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Really new - and working on my plan!

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Howdy - I'm Andrea from Nashville, TN and have been poking around NF for about a year now. NF and Steve are mentioned a lot on my one of my favorite running websites so I've decided to put myself out there.

My bio - I'm 42, 5'5" and just saw 149 lbs (instead of 150, 160 or 170 something) for the first time in a LONG time! I'm a SAHM with 3 kids, my husband travels weekly, and I'm a runner - but injured at the moment. I've never been athletic until I found my love for running 6 years ago. I've had a lot of setbacks with my running over the years (injuries, pregnancy, life, etc.) so I really never ran anything over 3 miles. After my last 5k in October, I'd had it. I wanted MORE. Something much bigger than the same ole 3 miles I struggled with year after year. So, in December, after lots of planning, preparation and obsessing, I started training for my first half marathon! I loved every minute of it! On March 11 - not that I remember - I became injured (stress reaction - left tibia) and had to stop training. I ran 9 miles that day - it was awesome!! Except for the injury part. So for the last 8 weeks I've been going to PT twice a week and having had a major pity party.

ENOUGH!! So here I am. :eek-new:

My Plan (so far):

1. Strength train, strength train, strength train! Not cookie-cutter machine strength train, but body-weight, one-legged, heavy stuff! I want this baby weight GONE. My youngest is 4 for cryin' out loud. And I KNOW this will just help my running - WHEN I can get back out there - SOOO much.

2. Clean up my eating - even more! I eat about 87% clean - but I can do better.

3. Step away from the sauce - my biggie. I LUH-OVE my red wine. But I know I don't "need" it every. single. night. of. my. life. Yes, I get stressed and it's nice to have a glass or two but I know it's not helping my fitness journey.

4. Yoga! - I've been wanting to get back into yoga but just haven't. I could have been doing yoga this entire 8 weeks but didn't. I want to stop procrastinating and DO IT. WHEN I get back to running, it will help SO much. And since I tend to have a lot on my plate on a day-to-day basis, it would help in the stress department.

So. Where to start. Rebel Strength Guide? Rebel Fitness Guide? Any other suggestions?

Eeeep! I'm glad to be here!

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Welcome aboard! It's awesome that you have an activity like running that you love so much. Your goals are fantastic! For the strength training, if you're looking for body weight exercises, I went with Steve's free body weight routine for a while and had great results. The Fitness guide is geared for more all-around stuff like diet, etc, along with exercise. You'll find more strength focused stuff in the Rebel Strength Guide (obviously). I recently picked up a copy of a book called You Are Your Own Gym, and it's been really kicking my butt in a great way.

And go fo that Yoga! I love Yoga, it makes me feel SO GOOD.

[TABLE=class: grid, width: 500, align: center] [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Shmikey Lvl 1 Half-Elf Assassin | STR: 3 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 | CON: 2 | WIS: 3 | CHA: 3 |
"True courage is the ready and steadfast acceptance of whatever pains are incidental to securing the personal and public ends that are at stake." -William De Witt Hyde [/TABLE]
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Hi, itsinyourjeans :) Welcome!

That's really cool that you love running so much. I think you're right, getting some strength training in there will help your running, and help with injury prevention.

Way to go for being so active AND a mum! With goals like yours, you should have that baby weight off in no time.

I, too, recommend starting with the free beginners guide here on NerdFitness. It's got lots of levels to move through and is really easy for a strength-training noob to pick up.

You'll be back out pounding the pavement soon :)

Warrior Princess
Eating Psychology Coach

Adventure's Guild Challenge winner: Challenge #24

â•‘ Live the Whole  â•‘ Bucket List â•‘Level up my Lifeâ•‘ 

"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion."

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i loved when i started doing yoga. it's great as an active rest work out. improves flexibility and balance. and a bunch of my guy friends tease me about it, but then i lift up my shirt, lol.

and if you are going to lift, i recommend squats and dead lifts. you will not get bulky, and your running will improve.


Urban Scout

STR - 6 DEX - 6 STA - 11 CON - 2 WIS - 4 CHA - 6

My Epic Quest: http://tinyurl.com/7ey2ylw

Most Recent Mission: Visit Chichen Itza (Completed 11/18/12)

I am currently: Level 3 (0% to Level 4)

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