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Recommendations : The Sharing Thread

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So, I am creating this thread to solve 2 issues, and hope that the rest of you could be on board with a concept like this. Let me know your thoughts, or feel free to participate.

Since a few weeks ago, I have been trying to immerse myself into this realm of bloggers, people like Steve Kamb, Joel Runyon, Jenny Leonard, Lachlan Cotter and others. The problem I have run into is it is a very big web, and there are days that I find myself reading one blog, finding links to other blogs, opening them in new tabs, etc. Before I know it, I have 15 tabs open, all with seemingly great articles that I want to eventually read, however, I find I do not have the time.

I think this is a problem that we are running into as consumers of digital information, we do not have enough time to search out the content, consume it, and regurgitate it effectively. So that is problem number 1 I want to have this thread help solve. Would like to have an open forum for sharing links, links to blogs about self-help, motivation, inspiration, technology, etc. You name it, if you come across a great article or blog, write a quick 2-3 line review and post it here. That way we all know that the content is something that has been recommended by a like-minded Nerd Fitness forum member.

The second item I would like to solve is the idea of self promotion. A lot of us here have blogs, some of us have had them longer than others, and I am sure that the experience ranges vastly. But all of us would like a place to shamelessly promote our blogs, twitter feeds, facebook fan pages, new blog posts, etc. I think this shameless self promotion, if done in such a way that would allow us to receive constructive feedback from others, as well as a little site traffic and maybe a recommendation (or a retweet) would be a great way to exchange information and help all of us make each other better.

What do you think?


Since this is my idea, I will start it off with an example of what I had in mind:

The Middle Finger Project - In her latest blog, Ashley takes a hard look at the common misconceptions people face when starting websites, trying to make money online, and a basic thing that we all miss when doing things like this. Definitely recommend this post as well as her whole blog. Great writing style as well as great insights into the world of location independent lifestyle.

Blog of Impossible Things - You want to see someone who is a DO-er? This regular guy has taken his life in his hands and dedicating it to proving that you can be awesome and do amazing/impossible things. Best yet, he makes no money on the websites, he does not sell anything, he holds down a regular job, and shows that you dont have to travel the world for a living to do the impossible.

Get Rich Slowly - J.D. Roth shows you the basics of personal finance, how to budget, how to save, and how to set spending limits and goals for yourself. Great articles from J.D. as well as guest writers who share their tips and tricks.

Shameless self promotion :

Get Busy Livin' Blog - My new blog just started. My goal is to take the advice and information I digest on the internet (from blogs like the ones listed above) and use those techniques to live a healthier, more adventure-filled lifestyle. Right now, I am all of a few posts into it (I have some old posts from when it was just a personal blog, have debated getting rid of those. Thoughts??). Also, I am working on my writing style. Critiques welcome!

Also, follow me on Twitter or Facebook


So, that should do it, let me know if you guys like the idea, would like to see some tweaks, something different, and maybe we can get something rolling!

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I recommend:

Lifehacker - (In their words) Daily weblog on software and personal productivity recommends downloads, web sites and shortcuts that help you work smarter and save time.

I love this one, and find something interesting there every time I go. I've subbed to it in Google Reader.

Not a blog, but Gazelle.com if you want to be minimalist and are, like me, WAY to lazy to ebay. Sell electronics and sell cell phones at gazelle.com. We buy and sell your old electronics. You get cash and help save the environment. Free shipping.

Those are the main ones I think of that I use/recommend. If I think of more, I'll add it.

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I recommend:

Lifehacker - (In their words) Daily weblog on software and personal productivity recommends downloads, web sites and shortcuts that help you work smarter and save time.

I love this one, and find something interesting there every time I go. I've subbed to it in Google Reader.

Not a blog, but Gazelle.com if you want to be minimalist and are, like me, WAY to lazy to ebay. Sell electronics and sell cell phones at gazelle.com. We buy and sell your old electronics. You get cash and help save the environment. Free shipping.

Those are the main ones I think of that I use/recommend. If I think of more, I'll add it.

Love LifeHacker. Have been an avid reader of the Gawker sites for a few years now. LifeHacker has some of the best real world insights and recommendations for the tech nerd out there.

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Not a specific website but an oft-overlooked element: start using an RSS feed reader. Google Reader is the easiest way to go and you can integrate it easily with other readers once you've started using it.

For the uninitiated, an RSS feed reader consolidates website updates into one place so they can be easily read later. It can cut your web browsing time drastically while still getting you all of that content that you wanted to see.

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Not a specific website but an oft-overlooked element: start using an RSS feed reader. Google Reader is the easiest way to go and you can integrate it easily with other readers once you've started using it.

For the uninitiated, an RSS feed reader consolidates website updates into one place so they can be easily read later. It can cut your web browsing time drastically while still getting you all of that content that you wanted to see.

yessir. I live and die by my Google Reader account. I think at last count I had over 70 feeds in it, but it expands and shrinks with time.

If anyone is interested in the basics of Google Reader, I can dig up a few articles on how to use it/set it up, if anyone is interested.

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I think I'm a slave to my Google Reader, I subscribe to about 100+ blogs (can't be sure) and I average around 250 new entries per day! It's a job, but I can't say I hate it. It's so convenient.

One site I would recommend reading for you guys is http://iwannagetphysical.blogspot.com/ it's Steve (In a Speedo?!) Stenzel's running/triathlon/overall fitness blog. Do you guys know him? I don't have the slightest clue how I found him but his writing style is entertaining and his race recaps are always fun to read. He's definitely NerdFitness material hahaha, doesn't hurt that he posts a lot of pictures.

Do you guys have other interesting athlete blogs?


I write a blog, I think it's like 4 years old already. It's a personal blog that can be found at http://somuchtrouble.livejournal.com, I just post tons of pictures and narrate the stuff I do with my friends and family etc. I write for myself mostly (it's so entertaining to look back, especially those posts wherein something major happened like winning an international rowing regatta etc.) and someday when I'm a huge celebrity, this will all pay off. Kidding! Hahaha.

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