found a nice mug on amazon and ordered it, probs won't be here till early jan but that's cool. While I was looking I ordered some other things for future quest rewards so I'd better win them or that will be awkward. 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Building My Bandwagon - Wheels


Water Wheel p2 - COMPLETED!


Drink  2 cups (500ml) of water everyday for 7 Days beginning on the 21st of December 2020. 














Reusable Straws (Sustainability and the environment are something I want to focus on more and I think even small changes can make a big difference (especially if everyone makes that one small difference)). 





Still following my previous plan of pouring a glass of water first thing in the morning and then drinking it and just making sure I pour another when the first one is finished. It's early Tuesday morning for me so I am still drinking my first cup. I think just being more conscious about drinking water is making a big difference.  



Drinking the extra cup of water has been quite easy. There was one day however were we went out Christmas shopping early in the morning and had lunch out. I was worried about not getting to drink 2 cups as I had meant to bring along a water bottle but forgot. At lunch I ordered a bottle of water instead of getting some sugary drink and I drank my two glasses with lunch. Pretty proud moment. 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Building My Bandwagon - Wheels


Magic Movement - COMPLETED


Dance to one dance video every day for 7 days beginning on the 21st of December 2020. 















Embarrassingly, I currently only have one pair of pants that fit me, so I ordered a new pair of yoga pants. I had to order online so here's to hoping they actually fix! -fingers crossed- 





So my plan, do the dance before turning on my computer for the day, this means I always do the dance first thing as my usual first thing is turn on my computer...  I am using the Gummy Bear dance video. I really like it for some reason (no judging). 



Last night when I realised that I would be completing this quest today I must admit I felt really proud of myself. This week has been a bit crazy with Christmas but I still managed to dance everyday. I know 2 minutes 30 seconds isn't very long but it is 2 minutes and 30 seconds longer than I have been moving in quite some time. 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Water Wheel p3 - COMPLETED


Drink  3 cups (750ml) of water everyday for 7 Days beginning on the 28th of December 2020. 














Poratable? Or maybe Travel? version of a reusable straw. 





I am finding that I am still drinking my third cup at the end of the night and am having to sit and drink it all before I go to bed. It is getting drunk but this isn't really ideal. I think for next week I will have to make more of a plan, e.g drink first cup by x time. 



Still struggling a bit with getting it all down before the end of the night but I got there. 


~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Magic Movement p2 - COMPLETED


Dance to two dance videos every day for 7 days beginning on the 28th of December 2020. 
















Exercise Mat. For when I eventually exercise...





I am continuing to dance to the gummy bear song and have added  Me Too by Marshal Fitness. Currently I am doing the two songs together but I am wondering if maybe I want to split them up. Like dance to one song every hour or something like that. The point of this was to get me moving more, not necessarily turn into a morning 'workout'.



Continued doing the 2 songs together, think next week I will do 2 and then wait an hour and do the third or something like that. 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Classy Cleaning - COMPLETED


Make my bed everyday for 7 days beginning on the 28th of December 2020. 


*Note: I know part of the plan is to clean for 15 mins of the day but I am going to start it off with making my bed. Not sure it will take me 15 minutes but I think it's a good way to start. 
















$10 that will go towards either bedding or items that will help with organization/cleanliness/tidiness. 





So far I am totally winning and I have to admit I am surprised at how happy it has made me just knowing that one space in my room is mess free! Today family dumped the clean washing on my bed and it made me soo mad! No sabotage! Still need to figure out what the reward will be... must think on it some more...



Having a made bed makes me so happy, like smile happy! Weird how such a small thing has made such a big impact. 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Accountability Post 1.


So, I haven't updated my posts yet but I have done all the things so yay me! All these 'little' things are becoming quite routine and that makes me happy but I would be lying to myself if I didn't admit that I am feeling some fear or concern that it is all becoming too much. Sometimes I feel like everyday there is new drama or stress and I'm trying so hard to struggle through it all, get to the end of the tunnel and just breathe. Sometimes focusing on the positives is really darn hard. But small wins. I still love that my bed is made and ready for when I sleep. I love that I am now drinking less crap just because I have so many cups of water to get through and actually now that I have been drinking mostly water, other things taste so sweet, yuck! I love that I am still here, doing all the things. 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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I have two week so full time work in two weeks time. Because of covid I have been working remotely and at this point (like practically haven't left the house since June) I'm pretty sure I am going to die. I know that sounds super dramatic but that doesn't make it any less likely. I am not in a good place.


So this is my short term plan. Two weeks to get fit enough to survive two weeks of work. My biggest problem right now is lack of activeness. So the biggest goal is to increase movement. I also need to start exercising regularly. To make some SMART goals:


1)  Exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes everyday. Everyday, after waking up and before doing anything else, I will complete that day's Figure 8 Basic's workout. On Figure 8's rest day (Sunday) I will go out for a walk instead - one lap around the river minimum (takes me 20-25 mins for 1 lap). 


2) Move more everyday. After eating breakfast I will set a 1 hour timer. When the timer goes off, I will hit repeat and then either a) put on a dance video (2-4 mins) and dance or go for a 5 minute walk (even if it is laps around the house). I will do this a minimum of 8 times during the day. 


While I know sorting our my nutrition will also make a huge impact on long term weight loss goals, I am not yet ready to put anything solid in place. I do want to be more mindful of what I am eating though so everyday I will do an honest food log so,


3) I will create a daily food log and log everything that I eat or drink throughout the day. 


So that is my plan for now. 



~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Respawn Day 1


1) Exercise


I completed the 3 videos for day 1 of Figure 8 Basics. They were mostly explanation videos and while I did move along to some of the layering explanations, it wasn't much of a workout. I am okay with this though as I don't want to rush or push myself. I know I will be moving throughout the day and for my first day of respawn, I am okay with not wanting to die in the first hour I'm awake.


2) Movement


Timer 1) Marshal Fitness's Ciara's Level up (4 mins) 2) Gummy Bear dance video 3) PE teacher dance video 4) Thunder dance video 5) Kung Fu Fighting Just dance 6) I'm Blue, just dance 7) Timber, just dance ? Gummy Bear


3) Food Log


Brunch (cos I kind of slept in and also I hate breakfast) Subway 6' sandwich (I'm going to say 300 calories but it's hard to know because everything I looked at had a different number) and Vitamin water (90 calories). Total Calories: 390


Dinner  Mcdonalds - chicken samurai burger meal. Total calories (roughly) 1000 (eek!)


Total Calories for the day 1390


~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Respawn Day 2


I woke up with a headache, a really bad headache which means it might be turning into a migraine. I am hoping it might just be dehydration related seems I didn't drink any water. Anyway just putting it here because if I do bad on the movement front, it might be because I am trying to sleep off the headache and I forgive myself and it doesn't mean the end of anything, it just means I love myself and care about myself and am willing on this day to do what my body needs to recover.


1) Exercise


Today's Figure 8 was 2 videos. The first was mostly talking, the second  was teaching moves and was around 7.5 mins of full movement. It was a lot and the fact that I think it was a lot scares me. Surprisingly it is my arms that are screaming the loudest right now after resting for a bit. Of course my headache probably made it seem worse that it is. Yeah... maybe... hopefully.


2) Movement


1 ) YMCA - just dance. 2 ) Marshal Fitness - Level Up. 3 ) Marshal Fitness - Me Too. 4 ) Marshal Fitness - Work. 5 ) Marshal Fitness - Work from Home. 6 ) Marshal Fitness - Sorry. 7) Marshal Fitness - Worth It. 8 )  Marshal Fitness - Level Up (I really like this one)


3) Food Log


Lunch - Mcdonalds.  Calories 770. (Better than yesterday at least....)


Dinner - Seafood Spaghetti. Calories (roughly) 400


Drink - Qoo. Calories 135


Total Calories 1275.





~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Respawn Day 3


1 ) Exercise


Completed day 3 of Figure 8 Basic. It was all movement today. I made it to minute 17 before wanting to stop. Continued on to the end (23mins) yay me...


2) Movement 


1 ) Just Dance - Gangnam Style (makes me feel totally uncoordinated lol) 2 ) Marshal Fitness - Level Up 3 ) Just Dance - Uptown Funk 4 ) Marshal Fitness - I don't care. 5 ) Marshal Fitness - Good as Hell 6 ) Marshal Fitness - Love Shack. 7 ) Marshal Fitness - Can't Stop the Feeling. 8 ) ??? I can't remember but I know I did it!


3) Food Log


Lunch - McDonalds - (don't judge me, no paladins allowed ;) ) Calories - 1000 (ha and I thought meat would be more healthy)


Dinner - Grilled corn, mushroom soup and coleslaw - roughly 400 calories


Total Calories 1400 

~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Respawn Day 4


1 ) Exercise


Completed day 4 of Figure 8 Basic. 30+ mins. I was dying. More exercise than yesterday but it was so much harder than yesterday. Tomorrow is supposed to be the 'proper' exercise, not just instruction. 45 mins. I really don't know about this...Terrified is the word I would use... At least it finally has music!


2 ) Movement


1 ) Marshal Fitness - Level Up. 2 ) Marshal Fitness - Me Too! 3 ) Marshal Fitness - Womanizer 4 ) Marshal Fitness - Don't Cha. 5 ) Marshal Fitness - Yummy 6 ) Marshal Fitness - Solo. 7 ) Marshal Fitness - Yeah. 8 ) Walk


3) Food Log


Lunch - Grilled corn and mushroom soup - roughly 400 calories


Dinner - Lasagna  - roughly 400 calories


Snack - cheese puff things - roughly 300 calories


Total Calories 1100 (Oo below 1200!!! wow) 





~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Respawn Day 5


1) Exercise


20/45 mins of today's Figure 8. I tried. 


2) Movement


1) Marshal Fitness - Level Up. 2 ) Marshal Fitness - Bad Romance. 3 ) Marshal Fitness - Solo. 4 ) marshal Fitness - Yummy. 5 ) marshal Fitness - Bad habits. 6 ) Marshal Fitness - Level Up. 7 ) 


3) Food Log


Lunch - McDonalds. - roughly 700 calories. 


Dinner Nachos - roughly 500 calories


Total calories 1200



~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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Respawn Day 6


1) Exercise


10/40 mins. Okay so this definitely did not meet my goal of 20 mins of exercise. My body just hurt. Figure 8 fitness has a lot of focus on abs and arms and my arms (and to a lesser degree my abs) just couldn't take it. I'm decided to listen to them and call it short. Yes I am disappointed. Yes I am scared that this means I suck so much but I also know that pushing through pain is not right and so to compromise, I've decided to go for a walk tonight when the weather is cooler. 


2) Movement


1 ) Marhsal Fitness - Level Up. 2 ) Marshal Fitness - Solo. 3 ) It's raining tacos (kids... have interesting taste in music... ). 4 ) Marshal Fitness - Level Up. 5 ) Marshal Fitness - Work B*. 6 ) Marshal Fitness - Yummy. 7 ) Walk


* I didn't make all 8 yesterday so I'm hoping to do 2 extra today to make up for it. No promises though


3) Food Log


Lunch - Nachos - roughly 500 Calories. 


Dinner - Wedges - roughly 300 Calories


Snack - Chips - roughly 300 Calories + Just Tea 130 Calories


Total Calories 1230




~If you change today, tomorrow will be different~

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