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Hello from Key West - hello to all, and a special shout out to other gay members.

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So have decided to commit. Am working on my plan. Current weight: 256. Down from 280 on the carb/protein/fat 50-30-20 deal - but not really satisfied with it and am going to to give Paleo 30 days just to kick the tires. A year ago I committed to doing the Miami-Key West Smart Ride, a 2 day, 165 mile ride for charity. Ever since I did the ride in Nov 2011, I realized how much I enjoy bike riding. Doing the event this year, and even now I average about 50-80 miles a week on the bike.

I am satisfied generally with my progress. Some 80 odd days ago I kicked the booze can to the curb on a 90 days commitment. For Key West in particular, that's a bit of an accomplishment. Have found that I don't miss drinking all that much. May indulge from time to time after my commitment is done, but my default setting has been reset, I think, to non-drinker. Have slowly cut out nonsense food as well. Cholesterol and blood pressure are both normal.

Ten days ago, I quit taking citalopram, an anti-depressant prescribed a year ago (possibly 18 months, not really sure) to cope with cancer fallout. Sick and tired of being on the drug. Going through some rather un-fun withdrawal now - really hard to get to sleep, some dizziness. Libido has returned though.

A week ago, I was feeling *young* again, and was recalling how much I enjoyed just running around as a kid. So I went out and jogged. And did push ups, and acted crazy and went to a park and learned a basic parkour-type roll. I probably looked nuts but couldn't care less. Felt great. Next day, my knee reminded me that while my heart may be 18, my knee is 45 and is supporting more than a few pounds. OOPS. Took a week for the knee to forgive me.

And finally, 4 weeks ago I threw in the towel and closed my law practice to pursue life outside the box.

In all, it's a period of re-discovery for me. With the weight coming off, I want a *manageable* plan. I am concerned about deprivation aspects - having done a very stupid diet a few years ago ingetsing less than 800 calories a day and receiving B6/B12 injections three times a week - I lost the weight but was a complete misery and of course it all came back.

My motivation is about physical and mental fitness, which includes weight loss. My motivation is about honouring my body, my brain and my life. And, about getting my sexy back for my partner, too.

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Your story is inspiring. I especially liked the rolling around in the park part!

I'm new here too, but I've found that the energy on this site is great! Welcome :)

"You should make amends with you, if only for better health

But if you really want to live, why not try and make yourself?"

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Welcome lucky! I'm impressed with the balls it took to make the changes you're making! Solid rock! I totally identify with getting the sexy back, though to be honest it'll just be getting the sexy for the first time.

I'll be interested in hearing your perspective. When my ex and I broke up and divvied up all the friends she got all the gay guys.

"Get busy living or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." - Red"I'm not losing weight, I'm evicting fat." -me

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