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What have you said "No" to today??


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Today we had a drug rep come into the office and I said no to putting chicken breast/hamburger sliders on buns. Also to a plate of cookies, a bowl of potato chips, and a stack of pop. I just had the meat, a salad with oil/vinegar, and a water. First week of Paleo going well!

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Cheesy puffs. The old me would have had a bowl of beef and veg stew with noodles and a slice of bread, and seeing the bag of cheesy puffs on the counter would probably have emptied what would fit into the bowl, and taken the rest of the bag with me to finish separately.

Today I just had the soup with some added minced beef (left over from someone else's meal earlier) and a sprinkle of mature cheese for flavour. Not a big thing, but when I think of how I used to be I'm gonna call it a win :D

Behold, I have nothing witty to put here.

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Hey Guys,

I love all the responses, everyone's doing awesome!!!! Whether it's been food related or not, great job!!!! Keep up the good work & keep posting.

My workplace has thankfully been quiet on the bad food front the past week, but I'll be sure to keep posting pics when things get tempting...it's only a matter of time before there's leftover junk from a lunch meeting or something.

I did have a breakfast emergency this past Thursday. I went to take my lunch out of the fridge when I saw my awesome omelette that I had made the night before still sitting on the counter (I forgot to put it in the fridge....complete fail). I was wicked bummed, I was so looking forward to that for breakfast. So, I made an emergency breakfast stop at Starbucks & while all the pastries looked sooooo tempting, I said no to them & stuck to my plan of getting a chocolate banana vivano smoothie with 6 scoops of protein.

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Hey Guys,

I love all the responses, everyone's doing awesome!!!! Whether it's been food related or not, great job!!!! Keep up the good work & keep posting.

My workplace has thankfully been quiet on the bad food front the past week, but I'll be sure to keep posting pics when things get tempting...it's only a matter of time before there's leftover junk from a lunch meeting or something.

I did have a breakfast emergency this past Thursday. I went to take my lunch out of the fridge when I saw my awesome omelette that I had made the night before still sitting on the counter (I forgot to put it in the fridge....complete fail). I was wicked bummed, I was so looking forward to that for breakfast. So, I made an emergency breakfast stop at Starbucks & while all the pastries looked sooooo tempting, I said no to them & stuck to my plan of getting a chocolate banana vivano smoothie with 6 scoops of protein.


You can get those with extra protein?!?!

They are my "won't be home for a while, obvi need to recover post a hard workout, if I have it with non-fat milk, it's okay, right" recovery drink of choice. But I wanted more protein. My world is revolutionized. Someone confirm this is true.

Halfling Female Ranger

STR - 4 ~ DEX - 3 ~ STA - 5 ~ CON - 2 ~ WIS - 3 ~ CHA - 2

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I said no to bed. Twice :P

Dunno if this counts but I was up all night trying to get a glimpse of the Venus transit (it was bloody cloudy!) so went to bed just about on the dot at 7, but for some reason (probably the light) I didn't get to sleep until approaching 8am. All the same, I woke up a little before 2pm, and got up. This is compared to my "usual" sleeping pattern of 3.30am - 3pm :P Still got a long way to go to get back to the 7am start I like (I couldn't sleep through the recent heatwave and it messed me up) but it's a step in the right direction.

Behold, I have nothing witty to put here.

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Yesterday I said no to sleeping in untill 5am I got up at 4am as planned and was out running by 5am instead of tossing and turning in bed. The trail was beautiful in the dark.

Name: MagentaFire | Race: Elf | Class: | Scout

STR: 2 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 | CON: 3 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 2

"If we don't have time to be sick then we have to make time to be healthy" ~Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

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Having trouble uploading the images, but where I work has a completely stocked snack room available to employees the whole workday. It's basically a free vending machine: m&ms, Snickers, chips, cheez-its, granola bars, soda, cookies, and more.

Luckily, there are some healthy options like fruit (bananas, oranges, apples), yogurt, milk, and string cheese. But holy cow! It's so hard to even walk in there! Some of the newness of it all is wearing off (I've only worked here for three weeks), but I still want the candy stuff every time I go to fill up my water bottle. It's double hard because my husband and I don't have much money right now, so it's difficult for me to not justify eating as much free food as possible when it's available.

But, all this week I've been saying no to candy, chips, and sodas (those aren't really that big of a temptation for me. I'm a big water drinker), and I have a Butterfinger stashed in my drawer so I can eat it on Friday. I've decided I can have a treat once a week, and I can keep it at my desk so I can be sure I get the one I want (stops me from eating it "before someone else takes it.")

On the plus side, I always get my two servings of fruit in when I'm at work! :)

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Work is apparently a treacherous place to be for someone looking to lose weight.

Today I had to help clean the luncheon stuff out of one of the board rooms and there were SO MANY desserts and sodas... very tempting, and I even saw a chocolate-covered strawberry that the old me would have probably tried to justify, but I turned it all down. Very proud.

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There was half a cake from someone's birthday the day before and someone brought in a box of donuts. Didn't touch either of them.

I also did not touch the M&M's in the office I walk past every time I enter/exit my cube.

"Always remember, your focus determines your reality." - Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace

"I Find That Answer Vague And Unconvincing." - K-2SO, Rogue One

”Persistence without insight will lead to the same outcome.” [spoilers], The Book of Boba Fett

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Monday and Tuesday I've been saying no to the box of fundraising chocolates in the kitchen at work. Reese's PB Cups etc are very hard to resist so after today's steamfresh bag of veggies and butterball grilled chicken I was going to help with the fundraising. To my dismay (or delight) the box was gone. Yay!


"Yeah, I got this!" -andygates

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I said no to a hotdog today.


Ok, so no one actually offered me a hotdog and one was never in my immediate presence, but for whatever reason I really wanted one this afternoon (or even two!). I live above *drumroll* a fast food place and sometimes the smells just waft in through the window to torment me. :livid:

Kewilson - Misfit Adventurer


Operation Phoenix: 6-Week Challenge Thread

STR: 2 (+2), DEX: 0 (+1), STA: 3 (+0), CON: 4 (+0), WIS: 5 (+0), CHA: 1 (+3)

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Great idea for a thread!!!

Agreed! I've been feeling a little crappy about my decisions today, but this made me think and I realized that I DID say no to something today, which made me fist pump a little.

Whilst at the grocery store, I was going to pick up a frozen pizza for dinner (I've been cheating at my paleo a bit) and I said NO! I'm cooking something instead. :)


Gnome Adventurer

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | STA: 1 | CON: 3 | CHA: 3 | WIS: 4

Fitocracy | ePaleoCookbooks.net | Blog | Twitter

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Well I didn't say 'no' to it today but I did it last monday and the thursday before it: LOTS OF BEERS! Bi-weekly drinking evening with my fraternity almost always turns out in a black-out and a hangover only the Vikings knew (we drink 3 barrels with 18 men); since I'm full paleo I've only drank one beer in total. Still one beer too much.

And you know what? I don't even miss it that much! No hangovers, a crisp and clear mind every day...

- You only live once... so kick ass while you can

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Well I didn't say 'no' to it today but I did it last monday and the thursday before it: LOTS OF BEERS! Bi-weekly drinking evening with my fraternity almost always turns out in a black-out and a hangover only the Vikings knew (we drink 3 barrels with 18 men); since I'm full paleo I've only drank one beer in total. Still one beer too much.

And you know what? I don't even miss it that much! No hangovers, a crisp and clear mind every day...

Isn't that great? I assume the day after you were extra sunny and chipper just to bother your hungover brothers.

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

Tin Man's Out of Date Epic Quest

I am what I do.


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Okay guys, so at work from just after Memorial Day to Labor Day we have an ice cream truck come every Friday afternoon & we get free ice cream. I said NO & I wanted to get a pic to show you guys, but my DROID was being stupid....there's always next week!!!

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Got offered some leftover pizza from a board meeting. Hard to say no because I love love love pizza but I know better than to do that to myself so early into my plan

oooo, you are from Calgary! Have you ever been to Tubby Dog? I'd have a serious problem with no there.

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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I said no to a tim horton's french vanilla cappuccino with all the sugar.

My Canadian hat off to you, then.

I can't believe I used to drink these things on a daily basis. An extra-small, which I think I've had one of in the last 3 months, has 23g of sugar (about what I consume in whole day). Feeling ambitious/self-destructive? An extra-large has 70g of sugar. Bleh.

Kewilson - Misfit Adventurer


Operation Phoenix: 6-Week Challenge Thread

STR: 2 (+2), DEX: 0 (+1), STA: 3 (+0), CON: 4 (+0), WIS: 5 (+0), CHA: 1 (+3)

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Yesterday I went out with a friend to a buffet (not my choice!). I said no to all the bread, pizza, pasta, and alcohol. I ate steak and a variety of salads with iced tea. Then, in a monumental achievement, I said no to dessert. I said no to all you can eat dessert. It helped that I refused to look at that area of the buffet. This was my first ever all-you-can-eat success... I normally leave so stuffed I roll home.

Warrior Princess
Eating Psychology Coach

Adventure's Guild Challenge winner: Challenge #24

â•‘ Live the Whole  â•‘ Bucket List â•‘Level up my Lifeâ•‘ 

"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion."

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