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Let's Not Disappoint the Internet

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So I guess this is where I sign up?

Who the heck I am: I'm 23, I live in NYC (woo!). Currently 5'5" and 155lbs (so. many. 5's. wow), but I'm trying to be less squishy and more awesome.

A friend of mine got me hooked on reading NF about a year ago, but I've just been a casual observer until now. I was telling myself the usual stuff: "I don't have time for that, I don't need to work out because I'm not yet clinically obese, I hate exercise, I will give up cake and pizza when they pry it from my cold dead hands" and so on. Which is funny, because I was making all these excuses to maintain my (then) current version of reality, and it was a really crappy reality: serious ankle injury + surgery + lots of PT, depression, weight gain, no energy/motivation and general bad health. Since basically December 2009 I've been muddling along feeling unhealthy and disgruntled, but not motivated to change. I am a really, really awful self-motivator.

And then two things happened:

1. I went to the beach with a friend last month, and then he posted the pictures from our trip on facebook. I realized I look like one of those "before" photos in a weight loss infomercial. Vanity may be a bad thing but it sure is one hell of a motivator.

2. My doctor diagnosed me with a gluten allergy and I (begrudging and disbelieving) gave gluten-free eating a shot for 30 days. And lo...allergies gone, depression gone, energy up, skin/hair/health problems mostly vanished, and I even lost a couple pounds. And now that my system is working much better, every time I eat wheat products I feel like dying. This has led to sort of accidental healthy eating - "well, I can't have bread so I guess I'll make everything into a salad, or something". And with all I've read about Paleo on here, I figure it's worth a shot.

So I want to keep the ball rolling, and finally start looking and feeling more like the "after" picture in the cheesy infomercial. My goals at the moment are pretty straightforward:

1. lose 15 lbs (possibly more, but I'm going to get to 15 and reassess). It doesn't seem like a lot compared to some of the other super excellent rebels here, I know, but I'm working with a fairly petite frame.

2. get my diet as paleo as possible, roughly 95%. I'm also trying to figure out that whole "operating a kitchen like a real adult" thing, so those go hand in hand.

3. complete the whole Rebel Fitness Guide, thereby overcoming my irrational fear of gyms and free weights.

4. start one dance class and one martial art. I am now officially better from my surgery (lingering tendonitis, but I'm not using that as an excuse anymore) so I can start getting out and doing the things I love: dancing the night away and hitting people for fun. Don't judge.

5. be able to do 3 pull-ups. Right now I have all the upper body strength of a newborn baby and, if forced onto a pull up bar, would probably achieve a negative number somehow.

So yeah. Sorry for the super long intro, but I wanted to put my goals out there in the online universe. I think I've come to the right place for inspiration and support. Like I said, I'm not a good self-motivator, but I certainly don't want to let the internet down :)

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You lucky NYC dweller with your choice of dance and martial art classes. My town doesn't have either: it seems to think Zumba covers both bases. Argh.

I'll have to follow you around for a bit and spy on your method of learning pull-ups. Maybe we can figure out how its done together!

Best of luck with everything :)

| STR 15 | DEX 14 | STA 14 | CON 10.5 | WIS 11 | CHA 7 | Level 5

Ocelot's Dossier - Battle Log | Springing into my Sixth Challenge!


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Wow! That's a very honest and open introduction, welcome to the club! I have been a reader for almost a year too, but recently decided to take the plunge head first. Let's keep each other accountable. I am 24, 5'3", and currently 157 lbs so I am in an EXTREMELY similar frame as you!

Human Adventurer
First completed challenge| my paleo experience
Never underestimate the power of Momentum.
Believe in action. Not in the consequence of it.

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Welcome, Stephanie! Sounds like you have a very clear picture of where you've been & what you want to accomplish now.

Let us know how we can help support you, ok?

Dwarf = Squad Adventurers

...walking all over that whole 'old and decrepit' thing

Why am I not playing along this time? Uhhhh...can you say crash, boom, ow?


I may be almost 50 - but I hardly act my age. Follow me for mercurial, smartass randomness: @betsywhim on Twitter.

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