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Get Myself Back Again

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Hey, everyone! I had a really rough past 8 months which really screwed with the way I ate (sweets overload, processed-everything) and the way I worked out ( haven't done any type of physical exercise for 8 months). I used to look forward to working out, eating right. I used to be agile, lithe, strong...but I just let myself go for awhile...life seemed so dark and meaningless for a while. But now, I am ready to get myself back again. I want to be strong enough to perform explosive exercise movements. I miss eating wholesome, natural foods. I miss being me.

Today is my first day of going paleo. I did have a piece of homemade banana bread early evening, so I'm actually leaning towards full paleo.

I'm into free weights and plyometric movements so I will work my way up to these 2 types of exercises again.

My past profession was a Ranger(most likely born a Ranger), but since I want to gain muscles that are "compact and powerful," have a high core strength, and gain speed again, I want to begin training to become a Monk (and also obtain the body of a Monk).

I want incorporate more exercises that doesn't require me to use any equipments because I Have the tendency to come to a mental and physical standstill when I don't have any dumbbells to use for my workouts.

That is it for now. I hope to receive support and advice from you all and I hope I can provide support advice to you all. ^^

Name: Usagi

Class: Assassin Monk


Challenge for May 25- June 1

+1 Con: Do not secretly eat non-paleo foods for 1 week

+1 Sta: 20 Push ups, 48 dead lifts with back rows (medium weights), mountain climbers (200)

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Yeah for plyometrics!!! clap pushups are the stuff!

Welcome, and the Monks would love to have you.

Have you got any specific goals? what sort of martial art do you want to learn?

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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Hi, Pat G! Nice to meet you.

Yea, Plyometics~! ^^ I like doing burpees, rock stars, and star jumps.

I want to learn and practice piquaquan or capoeira, but leaning more towards capoeira because capoeira classes seem to be more available than piquaquan classes around where I live.

Specific goals of mine are:

1) Stop myself from beginning to graze mindlessly on foods while on the computer, watching tv, reading, etc. Eat only when I am hungry.

2) Drop my body fat % down to 12-14% so my abs are visible.

3) Be able to do 4 pull ups and 12 real push ups, without breaking a sweat.

Thank you for helping and reminding me to take my goals from being general to more specific.

Name: Usagi

Class: Assassin Monk


Challenge for May 25- June 1

+1 Con: Do not secretly eat non-paleo foods for 1 week

+1 Sta: 20 Push ups, 48 dead lifts with back rows (medium weights), mountain climbers (200)

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nicely done. I've never heard of piquaquan to be honest. Let me Google that.

If we're going to get specific about your goals, when do you want to have them achieved by? The first one you could start today.

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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Ling Xiaoyu, from the Tekken series, uses piquaquan. It is very pretty to watch. ^^

I'm a female, 5'5", 140 lbs. I hope the times I want to achieve No.'s 2 and 3 are realistic.

1) Yes, No. 1 can be done immediately, starting like now.

2) As for No. 2, I will give myself until December 23, 2012 (7 months). During the summer months, I will have a lot more time for work outs and for preparing meals.

3) I will give myself a whole year (May 23, 2013) for No. 3. At my strongest and fittest, I struggled when I got to the 3rd pull up.

Name: Usagi

Class: Assassin Monk


Challenge for May 25- June 1

+1 Con: Do not secretly eat non-paleo foods for 1 week

+1 Sta: 20 Push ups, 48 dead lifts with back rows (medium weights), mountain climbers (200)

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I like your style. I tried Capoeira and it was so cool. They made break dancing very easy. It was a little rough on my wrists though. I was so surprised at how quick the basic flips and hand stands came.

On Plyo try pushing for like 30 sec in a empty parking lot and super set with 10 jump squats. Real fun and easy to do with a partner. A real quick calorie burning workout.

I wish nothing but success

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