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If I sound hyper...

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If I sound hyper....I can't help it. I'm really happy to have found this site! Nerds unite!


Long introduction ahead. Proceed to end if tl;dr

One of my life's goal is to adventure out as much as possible. The goal is vague, but I'm working at it. To be honest, it's not vague at all. It's just a reaaaally extensive bucket list, that would probably go over the character length allowed in this bio if I did decide to detail it all. Either way, before I can do anything "adventurous," I need to LIVE fitness and health. That's why I've decided to joined THE REBELLION.

I'm on board The Rebellion to learn how to "workout." I am an utter beginner at fitness-anything. Heck, I'm new to the concept of "working out". I am in dire need of some organized, regular activity, instead of the spontaneous bursts of hyper-activity I do erratically. All of my activities till now have been play (improvised volleyball, softball, soccer, football, calvinball, etc), play (tag, manhunt, capture the flag, etc) and more play (pokemon, mmorpgs, spinning around in circles on a chair, etc). This playtime is not constant, so that is why I need a plan that'll get me fit and regularly active. I need a workout plan.

My lungs are still fine, but my stamina and strength seriously suck. I need to build endurance, strength, speed, strength, balance and strength. Basically, everything...with a double scoop of strength to top it all off (because I really am that weak right now).

I have gone to gyms and have tried to go to a gym routinely this year, but I've noticed that: 1) I hate machines (weird positions), 2) I dislike "working out" in gyms (crowded, enclosed) and 3) I lack a good support group (that's fitness-minded). That's why, after lurking for a week, I've decided NF is a community I would like to be a part of. The Rules of The Rebellion resonate with what I know I need in this period of transition (I'm dealing with depression) and I also really like that: 1) the exercises are natural and that free-weights are encouraged, 2) there are videos for home/outdoor workouts that don't require gym equipment and 3) the community is so supportive of each other!

As for what I can bring to the table, I'm big on meet-ups and I hope to be present at the next NYC NF meet-up. I don't mind organizing meet-ups either, so count me in if help is needed. I am also starting to cook (trying to break free from the family's staples) in order to get a hold of my nutrition, so I'll definitely be willing to share my cooking adventures as I journey through kitchen-land. (If anyone has simple recipes or sites to suggest , please do share!)

All in all, I'm really happy to have found this site and community and I hope I can be of use somehow!


Here's the profile (measurements taken in January) and my goals:

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 137lb

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Body Fat%: 33%

Activity Level : Lightly active

Workouts: C25K and Angry Birds

Current diet: I don't count calories, but I do eat at least 3-4 fruits throughout the day, eat most of my carbs in the morning, eat my protein for dinner, and veggies whenever. My last big meal is usually before 6pm.

Starting Goals:

- Wake at 6am. Sleep at 10pm. Weekends are exceptions.

- Cook at least one meal for the family each week.

- Eat at least 2 different fruits and a plate of veggies each day

- Experiment with a different salad each week.

- Obtain driver's license by the end of this year.

- Make working out a habit by diligently logging Angry Birds Workout Plan throughout this summer.

- Make running a habit by following C25K plan and completing it by the end of this summer.

- Decrease 5K time <30:00min by December 01, 2012.

- Sign up for my first race Spring 2013.

- Bring body fat % ≤ 20% by January 3, 2013.

I have a hundred more goals in mind for my life, but I'm starting with these, since they're the foundation I'll work up from.

Once again, it's great to meet you all!

Adventurer | Level 1

CON: 0 | STR: 0 | STA: 0 | DEX: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

On Hiatus



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life — It goes on" -- Robert Frost

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Hey hey! Welcome to the Rebellion! Here we can help you with anything you need from Advice to Motivation! Fantastic goals, starting off with the Angry Birds work out is a great start, I've heard good things about that. Honestly, I think everyone has a thousand goals in mind, but what you've listed here is a nice start. The whole idea is to not give up whether you've missed a day or a week, we'll be helping you throughout your journey. See you around!

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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Welcome, Magi! I totally feel you on the needing to build up everything :) I, too, found the concept of "working out" totally foreign, but Nerd Fitness has really helped me start de-foreignizing (that's totally a word!) it. I love your goal to experiment with a different salad each week - I may steal that from you. And, yeah, ice cream...my family keeps buying three cartons of it at a time, and it is sooooo hard to not eat that stuff. Stay strong!

One day, your heart will stop beating, and none of your fears will matter.  What will matter is how you lived.

-Henri Junttila


My current challenge

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@Red1263: Thanks for the welcome! Yea, I do tend to miss days and become de-motivated, especially during midterms and finals week. I have a tendency to isolate myself in a room during those times, which just amplifies my anxiety and makes me high-strung. All that excess energy then makes it hard for me to go to sleep and because of that, bam! I take tests sleep-deprived. I suck at handling stress, but that's why I'm hoping I can get better at handling it by having the above eating habits and the habit of regularly working out ingrained into me by the end of this summer. The plan is to make running and the workouts the default way I channel stress and anxiety, which would exhaust me at the end of the day and should definitely make me sleep better.

@tigersheart: Thanks! =D

@CakeBanisher: De-foreignizing is definitely a word. Spell-check just sucks. xD Thanks for the welcome and I feel you about having to deal with family bringing in unhealthy foods. Just the other day my family brought home a piece of cake, a giant half-filled bucket of ice cream and a bag of candy from a party they went to. It's all just sitting in the fridge now...tempting me with all it's highly processed, sugary goodness. It gets hard to resist sometimes...I should just throw it all out one night and blame it's disappearance on my sisters.

@Sloth-Like: Point taken. Thanks for the welcome. =)

Adventurer | Level 1

CON: 0 | STR: 0 | STA: 0 | DEX: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

On Hiatus



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life — It goes on" -- Robert Frost

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@Red1263: Thanks for the welcome! Yea, I do tend to miss days and become de-motivated, especially during midterms and finals week. I have a tendency to isolate myself in a room during those times, which just amplifies my anxiety and makes me high-strung. All that excess energy then makes it hard for me to go to sleep and because of that, bam! I take tests sleep-deprived. I suck at handling stress, but that's why I'm hoping I can get better at handling it by having the above eating habits and the habit of regularly working out ingrained into me by the end of this summer. The plan is to make running and the workouts the default way I channel stress and anxiety, which would exhaust me at the end of the day and should definitely make me sleep better.

Just realize that missing 1 or 2 days, isn't the end of the world, you're human, you don't have control over everything like in SimCity :tongue: Work with your greatest amount of efforts, but just accept the fact that you're going to fall and make mistakes, or randomly not get sufficient amount of sleep, or just wake up feeling drained of 90% of your energy, or just plain get sick. It's all part of the training. That's it, no other explanation is needed nor required to help you move on, pick yourself up and go at it again the next time. And yes, I'll remind you about all this, whenever you're feeling down and out.

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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Just realize that missing 1 or 2 days, isn't the end of the world, you're human, you don't have control over everything like in SimCity :tongue: Work with your greatest amount of efforts, but just accept the fact that you're going to fall and make mistakes, or randomly not get sufficient amount of sleep, or just wake up feeling drained of 90% of your energy, or just plain get sick. It's all part of the training. That's it, no other explanation is needed nor required to help you move on, pick yourself up and go at it again the next time. And yes, I'll remind you about all this, whenever you're feeling down and out.

Thanks! I would appreciate the reminder. =)

I already started trying out a routine that'll hopefully let me accomplish all my goals. Can't wait till I can post it on the challenge guild!

Adventurer | Level 1

CON: 0 | STR: 0 | STA: 0 | DEX: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

On Hiatus



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life — It goes on" -- Robert Frost

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