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Seabright's 2022 Battle Log of Awesomeness

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Tues, Sept 27



  • Create logo
  • Done! Your Garden is Fab is born!
  • Bonus accomplishment: Registered 2 other similar domains and pointed them both to my primary domain.

Hiking and the outdoors

  • Sneak in a walk during off-site at some point.
  • Done! Even brought along the spousal unit.


  • Set up time to talk to PJ.
  • Done! We're talking tomorrow.


  • Find pics to illustrate white vs green
  • Doh! Just talked about it some more, didn't really happen.

Bonus excitement

  • Did all of the above during a day-long on-site meeting - the first in 2 1/2 years!



  • Figure out how to format and upload my logo.
  • Walk down to the beach at the end of the day.
  • Meet with PJ.
  • Look for backsplash pics.

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Wed, Sept 28



  • Upload logo
  • Done! 

Hiking and the outdoors

  • Sneak in a walk during off-site at some point.
  • Done! Went on my own this time. I actually, um, well, you know, um, I actually like that better. Sotto voce.


  • Talked to PJ.
  • Done! Got a couple of contacts, and got myself put on a style council as the accessibility champion.


  • Find pics to illustrate white vs green
  • Done! White is back on the menu, boys! Ordered some samples. 

Bonus excitement

  • Everyone who was at that all-day on-site meeting yesterday received covid-exposure notifications around Noon today. 




  • Find a template for my site
  • Try for an early am walk through the harbor
  • Reach out to one of those contacts for accessibility
  • Look for backsplash pics. I only need to find 2.

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Thurs, Sept 29



  • Find a template
  • Not done. Changing this to setting up email first.

Hiking and the outdoors

  • Sneak in a walk at 11am
  • DONE! Nice walk through the yacht harbor.


  • Reach out to Tina and that one Innovation Week person
  • DONE! Now scheduled to be the accessibility champion for Innovation Week.


  • Find out if that one vendor has a local showroom
  • DONE! No joy on the dealer thing. Ordered some samples instead.


This weekend:

  • Set up site email
  • Go for hike in Henry Cowell
  • Talk about wall color in kitchen with spousal unit


Other stuff

  • I still haven't found a good format for these micro-updates. All I know is that based on past experience they are important to keep me moving forward...even if I'm just writing 'not done' a zillion times in a row.
  • Made an appt for an initial chat with a financial advisor. Time to put some of my anxiety to rest!

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Fri, Oct 7


Well, clearly THAT didn't work. Back to weekly updates. I'll get there...I'll just try to fail faster. ?



  • Found a template
  • Which needs to be drastically customized
  • Fiddled with host/domain settings to get email to work and eventually gave up. Will just transfer the domain the host...if I had known it was going to be so hard, I would have done it that way in the first place.
  • Wrote a tagline
  • Learning to use the interface

Hiking and the outdoors

  • Snuck in a walk here and there, but not as a regular thing.
  • I'm not liking how this is going. It's too easy to get involved with work stuff and just end up sitting in front of my monitor all day.
  • Now that the weather has cooled down, going for a walk after work is more doable. 
  • Starting today!


  • Connected with all the teams.
  • Gathered some tips/videos/things-of-interest for Innovation Week. Still more to do, but getting there.


  • The penultimate version of the cabinet design and contract is in my inbox!
  • Caught a couple of items that weren't called. Getting those explicitly added now.
  • Tile samples arrived. They are nice, but, of course, expensive. Of course!


Other stuff

  • Made flu and booster appts for me and the spousal unit.
  • Initial meeting with a financial advisor who only wanted on-going relationships to the tune of $500 a month forever. She can go whistle for it.


Next up:

  • Go for a hike in Henry Cowell after work
  • Get list of appliances to designer, finalize the design, and sign the cabinetry contract
  • Start writing my home page


Go, team!


"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Fri, Oct 14


I'm feeling pretty good. For fear of putting the whammy on things, yeah, I'm feeling pretty good.

  • Had a delightful check-in with my quack homeopathic doc. Holy smokes! I think this stuff is working.
  • I feel like I finally have time to think about, you know, stuff.
  • I feel like that ol' thick shell I've had around me is starting to dissolve, and the splinter is ready to come out. 

I actually haven't felt like this in quite a while, so, of course, I think there's probably something wrong. Maybe I have anthrax.




  • Drafted a content strategy for the site. 
  • Hey, figured I might as well think ahead for the day I have a team of writers creating articles. 

Hiking and the outdoors

  • Well, boo. Nada.
  • It's been pretty cold, drippy, and dreary here, but that's no excuse, especially since I'm supposed to be some bad-ass adventurer.
  • I'll do better next week.


  • Talked to a bunch of people.
  • Reviewed a bunch of existing resources, most of which need a refresh.
  • Let my boss know that this was going to be my #1 focus for the year.


  • Laid down some do-re-mi and placed the cabinetry order!
  • We placed the order, I tell you! Eeeeeet eeeeeeees doooooooonnnne.
  • Called for strong drink after writing the check.


Other stuff

  • Made flu and booster appts for me and the spousal unit.
  • Initial meeting with a financial advisor who only wanted on-going relationships to the tune of $500 a month forever. She can go whistle for it.


Next up:

  • Go for a hike in Henry Cowell this weekend. It can be a short one.
  • Order appliances. Ye  gods.
  • Start writing my home page


Have a wonderful weekend, my little Rebels!

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Fri, Oct 21


I think I'm starting to see the results of the Information Diet I put myself on at work. I just seem to have more energy to think about things. 


Next up: take control of Slack! 




  • Home page done.
  • Created draft Terms and Privacy pages.
  • Did a TON of research on LLCs, why, when, and how. Still thinking about this.
  • Did MORE research on merchandising avenues and techniques.
  • Realized this morning that I was using the research as an excuse not to write anything.
  • Oh, the insidiousness of pencil-sharpening!

Hiking and the outdoors

  • Took some fall pics of what's blooming in the garden. Need to get in the practice.
  • Great mid-week hike up in the redwoods.
  • Then it hit 90 for the rest of the week and was WAY too hot to move.
  • Cooled down today. Am planning on skipping out early for a light hike along the river.


  • Talked to people which led to other people which led to persuading the RIGHT people to include more inclusive designs in our illustration library.
  • WIN!
  • Yay for me!


  • Ordered appliances. 6 month wait for the refrigerator. Doh!
  • Ordered the sink.
  • The spousal unit fell in love with a bad-ass farmhouse apron front model, so that's what we ordered.
  • Over budget now and work hasn't even started.
  • Sobering up.
  • Now rethinking all other materials decisions as a way to bring costs back in line.
  • Farewell gorgeous $60/sq ft hand-painted tile!


Other stuff

  • Got the flu and boosters. No side effects! Yay!
  • Learned about back-door and mega-back-door Roth IRAs. Wha....?? Who knew? Should have started doing this years ago, but, oh well. 
  • Set up some stuff.


Next up:

  • Get up early on Sunday for Fall Creek hiking.
  • Make appt to choose shower system.
  • Start writing my About page.


"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Tues, Nov 1


Doh! Forgot to check in on Friday. I'll do better next time. You know, maybe. 




  • Realized that site design and tech stuff had become a major roadblock to moving forward with actual content.
  • Reached to someone for help---which is HUGE for me. I got a 'maybe' in response, so I'm going to find a backup.
  • 'Maybe' ain't good enough for me anymore. ANOTHER revelation!

Hiking and the outdoors

  • A couple of nice hikes, including a GORGEOUS walk in the woods at Fall Creek.
  • Pumpkin carving outside in the chilly fall weather.
  • Need to do more, but something is better than nuthin'. 


  • Talked to people to find out why our entire accessibility site had been deprecated.
  • Found out why....and got things changed to 'Needs Refresh.'
  • Am now on the project to refresh. ?


  • Picked out backsplash tile.
  • Picked out bathroom subway wall tile.
  • Followed up with designer on scheduling and details on ordering stuff.
  • A tad nervous because they cashed my check but I don't have a scheduled start date.
  • Designer on vacay until mid-Nov.
  • Hmm. I'm sure everything is fine.


Other stuff

  • I continue to have old Life Stuff surface in my brain as a result of my homeopathic remedy.
  • Can't wait for when all the trauma gives way to things like imagined slights.
  • Coughing is much better, though.


Next up:

  • Plan good hike for this weekend.
  • Try out a new recipe or invite a friend over for dinner.
  • Get another referral for help setting up my site.

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Tues, Nov 4


Oh wow. So much good stuff happening!




  • Met with the person who will be helping me with my site. 
  • Reached at agreement and a timeline.
  • Gave her access to necessary accounts and assets.
  • Got a registered agent.
  • Registered as an LLC.
  • Working on terms, privacy, and moderation policies.
  • We're on our way!
  • Yay!

Hiking and the outdoors

  • Rainy weather but squeezed in a couple of nice walks between squalls. 


  • Spent a few hours refreshing pages.
  • Then found out I was working on a deprecated site.
  • Hilarity ensued.


  • Talking about bathroom floor-age. 
  • Not much activity at the moment.
  • Really, actually getting started on actual work is months away.
  • Looked at a lot of pictures.


Other stuff

  • Learned a new recipe! What? Fact.
  • Lung function continues to get better.
  • Able to clearly identify things that cause a reaction.
  • Among other things, I was basically eating a nightshade stew several times a month. 
  • Also, beer. Boo!


Next up:

  • Plan good hike for this weekend.
  • Make a nice dinner for a friend on Saturday.
  • Mack down on those policy pages.

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Fri, Nov 11


Woke up with crazy-low energy. Oh well. I can still go out there and get 'er done!




  • Finished moderation page and I'm actually happy with it.
  • Terms and privacy are  now in draft mode.
  • Found a bunch of good pics and gave my helper access to them. 
  • Site is coming along.
  • Registered as an LLC. (Wait. What? Fact.)
  • I really really really want to get the admin stuff done. Boy howdy, do I ever.

Hiking and the outdoors

  • Meeting-packed week, but got in a couple of pretty walks around the block here and there.
  • Nice after-work hike up in the rainy redwoods.
  • Not feeling very zippy right now. Rethinking weekend hike to make shorter/easier. 
  • Not super-pumped about how I'm doing in this area. It's my NUMBER ONE life goal, and I've been consistently putting this on the back burner.
  • No bueno.


  • Fixed a bunch of stuff.
  • Yay for me!


  • Sink arrived and we went to check it out. 
  • Whoa. It's going to be a show-stopper in the kitchen. 
  • Decided we both like polished nickel. 
  • Not much else going on.


Other stuff

  • Big step backward with the ol' lung function stuff. Think that development may be tied to whiskey shots and cookie eating.
  • Bulbs and seeds arrived! Got to get 'em in the ground.


Next up:

  • Plan scaled-back hike for this weekend.
  • Move the 'hiking' section of my NF battle log report to the top. It is, after all, the most important thing and should be #1. 
  • Start up yoga in the mornings again. It doesn't have to be a lot...just something.

Okay! Got get 'em!

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"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Fri, Dec 2


Whoa. Progress all over the place! Yay for me!


Hiking and the outdoors

  • Did some work in a couple of garden beds.
  • Planted 75 daffodil bulbs.
  • Planted a zillion seeds...and then watched the local finches chow down. 
  • No walking or hiking, but lots of movement.


  • Terms, privacy, and moderation statements are all done and uploaded. Done, I tell you. Done!
  • Site looks like your basic blogging website now. Nothin' fancy. Which makes sense, since there's no actual useful content on there at this point. 
  • I'm now an LLC with a registered agent and EIN and everything. This may have been overkill, but what the hell.
  • Email sign-up, contact form, and other admin stuff now done. 
  • Posted a couple of very old pieces of writing up there, just to have something.
  • Getting close!


  • Fixed some more stuff.
  • Found out there's an entire design system site being constructed on a new platform from the ground up. The people building it just copied someone else's accessibility site and just plugged it in there. Argh. Oh well. Job security!


  • Looked at bathroom floor ideas but didn't really agree on anything. This part might be tough.
  • Appliances are all in, except for the refrigerator.
  • Decided on getting seeded glass locally for the cabinet doors in the kitchen. Yay, small businesses!
  • Starting to clear out portions of the basement in order to have someplace to store everything while the work is going on. This is a HUGE project in and of itself.

Other stuff

  • Went to the quack doctor who pointed out that small steps backward related to a lack of exercise and a bunch of crap eating are to be expected. He gave me some booster-ish stuff and told me to hang in there. Compared to where I was in January, I'm still lightyears ahead. 

Next up:

  • It's supposed to rain this weekend, but hoping to knock off a little early today to sneak in a walk in the woods.
  • Write the 'About' page.
  • Contact designer and appliance people about the refrigerator.
  • Get back on track with cooking, eating well, and all of that goodness.


Yes, Rebels! Teeing myself up to finish strong!

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Fri, Dec 9


Dang. After all that incredible progress in November, this last week has been a sad, sad situation.


I did get through a lot of Cobra Kai, though. 


Hiking and the outdoors

  • Nada


  • Nada


  • Nada


  • Nada

Other stuff

  • Tons and tons of gnarly work stuff happening this week. Big win for me in not falling apart, though. Yay for me!

Next up:

  • All the stuff from last time.
  • Write the 'About' page.
  • Contact designer and appliance people about the refrigerator.
  • Get back on track with cooking, eating well, and all of that goodness.


Yes, Rebels! Teeing myself up to finish strong!

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Fri, Dec 16 


Back on track! Bonus points for mailing all my Christmas cards and getting up this morning at 5:00am to write an essay.


Hiking and the outdoors

  • Nada
  • Wish I could this one was better, but it is what it is.


  • About page written and up on site.
  • Tested site for accessibility and found image gaps.
  • Currently renaming all img filenames and adding alt text.
  • Asked my helper for an invoice to wrap up the expenses for 2022 tax purposes.
  • Almost there!


  • Finished all the updates to the old page!
  • Reviewed  the proposed new page and found it to be horrific!
  • Informed a bunch of people of the plan so I'm not working in a silo!
  • Yay for me!


  • Set up an appointment with the designer to talk tile.

Other stuff

  • Started making a healthy lunch again.
  • Tried a new recipe and it was really good--and easy to make.
  • Had one of those homeopathic moments where a new dosage had me reliving chiildhood trauma. Took a couple of days to get that one out of my system. Better now. 

Next up:

  • 2-week vacation starts today at 5:00pm. Woo hoo!
  • Will spend this time doing some hiking and outdoors-like stuff.
  • And napping. Power napping.


Alrighty, Rebels! The end of the year is nigh!

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Fri, Dec 30


Last update of the year! Yay!


Hiking and the outdoors

  • Welp, it's been raining raining raining here, but got in a very nice walk in the redwoods during the 3 hour window where it wasn't raining.
  • The last 2 days saw me doing some yoga-ish stuff for the first time in a long time. Gotta get flexy and strong for hiking in 2023.


  • Pushed the site  live! Live, I tell you! Live!
  • I then spent a couple of hours fixing everything that was broken.
  • Next up: editorial calendar and actual writing.


  • On vacation since 12/17, so nada. 
  • Looking forward to getting back to this next week.


  • We have a start date! A start date, I tell you!
  • March 20.
  • We picked out kitchen floor tile (because the first choice didn't actually work so well).
  • Designer is now doing the tile plan for both rooms so we can place our orders.

Other stuff

  • You know, it really did take a while to shake off that reliving-childhood-trauma thing. Like, well past Christmas. Better now.
  • Have kept on track with a fairly healthy hot lunch that's quick and easy to fix.
  • Looked at the finances through the eyes of someone who would reallllly like to retire in 5 years. This may not be possible, but let's act like it is, just for fun.
  • Did some great power-napping with kitty-kins. 

Next up:

  • Joined the Anit-Challenge Challenge! Woo hoo!
  • Reset for 2023!
  • Yay!


I'll do a year-end wrap-up in a bit. Stay tuned.

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"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Annnnnnd, that's a wrap!


Time to grade myself to see how I did! Woo hoo!


1. Eat right and take care of myself

  • Did great with the eating, and inadvertently lost a bit of weight to boot.
  • Prioritized all medical appointments and did what I was told to do.
  • Connected with a cool quack doctor. (Yay, homeopathy! Who knew?)
  • As part of the homeopathy stuff, inadvertently addressed some underlying childhood trauma for the first time. Like, ever. 
  • As a result of all of this, I feel lighter, healthier, and more optimistic than I have in years.
  • A+


2. At work, I now care about just 2 things: accessibility and partnerships

  • This was a huge change for me, and reduced my general work anxiety level HUGELY.
  • I put a stickie on my desktop to remind me to ask myself 3 things when a niggle arises.
  • To with, will caring about this...
    • Get me hiking and camping more?
    • Strengthen my peer partnerships?
    • Make an impact on accessibility?
  • Sticking to this has made me less of an oaf in meetings, and a better and more pleasant partner overall.
  • There's still some work to do to repair old damage, but I'm well on my way.
  • A-


3. Keep moving forward on the remodel

  • Looking back, it now seems sorta silly that this had to be an official goal to get things going, but there ya go.
  • We have a start date, cabinets on order, a strong start to picking out materials and accoutrements.
  • We'll be challenged by living in a 10-ft trailer for 8 weeks in 2023, but we are trained professionals and this does not phase us.
  • All in all, I'm really happy with how far we've come. 
  • A




  • Joy was achieved! 
  • Mostly in the form of wonderful hikes in the redwoods and surrounding hills.
  • Awful foot issue now managed.
  • Looking forward to doing more in 2023.
  • Yay!
  • A


Okay! That's 2 As, an A- and an A+! What's that spell for achievement on those 2022 goals?




Woo hoo! Bring on 2023! I'll meet you there, Rebels!


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"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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