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Rebel Strength Guide around other workouts. Rest days?


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Ok, I am starting the Rebel Strength Guide (basic training and then bodyweight brigade) but I am not sure what days to choose.

I have yoga (lunch) and capoeira (evening) on Mondays, zumba class (two hours) on Wednesday for now. In a month I will probably switch my Wednesday to zumba (2hrs) or capoeira (1.5hrs) -both are drop in- depending on how I feel.

When do I fit in three days of RSG with rest days in between? I might be able to add RSG workouts to zumba days. Capoeira class has a lot of bodyweight exercises and are already exhausting so I don't think I can add to that.

Should I do RSG between capoeira days or do capoeira instead of RSG?

For example:

Monday capoeira, Tuesday rest, Wednesday RSG/zumba or capoeira only, Thursday rest, Friday RSG, Saturday rest and Sunday RSG?

Or better

Monday capoeira, Tuesday RSG, Wednesday zumba/rest, Thursday RSG, Friday rest, Saturday RSG and Sunday rest?

Any recommendations? (Am I overthinking this?)


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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Depends on what you're doing for yoga and capoeira. Zumba, if I'm correct, is just cardio with little strength required. So if you want to do that, I'd put it right behind your strength workout so you can take a full rest (true rest) day afterwards. Don't do it the other way around, though.

If the yoga is more of a flexibility thing, you can do it on days you're not lifting or after you've lifted. If it's a strength thing, you'll need to figure out something else (maybe drop a RSG workout) or drop it altogether.

Capoeira can either be a lot of skill work (so not really taxing on strength), in which case you'd do it before your workout or on an off day. If it's more cardio, put it after your workout. If it's more strength, you'll need to figure out something else.

You may have noticed the pattern here:

Low-intensity cardio (below lactate treshold; you have to be able to keep talking throughout the run): whenever you like. Rest days are awesome for this. A good marker for this is that you should be feeling better when you stop than when you started. Otherwise it falls into the high-intensity block.

High-intensity cardio (HIIT, but also long runs at higher intensity): after your strength work. DO NOT DO THIS BEFORE STRENGTH WORK OR ON REST DAYS. If you do it before strength work, you'll be too tired to lift and risk screwing up form. If you do it on rest days, you're not giving your muscles the time they need to recover.

Flexibility (yoga, stretching): after your strength work, or on rest days. DO NOT DO THIS BEFORE STRENGTH WORK. Stretching will temporarily inhibit muscle output, so you're not as strong. If used intelligently, it can actually help, but it's best to stay with no stretching pre-workout unless you really need extra ROM.

Skill work (anything non-taxing that you just need to practice): before your strength work or on rest days. After your strength work, you'll probably won't have enough strength left to perform it properly, so it's best not to do it then. It can be done, though.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Hm, I get the cardio vs strength concept in general.

Capoeira is definitely part strength (lots of push ups, squats, lunges) but also cardio (kicks, other moves). Yoga (flexibility, stretching) is on the same day during lunch (i.e. before) and I can't move that. I also think it does help me to losen up before capoeira. My hips are not very flexible and yoga helps.

Zumba is definitely low impact cardio. That's why I do two hours.

I am tending towards Monday capoeira, Tuesday rest, Wednesday RSG/zumba or capoeira only, Thursday rest, Friday RSG, Saturday rest and Sunday RSG.

However, I don't know if RSG and then zumba for 2 hrs is something I can pull off or only go 1 hr zumba. Also, if I do RSG on Sunday and capoeira on Monday I don't get a rest day. Maybe reduce RSG to 2x week only?

I really want to do the RSG because I need to work on my strength for capoeira. BADLY!


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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