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The Steampunk Strongman

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Weigh in - ???


1. Bicep Curls (50 - 100), 75

2. Reverse Bicep Curls (50 - 100), 75

3. Alternating Shoulder Curls (20 - 30), 30

4. Simultaneous Shoulder Curls (10), 15

5. Standing Shoulder Flies (12 - 15), 20

6. Alternating Shoulder Press (20 - 30), 30

7. Front Shoulder Raise (20 - 30), 30

8. Dumbbell Wrist Rotations (30), 30

9. Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10), 10
10. Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10), 10

11. Lunge Punches (12 - 15), 20

12. Opposite side Lunge Punches (12 - 15), 20

13. Toe Touches (12 - 13), 15

14. Shrugs (15 - 20), 20

15. X-Crosses over chest (10 - 15), 20

16. Side Bends (10 - 20), 20

17. Back Tricep Extensions w/ a rotation (15 - 20), 20

18. Calf Raises (20), 30

19. Heel Raises (10), 20

20. Squats w/ knees pointed out (30 - 40), 44

21. Pistol Squats (3 - 6 per leg), 10

22. High Knees (20), 30

23. Hip Raises + Rotations (10 - 20), 20

24. Dumbbell Sit-ups (20 - 25), 36

25. Supermans (10 - 20), 20

26. Leg Lifts + Pull overs (10 - 15), 20

27. Push Ups (10), 26




Had to help out with some shopping for my niece's birthday, so wasn't able to get in the cardio as I would have liked.


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Weight - 228


1. Bicep Curls (50 - 100), 75

2. Reverse Bicep Curls (50 - 100), 75

3. Alternating Shoulder Curls (20 - 30), 30

4. Simultaneous Shoulder Curls (10), 15

5. Standing Shoulder Flies (12 - 15), 20

6. Alternating Shoulder Press (20 - 30), 30

7. Front Shoulder Raise (20 - 30), 30

8. Dumbbell Wrist Rotations (30), 30

9. Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10), 10
10. Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10), 10

11. Lunge Punches (12 - 15), 20

12. Opposite side Lunge Punches (12 - 15), 20

13. Toe Touches (12 - 13), 15

14. Shrugs (15 - 20), 20

15. X-Crosses over chest (10 - 15), 20

16. Side Bends (10 - 20), 20

17. Back Tricep Extensions w/ a rotation (15 - 20), 20

18. Calf Raises (20), 30

19. Heel Raises (10), 20

20. Squats w/ knees pointed out (30 - 40), 45

21. Pistol Squats (3 - 6 per leg), 10

22. High Knees (20), 30

23. Hip Raises + Rotations (10 - 20), 20

24. Dumbbell Sit-ups (20 - 25), 37

25. Supermans (10 - 20), 20

26. Leg Lifts + Pull overs (10 - 15), 20

27. Push Ups (10), 27


Cardio - The usual; 20 minutes at about 14 - 15 MPH. Probably will soon have to either start going for a higher resistance setting on the stationary, greater speed, or a longer duration.


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Fun update of the moment: 

I actually swapped out my usual work today for going to a tumbling class with a friend (mostly just trying to do handwalking for me) and then doing some weight lifting after. Was hoping to get an idea of how strong I am, so I could see if I actually was getting stronger from the workout in later months.

I didn't get a really good idea of my One Rep Max for the basic lifts, but I at least have some vague idea of how strong I am...

Squats - 205 (felt like I had more in the tank) decided to go balls to the wall and failed at a 250 (I may have just gassed my legs however by adding weight more incrementally for a while)

Bench Press - 200, assuming I got my math right. I feel like that's weird honestly that I got that.
Deadlift - 220


I'm reasonably sure my bench shouldn't be so close to my squat and deadlift weights, so I'm certain I either gassed my legs doing squats or miscounted my bench press.

But! I at least have numbers to compare to each month now as I keep trying to see if I'm getting stronger.


On the other hand, I was using muscles I'm not used to using and probably going harder than I've been doing (combined with having a niece's birthday party tomorrow/today/Saturday) so I MIGHT do a cop out and let myself do a lighter workout for Saturday (possibly just counting playing with my nieces and lifting them when they insist I do that) and my normal Sunday rest day...

Now all I need is a picture of myself and measurements for my muscle groups to compare to the likes of Charles Atlas and Eugen Sandow.


EDIT: Also, probably the best compliment I could receive during the weight lifting...

My friend (who is a personal trainer, mind): You squat low.

I was just under the impression that "Ass to grass" was proper squat form, so that's how I do it.

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Well, went for the 'lighter' work out today... for a given value of 'lighter'. My nieces kept wanting to play 'sloth' which meant latching themselves around my arms and having me lift them up, so... a pretty good upper body work out with some awkward and mobile weights. Threw in some squats while picking them up as well.

A good time had by all.

Soon to be back to our regularly scheduled exercises.

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Hello, an update of my workout progress.

It's been... more limited than I'd like to admit due to the incoming storm (I've been convinced to stay with other family due to a draft apartment, and it being easier to ensure I can... y'know, drive to work from there if snow gets too high!)

So, much of my current exercise is taken from picking up and moving around my nieces and some more general Isometrics through my study of Maxick.

Still, the weirdness of shuffling around like that seems to be dealt with, so I will probably be back on schedule back tomorrow.

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Argh, I've allowed myself to fall quite a bit behind all of this. Moreso than I'd intended. I've been staying with family, as mentioned, and unfortunately the space I'm working with has put me off on getting too vigorous, so I've mostly been walking and occasionally working with Maxick style flexing exercises. On the other hand, there is an unused room that, if I'm still here much longer, I figure I can put down a towel or two and workout in there after picking up some new 5 pounders.

In the meanwhile, I've been focusing on my diet so... we'll see about really, truly, finally posting again after I get off work tomorrow!

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Okay, it really HAS been too long since I've done this, but tonight... TONIGHT I pick up from where I left off.

...Not terribly exciting, but hey. It's a thing!


1. Bicep Curls (50 - 100), 75

2. Reverse Bicep Curls (50 - 100), 75

3. Alternating Shoulder Curls (20 - 30), 30

4. Simultaneous Shoulder Curls (10), 15

5. Standing Shoulder Flies (12 - 15), 20

6. Alternating Shoulder Press (20 - 30), 30

7. Front Shoulder Raise (20 - 30), 30

8. Dumbbell Wrist Rotations (30), 30

9. Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10), 10
10. Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10), 10

11. Lunge Punches (12 - 15), 20

12. Opposite side Lunge Punches (12 - 15), 20

13. Toe Touches (12 - 13), 15

14. Shrugs (15 - 20), 20

15. X-Crosses over chest (10 - 15), 20

16. Side Bends (10 - 20), 20

17. Back Tricep Extensions w/ a rotation (15 - 20), 20

18. Calf Raises (20), 30

19. Heel Raises (10), 20

20. Squats w/ knees pointed out (30 - 40), 45

21. Pistol Squats (3 - 6 per leg), 10

22. High Knees (20), 30

23. Hip Raises + Rotations (10 - 20), 20

24. Dumbbell Sit-ups (20 - 25), 37

25. Supermans (10 - 20), 20

26. Leg Lifts + Pull overs (10 - 15), 20

27. Push Ups (10), 27


So, because I'm getting back into the swing of things, I decided I would just redo the rep scheme from my last workout and then... progress from there! But, here we go boyo-s and goirls.

Wasn't able to do much cardio today.

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Alright, so my IRL situation was changing, which through me for a bit of a loop, and even now I'm still readjusting my schedule and workouts to it. But, never the less I am endeavoring to put my exercising back on the right track so... A new counter!

Consecutive Days: 1 (Counting from today as '1' obviously)


Weight: Uncertain. Weigh ins to resume with next workout.


1. Bicep Curls (50 - 100), 80

2. Reverse Bicep Curls (50 - 100), 80

3. Alternating Shoulder Curls (20 - 30), 30

4. Simultaneous Shoulder Curls (10), 15

5. Standing Shoulder Flies (12 - 15), 20

6. Alternating Shoulder Press (20 - 30), 30

7. Front Shoulder Raise (20 - 30), 30

8. Dumbbell Wrist Rotations (30), 30

9. Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10), 10
10. Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10), 10

11. Lunge Punches (12 - 15), 20

12. Opposite side Lunge Punches (12 - 15), 20

13. Toe Touches (12 - 13), 15

14. Shrugs (15 - 20), 20

15. X-Crosses over chest (10 - 15), 20

16. Side Bends (10 - 20), 20

17. Back Tricep Extensions w/ a rotation (15 - 20), 20

18. Calf Raises (20), 30

19. Heel Raises (10), 20

20. Squats w/ knees pointed out (30 - 40), 46

21. Pistol Squats (3 - 6 per leg), 10

22. High Knees (20), 30

23. Hip Raises + Rotations (10 - 20), 20

24. Dumbbell Sit-ups (20 - 25), 38

25. Supermans (10 - 20), 20

26. Leg Lifts + Pull overs (10 - 15), 20

27. Push Ups (10), 28


Notes: My sleep has not been the absolute best and my current exercise space is a bit smaller than previously. Attempting to adjust these situations while continuing my investigation.
Beginning to add Creatine and Protein Powders back into my overall consumptions.

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Son of a-


Alright. We're just calling this one a straight "Re-Spawn" now.

In any case, resuming the experiment, and I'm just going to go ahead and reset MOST of the parameters to pick this back up with the weightlifting. However, I'm going to just go ahead and START with 100 reps for the curls/reverse curls.


1. Bicep Curls (50 - 100) - 100

2. Reverse Bicep Curls (50 - 100) - 100

3. Alternating Shoulder Curls (20 - 30)

4. Simultaneous Shoulder Curls (10)

5. Standing Shoulder Flies (12 - 15)

6. Alternating Shoulder Press (20 - 30)

7. Front Shoulder Raise (20 - 30)

8. Dumbbell Wrist Rotations (30)

9. Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10)
10. Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Circles (10)

11. Lunge Punches (12 - 15)

12. Opposite side Lunge Punches (12 - 15)

13. Toe Touches (12 - 13)

14. Shrugs (15 - 20)

15. X-Crosses over chest (10 - 15)

16. Side Bends (10 - 20)

17. Back Tricep Extensions w/ a rotation (15 - 20)

18. Calf Raises (20)

19. Heel Raises (10)

20. Squats w/ knees pointed out (30 - 40)

21. Pistol Squats (3 - 6 per leg)

22. High Knees (20)

23. Hip Raises + Rotations (10 - 20)

24. Dumbbell Sit-ups (20 - 25)

25. Supermans (10 - 20)

26. Leg Lifts + Pull overs (10 - 15)

27. Push Ups (10)




Other facts and updates will be forthcoming as I get back into the groove with this.

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So, after considerable time away I have rediscovered my motivation and shall attempt to shore up my discipline.

But, today I have resumed the Steampunk Strongman experiment!




30 minutes on the stationary bicycle - got approximately 8 miles in.

Restarted the Professor Attila Light Dumbbell program as well, 50 reps for the curls and reverse curls, the other exercises I did the max recommended reps for however.

As an additional  bit of fun, I'm making use of my phone's pedometer app to try and get around 15,000 steps in per day.


Look out for more thorough posts in the future!

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Day 2... of a sort.

Current weight: 226 lbs.


So I wasn't able to get as intense a workout in as I wanted due to some... unforeseen circumstances.

I did get my steps in, however, and with a tracking of calories I'm gonna call it a wash and say the day went fairly well. 'Sides, some muscle groups were kinda sore from getting attention after so much inactivity, so we'll say I'm 'building up' to daily work again.


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Awww yeah, Day 3 is on the books!


Weigh in - 228

- Got my steps for the day in


- 30 minutes on the stationary bike


As to my Attila Dumbbell Routine...


1. Bicep Curls - 55

2. Reverse Bicep Curls - 55

3. Alternating Shoulder Curls - 30

4. Simultaneous Shoulder Curls - 10

5. Standing Shoulder Flies - 15

6. Alternating Shoulder Press - 30

7. Front Shoulder Raise - 30

8. Dumbbell Wrist Rotations - 30

9. Dumbbell Wrist Circles - 10
10. Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Circles - 10

11. Lunge Punches - 15

12. Opposite side Lunge Punches - 15

13. Toe Touches - 13

14. Shrugs - 20

15. X-Crosses over chest - 15

16. Side Bends - 20

17. Back Tricep Extensions w/ a rotation - 20

18. Calf Raises - 20

19. Heel Raises - 10

20. Squats w/ knees pointed out - 40

21. Pistol Squats - 6 per leg

22. High Knees - 20

23. Hip Raises + Rotations - 20

24. Dumbbell Sit-ups - 25

25. Supermans - 20

26. Leg Lifts + Pull overs  - 15

27. Push Ups 10




Notes: Sleep quality hasn't been great (though I think still acceptable), but I blame that on the swing shift and it's harder for me to time when to go to bed while on morning shifts than noons or overnights. Still working on correcting that.


Also, have started working at drinking a gallon of water each day.

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Day 3 (delayed)


Missed my update for yesterday...


It was a really nice day, so in lieu of the stationary bike I took a longer walk (only 17,000ish steps as opposed to 15, though for the day) and ended up not hitting the weights due to hanging out with the family.


I'll chalk it up to the adjustment phase and straighten keep attempting to maintain the daily workload. Maybe if soreness creeps in I'll rotate out Attila for Charles Atlas...


Also, in terms of supplementation, using protein powder and creatine, as well as putting a focus on diet and sleep in.


Might start adding in melatonin for improved sleep quality.


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Day 4 Locked in... sorta.

- Gallon of Water a day, check
- 15,000 steps... uncertain. At some point I accidentally reset my pedometer, but I was already somewhere around 11K when it happened
- Actual workout...


1. Bicep Curls - 60

2. Reverse Bicep Curls - 60

3. Alternating Shoulder Curls - 30

4. Simultaneous Shoulder Curls - 10

5. Standing Shoulder Flies - 15

6. Alternating Shoulder Press - 30

7. Front Shoulder Raise - 30

8. Dumbbell Wrist Rotations - 30

9. Dumbbell Wrist Circles - 10
10. Reverse Dumbbell Wrist Circles - 10

11. Lunge Punches - 15

12. Opposite side Lunge Punches - 15

13. Toe Touches - 13

14. Shrugs - 20

15. X-Crosses over chest - 15

16. Side Bends - 20

17. Back Tricep Extensions w/ a rotation - 20

18. Calf Raises - 20

19. Heel Raises - 10

20. Squats w/ knees pointed out - 40

21. Pistol Squats - 6 per leg

22. High Knees - 20

23. Hip Raises + Rotations - 20

24. Dumbbell Sit-ups - 25

25. Supermans - 20

26. Leg Lifts + Pull overs  - 15

27. Push Ups 10

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So, sorry for the lack of updates... I'll give an overview of what's been happening, though...

At first it was just some general soreness (and a weird one in my shoulder I decided to rest for a couple days) but me getting better coincided with my schedule rotating me to overnights which really does a number on how I spend my day... specifically, I break up my sleep into two sets one after coming home/having breakfast and another before work with whatever errands I have for the day crammed in tot he afternoon... as you can imagine this makes hitting 'snooze' and tightening my blanket around myself SUUUUUPER tempting... and often, I fail to resist.

On the other hand I am keeping better to my diet (sleeping through most of the day will do that!) and looking for places to get in exercise where I can, usually some quick isometrics, or low intensity peddling on the stationary... however, my local "All-Town Garage Sale" is going on, so if nothing else I should be able to get back into the habit of getting my steps in once more while I wander around looking at other people's things, haha.

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