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Hello everyone!

Im new in this forum but when it comes to fitness, im not so new...sure i have lots to ask and to learn which is why im on here and also it seems to me that in here everyone gives out great support and advices :)

I hope everyones doing fine this evening. The first question i would like to ask is about Paelo diet i keep hearing a lot about here.

Im 5ft 4" and i weight about 135 pounds at the moment. Im a 25 year old female. I would love to lose all the extra fat ive got,especially around belly, bum and hip area and im working hard to tone up and get six packs which im sure is almost everyone's aim on here. Lately ive been watching what i ate and i lost a few pounds. I eat lean meats like Beef, chicken, turkey, lean pork, lean cooked ham, fish (cod, salmon, tuna in brine), I use olive oil to cook food most of times, I eat green, leafy vegetables mostly like Green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, celery sticks, green salad (different kinds of salad basically that has some form of green lettuce in it), green peppers only (not sure why exactly). As for snacks i have a whey protein sometimes, A spoon of peanut butter or i spread it onto celery stick, nuts like Almonds or Brazil nuts, I also have two little squares of dark chocolate and fruits of course. But i limit the fructose high fruit tho. I didnt drink milk at all but i did buy Almond milk to drink half a glass per day and try it. Not sure if that kind of milk is allowed in Paelo diet and also as for diary, i dont eat any kind except the greek style yoghurt, do i have to completely eleminate the diary from diet or can i limit it and have half a cup of yoghurt per week?? Any advice in this matter is welcome, as i said im new to this so im learning, I really want to get those abs but following this diet for 5 weeks already, i still have that extra belly fat that wont go away and i go to gym every day and have a rest one day per week. I exercise following a plan that targets abs mostly but other parts of body too and i do them maximum 2 hrs a day. Am i overdoing it or am i doing it okay? What am i doing wrong? I also just rea dup that using free weights is best rather than machines, so ill eleminate some of machine exercises that are on plans and replace them with free weight version one.

Sorry about the long post but hopefully someone can help and answer me this one. Like everyone else here, im determined and fighting to get fit :) Thanks all! :D

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Hello and welcome!

I am not on paleo but I love Almond milk :D And I don't think Almond mink is paleo.. Even though it's dairy free, it's processed milk.

Paleo mostly promotes real foods. Not processed foods. So I think water/tea/coffee is the only drink that's really paleo.. I think..

But then again, I could be wrong.

In of Steve's article, he mentions that you don't have to do 100% paleo diet if you are not ready.

Just doing paleo for 5 days a week, and doing regular diet (but it has to be somewhat healthy diet) for 2 days a week.

This may help you ease into the paleo diet. So you don't have to eliminate yogurt if you don't want to.

As for your work-outs, I read in Steve's article that you shouldn't work out too hard because your body will be too exhausted. When you're doing strength training, try to do it 3-4 times a week and do not do them on consecutive days. Every other day should be good. You need to let your body rest because that's when you gain muscle and eventually burn fat. Try some of his body weight exercises on the blog. Those i think really help because I can really feel my waist size getting smaller. :)

i hope this helps. Good luck

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