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JoeBlend is lifting heavy things and occasionally sprinting.

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Today's workout: Joeblend 5x5

Warmup: 50 jumping jacks, 20 prisoner squats, 20 leg mobility swings - both legs front2back and side2side, 10 pushups

Squat: 5x90x1 5x180x5

Bench: 5x60x1 5x110x4

Hammers: 5x40x1 5x80x3

Deadlift: 5x90x1 5x180x5

Failed last set on bench and 4th set on Hammer Curls. Warmup was better. Starting Dumbbell Division workout after current 6-week challenge is up.

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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Monday, 9.22.14

  • Squat                        255x5x5
  • Overhead Press       100x5x5
  • Deadlift                     285x1x5
  • Close Grip Bench     165x1x8, 165x1x7, 160x1x4 (From now on I'll drop by 10-15% on DL days, as the close grip and increased reps per set kill me)
  • Straight Bar Curl       90x3x8
  • Abs (planks all day!)
  • no pullups today. back at it wednesday

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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Battle Log 9.25.14


Cumulative walking: 1.4 miles


Squat 255x5x5

Bench 165x5x5

Assisted Pull Ups 3x8

EZ Bar Curl 90x1x8

Straight Bar Curl 50x3x8

SkullCrushers 45x3x8

Back Extensions 2 sets of 10, holding a 40lb ez bar

50 Russian Twists with a kettlebell (18 lbs)

25 crunches

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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Battle Log 10.7.14


Walked 0.8 miles


Bicycled 2.9 miles


Squat 45x1x3, 135x1x3, 225x5x5

Bench 165x5x5

Pendlay Row 110x5x5

Curl 70x3x8

Skullcrusher 50x3x8


For PVP that's 25 points to legs, 50 to arms and 50 to upper body. 

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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These long lapses are killing me. So here's my stuff for the day:


Walked 0.8 miles


Leg Press: 1x10x180, 3x5x360

Bench Press: 3x5x115

Bent over row: 1x8x70, 2x5x70 (forgot it was a main lift)

SkullCrushers: 2x8x45

Back Extensions: 2x8 with a 25 pound plate

Shrugs: 2x8x135

EZ bar curls: 2x8x50

leg lifts: 2 sets of 8

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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My battle logs haven't been as frequent as my battles, but that's one of many things I'm working on. Anyway, here's today.

  • Squats: 1x5x45, 1x5x95, 5x5x135
  • Bench: 1x5x45, 1x5x65, 5x5x95
  • Bent-over row: 1x5x40, 1x5x60, 5x5x80


So that's it for now. I've switched over from ICF 3x5 to Stronglifts 5x5, as I wanted to focus more on strength than hypertrophy. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, as I really enjoyed the volume of ICF, but I'm going to give it a go. Tomorrow looks like running (Zombies 5k week 1, unless I change my mind) and yoga (DDP Yoga).

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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For Wednesday, August 5th:

(treadmill) incline=2

5 mins walking warmup speed=2.5

10 intervals:

30sec run speed=5, 90sec walk speed=2.5

5 mins walking cooldown

Thursday, August 6th:

Squat: 1x5x45,1x5x95,5x5x140

Overhead Press: 2x5x65, 5x5x85

Sumo Deadlift: 1x5x215

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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I haven't been back to log for a while, but here we go.

Monday, 8/17/15



  • 1x5x45
  • 1x5x95
  • 5x5x135

Overhead Press:

  • 5x5x65


  • 1x2x195 straight leg (my belly makes sumo more comfortable, but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone more.)
  • 1x5x195 sumo

Wednesday. 8/19/15



  • 1x5x45
  • 1x5x95
  • 1x5x135

Bench Press:

  • 1x5x45
  • 5x5x105

Barbell Row:

  • 5x5x80

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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Gonna do a two-day update here, and try to improve to once daily. 


Monday, 9/14:

30 mins walking on treadmill. I was pretty tired at the end of the day, but I did something. We'll see how tonight (Wed. 9/16) goes.


Tuesday, 9/15:

  • Goblet Squat: 45x5x5 - This is the first time I've done the goblet squat, and I was surprised at how comfortably I broke parallel. Gonna look more into goblet and front squats.
  • Overhead press: 50x5x5 - I'm coming up from a serious deload, and hope to improve on this quickly, while maintaining or improving my form.
  • Deadlift: 135x5x1 set - I did this one straight legged, and it felt awkward. I carry a lot of belly weight, and I normally deadlift sumo. I think I'll ask the warriors for some perspective on this one.

So that's it for now. I'm scheduled for cardio after work tonight, and if I can't push myself harder than Monday, I'm going to have to shift my schedule around.

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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Reporting for Wednesday, 9/16/15: Got on a treadmill after work and did some running and walking at an incline of 5, for 20 minutes total. More walking than running, and I only covered 1.05 miles tonight, but something is better than nothing, and I've got big things in store!

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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9/17/15: Strength day.


I'm still working on some formal issues that I want to fix, but this was a good workout.


  • Front Squat: 45x5x5
  • Farmer Carry: 45(each side) x 75 paces x 5 reps


  • Bench Press: 55x5x5
  • Barbell Curl: 55x5x5

Bent over row: 50x5x5


I feel like I get deeper with front and goblet squats than with back squats, and since I'm rebuilding, I figure I have leeway to experiment a little bit and find what works best for me.

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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1-4-16 Battle Log:


Up at 0540, I dragged myself to the temple of iron to restart my journey. After an appropriate warmup, I said my repetitious prayers to Brodin, laying the foundation for a good and productive day.


The prayers: 

  • Squat 45x5x1, 95x5x5
  • Bench 45x5x1, 95x5x5
  • Row 30x5x1, 50x5x5
  • Skullcrushers: 30x5x5
  • Tricep dips in sets: 5,5,10,15

The remainder of my day was made better by my early morning efforts.

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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Today is a strength training day, and the workout was Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 Workout A. Since I didn’t go to bed until around 1:30 this morning, I didn’t get up until 30 minutes before work, so I decided to go to the gym on my lunch break, with the permission of my coworkers to take a longer lunch. Work sets are bolded.

  • Goblet (Goblin) Squats 45#x1x3, 60#x1x3, 75#x5x5

  • Wide Grip Bench Press 75#x5x5

  • Bent Over Rows 60#x5x5

  • Barbell Shrugs 110#x5x5

  • Skullcrushers 45#x3x8

  • Straight Bar Curls 50#x3x8

  • Back Extensions w/ 15# 3X10

  • Cable Crunches w/ 45# 3x10

Life is full of hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can.

Swinging_Jarnbjorn: Lv 1 Asgardian Ranger

Focus Up! My current challenge.

Loss As A Motivator

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