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Hi. Please kick my butt.

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Just joined, and am definitely in the "try stuff for a few weeks then quit for a few more" cycle right now. I need some butt kicking (lovingly, please) to stick with things. I moved out to Colorado last summer, and have a big family get together in July. I want to show everybody how good living our here is for me. High energy, lean, strong. Unfortunately, my junky food habits and inability to stick with a workout plan has been getting in the way. Blah blah, it seems like that's not very unique here, so I'll spare you.

One of the challenges I have is that my husband is reluctant to join me in some of these efforts - he's seen me start/stop a bunch of times and doesn't hop right on a new 'bandwagon' with me each time. My plan is to really dig in for a few weeks and then get him on board once I've proven it out. Thankfully, I do most of the cooking and grocery shopping, so I wield significant control in our eating. Our downfall is rewarding ourselves with desserts. Must. Resist.

My gameplan for this round:

Joining this group - I think the commitment and accountability will help me immensely.

Bike commute! When I work in downtown Denver, it's an 8 mile each way ride with some good elevation, so that should help. My challenge will be ensuring I'm working out on days when I drive.

A gaggle of work friends and I are training for triathlons, and not wanting to get smoked is pretty good motivation.

Um... not sure what else. Would welcome any advice.

Also, I'd like to hear what people have done to gradually move to a paleo type diet. Not sure I'll be able to go whole hog, but what were the easiest first steps to take? My plan (which may be really tough for a sugar addict like me) is to cut out added sugar. Maybe allow it just once a week, like a cheat day? I'm worried that this is a really big step for me. Have others tried it? Should I try something else first?

Thanks in advance for the (gentle) butt kicking!


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Tips for the paleo switch, don't. That aside don't eat cereal or a bagel for breakfast. Make eggs and some meat on the side, its that easy.

For your husband: I had to lift for a whole year before I could get my wife to set foot in a gym, so just be patient, as you fall in love with being fit your husband will notice the physical change, and a mental change too. Also leave out articles that you really enjoyed reading, talk to him about your accomplishments and personal records. When ever I get home from a GREAT day at the gym I tell my wife all about it, how it feels, and how much I love her, and then we do it.... She really likes it when I have a GREAT day at the gym (if you know what I mean).

Warrior LVL 3

STR: 16.75 DEX: 4 STA: 4 CON: 2 WIS: 8 CHA: 3

Current Challenge: http://www.nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?17857-Trad-s-Don-t-drop-that-dun-dun-dun

Current Maxes (lbs):



Squat: 380

Front Squat: 300

Bench: 265

Overhead Press: 155

Deadlift: 455

Clean & Jerk: 225

Snatch: 155



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In my experience it's always been better to *not* plan on having a "cheat day" simply because of the mindset. Having a "cheat" day implies that for one day you're not doing what you should be, or that you have to cheat because you can't do it by yourself. I've always found it easier when using positive terms. Instead of planning on not being able to do something, attempt to achieve your goal. Don't think about all of the ways it might not happen. What you're trying to do is create a long-term lifestyle. Keep that in mind. Just always do the best you can. If something happens, or you have a bad day, it's alright. Don't beat yourself up or feel guilty. Just acknowledge that you can do better, and do better the next day.

If you don't have a cheat day, you won't be as tempted to cheat "because you can". You won't have built that into your plan of attack. Do your best for as long as you can. If you fall down, that's what the forum is for. Just get back up and keep going.

Fox's blog!

Current Challenge

Wandering Bard Changeling - Ranger - Level 4

STR 4 - DEX 4 - STA 6 - CON 4 - WIS 7 - CHA 5

A Year from now, you'll wish you had started today. ~Karen Lamb

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Everybody is different, but I'll tell you what has worked for me

I have had to start treating sugar like it's poison. The more sugar I have, the more sugar I want, so I have to keep it to a bare minimum. I know it might sound crazy, but the less sugar you have, the less you want it, but I know it's hard to get there.

Paleo is kinda hardcore for me, but I definitely try to avoid processed foods as much as possible. White flour, industrially rendered oil, and any kind of refined sugar are on my avoid list - fortunately 95%+ of the things that are unhealthy have one of those things as ingredients.

One of the good things about "cheat days" is that if you are eating good foods for most of the time, you are going to realize that the stuff you eat on your cheat days is really not worth it. You may or may not enjoy eating them, but you will not enjoy the way they make you feel afterward.

Finally, the biggest thing for me to end the cycle of success/failure/despair/punishment was to forgive myself for screwing up. I am not perfect, and I will engage in non-productive behavior from time to time. It's not a disaster, it's not the end of the world, it's just a stumble that I need to get back up from.

Welcome, and good luck!

"Get busy living or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." - Red"I'm not losing weight, I'm evicting fat." -me

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Hi and Welcome! Before I gave up sweets I gave up bread/ wheat. Doing it one step at a time seemed a little more doable to me. Don't forget to have fat in your diet. If you cut way back on carbs and fat, you'll crash and burn. And I liked what Vorjoshigan said, be nice to yourself. If you eat something you didn't plan on, just move on. Beating yourself up over it accomplishes nothing. Giving up sweets is hard, and you'll probably give in sometimes to temptation and want to get down on your self. But look at it as a learning process and give your self credit for the pogress you've made.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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