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I started on challenge 100, a 100-week challenge.  Things were going along fine back then but then something happened roughly 30 weeks earlier than expected:


Start looking for new job.


Turns out, there was a job fair at an agency that was on my radar for years.  I was supposed to do an internship there during my master's program but they didn't have someone who could do supervision hours; hence, I went to a different agency but was told to let them keep my resume for later.



Well, just like an RKO, out of nowhere,  the job opened up.  I had an interview to see about a part-time gig.  They would get back to me.  They couldn't make that position but they had a full-time.  So I went Spiderman on them:

If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job, double the money" -Bully  Maguire on Make a GIFIf you want the shots, I'll take the staff job, double the money" -Bully  Maguire on Make a GIF


....and they did.  Now I'm making double the money than I'm making at the market and *less* money than Nursing Home and DudeBros job on paper, HOWEVER, I also get paid to do my notes (which I don't get now), and I get medical coverage (which I don't have now), and because it's a staff job, I get way less taken out in taxes since the other current situations are all 1099/contract-work. When you add all the benefits together and recalculate, I'm actually making more at this new place than all my other jobs *combined*.


This totally changed how the 100-week challenge was going to go.  This also helped me factor in what my interests are and how much time I want to dedicate to each aspect of my life.  For the 8 weeks before all this, I was enrolled in a therapy study so I got free therapy and got some $$$ for participating.


All this culminated in everything....just....adding up and making sense for the first time in close to 7 years, which is a huge thing for me.  I revamped the challenge and technically I'm counting last week as week1 so I'm trying to follow through with this.  It's not completed and at this point, I don't think I really even *need* a 100-week challenge, but I'd rather plan a chunk of this ahead and allow for flexibility if other things happen.


Week 1

Whole 30 [Clean House]

Week 2

Consistent Wake-up/Bed-time [Clean House] [JURY DUTY wtf]

Week 3

Move Back Home [Clean House] (Dr Appointment)

Week 4

Start New Job onboarding / Organize Four Jobs / Job Time off

Week 5

Follow up with hours needed for License

Week 6

Enact Time-Slots setup: Nursing Home (Monday)  / DudeBros (Tuesday/Wednesday)

Week 7

Freebie Week: Get acclimated to all the jobs

Week 8

Job Ultimatum: Market Sundays or quit

Week 9

Add +1 Slot - (Three filled: Mon/Tues/Wed)

Week 10

Add +1 Slot - (Around this time, get bonus $. Also, medical should kick in around here)

Week 11

Add +1 Slot - (Get Music list added for gym)

Week 12

Add +1 Slot – (Dr follow up appointment)

Week 13

Add +1 Slot – Reduce Youtube

Week 14

Add +1 Slot – Reduce Youtube

Week 15

Max Slots filled: Finish cleaning *my* house – major decision on pets

Week 16

Re-evaluate Nursing Home Job/Hours.  Possibly quit.

Week 17

Replace Nursing Home slot with new slot

Week 18

Upgrade/Convert Slot {ex: Gym stretch – to- cardio, art minis – game, look into cost of arts}

Week 19

Upgrade/Convert Slot {ex: Gym stretch – to- cardio, art minis – game, look into cost of arts}

Week 20

Upgrade/Convert Slot {ex: Gym stretch – to- cardio, art minis – game, look into cost of arts}

Week 21

Start studying for LICSW exam – Reduce Youtube

Week 22


Week 23


Week 24


Week 25


Week 26


Week 27


Week 28


Week 29


Week 30



While I'm trying to onboard with the new job, I'm also still working 3 other jobs: Market, Nursing Home, DudeBros. I need to start cutting them down and I have a plan over the next 2-3 months to do that.  First on the chopping block is Market.  Then followed by Nursing Home.  I'll try to condense the clients at DudeBros, since I put my supervisor as a reference for this new job and he said the following text which I'll copy verbatim:


"We should be ready to hire full time within the next six months and will beat what they pay you.  Anyway something to think about.  But yes, I'll give an excellent review of your work and character"


Pitting this new job already with my current DudeBros job that I like and making even more money?


Yes GIFs on GIPHY - Be AnimatedYes GIFs on GIPHY - Be Animated 


So let's get this challenge started right.  I'm heading out in 5 minutes to do onboarding and immunization stuff for the new job. Once I get back, I'm going to do some food shopping and batch cook Whole30 for the upcoming week.  Then I'll do cooking and cleaning, as well as fill out my background check and references information.  Finally, I'll follow up with the damn JURY DUTY summons I just got and find out wtf is going on with that.  Maybe tonight I'll do ghost-hunting or if I'm too tired (likely) I'll just check up on some people on stream and then tomorrow will be hopping on here to check with you lovelies and do cleaning at my ladyfriend's parent's house so we can put that godforsaken thing on the market before the new job starts.


It's 7am.  Time to hustle.


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Challenge starts.  Let's go!


Ok so this past weekend I decided to give in and have a sandwich and a couple cookies.  I could not feel more sick.  It reinforced that I need to stick with this.  I ended up weighing myself and in the past month or so, I've lost 15 pounds.  All I can say is: thank god. I am deciding what I wanna make for next week. This Thursday is going to be a bunch of people coming over and we're carving pumpkins.  One of the roommates is making rotel cheese dip which he knows is my favorite.  It's not.  I fucking hate that stuff so idk why he thinks somewhere in his brain that it's my favorite but I'm not touching that stuff.  My sister is making cornbread which I'm indifferent to.  That leaves me with making the main thing.  I'm going to make some taco meat dip stuff.  Going to throw beans, lentils, ground turkey, tomatoes, onions, peppers, and some spices in the crockpot and letting it slow cook all day.  The lentils technically aren't whole30 but that's not what the point of *this* is.  Some lentils aren't going to make me go on a junk-fueled bender so I'm not sweating it.


Also in news, the steroid cream and meds mean the horrible skin issue I've been battling with for 2.5 months is finally curbed and I feel like a normal person instead of a leper.  I went to the gym the other day and it felt so good to be normal again.  I'm planning on going again either Thurs or Fri morning.


What else what else... oh!  I'm still waiting on possible jury duty and I'm about 95% done with my onboarding pre-new-job shit I have to do.  This weekend I felt like crap because I got a bunch of boosters stabbed in me and they took a ton of blood (hence the sandwich and cookies on the weekend) but I'm feeling ok now.  I have some cajun scallops that I'll eat once I'm done posting this.

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