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Hello! I'm Krystle...I'm 23 and trying to Level Up My Life. =0)

My back story: In HS I was in shape, I was a multi-sport athlete. I was strong AND lean. During my years of prime I got injured, quite a few times, but I always bounced right back. (Now with the research I’ve been doing I can understand WHY the injuries happened.) Then, College happened…and I became lazy and/or naive thinking that my awesome metabolism would still work for me. Let me tell you this.. my HS lunch of a bag of Peanut M&Ms with a Liter of Mt. Dew was awesome but definately not healthy and DEFINITELY didn't fly once alcohol was introduced to my system. Essentially I got fluffy, I went from 112lbs to 160lbs in less then a year. I started in July of 2009 to really care about this (I was at a record high of 184lbs) and decided to do something about. Shortly after, I tore my achilles tendon (More about that here: http://achillesblog.com/krystle) and thus was out for minimum of six months. After those six months I moved to Ann Arbor and began to REALLY live the lifestyle of a Party Princess and thus health was again put on the backburner. Now it’s 2012 and I’m at a weight of 164lbs. Which is better then I was back in 2009 but not where I was in 2007. So late last year I reached out to all my friends who LIVED fitness. One friend in particular, Nick, got me interested in Paleo/Primal Living and this site (particularly Staci's story) So I’m trying it his way and seeing what happens.The official start date for me is May 15th, 2012 and my goal date is my birthday next year (March 28th, 2013).

I'm a size 11. My goal is to not be a double digit size anymore. I want to look and feel better. I'd also like to not break a sweat walking up the four flights of stairs at my college's administrative office ever again. That was essentially one of the straws that broke the back that has been my lazy camel...

For exercise I'm swimming (it's my job..I'm a Lifeguard and Swim Instructor) and also doing Brazilian jujitsu. I'll also be running on occasion.

Eating better is something I need to do as well. My favorite foods all fall into a "Not good for you" category. Mainly being pizza rolls, spaghetti-o's, mac and cheese and spinach and artichoke dip. Oh and blueberry vodka, sprite and sour mix. I'm a bartender by night so getting away from alcohol completely is going to be impossible, I've accepted this fact and thanks to the recent article by Steve I know what I can do better with it. The other thing is going to be mac and cheese...it's my comfort food. However I did find some recipes that are gluten free so that in moderation should be okay.

Other things about me: I have two kitties: Harper and Pepper who are adorable. (Yes, I'm an animal person) I'm addicted to karaoke. I go out once or twice a week to sing my heart out. It's a ton of fun. I go out occasionally to dance at a local nightclub. I love to dance. I play ridiculous amounts of SNES and Final Fantasy XII for PlayStation. I love to read. Oh, and I play Magic:The Gathering competitively...not so much anymore but I did it once and I know how to play. Thus fully making me a nerd who is serious about fitness.

I'd love to hear thoughts, comments, whatever, from people...I'm a pretty social person and I could use all the help I can get.

My fitness blog I started is here: http://ramblingsofapartyprincess.wordpress.com/

And this is my Twitter: @Krys_328

(I know there is a list for this somewhere that I'll go post sometime soon!)

~No Matter How Slow You Go, You're Still Lapping Everyone on the Couch~


Spunky Sprite Monk

STR: 5 ~ DEX: 5 ~ STA: 7 ~ CON: 2 ~ WIS: 4 ~ CHA: 3

"Be 1% Better Today then You Were Yesterday..."

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Hi!! Blueberri Stoli and soda, and Whiskey Sours....mmmmm :P How 'bout you just make the drinks you want to drink, and I'll drink 'em for you? :D

It sounds like you have a great handle on where you're at, that's no small thing!!! I just started playing Magic with my 14-yr-old, and am wondering why I thought it was so complicated when I was younger (my brother played competitively and still has all his 90's-era cards). I also am very glad that it's easier for my brain to comprehend than Yu-Gi-Oh, of which I beat my then 4-through-13-yr-old exactly TWICE. Ha.

I've discovered that when I'm craving carb-y comfort foods, fat does the trick. Usually avocados with tuna, but it seems to be the fat that works for me over the protein. It might work completely different for you of course, but that was something that took a few months for me to figure out so thought I'd share :)

Overall sounds like you've set some very attainable goals, have a good sense of where to go next, and cats are awesome. Welcome to the Rebellion!

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LoL...Thanks Kat. My friends are all for this change since I'm eliminating the full bar I've accumulated in my apartment AND they get the free shots people buy me while at work now. Blueberry Vodka is the most awesome thing ever...but flavored vodkas are loaded with even more sugar then just plain ole' vodka. I'm okay with making the drinks and you can drink them...as long as I can see them and smell them.

Ha! That's awesome...and Magic can get tricky and complicated with "the stack" and all but you're right that it is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Your brother is a lucky man...some of the older cards go for hundreds of dollars.

Anyways, thank you!

~No Matter How Slow You Go, You're Still Lapping Everyone on the Couch~


Spunky Sprite Monk

STR: 5 ~ DEX: 5 ~ STA: 7 ~ CON: 2 ~ WIS: 4 ~ CHA: 3

"Be 1% Better Today then You Were Yesterday..."

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Wow, we have a lot in common... well, sort of. I wasn't in good shape in high school. Then I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease when I was 22 and I was down to 98 pounds (which, for my slightly taller than average frame, is under weight by about 20 pounds). It took over a year for me to get my weight back up, which landed me at 145 pounds. Then I was put on more medication for my illness, my disease relocated to a different area, and I packed on more weight. I am now about 168 (I fluctuate between 165 and 170). I'm also a size 11. And my start date for going Paleo is also May 15th. So that's what I meant when I said we have a lot in common, haha. I'm doing a 30 day challenge, and keeping a blog to follow how I do through the process. If you're curious about following someone starting the same thing at the same time, feel free to drop by my blog: http://paleo-diet-challenge.blogspot.com/

Best of luck! -Autumn

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That is super awesome (The part of us doing this at the same time, being around the same weight and such) and yea, I'll be checking out your blog. =0) I definitely want to hear about how you're doing!

Congrats on making a change despite obstacles...that is super awesome. My medications didn't help me with weight either...but mine are for less sucky issues then yours.


~No Matter How Slow You Go, You're Still Lapping Everyone on the Couch~


Spunky Sprite Monk

STR: 5 ~ DEX: 5 ~ STA: 7 ~ CON: 2 ~ WIS: 4 ~ CHA: 3

"Be 1% Better Today then You Were Yesterday..."

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That is super awesome (The part of us doing this at the same time, being around the same weight and such) and yea, I'll be checking out your blog. =0) I definitely want to hear about how you're doing!

Congrats on making a change despite obstacles...that is super awesome. My medications didn't help me with weight either...but mine are for less sucky issues then yours.


Haha, got your comment on my blog. Commented back on how my name would have actually been Krystle, too. And yeah, I have sucky issues, but that doesn't make your struggles any less significant. So it's awesome that you're working towards a healthier lifestyle, too :-) And I checked out your blog too, although I don't think I can comment unless I'm a member, but I'll be checking in from time to time. Here we go, the journey is about to start!

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Thanks...I'm looking forward to having a co-pilot on this trip =0)

That was a little corny...but it is 5:30A and I'm up to swim after 3 hours of sleep

~No Matter How Slow You Go, You're Still Lapping Everyone on the Couch~


Spunky Sprite Monk

STR: 5 ~ DEX: 5 ~ STA: 7 ~ CON: 2 ~ WIS: 4 ~ CHA: 3

"Be 1% Better Today then You Were Yesterday..."

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