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Forging My Legend: Fitness and Philosophy for the Modern Adventurer

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Fitness and Philosophy for the Modern Adventurer

Adventure.  Fitness.  Survivalism.  Philosophy.  Technology.




Here shall be my Battle Log, with commentary on my fitness endeavors, adventures, and occasional musings.

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[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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2k21 Outlook


"It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become

by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit." – Socrates.


Remember My NUTS (Non-negotiable, Unalterable Terms)

  1. I am active: I prioritize exercise and wellness; I am on a Jedi quest to see what my body is capable of - but most importantly living pain free.
  2. I am present: I live in the moment and focus on my reactions to stimuli - but most importantly treat myself with compassion.
  3. I am free:  I will live within my means, have an emergency fund, and take on no job or task that confines me - but most importantly focus on the things which bring me joy.


  1. Nutrition: Slow down, use chopsticks, find joy in cooking and meal prep.
  2. Exercise:  My quest should be an ode to the human body's ability to move. Jedi approach to fitness, "What Would the Warhawk do?" Agility is fun. 
  3. Minimalism:  Clean as I leave rooms. Remove clutter.  Keep up on chores.  Always check cat litter.


Power Word for 2021:  Grit Prowess

This word encapsulates my intention for the new year.  I haven't picked a focus word before so this will be a grand experiment, but I know what I need for the new year is the consistency to improve, the tenacity to stick to my plans, and the foresight to keep my mind on my goals.  While 'Grit' encompasses the hard work it will take to achieve instead of dream, to do the workout when I'm tired and don't want to, and to ignore that hunger pain at midnight instead of indulging, the word itself doesn't speak to me like Prowess does.  If Grit is strength, fortitude (and not just stamina), self-awareness but also self-compassion, plus a willingness to fail and pick myself right back up afterward, Prowess is all of these things plus the discipline to do them well, with mastery and finesse.  After all, style points matter!  That's Metal


Current:  BRUTALITY 13 | FINESSE 12 | GRIT 13 | INSIGHT 15 | MOXIE 13
I am currently training as a Blademaster Neophyte on a quest toward mastery through balance.
Goal:  BRUTALITY 16 | FINESSE 17+ | GRIT 17 | INSIGHT 18+ | MOXIE 15
 A venerable master of the battlefield, I have become a Blademaster Warlord.

Blademaster Neophyte - Accepted for tutelage under a veteran Blademaster, Neophytes demonstrate exceptional discipline, intelligence, and the minimum agility and finesse required to embark upon the rigorous journey that is Blademaster training.



Blademaster Scarblade - Taking the step from apprenticeship to life as a wandering swordsman and member of a Brotherhood, a Scarblade is dexterous and capable, artistic and gifted intellectually, while displaying the strength and constitution expected of a battlefield scout and duelist.


Blademaster Khan -  Now capable of leading other Blademasters and training aspirants, Khans are masters of their own Brotherhoods by now, demonstrating extraordinary dexterity, sublime intellect and wisdom, as well as prodigal levels of fortitude, hardiness, and charisma near the pinnacle of self-mastery.


Blademaster Warlord  - A venerable grandmaster above his peers, the indomitable Warlord moves like the wind itself and exhibits all of the artistic mastery expected from a lifetime as a Blademaster and warchief of numerous hordes.



Way of the Blade: The System™
Max 20, based on current metrics and potential future goals.

Brutality (STR) - Gymnastics & Kettlebells
STR 13:  5 ring pull-ups/dips, 5+ wall walks, 5 unbroken 50lbs TGU, 8 hangboard pull-ups
STR 14:  1 ring muscle-up, 0:10 handstand, 15x TGU, 20 hangboard pull-ups
STR 15: 4+ muscle-up, 0:25 handstand, 10 unbroken 70lbs TGU,  30 pull-ups
STR 16:  7 muscle-ups, 0:40 handstand, 5x 80lbs TGU, 40 hangboard pull-ups, 4:00 plank
STR 17:  10 muscle-ups, handstand walking, 60+ push-ups, 90lb+ TGU, 50 pull-ups
Finesse (DEX) - Flexibility, Agility, Balance, & Coordination 
DEX 13: Hold Warrior III, hands-to-floor Forward Fold, some Muay Thai
DEX 14: Front and side splits, Crow pose, consistent Yoga practice, 1yr Muay Thai
DEX 15: Handstand splits, Crane pose, 1yr Yoga, 2yr Muay Thai or other
DEX: 16: Flying crow/adv poses, Yoga certification, 3yr Muay Thai
DEX 17: Muay Thai fight/black belt in other/coaching
Grit (CON) - Stamina & Endurance
CON 13:  sub-30:00 5k, 25% BF/215lbs, 1:00 50lbs KBS, 1:00 plank
CON 14:  Continuous 5k, 20% BF/205lbs, 2:00 50lbs KBS, 2:00 plank
CON 15:  sub-25:00 5k, 15% BF/190lbs, 1:00 70lbs KBS, 3:00 plank
CON 16:  22:00 5k, continuous 10k, 10% BF/185lbs, 2:00 70lbs KBS 4:00 plank
CON 17:  sub-20 5k, 45:00 10k,>8% BF/180lbs, 2:00 80lbs KBS, 5:00 plank
Insight (INT/WIS) - Continuous learning
INT 15:  Some language skills, above average understanding of nutrition, ~20 books/year
INT 16:  Read/converse in French/Spanish, Personal Training/nutrition certification, 20 books/year
INT 17: Learn new language, upgrade degree/diploma program, 40 books/year
INT 18: Complete advanced degree/diploma, speak/read two languages, 50+ books/year
Moxie(CHA) - Leadership, Social, Career
CHA:  13:  Occasional socializing, past supervisory and training skills, some boundaries.
CHA 14:  Regular social activity, entry supervisory or training role, boundaries and demands
CHA 15:  Weekly social responsibilities, career involving people/crowds/clients, negotiate salary
CHA 16:  Manage social media account/company/group



  1.  Further Character-driven attributes
    1.  Aesthetics/body composition: currently Leather Armor.  Upgrade to Studded Leather @ 200lbs, Dragonhide @ 190lbs, Ancient Leather at 'ripped beyond measure'
      1.  More Prince of Persia, less Thor (goals: https://www.instagram.com/the_quiet_conqueror/?hl=en)
    2.  More authentic
      1.   Sewing machine/tailoring
      2.  Learn an instrument (flute?)
      3.  Grow out my hair (locks & dye?)
      4.  Finish left sleeve
    3.  Martial skills:  currently common Dao sword.  Upgrade to rare quality at 1yr experience, epic at 2, legendary White Tiger Dao at 3.
      1.  Return to Muay Thai classes ASAP 
      2.  Swordplay practice (PVC)
      3.  Spear throwing (Spartan)
      4.  Archery
    4.  More adventurous
      1.  Major/more hiking trip(s)
      2.  Bouldering excursion
      3.  Go hawking
      4.  Horseback riding


Who is the Warhawk?

Strong but dexterous.  Enduring and free.  Open skies and adventure.  Outdoors (hiking and horseback and archery).  Tough but wise.  Selfish but greater good.


I want my real life skills and abilities to reflect those of the idealized character.  The Warhawk is primarch Jaghatai Khan of Warhammer 40k, whose book I am currently reading, and is deeply inspirational to me.  Similarly the Samuro the Blademaster from Heroes of the Storm and Warcraft, shares very similar traits and skills, are serving as my character theme going forward. My intention is to take realistically-attainable in-character skills and then connect the dots to build up my personal abilities.  For example, the Warhawk would display weapons mastery, the Jack-of-all-Trades strength/endurance of a Ranger, plus a similar affinity for the natural world.   To better embody that trope, I need to continue building from my foundation through those fields.  My strength and endurance require more kettlebell tricks, running or skipping, hiking, and gymnastics/climbing.  I have better than passing familiarity with nature and survival skills through my Scouting and military backgrounds, while weapons mastery can be introduced through equipment and YouTube tutorials.  If Arya can do it, so can I.


Five years of Nerd Fitness and exercise without meeting my body composition goal is unacceptable.  My aesthetics goals have only slightly changed over the years from a thicker CrossFit-aligned physique to the more svelte, assassin-like build I want to build for climbing and gymnastics now.  The Warhawk is both strong and agile, but more agile than strong, whereas I am still the opposite.  My RL attribute points might look like 15 STR and 17 DEX, where 200lbs is the current body comp goal, but 185-190 should be the long-term plan here.  More Michel Huisman (Daario Naharis) than Chris Hemsworth (even if he's deadly inspo).




I already have all the muscle I need now, it's simply a matter of shredding down and refining those bulky slabs to steel cable throughout.  More nutritional compliance, more conditioning exercise.  Abs aren't unattainable for any 34 year old.  So 2021, do you worst - for I shall do mine.  Your predecessor tried it's hardest and could not conquer me, nor shall you.  I shall fumble not - for I stand on the precipice of oblivion, straddling the safe shore of mediocrity and staring down the difficult journey to greatness.


But I also cannot afford to neglect my mind, hence Mystic.  The Khan is enlightened and seeks understanding.  He is the epitome of the noble savage, the enlightened barbarian.  Others see him and judge based on their preconceived notions of what a Mongol warrior must look like to the minds of the 40th millennium, but he understands the galaxy better than they could ever imagine.  Similarly I often read, though primarily for entertainment.  I would consider myself well above average in comprehension and understanding, but Wisdom isn't an attribute point anyone should overlook.  So, in keeping with the Khan's expanded mind, I will focus on expanding my own through learning while I read, rather than for simple entertainment.


Where are all the Modern Mardu decks? - Wizard Tower BlogWizard Tower Blog


‘I do not doubt your visions,’ the Khan said, quietly. ‘But what do they change? Shall we stare up at the shadows and let our blades fall from our hands?'

Know this, son of Magnus. There is more under the arch of heaven than victory and defeat. We may fall back, but not forever. We may feint and we may weave, but not forever. We may yet be doomed to lose all we cherish, but we shall do so in the knowledge that we could have turned away, and did not.

We remained true,’ the Khan said. ‘They can never have this, not if they burn all we ever built and scorn us through the dancing flames.

You hear me? We remained true.’  ~ Jaghatai Khan, Path of Heaven.


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  • That's Metal 2

[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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2020 Dec Holiday Challenge Summary & Year in Review



[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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  • Rurik Harrgath changed the title to Forging My Legend: Fitness and Philosophy for the Modern Adventurer

[2022] Stepping into the Arena: The Road to Gladiator


"There is only one way to become Champion... never fucking lose." ~ Gannicus


This theme encapsulates my intention for the new year.  My focus word for last year was Prowess, and while that word still holds power with me, I didn't find any significant benefit from ruminating on that.  So 2022 will be mimicking the journey a World of Warcraft player undertakes when they decide to dedicate their game time to grinding Player-versus-Player arena matches to such a rating that their team achieves the highly coveted title of Gladiator.
Just like any would-be Gladiator, there are micro-achievements I must first attain; this will be building the consistency to improve, the tenacity to stick to my goals, and the foresight to keep my mind on my goals.  'Grit' encompassed the strength, fortitude, and self awareness/compassion alongside hard work necessary to achieve my goals instead of merely dreaming them, and 'Prowess' was the discipline to perform any task with mastery and finesse, 2022's theme of the Magnificent Bastard Gladiator is about the grind, the climb, to get there.  It's the endless daily quests, the honor and valor currency farming, it's playing that one more game before bedtime, and never taking a loss to heart.  There is always a new match to play, just like every new moment is an opportunity to make the choices which align with my goals.

No Gladiator can achieve their gaming dreams solo though.  Since arena PvP is divided into 2v2 and 3v3 formats, players need to form a team and work together against other teams to achieve the necessary matchmaking rating to score that Gladiator title at the end of each Season.  Just like an arena team, I need to work with and alongside others in my life.  This will be turning down beer occasionally, or opting out of ordering dinner out so often, as well as taking advantage of the strengths of my teammates (like my wife's tenacity and dedication to her exercise and nutrition lifestyle).  This journey is about finding the path of least resistance, remembering to complete my dailies, and not being afraid to stumble on the path to greatness.




Remember my NUTS (Non-negotiable, Unalterable Terms)

  1. I am active; so I will prioritize exercise and wellness on this Witcher's quest to be ready for any adventure - but most importantly, living pain free.
  2. I am antifragile; ever my focus shall be sustainability, stability, and accountability.  The world is an uncertain place and I must be prepared for anything.
  3. I am present; where I have failed, I will learn and deliver on promised changes.  I will live in the moment and check my reactions to events beyond my control, treating myself and my family with compassion.


I want my real life skills and abilities to reflect this idealized character. The Blademaster of Warcraft III and Jaghatai Khan from Warhammer 40k are still there, though this year's inspiration largely comes from Geralt of Witcher series fame.  He's still the rugged master of his domain (wherever that may be), as strong as he is agile, as conditioned as he is capable with blade or bow or magical signs.  We need the weapons mastery, the Jack-of-all-Trades multi-discipline of a Hunter Ranger archetype, plus a similar affinity for the world outside   To better embody that trope, I need to continue building from my foundation through those fields.  My strength and endurance require more kettlebell tricks, running or skipping, hiking, and gymnastics/climbing.  I have better than passing familiarity with nature and survival skills through my Scouting and military backgrounds, while weapons mastery can be introduced through equipment and YouTube tutorials.  I can build a better Battle Master.


I already have all the muscle I need now, it's simply a matter of shredding down and refining those bulky slabs to steel cable throughout.  More nutritional compliance, more conditioning exercise.  2022 can do its worst - for I shall do mine.  Last year tried it's hardest (and if I'm honest, mostly succeeded) but did not crush me.  Now I stand again on the precipice of oblivion, straddling the safe shore of mediocrity and staring down the difficult journey to greatness.  


Remember: more Michel Huisman (Daario Naharis), more Geralt, more Jason Momoa, always.  






Current:  BRUTALITY 13 | FINESSE 12 | GRIT 13 | INSIGHT 15 | MOXIE 13
Training to be a legendary and venerable monster hunter and demon slayer.
Goal:  BRUTALITY 16 | FINESSE 17+ | GRIT 17 | INSIGHT 18+ | MOXIE 15
 A revered master of the battlefield, I have become a Grandmaster Witcher.

Witcher Initiate - Accepted for tutelage under a veteran Witcher, initiates are subjected to The Trials and given mutation-inducing substances to evolve them beyond the traits of a common human, increasing strength, agility, stamina, and resistance to toxins. 



Witcher Adept - Taking the step from apprenticeship to life as a wandering monster hunter, an adept is dexterous and capable, displaying the strength and constitution expected of a mercenary investigator and slayer.


Wolf Writing his own legend, veterans of the School of the Wolf are known throughout the Continent for extraordinary mastery of swordsmanship, command over the mystical Signs, and knowledge of history, the world and surviving within it, even the harshest of climes, as well as an intimate familiarity with the monster beastiary.


Grandmaster  - A venerable master above his peers, the indomitable grandmaster of a Witcher school is a veritable force of nature and moves like a feline, strikes with the speed and cunning of a viper, brings the ferocity of a bear, commands the elemental insight of a griffin, and has mastered the alchemical and mutagenic gifts of a manticore.




Armor (aesthetics & body composition)

  1. Padded Armor - 230lbs+
  2. Leather jerkin and greaves - 215lbs
  3. Studded leather cuirass - 200lbs
  4. Chainmail hauberk - 190lbs or ripped

Each is upgraded to Superior and then to Mastercrafted every subsequent 5lbs lost after.

Armament (martial skills)

  1. Novigrad longsword - 1yr+ Muay Thai training
  2. Bastard sword - 6mo+ swordsmanship or escrima training
  3. Meteorite-forged greatsword Aerdonight - 6mo+ Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu experience
  4. Longbow - 3mo+ archery training

Alchemy & Mutagens (nutrition and supplements)

  1. Elixirs - preworkout, sugarfree energy drinks
  2. Mutagens - vitamins (B, D, multi), ZMA for sleep, etc.
  • Like 3

[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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Love your character attributes! I said one of my words for this year was grit. I had totally forgotten about it. However, two podcasts and now your thread mentioned it, and it reminded me.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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[2023]  Rise, Tarnished; be sharper than their swords.

"You waste your gifts, trying to wind that meaningless, endless war. You're not like them anymore."
"So what, I should play at being a god, like you?"
"I am not playing."


Herein lies my framework, my intention for the new year. 
My overarching theme going forward into 2023 is Fire versus Rot; a raging flame of vitality and vigor against the rot of stagnancy or surrendering to complacent existence without deeper guidance.
It is far too easy to feel swept up by events surrounding us.  I have too many tasks on my to-do list, I feel too tired today, my mental health is suffering a bit more than usual (which can be saying something), and I'm walking unusual and unknown places in a strange new world which has left me remiss and adrift on a raft without a paddle - and yet, there can be more than this.  So much more.  So we dip our limbs into water and begin to coerce our craft forward, lumbering at first as the struggle overpowers our efforts, but eventually there is purpose and there is confidence as strength growths, an inner fire that births monstrous ferocity and determination to overcome our struggles even when they feel insurmountable...
And sometimes that struggle still conquers us.
But, as with all Souls-style video games, we rise again once more.  No struggle overcomes us permanently (except, save perhaps death itself) and we begin anew with a finer appreciation for the boss battle to be waged ahead.  The turning of the wheel become visible and eventually obvious.  We see the telegraphic pattern of order through the chaos.  So not only may we endure, but perhaps, even surely - we overcome.  For to fail to rise again is to court rot to overtake this enigmatic existence.
Goals are all well and good, truly, and yet goals by their very definition are merely a hope.  What is more concrete than any goal would be more akin to a purse, a driving fire of ambition; an ember can be kindled with but a little fuel, but unleashed as a conflagration when truly embraced and given nourishment and direction... an inescapable conflagration to consume the stagnancy of indolence, the potential rot of listless, complacent existence.  Every nourishing meal rather than self-indulgent snacking builds our fire, and by extention fuels our vigor.  Each striving workout fans the flames of ambition, building endurance and might.  Every task conquered unleashes the fire to become a storm of momentum, making no goal unattainable through my means.
Herein let us forge that fire.
Elden Ring Shattered GIF - Elden Ring Shattered Painful - Discover & Share  GIFs


Forsake not these Tenets of my Iron Vigil:

  • Suffer not the profane (body) to exist.
  • Uphold the glory of the Sacred Flame.
  • Abhor chaos.  Destroy indolence.
  • No commitment shall be left unfulfilled, no matter the odds.


What this means is, I am active; so I will prioritize exercise and wellness on this greater Quest to be ready for any adventure.  I am antifragile; ever my focus shall be sustainability, stability, and accountability; The Lands Between are an uncertain place and I must be prepared for anything.  I am present and industrious; where I have failed, I will learn, and dedication to any commitments made, though I shall not lose myself nor allow my fire to be stifled by the winds roaring around me.


Once more, I want my real life capability and skills to reflect my idealized character.  In this brave new world I find myself in, I have plenty of space with nature and in utter privacy.  I have the raw materials to make a PVC bow or sword, alongside the freedom to wield them.  Though long may be my list of side quests, I cannot forsake the Story Quest, which is living a good life.  I have the world and the means to accomplish any goal.  I must simply forge the framework and then follow through.  That framework is our garage gym with more equipment (in need of setting up or organizing, mind you) than most could hope for and the time to use it (honestly).  As with most Souls-style games, wearing heavyweight armor you haven't invested the necessary endurance, and by extension stamina, to wield it will greatly encumber you.  As it is now, I am over-encumbered and in need of shedding much inventory weight.  


Why Jason Momoa Was Hired As Aquaman, According To Zack Snyder | Cinemablend




Current:  BRUTALITY 11 | FINESSE 10 | VIGOR 11 | INSIGHT 14 | WILL 13
Training to become a legendary warrior, renowned throughout The Lands Between.
Goal:  BRUTALITY 16 | FINESSE 16+ | VIGOR 16 | INSIGHT 18+ | WILL 16
 A revered master of the realm, I have become Elden Lord.


Initiate - A newly-risen Tarnished enters the wider Lands Between, though equipment is basic and new, sorcery is minimal, and abilities, though beyond the traits of a common human, traits such as strength, dexterity, stamina, and resistance begin to improve.



Hunter - Exploring deeper dungeons and tackling tougher foes, the wandering hunter becomes more dexterous and capable, displaying the strength and constitution expected of a capable warrior, displaying equipment and abilities to match.


Recusant -  Now forging his own legend, a veteran knight known through the Lands Between as a belligerent of particular substance and might, carrying renowned arms and armament, and capable of extraordinary mastery over swordsmanship, command over many mystical sorceries and incantations, along with extensive knowledge of the world's lore, and surviving within it.


Elden Lord - A illustrious figure of timeless renown like Godwyn the Golden and others from time immemorial, the Tarnished reforges the Elden Ring and defends his accomplishments against any challenger.  His armaments are legendary and deeds mythopoetic, he is a veritable force of nature, moving and striking with the speed and cunning, the ferocity, and mastery of a demi-god. 

BRUTALITY 16+ | FINESSE 16+ | VIGOR 16+ | INSIGHT 18+ | WILL 16 


Real Life Roleplaying Game (RLRPG) Equipment:

Class: Knight-Errant 

Hero archetype: Templar Lion (Blood Hunter/Champion/Ranger)


Armor (aesthetics & body composition)

Upgraded every 5lbs lost until 200lbs, afterwards by body fat %.

  • 235lbs: Leather armor
  • 230lbs: Studded Leather armor 
  • 225lbs: Linked mail
  • 220lbs: Chainmail
  • 215lbs: Exile's Bronze armor
  • 210lbs:  Templar Light Plate
  • 205lbs:  Ironskin Great Hauberk
  • 200lbs: Silks of the Victor Embossed Full Plate
  • 10%:  Templar's Might Ornate Gothic Plate
  • 8%:  Sacred Legacy Sacred Plate Armor


Armament (fitness goals & martial skills)

Consistency awards quality attributes: 4wks = Regular quality, 8wks = Heavy, up to Sharp, Refined, Mastercrafted, Ascended, Legendary, Demi-godly, etc.

  • 16kg:  Battered longsword
  • 20kg:  Questing longsword
  • 24kg:  Knight's Longsword
  • 28kg:  Templar greatsword
  • 32kg:  Blacktongue bastard sword
  • 36kg:  Doombringer champion sword
  • 40kg:  The Patriarch flamberge
  • 44kg:  Todesfaelle Flamme zweihander
  • 48kg:  The Atlantean ancient sword
  • That's Metal 1

[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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[2024]  Guard the Sacred Fire, Seek the Ancestor Stones.

"The Spirits of the earth guide me.  Feel their power beneath your feet!"
Stay a while, and listen.  Herein is contained my framework and intention for the new year.
2024 shall be a slight deviation from last year.  Since 2023 was little better than a taxi car that never arrived at its destination, the gladiator is retired and the Druid shall rise.  With that in mind, the Farseers have communed with the elements and our great ancestors; their auguries have determined this year to be the Year of the Bear.  Bear's mightiest attributes lay within the realm of Strength and Constitution, therefore 2024's Power Word is decreed Fortitude.  Fortitude perfectly encapsulates my intentions for the Path before us, though we but enter the threshold of the solar journey only just through winter's door.  The solstice is behind us and we find the days slowly eking more light at the horizon, there is no better time to seek our destinies.
The year before was one of trial and tribulation; injury and stress and struggle forged a twisted staff to wield, but with thanks have revealed prodigious understanding and appreciation for what may yet be.  My Ancient Vigil is renewed once more and we shall answer the ancestor's call to be greater than we might otherwise guess.
Projects on the house are coming along; few enough sit atop my To Do list weighted with the stress of dire urgency.  The animals are mostly settled in, our flock is producing both eggs and meat, our goats are comfortable in their home, and the homestead beasts have expanded into the basement as well.  The garden experiment was largely successful as well so we shall look to that again in the spring.  Altogether, though, I've found my own personal reserves of fortitude left wanting.  I've had silly injuries from indolence, difficulty with tasks or projects simply from a lack of worthy effort.  So we shall expel from the earth like magma erupting from a volcano... with the strength and fury to match.  The Druid (read: elemental/spiritual barbarian as in Diablo 4, rather than by Nerd Fitness' usage) is my calling and I shall rise to the summons.
In 2024, we get yoked like an oak... wth thickness and strength and endurance to match!
In keeping with past tradition, mine shall deviate slightly and draw influence from D&D.  My version of the Diablo Druid borrows from the Warcraft Enhancement Shaman specialization with a bit of barbarian flavor, so I'm going Path of Giants Barbarian (which grants elemental powers and massive growth abilities), Oath of Conquest Paladin (for heavier armor and Thunderous Smite ability), and finally Elemental Domain Cleric for heaps more fire, storm, and other elemental skills  to supplement my already formidable raging smiter.
Specific goals are yet forthcoming but suffice to say they lay within the realm of magnificent strength and an enduring constitution.  I want to become a modern day Heracles and I'll be building toward and then focusing on strongman-style training.  I'd rather be an indomitable diesel tank than a Ferrari at this point in my life.  We have all of the tools in our garage, with stones to heft a plenty in the woods surrounding the homestead, so it's simply a matter of getting my arse out and in there to pick those heavy things up and put them down.  In addition to eating to match.  I'm starting to slowly/lazily track food intake on MFP again, increasing my calories to 'heavy maintenance' while I dial things in across the board.  All told, I shall wield the fury of fire as inspiration for my colossus strength workouts, the might of earth for the power of my enduring constitution, and the grace of water to guide my mental health on this Path.

Forsake not these Tenets of my Ancient Vigil:

  • Suffer not their profaning our ancient lands (and body).
  • Wield storm as hammer, ancient stone thy shield, and molten flame thy fury.
  • Wrest from thy languor like a meteor.
  • Thy Spirit recall its memory in the mists.

Once more, I want my real life capability and skills to reflect my idealized character.  In this brave new world I find myself in, I have plenty of space with nature and in utter privacy.  I have the raw materials to make strength tools and weaponry alike.  I have animal companions aplenty to keep me company; it was actually their inspiration which set me upon this shamanistic Path now before me.  As I was talking with my better half, I recalled that my Warcraft Shaman (already a Kul Tiran, aka thiccboi human) has a pair of wolf spirits attached to his shoulder pauldrons...


wolf companions.png

Move over, Geri and Freki... I have Felixus and Hucklebronn for my wolf spirit companions!


So basically our dogs keep me company whenever I play the game!  And Diablo's Druid can summon Wolf companions as well.  That's as good as any place to base my IRL character on for the new year.  Also, no strongman goal could be set apart from God of War: Ragnarok's version of Thor - though maybe not quite so much belly, thank you very much.  I'm aiming to eat a lot of meat and potatoes, not devour a 3 million oz primordial ribeye and wash it down with the Well of Eternity dry! Oh, and I'll be picking up so so many big rocks.



Time to channel some thundering power and get thicc like Thor!  ?  Already well on my way in the beard and hair departments anyway ?


Real Life Roleplaying Game (RLRPG) Character:

Class: Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric

Hero archetype: Stormborn War-Shaman


Armor & Armament TBD

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[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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