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Salinger's seventy first challenge!

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This challenge will mainly be me trying to figure things out. Life, work, self. 


Each challenge i am trying to do better, be kinder to myself, rest more. 


I desperately need to figure out more vigorous walks, as i need to build up my fitness with a big event in April 2025. 


Carry on with my weekly weightlifting sessions with smaller kettlebell lifts at home. 


I also want to begin yoga, and stretching. 


My diet needs to be better. And i need to drink much more water. 


More to come possibly ....







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Hey all. 


Past few days been ok. I am very busy with work, I need to figure out more structure maybe, as I get so overwhelmed at times. 


More rest, more time out with Bronze, more films and reading. More kindness to myself. 


Today, going to the football to watch Wigan Women play. at 2pm. Then home, to watch a big game at 4.30 :D 


Do a bit of cleaning, bit of emails/work, then bath, film, dinner, early night ❤️



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Hi, Sal! This all sounds like very good stuff, but one thing that jumped out at me was that you mentioned feeling overwhelmed, but this is also a lot of more, more, more. I agree that figuring out a structure might help alleviate some of the overwhelm, but I also wonder if it would be worth your while to take some time to list out things you could do less of. You can only add so much more before you run out of day and also out of you, so before you start working too hard on adding more in, maybe start with finding places to make room for more first.

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"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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5 hours ago, Artemis Prime said:

Hi, Sal! This all sounds like very good stuff, but one thing that jumped out at me was that you mentioned feeling overwhelmed, but this is also a lot of more, more, more. I agree that figuring out a structure might help alleviate some of the overwhelm, but I also wonder if it would be worth your while to take some time to list out things you could do less of. You can only add so much more before you run out of day and also out of you, so before you start working too hard on adding more in, maybe start with finding places to make room for more first.


You're very right.


How though? Hahah


I need to find time to get in better shape plus I want to find more walks etc.





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Morning. 10.30am 


Been up since 9. I am feeling a bit weird this morn. unsure why.


Just feel anxious. Horrid pit of my stomach feeling. 


Trying to sort plan for today out without panicking or over doing it. 


- Nip to the shop for milk

- Take meds

- Clean kitchen

- Put storage unit on wall

- Clear some bits from the cupboard ad put in car for the tip

- Brush and mop floor

- Finish up with a clients application and submit

- Work on clients website

- Cancel the website hosting for my website

- 1pm zoom meeting about new website for client

- Notes for essay

- BATH, rest, relax, food, meal plans, read






Will do as best i can x

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Hey Tuesday night.


Actually it's 2am weds morning oooops


Been a good couple of days.


I'll post pics of kitchen later on, I did so much work to make it look better.


Tuesday, mega good meetings. Projects moving on nicely :)


Another busy day today/tmoro.


Not much exercise done at all. Finding it hard to break away to work out :(


Bronze isn't very well. Seems to have sickness bug?? Poor baby.



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Hey Sal, I hope Bronze recovers soon. And I hope your Wednesday is starting out all right. Sooooo, the really important question. How do you feel about Tuchel coaching the England team?

Let cheese and oxen and mead crowd out our secret desires for power and domination - Harriet the Viking

Just be bold, fluid and unapologetic, not small, hairy and indecisive - Harriet the Artist

You can absorb me! - Harriet the Contextless Guru

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